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Oct 25, 2022 599 tweets >60 min read Read on X
A Yoonmin AU where-

One can see the future and the other one can read minds. What happens when they meet?

#yoonminau #yoonmin ImageImage
One is a successful CEO and the other is a popular Idol. Following his visions of a beautiful singer, the CEO goes to see him in concert one night. What happens next was fated right?

- Music Label CEO YG
- Idol JM
- Some Super powers?
- Hurt and comfort
- possible nsfw content 🔞
- strangers to lovers

Will update tags as I go since I don’t know where this story will go…
Yoongi always had visions of the future. When he was a child, he would get scared and ask the universe to stop doing this to him. But as he grew up, he started to see it as a blessing, as a part of him.
His gift was always spot-on and would change if the person concerned would do something to change the future. But it was a random power. One he couldn’t control. Luckily, his parents nurtured his gift and let him live his life, blindly chasing after his dreams.
They never took advantage of him and Yoongi was extremely grateful. 

Eventually he managed to build his own music label. It’s funny how he can see visions of the future but it never feels like it’s his own future.
He never saw visions of him rapping or becoming a CEO or owning a label or even making music. He worked hard, like everyone else. More often than not, the visions he gets are for his family or friends or random people he would meet.
He was never able to control those visions and they came and went in an irregular rhythm throughout his life. He would often dismiss them unless they seemed important which would sometimes prompt him to tell the person concerned.
He’s only talked about his visions to his parents, his older brother and his best friends. Never to acquaintances or strangers. 

He learned to minimize talking to Namjoon about them because the younger would go on a philosophical rant that would last a while.
On the contrary, Hoseok was very superstitious so Yoongi rarely told him anything. Fortunately, he had never had a bad vision about his friends and family but that weight was always hanging over him, triggering his anxiety at times.
One late night in the studio, Yoongi sits at the desk, playing with beats and melodies. He’s a CEO first but he’s also a producer and would not give it up for anything.
It was his passion so after starting his label, he continued as a senior producer, hiring some of the best artists he knew from his underground days.

Namjoon was one of the main producers and an up and coming Idol Rapper. The first to debut under Yoongi’s label.
Hoseok was the in-house choreographer and performance director. Jin was Yoongi’s right hand man. That man knows everything that goes on in the company and the industry. As the vice president and a lawyer, Yoongi knew his company was in good hands.
He had build the label from the ground up, with much help from his friends and now after a few years, he had collected a few amazing artists and trainees. 

As Yoongi sits and tries to come up with a good melody, he suddenly gets a vision.
This time, he knows it’s for him. He doesn’t know why he knows but he knows. He sees a crowded venue, alight with purple light sticks. He sees the stage. He hears the chants.
Before he knows it, someone walks in on stage with the most haunting string notes Yoongi has ever heard. Is he at an Idol’s concert? When he sees the big screen, his breath catches and he snaps his eyes open, ending the vision in a fraction of a second.
He sits there for a long while, staring at his computer screen and wondering what this vision was and why it shook him so much. Who was that Idol?

Without a thought, he starts searching newly debuted Idols and within a few minutes, he finally sees the one from his vision.
Park Jimin.

Newly debuted Idol, Park Jimin, signed with the most evil label Yoongi knows of. His heart starts to race as he looks for concert tickets. He doesn’t even know what the vision was but somehow his subconscious tells him to book tickets.
So that’s what he does, regretting that the money is probably going straight into CEO Kang’s pockets. 

The next day, he walks into Jin’s office, surprising the elder.
“Hey Yoongles! What’s got you so fidgety this morning?”

“What do you know about cancelling or buying an Idol’s contract who’s signed with Mr. Kang’s label?” 

The second the name is out in the room, Jin’s eyes widen comically.
“Are you kidding me Yoongi?” 

“I’m serious! I want you to find a way! Call the team of lawyers and find me an answer!” 

And with that, Yoongi walks back out, closing the door behind him.
He feels like he’s on auto-pilot for some reason but he also knows, something is telling him to follow his instincts. 

The next evening, he finds himself at the concert venue he saw in his vision.
He’s dressed plainly, with black loose pants and a white buttoned shirt. He’s wearing a black mask, trying to keep his head down and not get recognized. He finds his seat and it’s exactly the point of view he had in his vision.
He had never heard of Park Jimin before and was getting extremely impatient for the show to starts. When his legs finally starts bouncing, the lights dim and the same haunting string melody comes on the speakers, shaking his soul.
Yoongi is frozen for the next forty-five minutes. Mesmerized. Flying on another plane. High in the skies. Hypnotized by beauty, an angelic voice and charisma. He can’t even process the Idol’s dancing skills.
When he finally snaps out of it, his looking straight at Park Jimin who’s talking to his fans before the last song. 

Their eyes meet despite the distance and Yoongi sees how the idol’s watery eyes widen for a second before he looks away.
All of a sudden, Yoongi gets another vision and this one leaves him a mess. Sweaty palms, tightening pants, racing heart, shaky hands. He misses the last song, completely in a daze.
When he opens his eyes and lifts his gaze again, he’s met with the idol looking straight at him. He’s closer now, standing at the end of the runway. They stare at each other and Yoongi can clearly see the blush that blooms on the singer’s face.
Another vision comes swimming in. He’s watching the end of an aisle. Someone is walking up, arm into another man’s. When the person looks up, it’s Park Jimin and his beautiful smile. He’s dressed in all white.
Flowy outfit matched with a delicate flower crown. When Yoongi realizes what this vision is, he forces his eyes back open. 

The concert is over, the beautiful idol is gone and people are walking out but Yoongi is stuck in his chair. What the hell was that? 

⚠️ Mentions of abuse and ED (minor) ⚠️

Please read carefully!
Jimin was sitting backstage with the staff running around him. He had only done a few concerts and a mini-album but he already feels like he can’t keep this up. He continuously feels exhausted.
He has passed out a few times in the last few weeks but he’s still not given a break. When he regains consciousness, he’s wiped back on his feet by a staff member and forced to continue practicing.
It doesn’t help that he can read minds and when someone comes close enough to him, it’s like a radio turns on with the person’s inner monologue. Thankfully, they have to be close to Jimin for him to hear their thoughts but he’s no stranger to evil and disgusting monologues.
The only good point about his exhaustion is that the worst it gets, the less he can read minds. And the past few days, his own mind had become eerily silent.
He had no one to turn to in the company. He had ran away from home to pursue his dreams. Fortunately, he met Taehyung and Jungkook when he moved to the city. Both of them trying to make their way into the music industry too.
Taehyung still hadn’t auditioned yet, waiting on a certain company’s auditions in the upcoming weeks. Jungkook was producing and had been able to collaborate with a couple of newly debuted idols.
He hasn’t signed with a company yet either since he was still young and building a presence.

Jimin sat there, minutes before going on stage, trying to breathe and muster all the energy he has left which at this point is extremely minimal.
Somehow, the second he steps on stage with that melody, it’s like gaining a free life in one of those video games. He feels the adrenaline buzz through his body giving him the energy he needs to perform.
By the end, he’s fighting a darkening vision. He takes a few moments to drink water and wipe his face. He decides to sit on the edge of the stage to talk to his fans before the last song.
He gets overly emotional because of the exhaustion until he meets a pair of feline eyes in the crowd. 

He starts hearing a clear internal monologue which can’t be from anyone but this masked man.
His thoughts are in a shambles and Jimin just blinks, trying to focus on finishing his speech. 

He takes another few deep breaths before the last song.
He hears the man’s inner thought the whole time, getting more and more flustered but somehow, he manages to finish without issues. He’s completely frazzled by the end of the performance but he walks up the runway, greeting excited fans until he finds the man again.
When their eyes meet, Jimin hears a different monologue that gets him even more flustered. It’s like Jimin can see the man’s thoughts, not only hear his inner monologue.
He sees images of himself walking down the aisle in a loose white outfit, arms around his dad’s. He lifts his head toward the one waiting at the end and his own expression shocks him. He smiles so brightly, like he hasn’t done in so long.
He continues to greet the fans, not hearing the shouts and clapping but the man’s racing inner monologue. Jimin finally walks off stage with tears running down his heated cheeks.
That night, he goes back to his dorm late. He’s in that familiar daze. Still running on the adrenaline but with his tank on empty. He lays in his bed, wondering why he decided to pursue this dream.
Is it even worth it? Is it worth his health? Sadly, Jimin is trapped. Literally trapped in a iron clad contract. 

He had decided to sign with this company a few years ago when he was still young.
Having dreams of becoming an idol but naive about how the industry works. He was excited when one of the biggest label decided to sign him. He took that opportunity without a second thought, signing his life away for the next few years.
Up until he debuted, he thought he had to be tough to succeed. Tough mentally. Be a man, they said. A man doesn’t cry. A man is tough. Jimin tried his best but it was never enough. He would cry. He would collapse.
But he would always give his best and still get criticism every single time. 

He was physically and mentally exhausted. But right now, all he could think about was the few moments with that mysterious man.
The thoughts he heard, the visions he saw. Who was he? Why could Jimin read his thoughts from so far away? He falls asleep with visions of the mystery masked man.
When he wakes up in the darkness, his phone is ringing loudly near him. He doesn’t think before he answer in a croaking voice.

“Jimin-shi? You have a meeting with CEO Kang at ten o’clock. Don’t be late!” 

The line cuts off leaving Jimin speechless. Why would CEO Kang want to see him? This person scares the living hell out of him. Strong, authoritarian, evil and possibly sociopath CEO Kang.
Jimin reluctantly gets out of bed and grabs his things. He heads to the dance studio to practice until the dreadful meeting. His body is like jelly. His muscles, sore and almost non functional. His head is swimming.
When he’s guided to the CEO’s office on shaky legs, he can only here glimpses of the assistant’s thoughts and they are not positive. His heart is racing and he feels faint.
“Mr. Park, sit down please.” He hears the moment he steps into the dark luxurious office. 

Jimin obeys in silence, keeping his head down after bowing deeply.
“I got an offer I couldn’t refuse and you are being signed to another company.” 

This is when Jimin looks up at the old man. He suddenly hears his thoughts clearly and he is frozen in his seat.
Nasty, disgusting, delusional words swirl around in the CEO’s mind. Fright takes over Jimin’s instincts, shutting off his power instantly. He gets a slight idea of the situation but it still leaves him shaking in his spot.
“You will be transferred over to their team tomorrow. Now get out!” 

Without a single word, his body responds and he almost runs out of the office. He makes it back to his dorm, arriving breathless and looking like a mess.
In his daze, he starts packing since that’s the only thing he can think of doing at the moment. He doesn’t even know what company he’s going to. How much worst it will be? He’s lost all hope in the industry after only a few years.
Once he’s done packing, he collapses on his bed and he lets the tears silently run down his face. He didn’t feel safe here. He didn’t feel safe in the company. He didn’t feel safe around the staff.
It’s like safety had eluded him his entire life. He didn’t feel safe anywhere. He falls asleep before realizing he hadn’t eaten since yesterday. 

#yoonminau #yoonmin
💞Moodboard💞 Image

#yoonmin #yoonminau Image
Yoongi couldn’t believe what his team pulled off. Jin is sitting in the leather chair, telling him everything that transpired in the impossibly quick deal. 

They managed to buy out Jimin’s contract after digging into CEO Kang’s affairs all night.
They had collected enough blackmail information to draw up a deal.

Yoongi couldn’t believe it. Why was this so easy? They had lost one of their trainee to the deal but to be completely honest, Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to care.
The trainee in question was arrogant and didn’t quite fit with his label’s vision. He was extremely talented but Yoongi felt like it wasn’t going to be a lost. He had Park Jimin.
When he went home after the concert, he was hit with an overwhelming amount of visions. All involving the idol. Some frightening. Some down right, horrifying. Others, hopeful. Many, stress inducing.
He had called Jin at five in the morning, asking about developments. When the elder, started enumerating the information up for blackmail, Yoongi finally felt hopeful.
Now, hearing that the sleepless night was not in vain, he finally took a deep breath.

“Jin, thank you!” He says in a low embarrassed tone.
“I don’t know about this idol that made you go against Kang but I’m glad I could help. And frankly, I don’t think exchanging that trainee was a lost.” Jin states. 

“I-…I was flooded w-with visions of him..” Yoongi utters.
The elder’s eyes widens hearing this. Since Yoongi doesn’t talk about his visions a lot, he’s not surprised at the reaction. 

“Oh…well…we made a good move then…” Jin says, still surprised.
After failing to focus all day, Yoongi decides to go home. He’s still flooded with visions but now they’re all bright and happy. A contrast to what he experienced the night before.
He still can’t get those disturbing visions out of his brain. Jimin collapsed. Jimin connected to a bunch of lines and laying on a gurney. Jimin being pushed against the wall…
Yoongi squeezes his eyes shut and opens them again. His heart is racing. He gets another clear vision. He’s on set. He hears the beautiful song before he sees an angel. All dressed in white and bundled in a yellow blanket.
The idol’s hair is blonde and it actually looks natural. His chest is flooded with an unfamiliar warmth. 

When Yoongi wakes up the next morning, it’s with a vision of the idol walking into his building.
He’s dress impeccably and his head is held high. He has a beautiful smile on his even more gorgeous face. He greets the personnel as he walks. Everyone smiling wildly in his wake.
Yoongi reluctantly opens his eyes to see his empty bedroom. Visions of the idol fading rapidly. He slowly gets out of bed and gets ready for work. Today, he’s officially meeting Park Jimin. The person that kind of rocked his world in the shortest amount of time.
The whole morning, he’s dodging visions of the idol. Yoongi has never had so many premonitions in his whole life and he feels overwhelmed, catching the attention of his best friend.
Jin is waiting with him in his office. They are about to meet the idol. Yoongi can feel the tension but he’s not sure where it’s coming from. It’s the first time Jin is so silent. 

