Just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the meeting of 10/25! Thread to ensue. #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Mellow day at the Chambers so far, only 12 members of the public in attendance as of now. Trombley was outside giving an interview about the NavCenter, saying that due to the process there's no reason for the assembly not to continue funding the project. #ANCgov
LaFrance says we're going to give an extra couple of minutes before starting the meeting due to the weather and at least one member is running behind due to an accident on the highway. Must be either Perez-Verdia or Allard, Quinn-Davidson is on the phone, everyone else present.
Must be Allard, Perez-Verdia's "on the phone" placard just got placed in front of his seat.
Bronson does not appear to present, nor is Johnson. Looks like it's just Demboski and Trombley from the admin here tonight. #ANCgov
Two "Let's Go Brandon, FJB" hats in the audience. #ANCgov
LaFrance calls the meeting to order. Roll is called. Allard not present. Everyone else is here or on the phone. #ANCgov
LaFrance notes that Allard will be here shortly. Pledge of allegiance is led by by Volland. Zalatel reads the land acknowledgement. Feels especially important after the now infamous racist testimony from the last regular meeting. #ANCgov
Minutes from previous meetings are approved. Audience is starting to fill out a bit. #ANCgov
Mayor's report. Trombley says Bronson will be late so he gives it. He speaks to a new task force that will be assessing the suggestions for future project development. Mayor expects it to develop short and long term goals. Volland will have a permanent seat. #ANCgov
Bronson says that AFN was welcomed to town and he opened it with a welcoming speech. Transportation department will be receiving new buses and AnchorRides vehicles for the fleet. #ANCgov
Trombley says that the mayor thanks all of the assembly members for the work on the NavCenter earlier this year. Says we have the complex needs shelter, the guest house, and we're hopefully moving forward on the NavCenter. Says the development money was released by the assembly.
Says around the country NavCenters have served as a welcoming center for the homeless community. Looks forward to moving forward on the project. That's that.

Allard has arrived. #ANCgov
Chair's report. Condolences to the friends and family if Ben Stevens, a long serving member of the Alaskan public. Same for Mr. Coddell, who served in the valley and as a police chief. LaFrance says the AFN was successful, thanks them for choosing Anchorage. #ANCgov
Last week we welcomed delegates from our sister city in Japan. Onto the NavCenter. LaFrance says that assembly approval is required before construction begins on the project, but the Admin moves forward anyways, in violation of city code. Funds being appropriated =/= ok to spend.
There will be an item tonight that puts forward the assembly's stance on the project as well as debunks the mayor's claim that it isn't completed because of the assembly, but rather due to the lack of plan. Lastly, congratulations to two APD dogs for winning a nat'l competition.
Onto committee reports. Perez-Verdia encourages people to attend the Nov 2nd public safety committee meeting, which will have updates from APD, AFD, and the law department on body cams, fire prevention, and more. #ANCgov
Also the Assembly Equity Committee met recently for the first time. Members were declared and a charter is being written. October 27th will be the next meeting. Will discuss learning about the committee, prices, and discussion about future topics. #ANCgov
Rivera says the Muni Audit Committee will meet this Thurs to review the ACFR. Also asks to be added onto one of the items for tonight. #ANCgov
Constant says the Enterprise and Utility Oversight Committee. They discussed surge pricing for AWWU, as well as Tract J, which buffers the port and gov hill. They also discussed the NES design project, but they didn't have a document so that's still up in the air. #ANCgov
Zalatel reports on the AMATS policy committee. They discussed the timeline for the 36th renovation project. Public testimony is open for a while longer, then it will be implemented as a illustrative item. Wouldn't begin construction til 2025 at the earliest. #ANCgov
She says that "condemnation" only occurs if an agreement can't be met between involved parties and there's an eminent domain issue. Zalatel says they can have a worksession if necessary. Next Weds the Health Policy committee will meet. They'll discuss the MCT with AFD. #ANCgov
Their hope is that the discussion will be fruitful and will lead to budget recommendations. They'll also hear from a suicide prevention group. #ANCgov
Dunbar says he was with the national guard, so he missed the Budget and Finance committee, so Quinn-Davidson will cover it. He does ask the public to go listen to the AMATS recordings concerning 36th and the GL, says it didn't sound like a considerable chunk taken. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says that the mayor proposed their 2023 budget at the last meeting. She says it was a great presentation and done early. She says that concerns include rollbacks of the MCT. They'll keep working with the admin for a solution everyone is happy with. #ANCgov
