Glad to share our article on the evolving international controls on Novichok agents and their precursors, which was published today in the NCT Magazine. @s_costanzi@gregkoblentz#chemical#weapons
To serve their purpose of supporting chemical disarmament and nonproliferation, international lists of chemical warfare agents and precursors for their synthesis must be kept current. @s_costanzi@gregkoblentz#chemical#weapons
As we discuss in our article, recent amendments of the CWC Schedules and the Australia Group Chemical Weapons Precursors list have provided some coverage for Novichok agents. @s_costanzi@gregkoblentz#chemical#weapons
For more information on the current gaps in coverage of Novichok agents and precursors and recommendations for how to close those gaps, please see also our The Nonproliferation Review article:…@s_costanzi@gregkoblentz#chemical#weapons
Glad I could contribute to the work of the 35th session of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons @OPCW.
CNS acting chemicals
The DG highlighted the 26th Conference of the States Parties decision entitled ‘Understanding Regarding the Aerosolised Use of Central Nervous System Acting Chemicals for Law Enforcement Purposes’ & reiterated the importance of the SAB’s advice on this topic
Challenges in the chemical threat space
“Dr Jonathan Forman’s presentation … described some novel approaches to overcoming continued challenges in the chemical threat space” The DG also highlighted the OPCW’s efforts towards a state-of-the-art Centre for Chemistry and Technology