“A-Are you o-…”
“Mr. Min. Park Jimin is here!”

They hear at the same time as the soft knocks. He glances over at Jin. They share a comforting gaze.

“Come in!” Yoongi announces, slowly standing.
He’s fixing his outfit as the door opens. Jin stands up quickly and then, he sees Park Jimin.

Beautiful, ethereal, angelic Park Jimin. The second their eyes meet, he sees the fierce blush on the idol’s cheeks.
His own cheeks heat up alarmingly. Yoongi sees the dumbfounded look on Jin’s face from the corner of his eyes. 

“W-Welcome!” Yoongi croaks. 

He winces at himself before he notices the quiet giggle.
“H-Hello! I’m Park Jimin. It’s nice to meet you!” The idol says before bowing deeply. 

“Hi Jimin-shi! I’m Seokjin! Vice president! And this is Yoongi, CEO.” The elder states calmly.
“H-Hello Jimin-shi! W-Welcome!” Yoongi stutters, reaching to shake the younger’s hand. 

When their hands touch, he feels a buzz going up his arm making his heart flutter.
“Thank you for welcoming me. I hope I can please y-you.” The idol stutters, visible wince flashing on his adorable features.
“You are extremely talented and we will take good care of you. Starting with a much needed break!” Seokjin says, coming up to the idol with his mothering voice.

“B-Break?” Jimin whispers, looking back at the CEO.
“You need some rest… I think… a-and it will give us some time to come up with a great comeback!” Yoongi quickly says, seeing the distress in the idol’s face.
He sees the tension leave Jimin all at once and his heart sores. They stare at each other for a few moments before Jin clears his throat. 

“O-Ok well…let me call Sejin-Hyung to come pick you up. He will be your manager from now on…” Jin says.
The idol’s eyes widen but then he turns back to Yoongi. 

“H-He’s a good manager and he will take good care of you!” He says to reassure Jimin.

“O-Ok..” the idol answer softly with a slight smile.
Yoongi dares to look at him longer. Dark long hair falling over his forehead. Beautiful starry eyes. Cute nose. Plump sensual lips. Before his thoughts continue to derail, he notices the fierce blush still on the younger’s cheeks.
“Sejin-Hyung will show you where you will live and your schedule for the next few weeks. Take the rest of the week to relax and refocus. You need it!” Seokjin says, approaching the idol and placing a hand of his shoulder.
Yoongi notices the watering eyes. 

“Y-You’ll be safe here!” The older adds.

He’s all of a sudden hit with a vision of himself arriving home to a almost naked Jimin.
Yoongi opens his eyes quickly, chanting the vision away with a growing warm blush on his cheeks. 

Jimin still has teary eyes but now he’s blushing deeply again. It’s funny how Yoongi notices every single thing about Park Jimin.
They stare at each other for a few more seconds before the idol bows and leaves silently, leaving the two friends standing frozen.

#yoonminau #yoonmin
When Jimin makes his way to the new building, he’s flooded with anxiety. He’s quickly dropped off on the open street with his luggage. The driver never leaves his seat before he speeds away.
The idol steps into the lobby and suddenly lift his chin and smiles softly and proudly. He can do this! How much worst can it get? He’s guided to the CEO’s office by a bubbly assistant, who’s able to distract a nervous Jimin with his happy thoughts.
When he finally stands in front of the door, he holds his breath.

“Mr. Min, Park Jimin is here!” The assistant says in a cheerful tone.  

“Come in!” He hears the deep soft voice.
The second he meets those feline eyes, he’s flooded with a clear monologue that leaves him blushing and with wobbly knees. The thoughts are so soft that Jimin can’t help the fierce blush from spreading. 

“W-Welcome!” The CEO stutters.
Jimin can clearly hear his thoughts but he still noticed the slight wince.

“H-Hello! I’m Park Jimin. It’s so nice to meet you!” He answers before bowing deeply. 

“Hi Jimin-shi! I’m Seokjin! Vice president! And this is Yoongi, CEO.” The elder man states calmly.
“H-Hello Jimin-shi! W-Welcome!” The CEO stutters, reaching to shake the younger’s hand. 

When their hands touch, he feels a buzz going up his arm making his heart flutter.
“Thank you for w-welcoming me. I hope I can please y-you.” The idol stutters, visible wince flashing on his features.

“You are extremely talented and we will take good care of you. Starting with a much needed break!” Seokjin says, coming up to the idol with a mothering voice.
“B-Break?” Jimin whispers, looking back at the CEO.

What he hears next as a silent thought is “you are safe”
“You need some rest… I think… a-and it will give us some time to come up with a great comeback!” Yoongi quickly says, probably seeing the distress in the idol’s face that dissipate rapidly.

They stare at each other for a few moments before Jin clears his throat.
“O-Ok well…let me call Sejin-Hyung to come pick you up. He will be your manager from now on…” Jin says.

The idol’s eyes widen but then he turns back to Yoongi. He’s suddenly flooded with a nurturing male vibe.
Jimin quickly tries to regain his composure, being bombarded with warm thoughts from the mysterious CEO. 

“H-He’s a good manager and he will take good care of you!” He says to reassure Jimin.
“O-Ok..” the idol answer softly with a slight smile.

Jimin notices the staring before he hears..angel…starry eyes…plump sensual lips…
“Sejin-Hyung will show you where you will live and your schedule for the next few weeks. Take the rest of the week to relax and refocus. You need it!” Seokjin says, approaching the idol and placing a hand of his shoulder.
Jimin tears up because of the positive thoughts he’s flooded with. 

“Y-You’ll be safe here!” The CEO adds.
Jimin suddenly sees a vision of himself opening a door in lingerie. He knows it’s in Yoongi’s point of view. The thoughts end quickly when the CEO opens his eyes again.
Jimin notices the CEO’s blush and tears spring onto his lash line. He can’t take the overwhelming monologue so he bows politely and turns to leave. 

He’s met outside the building with a well-meaning manager.
A whole weight flies off Jimin’s shoulders in that moment. Sejin’s thoughts are so warm and welcoming that the idol finds himself relaxing even more.

“Hi Jimin-shi! I’m Sejin and I’ll be your manager from now on…” The elder says with a genuine smile.
“Hi Sejin-shi! It’s nice to meet you!”

The drive is a short one where Jimin can hear all the warm and positive thoughts from his new manager. When they pull up into a spacious driveway, Jimin finally comes back to the moment. He steps out of the van and he hears his manager.
“I’ll show you your apartment and the contact numbers you’ll need…you have nothing scheduled for a whole week.” Sejin says smiling. 

“T-Thank you so much for taking me on..” the idol manages to say once they step out onto his floor.
“It’s my pleasure! I’ve seen your performances, I know how good you are and the CEO is a talented man that I trust…so welcome to the team!” The elder states with a small smile and no ulterior motive.
The Idol is shown to a spacious private apartment. It’s cozy and semi furnished. Jimin’s eyes widen at the sight. 

“So here’s your place! Here’s my number and other helpful ones! I’ll call you everyday to see how you’re doing but your job right now is to rest, ok?”
Jimin can only nod. When the door closes behind him, he takes a deep breath before looking around the place. The apartment is definitely spacious with a big kitchen and even bigger master bedroom.
He has an ensuite and a guest bathroom. Beautiful city views from every room. His chest warms at the sights. 

Once he’s unpacked enough, he falls into the newly made bed and sleep finds him quickly. All stress gone. Anxiety vanished.
He spends a whole week laying around, eating and watching tv. Something he hasn’t done...ever. He’s able to order food whenever he wants. There’s a private gym in the building that he can safely use.
His apartment is big enough that he feels completely at home in the first few days. 

Every time he hears from his new manager, Jimin can only hear positive thoughts which provides much needed comfort.
He lazes around until the next weekend when he receives a text from his manager saying he has a meeting with a producer for his next album. It doesn’t take long for Jimin to figure out that the producer his Yoongi. 

#yoonmin #yoonminau

AO3 Link: archiveofourown.org/works/42633219…
Yoongi spends the whole week in the studio. He barely sees his friends but he feels inspired. Sue him! He knows it’s not the healthiest way to go about it and he honestly doesn’t care at this point.
He managed to finally finish the song for one of his debuting idols. He also started working on a few other songs that he doesn’t know what to do with. 

He has another three soft melodies written down. He spends hours at his piano, thinking of the voice of a certain angel.
The last few days are spent with only that voice in mind. 

If it isn’t obvious yet, Yoongi hasn’t stopped thinking about the beautiful idol. How can he when he’s bombarded with visions of him about a dozen times a day.
All his power seem to be directed at the idol. He hasn’t had one vision in the last week that doesn’t include Park Jimin.
He’s had quick visions of the idol laying on the couch in his new apartment, dancing around while cooking.
He had one euphoric vision of the idol on stage performing one of the songs Yoongi was writing. Plus many more sweat inducing ones that he desperately tries to forget. 

By the end of the week, he’s a wreck. Tired, hungry but also happy.
The more songs he writes with the idol in mind the more visions he gets. But he never gets another negative premonition regarding Jimin and his heart flutters at the thought that he is able to provide safety to the likely abused idol.
He checks in with Sejin everyday to see how the new idol is doing but he manages to stay away, locking himself in his studio. 

Despite basically seeing the angel in a vision every hour, Yoongi still misses him.
He’s completely delusional at this point wondering why Park Jimin has taken over his entire life. He doesn’t even know the boy.
He refuses to look at the information Jin got on CEO Kang because he feels he will become murderous if he sees anything regarding the idol he already cherishes. 

By Friday, he’s woken up from a nap with a loud knock at the door.
“Hyung? Open up! I know you’re in there!” Namjoon shouts from the outside.

Yoongi slowly gets up noticing how weak and sore he is. He stretches slightly, hearing a couple “pops”.
When he opens the studio door, he sees the worried face of his best friend before the younger storms inside, hands full of takeout bags.
“I thought we were over this Yoongi! I thought you had learned your lesson and wouldn’t lock yourself in here again.” The younger says with exasperation dripping in his tone. 

Yoongi sits back at the desk watching his friend pace around for a few moments.
“Joon! Stop! Can you just seat down, please!” He huffs before he turns to the computer.

The younger stays silent while taking out the food and Yoongi turns to him then.
“I think I wrote like ten songs this week, Joon! But all of them …I imagined with Jimin’s voice” he says shyly, looking down at his lap.

“Oh!” Is all Namjoon says.
When Yoongi looks back up, the younger is watching him with a small smirk.

“Ok…so…you have a crush!” 

Before Yoongi can deny, the idol’s expression changes.
“Wait! You went against Kang for a crush?” He says, staring at Yoongi incredulously.
“NO! No! I-I got a vision of him and I acted on instincts. So don’t even ask me why I did what I did because I still don’t know.” He says, looking at Namjoon who appears to soften up at that, gaze now questioning.
Yoongi takes some food and goes on to tell his friend everything that happened. The younger stays silent, listening with eyes wide while eating slowly.

“Ok so you have a crush!” The idol says again when Yoongi finished his story.
“Is that all you got from what I said?” Yoongi huffs, rolling his eyes.

“I don’t see you denying it!” Namjoon chuckles. 

Yoongi turns his chair around again and presses a few buttons before a soft melody starts to play.
“I need your help with some lyrics” he states, dodging more pending questions from the rapper.

“Is this for him?” 

Yoongi nods before he gulps.
“You’ve never written anything so soft! Where’s Yoongi and what have you done with him?” His best friend says, astonished, looking down at Yoongi’s notepad.

The CEO feels his cheeks burn instantly and he looks down in reaction.
“Oh dear god! You’re in love?!” The younger exclaims, standing up abruptly, knocking an empty glass onto the carpet.
“Joon-ah! Stop! I’m not in love but I saw him in concert and…like… you should see him dance! And his voice….” Yoongi stops himself before saying something stupid, hearing a quiet giggle from his friend.
“I heard that he studied contemporary dance and I got inspired ok?” He finishes, embarrassed. 

“Ok ok!” Namjoon says, lifting his hands in surrender.
They sit for a couple hours, working on a few songs. The rapper is one of the best lyricist Yoongi has ever encountered and he’s so proud to be Namjoon’s friend. He’s a born leader.
He produces amazing songs for himself and for many other idols. He never pressures himself. He puts out music when he wants and somehow it works.
“Alright! Well Yoongles, it was a pleasure! And I’d like to be a fly on the wall when you show him this song!” The rapper chuckles before he leaves.
Yoongi stays still thinking about that for a few minutes. Shit! Is the song too much? He opens the filed named Serendipity again and he listens while looking at the lyrics. Yeah…ok…fuck! Could he be more obvious?
He face palms himself with disbelief. You’re an idiot, Yoongi. A fool. A gigantic fool in love. He finally closes everything, feeling his heart thump irregularly in his chest.
He leaves the studio for the first time in days and manages to find someone to drive him home. He’s not sure he has the focus to do that himself at this point.
He sends a text to Sejin to inform him that Jimin can come on Monday for a studio session. His hand shakes before he press the send button.
When he walks into his empty apartment, he gets a vision of the idol sitting in his living room, wearing one of his hoodie and nothing else. He gulps and opens his eyes to see the same couch, empty.
He shakes himself and makes his way to the bathroom for a much needed shower. 

As he stands there with the warm water running down his tired body, he gets another vision. He sees the naked idol walking into the bathroom, opening the shower door and stepping in.
Yoongi sees his own hands reach for the stunning angel in front of him. When he opens his eyes, his hands are stretched in front of him, reaching for…nothing.
The images imprints in his brain as if it was vital survival information. He feels a wave of guilt wash over him when he realizes he’s seeing vision of the idol in vulnerable moments. But he can’t get the images to leave his mind.
He manages to eat a small snack before he settles in bed. He’s tired but feels restless. And after at least an hour of tossing and turning he finally falls asleep. 