This evening will include testimony on the proposed budget. The next step is the assembly will go forward with amendments. She says we're in good shape and will continue budget discussions November 17. #ANCgov
Petersen says the Ethics and Election committee will meet tomorrow. Will consider an item about potentially including stamps for mail in ballots in the future. Also the community and economic development will meet soon, and discuss airport zoning, fee reductions, and encouraging
Housing development and dispersal of heritage landbank land. He also asks for a moment of personal privilege, recounts his history with Mr. Coddell. Coddell appointed him to a position years ago and he was sad to hear of his passing. #ANCgov
Onto the consent agenda. LaFrance notes there are 9 laid on the table items tonight. One will require a vote. LaFrance reads the other eight into the record. Quinn-Davidson says she doesn't have a list of all the items. The clerk will send one to her and Perez-Verdia. #ANCgov
The item that must be voted on relates to zone designation for turning on the Golden Lion for the winter season. There's a motion to lay it on the table and a second. Rivera says it's essential with the winter quickly approaching. #ANCgov
Cross asks the administration if they are determining the eligibility of using the GL expeditiously. Rivera issues a point of order, says it's a question for the discussion after being laid on the table. LaFrance agrees. Voting commences. Passes 11-1, Cross dissents. #ANCgov
A motion to incorporate the laid on the table items and addendum is made, seconded, no dissent and this it is so. There are no appearance requests today, so we move right onto the consent agenda. #ANCgov
Each members is asked for any items they'd like to pull. Dunbar pulls one, Constant pulls a bunch, no one else pulls any. Must not be a particularly contentious consent agenda tonight? #ANCgov
Consent agenda, minus pulled items, is approved unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto the seven pulled items, starting with a resolution recognizing AWWU for 2019-2021 National Association of Clean Water Agencies Peak Performance Awards. Zalatel reads, Dunbar presents. #ANCgov
SEVEN peak performance awards from 2019-2021! Love clean water! A rep from AWWU speaks, noting that it's an uncommon award that we consistently receive. Thanks the professionals who work at the utility and thanks the assembly and administration for their support. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution recognizing Deb Seaton and George Gee of Side Atreet Espresso for their love and commitment of downtown and our community that they poured into every cup of coffee for the past 30 years. Volland reads, Dunbar, Zalatel, and Constant present. #ANCgov
Deb speaks. She says she is thankful for the recognition and for the people.
Constant says there will be a celebration of Deb and George at Snow City on Thursday at 5:30. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that she studied for the Bar exam at Side Street. Her husband also frequented. She says they will be missed and wishes them the best. #ANCgov
Next, an item imploring the Alaska Railroad Corporation to deny the State of Alaska DoT request for a change of use pertaining to 500 w Hollywood Dr, formerly the 2-Go Tesoro, and requiring the terms of lease #9999 be fully honored post haste. #ANCgov
Volland says when development projects are proposed they need to consider housing, community, and quality of life. If Alaska DoT didn't intend to do something more with the land than a convenience store, they shouldn't have gotten involved. Says nearby is high density housing.
He says the closure creates an extra burden on those residents. Says this is what happens when transportation is siloed from development. Constant asks legal if there's a problem passing an S-version that doesn't have the markup. Gates says yes, it's often done. #ANCgov
Sulte asks for clarification. The building isn't occupied, the tenant has been evicted. Should this be passed, will the tenant continue operating as a convenience store? Constant says they have no plan for it, it's boarded up and not used. The desire is to find a new operator.
Discussion ends. Voting on approving the S-version commences, passes 11-Allard. I'm not sure why, she didn't speak on it. Maybe she likes the store sitting empty with no plan? #ANCgov
Next, a memorandum recommendation of Award for a non-encumbering contract with Alaska Pro Truckers Inc for snow hauling services on an "as needed" basis. $1,830,600.00.

Constant moves to approve, Allard seconds. #ANCgov
Constant says that the one question unanswered is would M&O or the contractor provide snow removal services for SWS.

A Mr. Wilbur responds, saying that SWS handled their own snow removal and wouldn't overlap with street clearing, but there may be exceptions?