#yoonmin #yoonminau

AO3 Link: archiveofourown.org/works/42633219… Image
On Monday morning, Jimin walks into the building feeling nervous. But it was a good kind of anxiety, something totally unfamiliar to the idol. His stomach buzzed. His heart was racing.
He didn’t know what to expect but he was walking in beside his lovely manager, feeling somewhat confident. Sejin’s thoughts were always warm and made Jimin feel safe. He couldn’t believe the change he had gone through in only a week.
How a newfound sense of safety had creeped up and unravelled what he thought he knew. 

When they were finally walking towards what looked like a few studios, he started hearing a clear monologue. Not Sejin’s. No. Jimin knew this voice already.
The deep gravelly voice that haunts his dreams. Good dreams. To be clear. Very good dreams. To be clearer.

He could hear how the producer was nervous too, relieving some of his own nervousness.
Just as Sejin was about to knock, Jimin is startled by a vision of himself performing a contemporary dance in the same white outfit he had seen in the “wedding” vision from the concert. How is Yoongi doing this?
Why can Jimin see images from his thoughts? That has never happened before. His mind reading power was normally a spotty radio signal but now it was like a 4K movie.
When the door finally opens, the vision is gone and replaced by clear, chaotic and /loud/ thoughts, making Jimin blush fiercely. It’s also one of those times Jimin wished he could turn his power off, to give Yoongi his privacy.
But sadly that’s not how it works so he shyly greets the producer, trying to ignore the thoughts and the crush that has been growing ever since he first met the CEO. 

It’s clear to him that Yoongi is infatuated. The pink blush that adorns his cute cheeks could also be a clue.
“H-Hi Jimin-shi!” 

“H-Hello Min PD-nim!” He stutters out, trying desperately to keep his sanity.
He was about to dismiss the infatuation for just that but then the next load of thoughts he hears warms his heart. No one has ever thought of him in this way. The producer’s thoughts are soft, loving and embarrassingly cute.
Oh god! He wrote love songs for him? Jimin’s cheeks heat up alarmingly as he sits down on the black sofa near the desk, just realizing he didn’t even bid goodbye or said thank you to his manager.
“How was your week? I hope you were able to rest…” Yoongi says, sitting down in the chair but not looking at the idol. 

“Yes I did! I-I can’t thank you enough for welcoming me and giving me a place to stay. T-thank you!” he says, eyes tearing up when he hears more thoughts.
The producer seems to have Jimin’s safety and comfort as his priority, if his thoughts are anything to go by. Jimin has always kept his distance from the toxic people at his old label because their thoughts scared him to de8th.
But he hasn’t heard one negative thought since he first stepped into this building last week.

“Oh …Jimin-shi! It’s my pleasure to have been able to pull you out of that disgusting contract and environment. I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything sooner…”
And the thing is, Yoongi is being completely honest. His thoughts stopped when he said that, his eyes widening when he looks up at a teary Jimin. 

“H-How did you find me, if I may ask?” Jimin asks, shyly but curious.
Oh! OH! What Jimin hears next in his mind, stops him breathing and his own eyes widen. Everything makes so much sense now. Wow!
“Hmm…I- I saw how talented you are at your concert and I couldn’t bare seeing you likely being mistreated and abused under that asshole’s label” Yoongi answers, not contradicting his thoughts but obviously leaving out some critical information.
But how can Jimin blame him? It’s not like Jimin goes around telling people he can read minds. He hasn’t told a soul since his parents. They made him believe he was crazy and needed to be institutionalize. So no, you can’t blame him for not saying anything.
But, he knows about Yoongi’s secret and the producer doesn’t know about his. He gulps and straightens up. Should he tell him? Or will he think Jimin is crazy?
“So, what do you see yourself doing in the next few years. Do you have a goal? Something you’d like to do with your career?” The producer asks, thoughts turning to the songs he’s already written for Jimin.
Jimin can’t help but smile. The fortune telling CEO is giving him a say in his own career. Again, something that is so foreign to the idol. Wait, what should he call Yoongi’s power? Fortune teller sounds cheap. Seer maybe? Clairvoyant?
“Hmm.. I-I’m not entirely sure. I love dancing and I’d love to explore different music genre… maybe even write some songs eventually…” Jimin says, cheeks warm. 

“I really like your voice…it’s my type…” the producer suddenly says, immediately berating himself in his mind
Jimin giggles at that while his heart skips a beat. How can this CEO be so darn cute? Jimin had evidently searched him on the internet during the past week. All the information he read and the few videos he saw of him rapping had sent Jimin into an internal crisis.
But now, Yoongi gave him cuddly kitten vibes. Jimin really liked kittens…It doesn’t help that those dark beautiful eyes have a feline look to them. 

“T-Thank you” the idol finally answers, looking down at his sweaty hands.
“I-I actually wrote a few songs with your voice in mind…” 

Jimin should act surprised but he already knows and he even heard a snippet with one of the visions. He fails to look surprised and the producer looks at him with his head slightly tilted, thoughts swirling.
“I-I’d love to hear them whenever you feel they are ready…” the idol finally says. 

The producer turns around and clicks the computer mouse a few times before a soft melody comes on the speakers, startling Jimin.
Within a few seconds, he is frozen and his mind halts. It’s one of the most beautiful songs he’s ever heard. It’s raw but hopeful. Even without lyrics, Jimin can imagine himself dancing and singing to this song. When he can finally focus, he hears the producer’s thoughts.
He’s afraid Jimin won’t like it and the idol has to bite his tongue to not scuff at those thoughts. 

“I-It’s amazing…” he quickly says, in awe. 

“Really? You like it?”
He nods quickly. How can Yoongi be so damn endearing? Jimin feels butterflies take off in his belly. The flutter intensify with the next set of thoughts he hears. This man is so successful and talented but he seems to doubt his own talents.
Oh god! This is dangerous for Jimin’s heart. He has the biggest soft spot for cute and soft boys but ones that can fuck you up if they need to. Yoongi seems to be the perfect personification of his ideal type. Jimin is fucked.
“I have some lyrics too. Namjoon helped with those… if you want to have a look…” 

Now, what he hears next makes him choke a little. The producer’s chanting thoughts are overwhelming and Jimin’s permanent blush deepens.
When he reaches for the notebook the producer is passing over, both their hands shake. He takes a deep breath before he looks down at the open page.
//All this is not a coincidence

I know it just because, just by my feelings

The whole world is different than yesterday 

It is so just because, just with your joy

When you called me, I became your flower//
//As if we had been waiting

We bloom painfully beautifully 

Perhaps it’s the providence of the universe

It just had to be like this

You know, I know

You’re me, I’m you//
Jimin’s hands tremble some more and his eyes tear up. He’s trying to ignore Yoongi’s obsessive thoughts for a moment longer. A moment to savour these poetic lyrics. He continues reading with the soft melody filling the room. He gasps slightly when he reads…
//Our happiness has been destined

Cuz you love me and I love you

You’re my blue mold that saved me

My angel, my world.//
He completely loses his cool and a tear runs down his cheek before he can even realize he is crying. As soon as the realization hits, the producer’s thoughts shift from self-deprecating to extremely worried.
“Oh Jimin-shi? What’s wrong?” 

“N-Nothing is wrong! It’s just…j-just…such a beautiful song. I don’t k-know if I’m worthy of it…”
The second those words slip out, the producer’s thoughts completely stop. Even his expression appears confused. Then the scream that Jimin hears in his mind makes him flinch. He is suddenly silently bombarded with all the compliments he’s never heard out loud.
The producer’s thoughts don’t miss one thing. His voice, his dancing, his strength, his charisma, his face, his eyes, his work ethic, his cute hands, his lips, his crooked tooth, his sweetness, his angelic laugh, his selflessness.
The producer’s mind is chanting compliments like Jimin was the love of his life. He screams his thoughts like he was standing on a roof, shouting his feelings to the entire world.
“I don’t think anyone is more worthy than you, Jimin-shi” he hears the CEO say, in a new soft tone.

Jimin can’t hold it in anymore and a sob rips through him, startling the producer. The next thing that happens, halts his sobbing as quickly as it started.
Yoongi flies out of his chair and comes to kneel in front of the idol, tentatively reaching for his hand. His thoughts are in shambles again. But Jimin manages to catch the drift. All the producer wants is for Jimin to be happy and loved.
Tears start again before he can take the producer’s internal worries away.
“I-I am sorry…I’m just happy…I-I haven’t felt h-happy and s-safe…in a long t-time.” He stutters out after his sobs have quieted down and after he endured a few moments of the producer’s overly worried thoughts.
He suddenly sees a vision of him and Yoongi on what looks like a romantic date. They are sitting around a candle lit dinner, holding hands while looking at the sunset from a rooftop. He looks up at the pretty producer, still on his knees with his eyes closed.
Meanwhile, he also sees him in the vision, leaning in to kiss a blushing Jimin. They both gasps at the same time and the vision disappears as soon as Yoongi’s eyes fly open. Those dark orbs widen comically and the jumbled thoughts are unreadable.
Jimin feels his lips stretch into a smile before he can think of stopping it. 

“I-I’m glad I can provide that for you!” The producer stutters after a few seconds of staring.
He squeezes Jimin’s hand and the idol finally looks down, seeing how the large warm hand completely envelopes his. 

“Ok…hmm…do you wanna listening to the other songs, Jimin-shi?” Yoongi asks as he stands back up.
“P-Please call me Jimin!” He says quickly, cheeks wet and probably blushed. 

“Only if you call me Hyung…” the producer adds in that deep soul shattering voice and the softest smile.
Jimin’s mind fills with warm loving thoughts from the CEO again but he nods shyly. All of a sudden, the thoughts take another turn and go back to chanting. 

/I’m a fool in love/ …on repeat.
Yeah, he’s gonna have to tell him about his mind reading power…


#yoonmin #yoonminau
When Yoongi hears the knocks, the vision he was having vanishes and he gulps down his nervousness. With calming deep breaths, he goes to open the door. His eyes meet the beautiful angel and he quickly loses control over his thoughts.
Park Jimin is a vision in itself. He’s dressed prettily but in simple clothes with his dark hair in soft curls, falling over his stunning face. Yoongi notices the soft makeup and his heart skips a few beats.
Before he can say anything, the blush creeps on his cheeks alarmingly fast. 

“H-Hi Jimin-shi!” He manages to blurt out, seeing a smirking Sejin behind the idol.

“H-Hello Min PD-nim” Jimin answers quickly, his cheeks also pink.
How can someone be so perfect? His voice is like a warm blanket. His smile does inexplicable things to Yoongi’s heart. He notices the small cute hands. His own hand itching to run through that luscious hair or settle in one of those hands. He’s such a fool.
He spent the whole week writing love songs for Jimin and now, he can’t bring himself to act normally in front of him. He doesn’t know if the idol blushes a lot but the pink hue on his cheeks squeezes at Yoongi’s skipping heart.
Sejin quietly leaves, not saying a word but still with that stupid smirk on his face. He then shows Jimin to the couch before he tries to speak coherently.

“How was your week? I hope you were able to rest…” he says as he sits down at the desk, hands shaking slightly.
“Yes I did! I-I can’t thank you enough for welcoming me and giving me a place to stay. T-Thank you!” the idol answers in that soothing voice. 

What would Yoongi give to keep this man safe for the rest of eternity?
He doesn’t see any limit to what he would do to show Jimin, he is safe in his company. He doesn’t know what the idol has been through before but he’ll do almost anything to make him comfortable.
“Oh…Jimin-shi! It’s my pleasure to have been able to pull you out of that disgusting contract and environment. I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything sooner…” he says, looking down at his hands.
God, if only he had known about Jimin before, maybe he could’ve prevented some horrible stuff happening to the angel. When he looks back up, he notices some tears in the idol’s dark eyes.
His heart twist in unhealthy ways and he just wants to wrap Jimin up and hide him from all the negativity of the world. 

“H-How did you find me, if I may ask?” He hears the idol says after a few moments.
Well, he can’t say that he had a vision of him at a concert and booked a ticket. He can’t tell him he sees the future but he can tell him the rest of the truth.
“Hmm…I-I saw how talented you are at your concert and I couldn’t bare seeing you likely being mistreated and abused under that asshole’s label.” 

Just mentioning Kang makes his blood boil. He wants Jimin to dictate his own life.
He wants him to flourish. To decide where his career goes. He wants the idol to take the reigns of his own life.
“So, what do you see yourself doing in the next few years. Do you have a goal? Something you’d like to do with your career?” He asks, trying to control his heart when he sees a smile brighter than the sun.
“Hmm…I-I’m not entirely sure. I love dancing and I’d love to explore different music genre…maybe even write some songs eventually…” Jimin says, blush still apparent on his cute cheeks.
Yoongi’s brain must malfunction because his mouth opens before he can think. 

“I really like your voice…It’s my type…”

Gosh, can you be more cringe Yoongi! Geez! It’s completely true but before he can berate himself more, he hears the soft giggle.
His breath is stolen for a few seconds. 

“T-Thank you” the idol softly says, still blushing prettily. 

“I-I actually wrote a few songs with your voice in mind…” he adds.
For some reason, he was expecting a surprised expression on the idol’s face but he stays blank for a few seconds.

“I-I’d love to hear them whenever you feel they are ready…” Jimin says.
God! This man is the definition of an angel. He turns around and searches for the song in his computer files. He just goes for it and clicks it open to press play. The studio fills with the soft melody.
When the beat comes in, he starts wondering if he should change it. Maybe Jimin won’t like it. He doesn’t know the Idol and he doesn’t want to assume he only likes soft music.
Hearing the melody now, sitting in front of Park Jimin, he wants to hide. He finds a hundred little things he could change. 

“I-It’s amazing…” he hears just before he was going to plunge into anxiety.
“Really? You like it?” He says looking up with wide eyes. 
The idol nods vigorously and again, Yoongi’s heart soars.

He’s so self conscious of the music he produces and he never feels completely satisfied. He wants to do better for people like Jimin.
He deserves the best music Yoongi can make but can he even match Jimin’s talents. A nugget of anxiety settles in his stomach. 

“I have some lyrics too. Namjoon helped with those…if you want to have a look…” he says with some forced courage.
Oh god! Oh god! Oh God! Those lyrics are literally a love letter, he’s going to dig himself a hole. He’s not in love. He’s not in love. He’s not in love. The nerves take over and he starts to sweat slightly. It’s ok. It’s ok.
There’s no way Jimin is gonna think Yoongi is in love with him right? But the producer knows he poured his overwhelming and confusing feelings into those lyrics. He bared the brunt of Namjoon’s teasing for them.
He passes the notebook over to the idol with a shaky hand. He sees the idol take a deep breath before reading. 

The song continues playing in the background but now he can also hear his heart beating wildly in his ears.
He still can’t stop thinking this song is not good enough for the angel that is Park Jimin. He thinks he hears a soft gasps and his heart rate spikes dangerously. He looks up to the idol and sees a tear running down the beautiful cheek.
Oh no! The last thing he wants is to make the idol sad. He panics.

“Oh Jimin? What’s wrong?” 

“N-Nothing is wrong! It’s just…j-just …such a beautiful song. I don’t k-know if I’m worthy of it” Jimin stutters.
Yoongi’s mind screeches to a halt. WHAT? Did he hear that right? He wants to scream! He notices the idol flinching slightly. Oh god! Yoongi wants to shower him in compliments. He’s such a talented human being.
The producer doesn’t think he’s ever come across an artist or a person like Jimin. His voice can only be coming from an angel down from heaven, the tone so soft and pure. His dancing skills are the best in the industry and Yoongi is sure of it.
He’s strong yet soft, an angel but with spice. The way he holds himself here and on stage are two different things. The duality he witnessed so far is mind blowing. Not to be that person but the idol is the most beautiful person Yoongi has ever seen.
He’s even prettier in real life. His face has no flaws. He has a perfect cute nose. His starry eyes are hypnotizing. Even his crooked tooth his cute and perfect. Yoongi won’t even think of those plush pink lips. No. The idol is more than his looks. He’s hard working.
He thinks he’s probably selfless. He’s so sweet and nice. And his laugh could be the nicest, most heart pounding sound Yoongi has ever heard. Gosh! He’s totally is gone and got himself whipped to shreds for Park Jimin.
He realizes how his thoughts were literally being shouted in his mind, trying his best not to open his mouth and scare the idol. 

“I don’t think anyone is more worthy than you, Jimin-shi” he finally says once he’s got a hold on himself.
He suddenly hears a heart wrenching sob escape the idol’s lips. His body reacts before his mind does and he flies out of his chair to come to kneel in front of the crying angel.
He slowly reaches his hand towards Jimin’s, doing it slowly so the idol could withdraw if he wanted to but he doesn’t. Yoongi softly wraps his hand over the smaller one.
Yoongi is a mess at this point and his brain just chants /I want you to be happy and loved/ over and over again. 

“”I-I am sorry…I’m just happy…I-I haven’t felt h-happy and s-safe…in a long t-time” the idol stutters between sniffles.
When Yoongi feels his heart stop, he sees a vision of him and Jimin, sitting in front of a candle lit dinner. They are on what looks to be the rooftop of the building and the beautiful peach and purple sunset is their background.
He sees the stunning smile of the idol before he leans in to kiss those amazing lips, almost feeling the sensation on his own, which makes him inhale sharply. He fights the need to open his eyes and make the vision stop when he hears a gasp that make his eyes fly open.
He sees a wide eyed, blushing Jimin in front of him. Cheeks red and wet. Eyes watery but still beautiful and shining. His brain is a jumble mess and Yoongi can’t help the warmth that grow in his chest when he sees a hint of a smile.
“I-I’m glad I can provide that for you!” He says softly after staring for a few moments too long. 

He squeezes the idol’s small hand in his before he gets up.
“Ok…hmm…do you wanna listening to the other songs, Jimin-shi?” He asks as he takes the few steps to his chair. 

“P-Please call me Jimin!” He hears. 

When he turns around, he smiles with his whole being.
“Only if you call me hyung…” he counters, heart fluttering wildly. 

The idol nods shyly with corner of his mouth lifting up into a cute smile. Yoongi loves this smile so much he wishes he could have it everyday to stare at.
Oh god! He’s such an idiot. He’s totally in love. A fucking fool in love with an idol he doesn’t even know. His brain chants he’s a fool and in love on repeat. So much in fact that Yoongi fights a wince with all his might. 

#yoonminau #yoonmin
Jimin spends the next few days practicing with his new choreographer. When he met Hoseok, he almost felt like this was all a prank. Or a dream. Would he wake up to find himself in his old dorm room, overcrowded with narcissistic idol trainees?
How could he go from a military drill sergeant like is old dance coach to this ball of pure sunshine? He still felt disoriented from all the nice people he’s met so far but this was the icing on the cake.
His old choreographer was a nasty tyrant and Jimin suffered the most with him. But for the past few days with Hoseok, he started having fun again. He realized that he dreaded dancing before but now with the new choreographer, Jimin felt like a kid again.
He was laughing, he felt good physically, he was sleeping and most importantly he was starting to eat normally. He felt like a new person. Many times he wondered how this company exists in an industry full of sharks and predators.
“You’re so amazing Jimin-ah! I can’t believe Yoongi was able to snatch you like that.” Hoseok says, after catching his breath. 
They were sitting on the floor after a long but fun practice. The two dancers got along very well from their first meeting.
For once, Jimin didn’t mind being able to read minds. Hoseok’s thoughts were either funny, embarrassing or just plain motivational. Every night he went home, Jimin would pinch himself. Is this really his new life?
“Thank you hyung! I’m having so much fun dancing with you!” The idol shyly answers, before reaching for his water bottle.
“Me too Jimin-ah! You are one of the best dancers I’ve ever seen. If you could only see the choreographies I have in mind for you.” The choreographer says with a warm smile on his face.

Jimin can hear the jumble thoughts full of dance jargon that almost triggers a giggle.
“I think once you get a song going, we’ll work on something incredible. You’ll have input which I absolutely expect and welcome.” Hoseok finishes, looking up at the idol.

“T-There’s a song that I think Min PD-nim is working on…” Jimin trails off, eyes lowering to his lap.
Jimin hasn’t seen the CEO since their studio session but he’s been on the idol’s mind everyday since. The music he heard, a background to his new daily life. The lyrics, engraved in his heart.
The thoughts he hears next from the choreographer are chaotic but entertaining and informative. It seems like Min Yoongi is adored around here. Hoseok’s thoughts makes Jimin believe that he’s very close to the CEO.
“That’s amazing, I’m sure it will be ready soon. He works fast when he’s inspired!” Hoseok answer with a wink. 

Jimin gulps at the next thoughts he hears. The choreographer is thinking that the CEO has no chance with someone like the idol.
The CEO is apparently pouring his feelings for his crush into theses few songs. Before Jimin can have any doubts about who the crush is, Hoseok’s thoughts clear things up. The idol feels his cheek flush, not able to look up at the choreographer.
“Do you feel like dancing a little bit more? Or you can go home, it’s your choice.” The elder says in a warm tone. 

Jimin doesn’t hesitate to answer. 

“Yes let’s keeping going!”
The pair of dancers continue freestyling for a few songs before they part way. The choreographer leaves and Jimin sits down, leaning against the big mirror. He breathes for a few minutes, basking in the after glow of the dance practice.
He hasn’t truly enjoyed dancing since he left his art school for his old label. He feels exhilaration at the feeling of falling in love with dance again. Being able to do more of the style he wants. He’s feeling confident again.
All of a sudden, he sees a vision of CEO Min extending flowers to him after a performance. He sees the vision like a movie in his head. It’s such a weird feeling. It so clear that Jimin doesn’t realize the producer must be nearby.
When he finally snaps out of it, he quickly gets up. He grabs his bag in a hurry before running to the studio door. 

He rushes out like a mad man. Stopping right away when he realizes what he’s doing. He looks around but he doesn’t see Yoongi.
His shoulders automatically slump in disappointment. Suddenly, he registers that he misses the cute CEO. He actually misses him. He stands in the hallway, looking at nothing until he hears steps behind him. He feels his heart kick into a faster rhythm.

The idol automatically deflates when he hears the voice. Not the one he was hoping for. He turns around slowly to meet the vice president’s warm gaze.
“H-Hello Seokjin-shi!” Jimin says softly while bowing. 

“How is your week going?” The elder asks, smile bright.
What Jimin hears next, stops him before he can answer. The vice-president is worried about his friend. The idol realizes how close these people are. Seokjin is worried because Yoongi has been hold up in his studio for the last few days.
He hears a few more embarrassing thoughts before he interrupts. 

“I-It’s been great!” The idol finally answers.

Jimin feels comfortable with the Vice President. His energy is almost parental. Like he wants to take care of you.
He’s only seen him a couple times but the idol can’t help how he feels around the elder.

“I love dancing with Hoseok!” The idol continues. 

“Oh that’s great! He told me how good you are! I’m gonna have to come see you practice.”
Jimin blushes. The next thought he hears makes his heart skip. Seokjin is thinking about Min Yoongi and his crush on the idol. Wondering how the CEO would react to Jimin’s dance skills.
“You are a-always welcome.” Jimin answers in a soft tone.

“I will take you up on that. Maybe I can finally bribe Yoongi out of the studio” The elder states with a slight smirk.
Jimin freezes mid bow. The Vice President walks away like he didn’t just fluster Jimin with that look. And those thoughts. 

Jimin takes a few deep breath before he starts to make his way out of the building. He walks in a bit of a daze.
Thoughts just like a magnet and Min Yoongi, the opposite pole. He wonders if the CEO’s crush is just that. A crush. A lot of people had crushes on Jimin but the majority didn’t want anything more than attention or sex. The idol has been burned before.
He was younger and more naive. He let people into his life that he should’ve kept away. 

After years of staying away from anyone, Jimin was not ready for Min Yoongi. The CEO was the first person to actually capture his attention in a serious way.
The idol is no virgin, despite his public image of an angel. He has experience but he only ever indulge when he felt safe, thanks to his mind reading gift. 

But it’s been years since he’s gotten close to someone and he’s afraid the CEO is just infatuated.
He remember the vision of their wedding day. The first time he saw the elder in the crowd. Jimin knows that Yoongi can see the future so that vision haunts him.

The idol steps out onto the street, not really sure what to do with himself.
He hasn’t called his manager yet and stands on the side walk deciding his next move. He could just walk home, give his manager a night off. 

Without a second thought, the idol takes out his mask and baseball cap from his bag and put them on.
His steps hit the pavement as his thoughts float towards a certain CEO. And within a few moments, he thinks he hears Yoongi call his name.
Before he understands what’s happening, he hears a loud horn, tires skidding and then strong arms around him, pulling him out of the intersection. 

The arms disappear too quickly and before Jimin can turn around he’s hit with an explosion of sickening worried thoughts.

“A-Are you ok?” The CEO asks, standing there like a hero but tremor in his voice.
The Idol is too stunned to speak but he stares. He stares at the angel that is Min Yoongi, who just saved his life for a second time. He nods a couple times, still in a daze. Just as he’s about to thank the CEO, he hears the next few thoughts.
The producer is thanking the heavens for Park Jimin. Appreciative thoughts for his own gift of seer. Questions about love. The idol stares into those feline eyes for another few seconds. 

“I-I’m okay…I…T-Thank you for …saving me…” he stutters out, finally.
“Where are you going?” The CEO asks, still looking worried, thoughts swirling. 

“I was going to walk home…” Jimin answer, dropping his gaze.
He hears more worried thoughts before he sees the resolve in the producer’s eyes. 

“Would you let me drive you home?” Yoongi asks in a low soft tone.
Jimin hears the thoughts. The CEO is worried the idol will take the offer the wrong way. He’s berating himself for worrying so much. He wants Jimin to be safe. And before Jimin hears more of the heart skipping thoughts, he agrees hurriedly.
“I would appreciate that…thank you…” The idol answers, lips curving up.

Jimin is not used to being bombarded with so many thoughts at once. The producer is a bit of a mess for the idol. The younger blushes quickly.
“Ok let’s get you home” Yoongi says, offering his hand. 

#yoonminau #yoonmin

AO3 Link: archiveofourown.org/works/42633219…
Yoongi continues to spend his days in the studio, worrying his friends. Jin and Namjoon have been tag teaming visits to try and bribe the producer out into the real world. But Yoongi can’t help it when he is flooded with so much inspiration.
He has watched every Park Jimin performance he could find and already composed enough songs for a whole album. There are a few songs that might not be the idol’s taste but for the last couple days, the CEO has started to entertain the idea of releasing his own mixtape.
After seeing Hobi over lunch one day, Yoongi starts walking by the dance studio more often than he needs to. He could easily walk in and watch the dancers practice but something stops him from doing so.
Oh yes, that something being his continuously increasing feelings for Park Jimin. 

He tries to keep his distance. It would not be fair to favour one artist over the others since he is the owner and CEO.
He built his company on fairness and equal opportunity. Yoongi can’t start treating Jimin differently but he can certainly dream. 

His visions remain constant and the producer is almost starting to live in both worlds. His real life intertwined with his possible future.
A future he now dreams of at night. Not only is he spending most of his days hiding in the studio but when he goes home, his mind continues to supply him with images of the beautiful idol.
For the first time since he was a child, he wishes the visions would stop. Not because he hates his power. No. But he is a mess and he feels totally confused. Yesterday, Yoongi started doubting his feelings, wondering if what he feels is only there because of those visions.
He knows almost nothing about Jimin, aside from what the CEO has seen on the screen. He does not understand his strong feelings so he just pours everything into his music and lyrics. That’s the only way he knows how to cope.
Namjoon stops by a couple times a day to make sure the elder eats. They always share food while discussing the new songs Yoongi came up with that day. The elder grits his teeth through the occasional teasing he endures from his best friend.
After mentioning the idea of releasing a mixtape, Namjoon gets overly excited and the next day, they have a collaborative song finished. 