Constant says it sounds like there would be overlap? This bidder is also the director of SWS. Constant says there doesn't appear to be a conflict, but he wants to be sure. Mr. Wilbur seems to assuage his concerns. #ANCgov
Sulte asks Wilbur is this has gone before the Ethics Board and has been approved? Admin says yes. #ANCgov
Zalatel says with non-encumbering contracts coming before us, where is this funding coming from? Wilbur says the operating budget includes dollars for snow removal in M&O. She seems satisfied. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Constant motions to take up the next item after item 11-E, Zalatel seconds. Voting commences. Allard tries to ask why but voting has commenced. Changing the order of the day passes 10-2, Allard and Sulte dissent. #ANCgov
Next, a Memorandum, recommendation of Award to Manson Construction Co, Inc to provide build/design services for the Port of Alaska North Extension Stabilization Step 1 for MOA. $97,515,500. Constant moves to postpone to November 9, Zalatel seconds. #ANCgov
Constant says they have not seen relevant documentation yet, and this is a large expenditure. Zalatel says that she asked about funding, which apparently includes considerable grant funding, and she wants it to be as transparent as possible. Cross asks the admin about delays?
Port director says that when this item was touched on at the committee meeting that as long as they get this done by the end of November they won't have issues for the construction season. Says this isn't a bad delay and he appreciates the reasoning. #ANCgov
Discussion ends, voting commences. Postponing to November 9 passes 10-2, Allard and Sulte oppose. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution appropriating funding from the alcohol tax fund to the AHD for technical assistance. Zalatel moves an amendment that lines out the particulars for sake of transparency of usage of the alcohol tax fund. River seconds. Voting commences, passes unanimously.#ANCgov
Zalatel moves a floor amendment, which adds in "only to be used for technical assistance". Zalatel says that if there's a lens specifically towards equity, they will have better results.

Here's the specific title of the resolution.

Cross says he doesn't have a problem, but he doesn't believe that this can be funded from the alcohol tax? Zalatel says that the office of equity & justice has been removed from the alcohol tax, and this rectifies an issue. #ANCgov
Volland says from smaller organizations they have heard about difficulties with grant writing and technical stuff, and even as a body the assembly has some confusion around when grants are paid out. Says further work must be done to figure out how alcohol tax funds are paid out.
Discussion closing, voting on the floor amendment commences. Passes unanimously. Back to the main motion, no discussion. Voting commences on the resolution as amended, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
That concludes the consent agenda. Time for the dinner break. Be back soon! #ANCgov
Alright, the meeting is called back to order! Onto unfinished business. First up, Anchorage Community Development Authority Board of Directors appointment (Grant Yurtrzenka). No discussion, voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, planning and zoning commission appointments (Andre Spinelli, Radhika Krishna, James Winchester). No discussion, voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution of the assembly approving changes to the 2021 basis of design concept submitted and recommended by the Port of Alaska Modernization Program and Design Advisory Board that will govern ongoing design efforts. Constant moves to postpone indefinitely, Zalatel 2nds.
Constant explains that they are still working on this document and will bring it back before the body. This was at the request of the admin, Demboski confirms. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, this:

Constant moves to approve, Allard seconds. No discussion. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, the memorandum relating to the Hickel Constructing group for $4.9mil for their services for the NavCenter. Zalatel gives her disclosure about her relationship to the coalition to end homelessness. She explains that they provide subject matter expertise. #ANCgov
She does not believe she has a conflict of interest. LaFrance goes through the usual questions concerning conflict of interest. #ANCgov
LaFrance notes they've had a lot of conversation around these questions and their confusing nature. Notes that Zalatel's disclosure at the beginning was to supplement since the questions don't always get at the concerns. Asks for a motion from the body. #ANCgov
Constant motions that Zalatel doesn't have a significant conflict of interest, Petersen seconds. Constant says that, echoing conversation from the last meeting, we've been overbroad, conflicts need to be specific. #ANCgov
Voting on Zalatel not having a conflict of interest is about the begin, Rivera asks what voting yes or no means. Constant says voting yes means there is no conflict. Zalatel is recused from voting. Voting commences, passes 10-Allard. Zalatel doesn't have conflict. #ANCgov
Cross moves to approve the item, Allard seconds. Cross asks are we going to fund the NavCenter or let it die? Names the costs so far, says we've all said we need it. Says we all swore and high fived, but now we're asking if we're gonna pay them. #ANCgov
He says he's seen the construction, it's good work. The admin made a mistake in approving it, but the assembly makes mistakes too. Says anyone who doesn't want to fund the project is... It's very unfortunate. We could've just taken the money and burned it and wanted the homeless.