Today, Yoongi finally decides to leave the building but his feet automatically bring him towards the dance studio.
As he walks, he wonders what he would even say to the idol if he came face to face with him. They barely talked and it was all formalities. But he vividly remembers those blushing cheeks and the exquisite smile.
As he approaches the vicinity of the dance studios, he has another vision that throws his heart into a flutter. He is presenting Jimin with a bouquet of yellow flowers after a performance and he sees the idol jump in his arms. He freezes in the hallway.
The CEO honestly doesn’t know what he is doing. He turns around before reaching the dance room and rushes away to his office. Yoongi hears Jin’s voice calling the idol’s name and he practically jumps in the elevator as the doors open.
He takes a few deep breaths, scolding himself for being such a simp and a coward. He reaches his office in a daze, grabbing his coat and a few papers. As he is walking out, he gets a quick heart stopping vision.
He doesn’t register when he started running. The producer barely notices the staff members’ worried gazes. 

His heart is pounding in his chest when he reaches the elevator, luckily the doors open right away. The short minute he spends in the lift threatens to render him insane.
When he hears the ding, he is squeezing himself between the opening doors and runs like his survival depends on it. But it is exactly that, his life depends on the speed he can run. He makes it onto the street in a flash, looking wildly around.
When he sees Park Jimin, the idol is stepping into the intersection. Yoongi immediately shouts his name. The younger stops for a second but then another step is taken and Yoongi’s heart stops.
He suppresses a cry when his arms finally circle the younger’s frame. He yanks him so hard, they almost fall onto the pavement. The waving car’s screeching echoes in his ears along with his heartbeat.
The second he understands that the idol is safe, Yoongi withdraws his arms, instantly frowning at the lost of contact. 

“Jimin-ah!” His voice comes out as a shrill. 

“Are you okay?” He immediately questions, heart in his throat.
The uninjured idol stares at him with glazed eyes. Yoongi’s anxiety continues to consume him until he sees the small nods. In that instant, it’s like the CEO has been given an extra life. He is not religious but he silently thanks all the gods of the universe.
What would have happened if he had not been a seer or if the vision never came? He can’t believe he was wishing for this gift to go away a couple days ago. He gulps down the ball that was lodged in his throat.
They gawk at each other for a few more moments while Yoongi questions his chaotic emotions. 

“I-I’m okay…I…Thank you for…saving me…” the idol finally replies, flushing down some of anxiety Yoongi felt but he also fights the urge to scold the stunned idol.
“Where are you going?” The CEO inquires instead, voice thick. 

“I was going to walk home.” Jimin answers in a low voice, eyes lowering and hands picking at the seam of his coat.
Every part of Yoongi wants to hold the idol’s hand forever and protect him. He worries about the idea of letting Jimin walk home alone. He could not bare anything happening to the angel so he opens his mouth before thinking.
“Would you let me drive you home?” The producer proposes. 

He really hopes Jimin doesn’t take this the wrong way. He only wants the idol safe and sound. Yoongi worried thoughts become slightly suffocating. But before he can descend into despair, the idol responds.
“I would appreciate that…thank you…”

With that answer, Yoongi finally feels the stress dissipate. He doesn’t know how to deal with the warmth that builds in his chest when he finally sees the hint of a smile.
He can’t ignore the soft pink cheeks and stares for a second before he offers his hand to the blushing man. 

“Ok let’s get you home”
Yoongi notices the hesitation and he is about to drop his hand but the idol quickly reaches out. The producer’s mind halts, considering he hadn’t thought this through. He slowly pulls Jimin towards the entrance to the parking lot, trying not to focus on the small hand in his.
Once they are sitting in Yoongi’s car, he feels the need to speak but also to have the idol’s hand in his again. 

“How was your day, Jimin-ah? Aside from almost getting yourself killed…”
The CEO can’t help himself. His emotions are all over the place. The amount of relief he felt is quietly being replaced by some distress and misplaced anger. The idol would have been injured so badly and the terrifying image still swims around his mind.
He pulls the car out of the parking lot before he realizes Jimin is still silent. When he looks over, the younger is watching him, eyes round and lips parted. 

“I-I’m sorry…” Jimin mumbles, gaze lowering

“Are you mad?” The idol asks in a small voice.
Yoongi’s eyes shift back to the man sitting next to him. Oh no! That tone makes the hair on his neck stand up. The last thing the CEO wants is for Jimin to think he’s angry at him.

“No No! I was just …scared…” the producer clarifies quickly, heart still pounding.
“You’re fine…it’s fine…we’re fine…” Yoongi adds, as he cringes for mumbling like an idiot. 

“O-Ok…” the younger breathes out.
There’s an awkward silence between the two as Yoongi drives them closer to Jimin’s apartment. The producer’s thoughts are a mess. The what ifs clouding any clarity. He can’t begin to imagine if his vision had come true. If he had been away from work.
If he wasn’t quick enough. He would have never forgiven himself if something had happen to his Jiminie. 

Suddenly, the younger splutters. Yoongi glances over and see the small hands cover the pink cheeks.
He doesn’t know why the idol seems so shy around him but he is so darn cute that the producer’s heart twist at the sight. 

“Are you okay?” He dares to ask. 

Jimin only nods, corner of the lips twitching up slightly.
Before Yoongi’s thoughts become chaotic again, they are pulling into Jimin’s driveway. He pulls the car to a stop in front of the lobby.
For a few moments, neither of them move. The elder sees the fidgety hands from his peripheral vision. He decides to finally move and slowly gets out of the car. He opens the door for the idol and his hand moves up on its own.
This time Jimin doesn’t hesitate to take it. They stand there staring at each other and Yoongi smiles softly. The idol’s eyes are hypnotizing and he internally groans at the awkwardness.
“So…” the producer starts.

“D-Do you want to come up for some tea or coffee?” Jimin interjects immediately. 

Yoongi malfunctions for a few seconds. He wants to come but he feels like he shouldn’t.
He would love to spend more time getting to know Jimin. He feels conflicted. He could really get lost in those eyes. Suddenly, the idol’s cheeks take on a pink hue and he is shifting his gaze. The producer cannot resist.
“Only if it’s okay with you.” He finally responds.

Jimin smiles wide before he grabs his hand, pulling the elder along. Yoongi chuckles, his heart soaring. When they step into the elevator, the younger let’s go.
“I honestly want to thank you for everything…for this apartment, for welcoming me so warmly…” 

The CEO wants to coo so hard. The thing is, this is Yoongi’s old apartment.
He had kept it after moving to a bigger one. Sometimes he would rent it, sometimes his friends would use it since it’s so close to the company. But he never had one of his artists stay here. 

“You don’t have to thank me.” He replies.
When he looks up, the idol’s eyes are wide. 

“Are you okay?” Yoongi asks curiously.

The younger gulps before he nods. The blush doesn’t disappear and hope starts to take root in Yoongi’s mind. He smiles fondly just before the elevator doors open.
Jimin guides him to his own apartment where he lived for years. The younger walks in front of him and Yoongi’s eyes lower to a heart stopping view. He didn’t realize the idol was still in his dance clothes.
The round ass is staring at him, perfectly shaped and demanding to be seen. The tight material hugs every curves including the muscled thighs. A flash of warmth travel up Yoongi’s body at the sight.
He quickly finds himself in his old place. He has good memories here so he’s happy this place can be used by the beautiful idol. But the present company is the real reason why he is in this apartment. He quickly takes off his shoes.
“C-Come in…sorry I haven’t cleaned…been a little busy…” the younger offers. 

Yoongi tries to remember the idol’s schedule, wondering if it was too heavy. He takes a mental note to check it later.
“I’ve been dancing with Hobi-hyung a lot…it’s been fun!” Jimin adds, sincere smile growing. 

The producer sighs happily seeing how the idol lights up when he mentions dancing. He doesn’t think he could find anything he wouldn’t love about Park Jimin.
“I’m glad you’re having fun…but let me know if you get tired and need a break.” Yoongi replies after a few beats. 

Jimin smiles at him with starry eyes and the producer swallows his growing feelings. The younger turns towards the kitchen as Yoongi tries to keep his eyes up.
“What would you like?” The idol asks, opening a cupboard and taking out two cups. 

“I’ll take whatever you’ll have..”

“Ok then it will be coffee…” he says, grabbing the pot.
The atmosphere feels charged around the pair. Yoongi takes the chance to look around while Jimin is preparing the beverages. His apartment hasn’t changed much but there’s touches of this idol scattered everywhere.
He smiles seeing the fluffy blanket on his couch. The colourful pillows. The cute dog plushie. Yoongi feels a flutter in his stomach. 

“What do you take in your coffee?”
Black coffee is the only right answer, Yoongi’s mind supplies while fighting the need to roll his eyes. Before he can answer, Jimin giggles. 

“Ok ok … black coffee it is!” The idol exclaims.
Yoongi freezes, looking up at the younger’s back. Wait…he didn’t say that out loud, did he?

#yoonminau #yoonmin
Holding the producer’s hand again was all Jimin could think about immediately after he lost contact with it. He is still a little bit dazed from the events of the evening. He replays Yoongi’s scary vision over and over.
He can’t begin to understand how lucky he was. How amazing Yoongi’s power is. He recalls the dizzying thoughts he was attacked with in the car making him more flustered than he needed to be.
The invitation to come up for a drink while his heart continued to skip wildly was the cherry on top. Jimin definitely didn’t think this through.
“I honestly want to thank you for everything…for this apartment, for welcoming me so warmly…” The idol decides to break the awkward silence, surprised that he didn’t stutter.
He noticed the fond look on Yoongi’s pretty features. But then, the next thoughts he hears almost make Jimin splutter. This is the CEO’s old apartment? The idol feels his cheeks burn instantly, eyes widening.
“You don’t have to thank me” Yoongi replies with the same soft smile the younger had been missing for the past few days. 

When the producer looks up at him, he realizes his own eyes are wide.

“Are you okay?” The other asks, curiously.
Jimin gulps and nods. His blush is probably very apparent in the harsh light of the elevator. Once the doors open, Jimin walks out while listening to Yoongi’s thoughts about his old place. Until said thoughts descend to how amazing the idol’s ass is.
Oh the elder likes his ass!? Well, Jimin can certainly make it worth his while. He continues to walk towards his apartment with a little extra swing of his hips, while holding in giggles as he hears the next quiet thought.
He opens the front door and he realizes he hadn’t cleaned in the last few days, mentally face palms himself for not having done so. 

“C-Come in…sorry I haven’t cleaned…been a little busy…” Jimin offers, cheeks still warm.
The CEO tries to recall the Idol’s schedule, wondering if it’s too heavy and Jimin’s heart flutters. 

“I’ve been dancing with Hobi-hyung a lot…it’s been fun!” He clarifies so Yoongi can stop worrying.
The next few thoughts he hears makes the fading blush reappear. 

“I’m glad you’re having fun…but let me know if you get tired and need a break.” The producer says, making Jimin coo inside.
His smile attracts Yoongi’s thoughts immediately and Jimin believes his blush will never fade away at this point. He turns around to hide it and walks to the kitchen. 

“What would you like?” He asks the producer as he looks for the items he’ll need.
He gets a faint “coffee” but Yoongi answers quickly. 

“I’ll have whatever you’ll have” 

“Ok then it will be coffee” Jimin says with a smile, despite wanting some tea.
Coffee might not be a bad idea though. He feels tired but also charged with an underlying mix of emotions. His mind remains slightly foggy and the producer’s presence makes him more flustered than he expected.
Jimin almost doesn’t hear the warm thoughts as he prepares the hot beverages. 

“What do you like in your coffee?” He asks softly.

The next thing he hears makes him giggle. 

“Ok ok …black coffee it is!” He huffs, still chuckling.
As he pours the coffee, he hears some panicked thoughts. The younger is definitely tired because his power is wavering. What happened? He looks back at a frozen Yoongi, eyes wide and lips parted. Those lips. Jimin wants to swoon just looking at those doll-like lips.
“Is everything alright?” He asks curiously. 

He sees the CEO gulp and nod slowly. Jimin feels confused. Did he miss something? His mind is at half speed after a long day of dancing and the eventful last hour. He decides to just brush it off.
He passes a full cup towards the producer who appears nervous now. Oh! Shit! Jimin hears the next thoughts clearly. How could he fuck up this much already? He listens for a few seconds and now he worries.
They both remain quiet, descending in their respectable hell. Jimin is slowly brought down into Yoongi’s confused rummaging while his own mind tries to remain in control. 

“Is t-the coffee okay?” He asks, stuttering with nervousness.
“Y-Yes…it’s great! Thank you!” The producer answers, thoughts still swirling. 

All of a sudden, he sees a vision of Yoongi in his studio with Jin and Hobi trying to console him. He notices the way the producer tenses up and how his eyes almost glaze over.
Jimin feels his heart twist in unhealthy ways. The urge to hug the small man in front of him is strong but he resists. 

“Do you like living here?” The CEO asks in a low voice, not looking up at the idol.
Despite his mind being so chaotic, Yoongi still finds ways to worry about Jimin’s well-being. 

“I do! It’s the biggest place I’ve ever lived in!” He answers quickly, without thinking.
Jimin thinks he hears the producer gasp but when he looks over, Yoongi appears composed. He does see the tense muscles between the perfect eyebrows, almost creating a frown. The amount of love Jimin gets through the other’s thoughts remain overwhelming.
He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to it. And with that thought, he suddenly wonder how it would feel if those thoughts changed. If Jimin told the producer about his power, would the older man’s thoughts change?
There’s a small part of him that believes Yoongi wouldn’t react the same way Jimin’s parents did. But another part almost believes he might. 

In his continuous daze, the idol faintly hears the producer asks if he can read his mind.
He freezes and softly gasp, mind gone blank. After a few moments, he takes a deep breath. It’s now or never.

Before he realizes he heard the thought and not the elder’s voice, he opens his mouth.

Yoongi was now looking at him with his head slightly tilted. His indecipherable thoughts halting. 

“Y-Yes?” The producer says, unsure and looking more confused.
The next thought Jimin hears makes him panic.

/Can you hear my thoughts?/

Yoongi is watching him closely and the air is charged around them. He gulps nervously. 

“Yes…I-I can hear your thoughts…” the idol finally says, eyes lowering.

When Jimin looks up, he sees every emotions flash on the elder’s face. He’s thinking through their previous meetings and the Idol sees the slight cringe. Then the panic and the doubts.
“Are you serious?” The deep voice almost sounds dangerous. 

Jimin cowers before he nods. He sees flashes of his parents reactions. The lingering trauma clouds his mind for a few moments. Before he can clear it, the producer gets up quickly, almost tripping on his way to the door
“I’m sorry…I-I have to go…”

“Wait..what?” Jimin asks, confused. 

He can’t begin to decipher Yoongi’s jumbled thoughts. They are spinning out of control, like a powerful tornado. 

The producer basically runs out of the apartment leaving Jimin stunned. When he hears the click of the door, his eyes fill with tears. When he told his parents, he could hear their thoughts and they were clear. Too clear, making Jimin run away.
But now, having seen Yoongi’s reaction. He feels hurt, confused, ashamed and incredibly sad. He couldn’t even read the producer’s thoughts properly in those few moments.
The abandonment he feels pierces through his weeping heart. The fear that Yoongi hates him or will fire him creeps under his skin like a venomous snake about to strike. The producer is the third person Jimin told and he was hoping this time it would be okay.
But then Yoongi ran. Ran away from the freak who can read minds. 

He fights the urge to cry but he slowly crumbles inside. He turns to his room and just lets himself fall onto his bed. He doesn’t know how long he lays there before his phone rings.
He jumps up to grab it, heart in his throat. 


“Hey Jimin-shi! I’m sorry for calling this late..”

“It’s okay Sejin-shi!” The idol interject quickly but the disappointment is difficult to swallow.
“I just wanted to let you know that your first recording session was booked for the day after tomorrow.” 

“Oh!” Jimin’s thoughts starts to race. 

He will have to sit through hours of recording with the CEO. The one who probably hates him now.
Before he can unravel, the managers continues. 

“Namjoon-shi will be your producer and he is looking forward to working with you”
Oh! Wow. The added disappointment Jimin feels is suffocating and his eyes water again. So he won’t be working with Yoongi anymore. Why is he even surprised?
How could he even have a working relationship with his boss who now knows his thoughts have been heard the whole time. 

“I-I look forward to it.” He manages to utter.
“Ok, sleep well Jimin-shi” 

“Good night”

When he puts his phone down, he lays back into his bed, reaching for a pillow. He slowly pushes his face into it just before he burst into a muffled sob.
This is how he finally falls asleep, face and pillow wet with tears, still in his dancing outfit.
When he wakes the next morning, his eyes are puffy and his heart is empty and his thoughts, dark. He finds the courage to send Hobi a text to say he won’t be coming to dance practice today.
It’s the first time he ever asked for a day for himself and when the choreographer asks if everything is okay, Jimin answers with a quick /sick/ emoji. He suddenly has the guts to just turn off his phone before he lowers himself back into his pillow.
Jimin opens his puffy eyes again around dinner time to the growls of his empty stomach. He turns around and pulls himself into a ball, closing his eyes again. He doesn’t want to think anymore. He doesn’t want to read minds anymore. It’s been a curse.
That’s what Jimin believes. It’s not like he was born with this power. No. The idol was a normal kid with big ambitions and demoralizing parents. Parents who never believed in their child’s dreams. Never encouraging or helping him.
Jimin was forced to live in that environment until he decided to move to Seoul and stubbornly pursue those dreams.  

He was quickly brought back to reality when he found himself trapped in a contract with an evil company and the new ability to read minds.
From then on, he was exposed to everyone’s thoughts. The amount of lustful, degrading, scary thoughts he heard had him traumatized for the first few months. He had tried to stay away from people, stay at a safe distant where he could only hear white noise.
The people the idol was around were almost always thinking of money, greedy wants, sex and selfish needs. Not one person had a warm thought about Jimin and his confidence started to plummet quickly.
When he walks towards the studio the next day, his stomach continues to grumble and he keeps his head low. He wears a hat and sunglasses to try and hide his puffy face.
His manager brings him to the hallway lined with all the recording studios but when Jimin passes Yoongi’s, he hears a few clear thoughts that threatens to pull the idol deeper into his self loathing hole.
The new thoughts he hears are intertwined with his manager’s soft and quieter ones.

/ I’ll just avoid Jimin /

/ This is too crazy! /

/ How can I even be around him?/
Jimin wants to run. He wants to go hide somewhere. Any place where he can’t hear any thoughts. But too soon, the manager is knocking on the studio next to the CEO’s. The idol is relieved that he can’t hear Yoongi’s thoughts anymore, not from this distance anyways.
“Oh hey Jimin-shi! I’m Namjoon! It’s nice to finally meet you!” 

Jimin is jarred out of his inner chaos by a tall and handsome man reaching to shake his hand. The idol slowly brings his hand up and forces a smile before he speaks.
“Hello Namjoon-shi. It’s a pleasure to meet you” 

His voice comes out almost too quiet and he sees the glance from the producer shifting quickly to Sejin. Jimin wishes for a way to turn off his power as he is invited inside. 

#yoonmin #yoonminau

AO3 Link: archiveofourown.org/works/42633219…
#yoonmin #Yoonminau

Yoongi rushes out of his old apartment building with his thoughts swirling. He was blindsided and ran like a coward. Definitely unbecoming of a successful CEO. But he couldn’t help himself.
If what Jimin said is true, the idol has heard every single thoughts Yoongi had about him. The embarrassment is almost unbearable. It’s like his whole soul was exposed to his crush. A crush he shouldn’t have entertained to begin with.
He isn’t sure he’ll ever be able to face the younger man again. Some doubts swim around but he is almost certain Jimin wasn’t lying. He heard Yoongi’s silent questions and answered twice.
And if he can see the future, it’s not too fare fetched that someone out there can read minds. But why did it have to be the beautiful idol he got attached to.
The drive home passes in a haze of chaotic memories. The producer thinks back to every interaction he had with the idol. From the concert to the moments before he found out about his power. He can’t believe everything the idol must have heard.
Yoongi has had so many cringy thoughts and by the time he makes it home, he is swimming in self destructive contemplation.
He knows the next thing he needs to do but he hesitates for a moment. He toes off his shoes at the entrance of his apartment and takes his phone out of his coat pocket. He dials the number quickly before his courage disappears completely.
“Hey yo!” 

“Hey Namjoon! Sorry for calling this late…”

“It’s okay hyung, I’m still in the studio.”

“Joon-ah…you should go home and rest.” 

“Look who’s talking…Mr. I lock myself in my studio for days on end” The younger huffs.
“Yeah…okay…that was deserved” Yoongi answers, half heartedly. 

“What’s going on hyung? You sound weird” 

“Ok well, I can’t explain why but I need you to produce Jimin’s album.”
“What? Why? You wrote a bunch of songs for him, you should be the one to produce his album.” 

“Joon-ah! I can’t okay! Please do this for me until I figure out a better plan.” 

“Okay but you can talk to me if you need, don’t keep everything inside like you usually do.”
“I’m fine but I’ll be working from home tomorrow so call me if there is any issues.” 


Before the younger can continue, Yoongi hangs up. Guilt instantly floods his senses. Namjoon is always there for him but he can’t even begin to make sense of his feelings.
How would he explain the situation without sounding like he’s lost it. He quickly calls Sejin so he can inform the idol of his first recording session. Then he sends a text to Namjoon.
/Sorry Joon-ah! Also you are meeting Jimin the day after tomorrow/

And with that he turns his phone off before climbing into bed. He didn’t have the energy to shower so he just bundles himself up and tries to fall asleep.
He wonders if Jimin has ever told anyone else about his power. Yoongi suddenly realizes he doesn’t even know if the idol has any friends. If he has anyone to turn to. He hopes the idol has a supportive family and circle.
And with that thought, he finally falls into a restless sleep. 

Yoongi spends the next day dodging calls from all three of his friends. He works on some of the songs he will send Namjoon. The songs he wrote for the idol.
He starts to record for his own mixtape in the late afternoon light. Later that night, he falls into his bed again trying to come up with a plan for his work day tomorrow.
He has no choice but to go to the company since he has a couple important meetings and auditions in the evening.
The next morning, he feels empty as he walks into the building. Since he is still a coward, he decides to take the stairs up to the floor with his studio. He stubbornly walks up seven fucking stories and by the time he reaches his floor, he is sweating profusely.
But within the next few moments, he thanks the universe for having taken the stairs. He hears Sejin’s voice followed by a small one and he runs to his studio before the pair turn the corner.
He closes the door quietly before leaning against it. Is he ever going to feel comfortable around the beautiful mind reading idol. No. He’ll just have to avoid him. This is too crazy. How can he even be around him? He’d rather die then go through more embarrassment.
Jimin knows about his stupid crush and he’s probably happy to not have to face Yoongi today. 

It’s not until a few moments later that he realizes he hasn’t had a vision about the idol since the day he saw him. He feels a pit in his stomach that renders him slightly nauseous.
The idea of not having the younger in his life despite the short period he’s known him, makes Yoongi feel uneasy.
When he leaves his studio, he looks both ways before moving. As he walks by Namjoon’s studio, he sighs. He’s such a coward. Why does he have to behave so childishly?
He continues the walk to the conference room with his head in the clouds and self deprecating thoughts threatening to consume him.
Somehow, he makes it through both meetings without a hitch. He orders food before locking himself into his office. The CEO tries to occupy his mind by going through the audition applicants.
He needs to know who to pay attention to because he knows his mind isn’t going to cooperate for the rest of the day. He goes through everyone’s applications and selects two people that caught his attention.
After about an hour, he carefully shuffles around the building, watching every corner and listening for any voices. He gets to the auditorium without a glimpse of the idol. When he enters, he is quickly met with an assistant who hands him the schedule.
He quickly skims through it to find the names of the candidates he needs to pay attention to. 

When he looks up, he sees a worried Namjoon waving him over. He lowers his head and walks over.
“Hey Joon-ah!” He says, smile barely there. 

“Hey hyung!” 

Before the younger asks any questions, Yoongi speaks. 

“So I have two candidates on my radar. One is a producer and the other is a singer.” He says, bringing the schedule up to point at the names.
“Oh yes! This one is a great upcoming producer. I heard a few of his songs and I think he would be a great fit here. Funny enough, he has a song with this candidate.” Namjoon says, pointing at the name of the singer Yoongi had focused on.
“I wonder if they are friends” He says out loud. 

“Wouldn’t that be great!” Namjoon exclaims as they take a seat at the table with the other company producers.
Yoongi chuckles half heartedly before he sobers up, thinking of his broken relationship with Jimin. He needs to figure something out and fast. He didn’t even think of the idol’s reaction when he left his apartment running.
He suddenly winces at the thought of possibly hurting the younger with his foolishness. Not surprisingly, Yoongi can’t think one bad thought about the idol and throughout the audition, he can’t help worrying.
He acted on impulse and didn’t even let Jimin explain anything. He is suppose to be his boss which makes him cringe even more.
At some point, he thinks one of the candidates noticed the cringing and left with tears in his eyes. Yoongi can’t make himself care at this point. Namjoon makes quiet comments during the whole audition until one of the interesting candidate walks on stage.
“Hi! My name is Jeon Jungkook. I’m 24 and I’ve been a producer for a few years.”

“Hi Jungkook-shi! Welcome! What did you prepare for us today?” One of the other in-house producer takes the lead.
“Since I’m not a singer or dancer, I prepared a medley of the songs I’ve written and produced. It’s about three minutes long. Just a sample, if you want to listen or I have a mixtape of the full songs.”
“The medley will do.” Yoongi says, speaking for the first time in an hour. 

“Can someone help him play it on the system?” He turns to the few assistants standing nearby.
Quickly, a couple of assistants approach Jungkook and he hands them his phone. The music starts playing after a few moments and Yoongi can’t help glancing at Namjoon. His bestfriend has his mouth half open, starring at the shy producer who’s standing awkwardly on stage.
To say Yoongi is impressed with what he hears is an understatement. The kid is talented. The last song catches his attention. There’s a deep voice singing perfectly and a higher background one that captures Yoongi’s heart.
When the song ends, Namjoon almost jumps out of his chair before he catches himself. The movement looking more like a clumsy jerk. 

“Jungkook-shi…that was pretty good. May I ask a question?” Yoongi says before Namjoon makes a fool of himself.
“Yes of course Min PD-nim!” the young artists bows quickly. 

“Who’s voices are the ones on the last track?” 

That seems to take the younger producer by surprise because his next words comes out in a stutter.
“T-That is Kim Taehyung, Sir!” 

“What about the background vocals?” 

“Hmm…t-that’s me!” The younger answers, eyes lowering, blush deepening.
“You two sound great together” Yoongi says, feeling lucky that the two decided to audition with his company instead of the big ones. 

“Ok, you may exit and we will send you an email once the auditions are done” One of the assistant interjects, trying to keep them on track.
“Thank you for this opportunity.” Jungkook bows again, deeper this time. 