Rivera says he can't vote yes, too many unknowns. He considered doing a presentation but spared us all. Wants to know how we got into the appropriation situation. How are we gonna pay for future costs, which is at $14mil for year one. Need written out operations plans. #ANCgov
He wants to see the admin attend meetings and show a commitment on substance abuse treatment, including the GL. Words aren't enough for him to vote yes, he needs to see actions. Also says the Arctic recreation center has a proposed plan that could include housing. #ANCgov
He wants to postpone a little longer to see some due diligence from the admin, evaluate the alternative, and understand who we owe money to and pay the appropriate contractors. #ANCgov
Allard says she knew this will never go through since it would actually help the homeless and would give the Mayor a win. Says we passed $12mil to the Rasmussen foundation with no plan. Alaska club, other projects. "We pass everything unless it's going to work." #ANCgov
She says no prior admin has come up with a comprehensive body, until this Mayor, he's got the plan. Says the "people I work with" will never approve his plan. Asks Mrs. Christianson about how the admin is or isn't breaking code with approving the Hickel contract. #ANCgov
Christianson asks if she means title 7? Basically yea. Christianson says that they won't go forward unless the assembly approves. Allard asks Demboski about breaking ground at Tudor and Elmore. Demboski has issued a halt on construction barring approval. #ANCgov
Demboski says they thought they were acting in good faith according to the facilitated project. Says the structure is in the lower 48, will cost $200k to ship, and is requiring storage cost. Says they have already gotten two payment request letters from Hickel. #ANCgov
Says that isn't a threat, just the reality. But they won't continue unless approved. Allard thanks Bronson for working so hard. Says the people she works with aren't interested in solving the homeless problem. Says she told the admin to get out of the way and let th assembly fail
Perez-Verdia says this isn't about politics, it's about planning. Says there's no operations plan, no engagement with the community or expertise, local or national. No plan to mitigate impact on the surrounding area. No plan on transport. No indication we've done the work.#ANCgov
Says we did go through the planning process for other areas, so we know how to do it, but we haven't for this one. Encourages a no vote. Asks Gates, and the admin, how do we make Hickel whole without allocating the remainder of the funds and what that requires? #ANCgov
Gates says it's complicated, may start with understanding the incurred costs as a starting point. But he'd need time to figure it out. Perez-Verdia asks Demboski if they have a number to make Hickel whole without incurring more costs? Demboski says $3.5mil. #ANCgov
She says there will be a cost incurred with abandoning the project, making the property safe. Says paying the current bill doesn't end work on the site, more will be owed either way. She says we're at the $3.5mil mark now. #ANCgov
Perez-Verdia says the costs were uncured without approval from the assembly, and if more costs happen it's due to the admin not working with the assembly. Says it would be a shame, we need something like this, we need more shelter, but he wishes we could sit down and work a plan
He'll be a no vote, hopes that circumstances change. LaFrance agrees that we need a NavCenter and emergency shelter. Says she was optimistic all along, which is why she voted to move forward. on the Rasmussen foundation, that's not apples to apples, those costs are little risk.
She says there was extreme due diligence put into the plan and properties and boundaries put into place. Not a useful comparison. Wants to look at how we got here, the proposed timeline. It references proposed actions. #ANCgov
Original plan, 1000 people 22mil. Not aligned with the need, or city guidelines. High price tag. There was a change, 150 person shelter. The assembly voted for nearly all of the items for this, to the $9mil tune. But there are rules around how that can be used. #ANCgov
She says she expected that the proposal would be brought back for approval before action, but it wasn't and now they're open to litigation. They've received only boiler plate updates. They got an email from Demboski after the admin didn't attend a Housing and Homelessness mtg.
Haven't received an cohesive information. Best practices would've necessitates that. Feels like it was an opportunity for best practices, didn't happen. Disappointed because we need it. If the mayor had given the information needed, according to best practices, could be done.