Namjoon is sitting motionless when Yoongi turns to look at him.

“You good there Joon-ah? I think you have a bit of saliva dripping down your chin”
The younger man splutters and flushes bright red at the insinuation. Before he can tease the younger some more, he gets a quick vision of Jungkook, Jimin, Hobi and another young man laughing and dancing in one of the dance studio.
He doesn’t have time to process the vision before the next candidate walks on stage. 

“Hello! My name is Kim Taehyung. I’m 26 and I’m a singer. I can dance too, a little bit” He finishes, confidence wavering slightly.
“Hi Taehyung-shi! Welcome! What did you prepare for us today?” Namjoon asks, smiling brightly, recovered from his previous trance.

“I will be performing an original song co-written with my friend”

“Ok, the stage is yours!”
For the next couple minutes, Yoongi is mesmerized by the deep vocals and the obvious charisma. He starts wondering if the singer has ever auditioned before and if he did, who would dare refuse a voice like that. Not to mention the boy looks like a fucking model.
“Thank you Taehyung-shi! That was great!” He says once the singer finishes. 

“Thank you for welcoming me! I was really nervous!” 

Namjoon chuckles fondly beside Yoongi.
“You did well. We will email you once the auditions are done with our decision. Thank you for coming!” The CEO replies.

And with that the younger singer bows and leaves quickly. Yoongi can see Jungkook waiting for Taehyung when the doors open.
He endures a few more boring candidates before the audition ends. 

The producers discuss their picks and one of the assistant leaves with the names and emails of the chosen candidates. By the time Yoongi leaves, he is tired and sluggish.
This is why he doesn’t see Jimin right away when he steps off the elevator and into the lobby. When he finally notices him, it’s because he felt someone watching him. Their eyes meet across the spacious entrance. Yoongi doesn’t think.
He turns around immediately and almost runs out. When he sits in his car, he bangs his head against the steering wheel a few times. Despite the panic, he had time to glimpse the hurt that crossed the idol’s beautiful face before flying out the door.
When he gets home, he sees his best friend standing outside waiting. Why would Namjoon be here and how did he get here so quickly? Yoongi meets him after parking the car, opening the lobby door for his friend.
“What are you doing here?” 

“Well my wonderful friend, I know something is up with you and after working with Jimin, I know something is up with him too. I concluded that this gloominess from both of you is related” The younger pauses, before taking a deep breath.
“I saw you run away from him earlier..” he adds. 

“So I’m here for some whiskey and a spill session”
Yoongi remains silent as they trudge towards his apartment. He knows he can trust his friend. He thinks he’ll listen and help if the CEO can manage to tell his story straight.
After debating for a few long minutes, he walks into his place followed by an abnormally silent Namjoon. He quickly goes to the kitchen, taking out two glasses and a full bottle of whiskey.
“Alright! Let’s sit down.” He utters, still unsure if this is a good move. 

He pours them both a big amount of the brown liquid before he settles into the comfy chair. Namjoon brings his legs under him and waits for Yoongi to start talking. 

#yoonmin #YoonminAU

AO3 Link: archiveofourown.org/works/42633219…

#yoonminau #yoonmin
After a long conversation over whiskey and a lot of bickering, Yoongi was still hiding at home. Living through a couple days of Jin freaking out because he couldn’t reach the CEO and a couple more days of working with a gloomy Park Jimin, Namjoon had had enough.
He tried hard to knock some sense into his best friend’s head but instead they got drunk and he had to listen to Yoongi whine about how much he loved Jimin and how embarrassed he is.
So here is Namjoon, conspiring against his best friend for his own good. It was one thing to watch Yoongi lock himself up. That wasn’t unusual but to watch Jimin almost crumble every time he tried to sing Serendipity was too much for Namjoon to bare.
He decided to call for reinforcements. 

Jin was quick to come onboard but Hobi was reluctant. He is caught in the middle since he became friends with Jimin and sees him almost every day. Neither of them knew about Jimin’s power but Namjoon did.
It didn’t take long for Yoongi to spill once he had whiskey in him. It wasn’t too hard to believe the mind reading given the CEO’s gift but the more days went by the more he saw Jimin shutting down.
Namjoon tried very hard to think warm comforting thoughts when around the new idol but sometimes he slipped and called Yoongi a coward in is mind. The first time it happened, the younger producer hadn’t paid attention but the second time, he saw the slight wince on Jimin’s face.
It was a quick reminder to keep his thoughts in check.

The friends trio decided to meet today to come up with a plan for a smooth resolution. No one had seen Yoongi and Jin was worrying. When Jin worries, you better get out of his way.
Lessons were learnt the hard way in the past.

“Ok so…I’m not sure what is happening but Jimin hasn’t been the same in the past few days…” Hobi starts in a serious tone.
“All you need to know is that Yoongi made a fool of himself and then he panicked, leaving Jimin without an explanation. Now they are both suffering. ” Namjoon states, calmly. 

“What the fuck did he do that’s so embarrassing he’d hurt our Jimin?” Jin roars.
“Listen, it’s not my story to tell but I understand why Yoongi is embarrassed. He is also clouded by his self loathing thoughts and he can’t see that Jimin likes him and is now hurting..” The younger producer shares. 

“Jimin likes him?” Hobi exclaims in surprise.
“Well I’m the one listening to Jimin record Yoongi’s love songs…the kid is most definitely in love…” Namjoon explains.
“Yeah.. I mean when they met for the first time, it’s like I didn’t exist…It was pretty gross to watch but it was also clear to me that Jimin likes him.” Jin adds. 

“Ok…so what’s the plan then?” Hobi asks, confused frown on his usual happy face.
“That’s why I gathered you here…How do we get them to talk before this whole thing gets worst?” Namjoon asks, his voice stern and business-like. 

“Just lock them in the studio!” Jin huffs impatiently.
“Isn’t that mean though? How do we know Jimin even wants to talk to Yoongi?” Hobi ponders. 

“One of the problems I have identified is that Jimin doesn’t have many friends..I think…” Namjoon starts.

“I don’t think he has anyone to talk to…” he adds, eyes lowering.
Namjoon gulps slightly as his heart twist. He doesn’t know what happened at the old company but he can only imagine. If Jimin could read everyone’s mind, it must’ve been hell on earth being there. He sees the dancer cringe before he speaks.
“I mean, he’s pretty friendly with me but maybe I can invite him out and offer to listen?” Hobi says in a low voice, frown still apparent.
“Ok, how about you take him out tonight, somewhere away from prying eyes…and we go get Yoongi’s head out of his ass?” Jin says while getting up. 

“If we can’t convince them to talk then we lock them together in the studio” he adds, crossing his arms.
And with Jin’s word always being final, the two younger men knew the conversation was over. They both get up and follow the vice-president out of the conference room.
“I’ll call Jimin now, you guys go to Yoongi’s place…good luck!” Hobi says before walking away with a bounce in his step.

“Ok let’s go slap some sense into our stupid friend!” Jin exclaims, hand landing on Namjoon’s shoulder.
“I think we need to bring a bottle of whiskey, either to drink or to beat him with.” The younger producer chuckles. 

“I have one in my office…Come on!”
They make a few quick stops for alcohol and some food. Once they are back in the car and on their way to Yoongi’s place with a few bags of take out and an unopened bottle of fine scotch, Jin breaks the silence.
“So, am I suppose to go in there missing key information?” He asks the younger. 

“Jin…it’s not mine to tell…”

“Ok well, you’re going to have to lead cause I’m not sure I know what’s going on.”
Namjoon turns his head back to the window, wondering if Yoongi would even talk in front of Jin. But soon enough, they are standing at the CEO’s condo lobby entrance hoping he will let them in. After a few long agonizing rings, the big door clicks open.
They make their way up to the apartment while Namjoon wonders how to best approach the situation he’s about to face. 

After a few loud knocks, Yoongi opens the door looking quite pale but he let’s them in without a word.
“What are you guys doing here?” The CEO finally asks, voice hoarse and eyes lowering to the bags. 

“Well, you haven’t been out in days and we worry about you Hyung…” Namjoon states, toeing off his shoes. “So we brought food and booze!”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, grabs a couple bags and walks to the kitchen. Namjoon shares a glance with Jin before they follow. 

“So, what’s got you down Yoongles?” Jin asks with an exaggerated frown.

“We all know it’s not nothing, cut the crap Hyung!” Namjoon exclaims in frustration. 

“Ok, sitting down, grab some food and listen to what I’m going to tell you…” he continues, determined.
Yoongi obeys quickly because he knows this tone of voice. 

“First of all, you’re dumb!” The younger states, earning a loud huff. 

“Second, Jimin is hurting…” 

Yoongi’s eyes instantly snap up, frown deepening.
“Third, get your shit together and talk to him…be open!” The younger continues.

“But Joon-ah…”

“No /But Joon-ah/ you know I’m right but you can’t see pass your own self pity.” Namjoon pauses, taking a breath.
“I get why you’re embarrassed, gosh I would be too but think about his side of things…”

“He heard all your nasty thoughts and continued to meet with you!” Namjoon feels on a roll so he keeps going.
“My source informs me that the kid was a blushing mess the first time he met you but are you too self absorbed to notice that?” He adds, chin lifting towards the silent vice-president.

“No…” the CEO utters.
“I’ve been trying to record serendipity with him for a couple days and he sometimes look like he is on the verge of tears. I’m guessing he knows the meaning behind the lyrics.” Namjoon sighs before continuing.
“So please…get your head out of your ass and grow some balls because Jimin is a catch!” 

Yoongi stiffens instantly. He looks like he’s about to explode but he only reaches for more food and a sip of whiskey.
“Yoongi, I don’t know everything that’s going on and I know you won’t look at Kang’s file but Jimin has been through enough.” Jin speaks up. 

Namjoon sees the CEO stiffening quickly and he knows why Yoongi won’t look at the file.
“I-I don’t know what he’s been through but I’ve had visions…” The CEO mutters, jaw muscle tensing.

“Don’t you want him happy and comfortable?” Jin asks in a softer tone.

“O-Of course!”
“What if happy for him includes having you in his life? Have you considered that?” The elder continues.

“I’m not sure how I’m going to navigate all of that…” Yoongi whispers, eyes on his plate.
“Dummy…he would help you, I’m sure…And It will finally force you to be open and honest with your emotions. I think it’s no coincidence that the universe gave you Park Jimin!” Namjoon interjects.
“I wouldn’t want to be a burden for him, my thoughts can get pretty dark at times..” The CEO grumbles. 

“Give him a fucking chance to decide that for himself!” Jin exclaims. 

Namjoon watches Yoongi slump on himself.
“Look hyung…I don’t think it will be easy but I think you two have a lot in common… you need to get out of your head and see the situation from other angles, not just yours.” The younger says, pausing slightly before speaking again.
“Stop thinking about all the embarrassing things and remember that Jimin still invited you for coffee after all.” 

“If he thought you were weird, do you think he would have invited you up to his apartment?” Namjoon presses.
“Think about all the visions you’ve had of you two in the future…If those are changing it’s only because you are pushing him away.”
“You don’t know what he’s gone through, no offence but you’ve had it easy with your power. It doesn’t mean it was easy for him…just open your eyes and stop blinding yourself with your loathing or you’ll completely miss your chance!”Namjoon finishes with a sip of whiskey.
No one talks for what feels like an eternity. Yoongi hasn’t looked back up and Jin is just eating slowly. The tension is palpable making Namjoon feel restless. 

“I’m just gonna go to the washroom, sorry!” He says before getting up and quickly walking away.
Once he’s safely in the bathroom, he reaches for his phone and dials Hobi’s number. 

“Hey Joon-ah!”

“Hey! How is it going over there?” he asks, worried.
“Well I’m here with our lovely Jimin-ah and we are having a few drinks!” Hobi exclaims.

“Do you think he’ll want to talk to Yoongi?” 

“Absolutely!” The dancer chirps.
Namjoon realizes quickly that Hoseok is slightly tipsy. 

“Hyung, please don’t get drunk! We are on an important mission!” Namjoon whines. 

“I can assure you I’m being a great friend, right Jimin-ah!?”
Namjoon hears a soft giggle and an affirmative answer. 

“Ok well, don’t stay out to late and bring Jimin back safe!”

“Where should I bring him?” Hobi asks, chuckling.
“It’s up to him but text me before you leave and I’ll let you know the rest of my plan. For now, talk to Jimin and comfort him!”

“Aye Aye captain!!”
Namjoon hangs up with a soft giggle, the anxiety slowly evaporating. He thinks he has this under control. 

“I swear to god if you don’t call him now and invite him over to explain yourself, I will do it myself!!” he hears Jin shouts as he walks back into the kitchen.

The elder is reaching for his phone and glaring at a frozen Yoongi.
“Yoongi-hyung?” Namjoon asks, seeing the familiar glaze over his eyes.

Jin straightens up, expression now worried as he glances at the CEO.

“Yoongles? Are you there?” The elder questions in a whisper.
“S-Sorry…vision..” Yoongi finally utters, glaze slowly lifting.

“Can I ask what it was?” Namjoon questions.

“Jimin and I…t-talking…here…”
Jin instantly explodes out of his chair, clapping loudly.

“Yay! We did it!” 


Namjoon gulps harshly and Jin stops bouncing immediately.
“Well…Hobi is with Jimin, offering his wonderful friendship and he just told me Jimin would talk to you…” the younger states, eyes lowering.

“You’re all up in my ass while conspiring against me!?” 

“Hey! It’s not against you! It’s for you, asshole!” Jin erupts.
“And for Jimin…” Namjoon adds quickly, more composed than the elder.

Yoongi was about to blow up at Jin but Namjoon noticed the click when he mentioned the idol’s name.
“If you want, Hobi can drop Jimin here later and you two can talk! I’d suggest to stop with the whiskey and go take a shower!” The younger says fondly.
Namjoon knows Yoongi needs some coddling once in a while instead of harsh words. He also knows, when it really matters, the CEO learns from his mistakes. Even if it takes a while or some unsolicited help.
“Yeah…okay…” Yoongi says, standing up.

Without a word, he shuffles towards his bedroom and Jin lifts his hand up, waiting for a high five from Namjoon. The younger rolls his eyes but entertains the older with a response.
“Stop high-fiving at my expanse!” They hear Yoongi from the hallway. 

“So Jimin can read minds?” Jin suddenly murmurs once the CEO is out of sight.

#yoonminau #yoonmin
Jimin spends the week in a daze. He does the motions but his heart isn’t in it. He enjoys Namjoon’s company but trying to sing the lyrics Yoongi wrote for him is difficult. Since he is not sleeping well, his power is getting spotty again.
Sadly, he does hear Namjoon’s thoughts when they record and they are a mess. The man has way too much going on in his brain because it’s like scanning through radio stations every few seconds.
One second he’s thinking of lyrics, the next he’s thinking of his plant at home. If Jimin didn’t feel so sad and gloomy, he would find it endearing.
When he dances with Hoseok, the idol is not as sharp as he usually is. His movements dragging slightly. He hears the choreographer’s worried thoughts but he keeps dancing.
The elder continues to encourage him. Either silently or verbally. Jimin realised that having good and genuine people around him makes things easier to bear.
One day, he gets a call from Hoseok inviting him out for a drink. It should be surprising since they haven’t seen each other outside the company. But Jimin had heard enough worried thoughts to know the choreographer was just concerned.
So Jimin said yes and that’s how he ends up in a dark bar with the older man as a companion. The second they sit with their drinks, Jimin hears clear thoughts.
How Yoongi is an idiot. How he should just grow some balls and talk to Jimin. How frustrated the group of friends have been. How everyone can see Yoongi climbing back into his shell. How he’s drowning in self-loathing.
How Hoseok still doesn’t understand why Yoongi is so embarrassed. How surprising it is for the CEO to be such a mess for someone else.
It’s too much to take in at once so the idol downs his drink and orders another one. They chat about work and different choreography Hobi wants to try. Throughout the evening, there’s the sporadic thoughts of Yoongi and his other friends.
He quickly notices that Hoseok can’t hold his alcohol well but the drunker he gets the less coherent thoughts he has.
“So Jimin-ah…”
“Can I tell you something that will stay between us?”
Jimin looks up with a curious glance at his friend. 
“Of course!”
“First…are we friends?” Hoseok asks, small pout on his heart-shaped lips.
“Well, I’d like to think so…” He answers, unsure where the choreographer is going with this, his thoughts too fuzzy to read. 
The dancer suddenly squeals loudly before becoming serious again and glaring into Jimin’s eyes.
“Ok then, here goes…” The choreographer takes a deep breath. 
“Yoongi is…he’s in love with you so please talk to him and help us get his damn head out of his cute ass.” He blurts out without taking a breath.
“Listen, he is an idiot most of the time. He’s also a genius at many things but when it comes to love, he can be as stupid as a door mat” Hoseok rambles, obviously tip
Before Jimin can say anything, the choreographer’s phone rings and he answers immediately, apologetically glancing at Jimin. 
“Hey Joon-ah!”
Jimin sips on his third drink, eyes darting around the bar and head spinning with his own thoughts.
“Well I’m here with our lovely Jimin-ah and we are having a few drinks!” Hoseok says.
The idol smiles shyly at his friend, seeing the redness on his face. Jimin should probably stop him from drinking more. 
“Absolutely!” He suddenly exclaims, looking up at Jimin with stars in his eyes.
The next thought the idol hears, makes him freeze. The group of friends are on a mission to get Yoongi and Jimin together tonight.
“I can assure you I’m being a great friend, right Jimin-ah?”
“Of course!” He answers loud enough so Namjoon can hear him. 
“Where should I bring him?” 
Now Jimin is curious and nervous.
“Aye! Aye captain!” Hoseok chirps before hanging up.
“So…” The choreographer starts, expression serious again. 
Jimin almost gets whiplash at the sharp turns in his energy.
“Would you like to talk some sense into our beloved CEO?”
Jimin finally connects every thought he’s heard over the last few days and realizes he got it all wrong. Yoongi is embarrassed because Jimin heard all his thoughts. He’s embarrassed because Jimin knows about his feelings.
Why did his brain immediately think that the CEO hated him? That was where that little voice sent him. /Yoongi hates me/ He doesn’t want to work with me/. He never stopped to think logically, only wallowing in his sadness and feelings of abandonment.
Now, for some reason, he wants to coo so hard. The big tough CEO was being a little coward. He was running away with embarrassment, his tail between his legs. He’s not mad at Jimin. He’s hiding. And in love?
The younger’s heart swells. He feels a newfound spark of confidence. Yeah, he’ll go talk to Yoongi and hope for the best. He worries about having to put his heart on his sleeve but the CEO has been doing that unconsciously since they met.
He had all his thoughts exposed and Jimin sees how that could be a bit traumatising. He has never been on the other side, always hearing the thoughts but never having to worry about anyone hearing him. The idol truly misses the quirky CEO and those heartwarming thoughts.
“Yeah…okay…let’s go!” He finally decides, seeing the bright smile reappear on his friend’s face. 
“YAY!” He shouts, making Jimin wince.

Too soon, the driver stops the car in front of a huge building. Jimin gulps with nervousness, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants when he steps out onto the sidewalk.
“Well Jimin-ah! Good luck and make me proud!” Hoseok exclaims before the car drives away, leaving him alone in front of the place where his life might change.
Thankfully he has Yoongi’s apartment number but he needs to ring in. He dials the number on the panel and within a second the lobby door clicks open. It takes a second for Jimin to start moving. His heart races erratically as he rides the elevator to the last floor.
He forgets his anxiety for a second as he admires the luxury around him. But too soon, he’s standing in front of the CEO’s apartment door. He knows Yoongi’s feelings. He just needs to express himself too.
He takes a few deep stabilising breaths before he brings his hand up to knock. 
Before he can do so, he hears the loud thoughts from behind the door. Jimin’s heart sores and he knocks. The door flies open instantly.
The CEO and the idol are coming face to face for the first time in a week. Jimin smiles softly and he’s not prepared for the thoughts that bombard him. 
“I’m sorry to show up just like this…” Jimin starts but is immediately cut off. 
“I’m glad you’re here Jimin-ah!”
The producer is trying hard to control his thoughts and Jimin wants to chuckle at the internal monologue. He’s mentally chanting words related to cats.
“C-Come in!”
He follows Yoongi into the expensive apartment, eyes wandering around. Even though the place is immaculate, Jimin sees the CEO’s touch everywhere. Then he sees the grand piano.
Before he can comment on it, he sees a vision. He looks quickly over to Yoongi who has his eyes closed and a soft smile spreads. He’s seeing them both sitting at the piano, Jimin’s head on the producer’s shoulder as he sings one of Yoongi’s songs.
“Do you mind if we sit and talk?” The younger asks, shyly. 
Yoongi seems to shake himself. He only nods and gestures to the nearby chair. Jimin quickly takes a seat as the CEO sits on the edge of the sofa.
“Ok…I want to say that I’m sorry for not telling you about…about my power. I haven’t told anyone but I should’ve told you!”
“No no, I understand and I’m so sorry for the way I behaved…” Yoongi interrupts.
“I kind of understand why you reacted that way. I found out about your power and…your feelings…and I feel like that was very intrusive, so I apologise.” Jimin says, eyes lowering. 
The jumble thoughts that come next are not decipherable at this time.
“I’m sorry for my fucked up brain, I’m sorry you had to hear all of that..” Yoongi states, hands nervously wringing together on his lap. 
“Don’t apologise for that…” Jimin says quickly.
“Your thoughts helped me greatly…I mean, it helped me trust you…you helped me gain confidence …” he adds, looking up at the CEO.
Yoongi looks up with big eyes, surprise written all over his face. The next thoughts are so endearing that Jimin feels himself blush. He would rather embarrass himself in front of Yoongi than never feel the flutter in his chest when he’s around him.
“C-Can I ask you a question?” Yoongi utters, shyly.
“Of course!”
“Are you here because you took pity on me?” The producer asks, almost under his breath.
“NO!” Jimin interjects immediately, head tilting in confusion.
“I…I’m here because…because I have feelings for you…” he finally says it out loud for the first time.
The room becomes eerily silent and when he looks up, Yoongi’s mouth is wide open and his mind blank. Jimin can’t hold the giggle in. And the jaw quickly snaps shut. 
“I-I know it might not be appropriate…since I work for you…I’m not here telling you this because I want favours or anything…” Jimin takes a deep breath. 
“I’m here telling you…that I really r-really like you…”
Yoongi stands up and walks over to the piano, his thoughts racing faster than Jimin can read them. 
“Hyung?” He tries, soft voice barely reaching the end of the huge room.
He gets up to come closer to the CEO, who is just leaning against the grand instrument. Before he can say anything else, he sees another vision. It’s the same wedding he saw when he first laid eyes on Yoongi at his concert.
“I-Is that our wedding?” He blurts out. 
Yoongi’s eyes almost pop out of his skull and he splutters loudly. 
“Y-You saw that?” 
“I did…”
The next thoughts he hears are so confused but soft that Jimin’s heart can barely take it. He feels his confidence grow some more as he steps closer. 
“I can hear thoughts but with you I can also see your visions like a movie,” he explains.
Yoongi remains silent for a long minute, his mind trying to calm down. The younger one gives him the time to collect himself. But then one thought catches Jimin’s attention and it’s one he is also having.
“Hyung? Would you let me kiss you?” 
He has barely finished his sentence and he hears a resounding /silent/ YES that makes him chuckle. He doesn’t even let Yoongi answer out loud before he brings his hand to the CEO’s neck.
Jimin glances at those dark feline eyes before he leans in and finally connects their lips. It’s like the calmness after the storm. A safe place he has dreamt of. Sadly, Jimin doesn’t have time to truly enjoy the closeness or deepen the kiss before Yoongi flies backwards.
Jimin startles, heart hammering in his chest. He hears nothing but his breathing. He shouldn’t have done that. God, why did he do that. But those lips already haunt him.
Jimin wants more and before his thoughts can spiral into filth, he hears the sharp breath. He lifts his eyes slightly and sees Yoongi with a shocked expression. A beautiful deep blush paints his cheeks. Jimin waits to hear the next thoughts but it’s still silent.
“Yoongi hyung?” 
All of a sudden, Jimin is hit by images as clear as day. His eyes glaze over or does he close them?
He sees Yoongi, dressed sharply, looking as handsome as ever, standing at the end of the aisle while smiling wildly. He sees Namjoon and Hoseok beside him. He even sees Jungkook and Taehyung close by. His heart almost stops because this vision is not Yoongi’s, it’s Jimin’s.
“J-Jiminie? What’s happening? W-Why c-can I hear your t-thoughts?”

#yoonmin #Yoonminau

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More from @MrsYoonminie

May 15
A #YoonminAU where omega Prince Jimin convinced his family to let him go study abroad, somewhere no one will know him. To his complete surprise, they accept and he finds himself in a new country a few weeks later. The university he decided to attend is intimidating at first. Image
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A #YoonminAU where -

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A #yoonminau where-

Yoongi is a soul of nature, he loves it, yearns for its peace. It shouldn’t be a surprise to him to find his intended mate in his precious meadow, far from the beaten path. Image

I lost this fox hybrids Yoonmin drabble for day 5 of #YoonminHybridweek2024 due to the issues with my account so I offer you a re-write! I hope you enjoy!

~ Fluff, fox hybrids, mates, short drabble, happy ending Image
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Read 26 tweets
Sep 18, 2023
It’s mating season and Jimin can’t escape it. His parents are loudly hoping he’ll respond well to the attention of a particular alpha from their pack. But what they don’t know is that Jimin has secretly been seeing a forbidden friend. Not from a different pack.

#Yoonmin Image
Which would evidently cause immense chaos. No, his friend is from a completely different species. All Jimin wants is to spend the season with Yoongi. Spend his life with him. If the pack finds out, Jimin is banned.
With those anxious thoughts clouding his mind, he’s forced into a room with the foul smelling alpha and Jimin has to hold his breath as to hold his gag. He can’t do this. He’s standing there trying to make the biggest decision of his life while wanting to vomit.

Read 21 tweets
Jun 23, 2023
A very kinky Yoonmin drabble-


Where omega jm keeps smelling something he’s craving and after a few days, he realizes it’s coming from his neighbor’s house. The pretty Alpha who just moved next door. The omega has been alone now for exactly twenty-eight weeks. +
His ex having left him when he found out the omega was pregnant. It was an accident and Jm had never wanted to mate the guy anyways. There were ups and downs to being pregnant alone but Jm had his supportive friends. And a baby on the way. He was content with that at this point.
But now, all he can think about is how he’s craving whatever his neighbor is cooking. It’s never the same smells that entices him. Every evening it’s something new. A different rich scent coming through his open window.
Read 56 tweets
Jun 22, 2023
🔞A filthy Yoonmin canon drabble🔞

Jimin was beyond excited to have his hyung back in Seoul. Yoongi had been touring for a couple months and he felt a bit lonely without his favourite member. When he gets a text that the elder has arrived home, Jimin decides to surprise him.
He uses his key to sneak into Yoongi’s apartment. He notices the luggage and shoes at the door. He’s about to call for his hyung, but he hears a muffled sound. He’s suddenly worried something happened and he quickly walks around the place until he’s standing by the bedroom.
He takes a sharp inhale and leans against the door. He can now clearly hear the noise and his heart drops so fast, he feels it bleed at his feet. His first depraved instinct is to dip his hand into his sweatpants and rub himself. He immediately knows he’s an enormous idiot.
Read 14 tweets

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