She wishes the admin would've made it possible for her to support this, but it's irresponsible to vote anything but no. Doesn't believe it's impossible to get assembly approval, but they need more. Encourages hiring a project manager and having regular communication. #ANCgov
She's willing to postpone it, but wants to hear from colleagues. Dunbar asks Trombley, we passed a document on the consent agenda regarding the use designation of the GL, did he have a chance to read it and can he comment on it? #ANCgov
Trombley says he read it, and a Mr. Whitfield is on line to speak to it. He's from planning dept. Dunbar asks him if their guidance was sufficient and what zoning use do they expect? Whitfield hasn't read the resolution, but the information is sufficient to start research.#ANCgov
He says they will work on getting it done before the deadline. Dunbar says it was the informal decision of the board to use GL as a rooming house, is that the most likely outcome of the process? Whitfield says if it is supposed to be like the Guesthouse then yes.
Dunbar says he wants that to go forward. If Rivera plans to postpone tonight, hopefully the admin will see that as a good faith sign. Then he says he has voted against this proposal repeatedly. Says this summer that good faith was shown not to be followed. #ANCgov
He says he discourages contractors from bidding on this. This could be a sad outcome, it's been a sad process. This project has been incredibly expensive, and will grow. Not fiscally responsible to continue. We still have an empty hotel that was only used by Weka. #ANCgov
We had a humanitarian crisis at Centennial, yet we've had a hotel open the whole time. He lays this at the feet of the mayor. Will vote against this tonight. Hopes we can do better. #ANCgov
Trombley asks Whitfield to speak to the zoning issue, non-conforming rights, use determination. Whitfield says they will have to go through the process for nonconformity. The use type will have to be different from hotel/motel, says that will take a few weeks. #ANCgov
Sulte says this is unfortunate, we need a NavCenter and mass shelter. Says at this rate we won't get there by winter 2023. Says he's surprised that the assembly is shocked by $15mil when that was projected in April. Going through plans, prices increase. #ANCgov
He feels thai won't pass. Says they were given a 300 page folder on info on the center. Another 8 pages on operations. Says he hasn't seen this level of diligence for any other shelter. Says this vote is easy, it's a sunk cost. Contractor will get the money one way or another.
Says no assembly approval required to pay for a lawsuit. He makes a floor amendment to adjust the amount from $4.9mil to $3.5mil to make it in line with Demboski's statements. Allard seconds. He reiterates, if we appropriate now we can avoid storage/legal costs. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she hears the argument about the $3.5mil. A process that cuts assembly put of approval before spending money shouldn't be taken lightly. Also approving money to make good when the process goes awry is a bad precedent to set. #ANCgov
She says the contractor is familiar with the process, in fact this happened in the Sullivan admin to the tune of $5mil. Says we may be inserting ourselves too soon. She appreciates the amendment but can't support it. #ANCgov
Perez-Verdia says he wants to encourage them to vote no. We need to look into the costs related to the contractor separately. Doesn't believe this is responsible. Vote this down, have a separate conversation about costs. #ANCgov
Voting on the amendment commences. Fails 4-8, Allard, Sulte, Cross, and Volland support. #ANCgov
Cross asks where the APD vehicles that were previously parked on the lot are now being stored? More costs? Lance Foreman, director of development and foresight, says that they were moved across the street. Says it was a paved surface with fences in place. #ANCgov
Cross says the Sullivan is open, NavCenter sidelines. We went a whole lot of nowhere. Says it is extremely expensive, hurry up and wait. Government is strange, we're nitpicking contractors when most people on the assembly couldn't build a shed. #ANCgov
Constant asks the chair to remind the audience not to cheer. She does so. Cross says unless you're in construction you don't understand the costs. How much info do you need before you feel safe? Agrees the process of spending wasn't right, but now we're leaving with our ball.
He says at least Dunbar has been consistent. He respects that at least. He says that saying there's no risk in hotels? Look at the GL. Calling the Centennial a failure? Not true, he went there many times. Salvation Army did great. Many liked it better than Sullivan. #ANCgov
He says "the homelessness problem being solved is that of those who are being paid to solve it." Says a lot of people make a lot of money on homeless, and we're no closer. He'll vote for the $4.9mil. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she has questions about the building structure, but first the GL. Says the earlier comments keep us on the hamster wheel. Her understanding of use determination is that any issues of conforming would be identified, it's not a separate process. Is that correct?#ANCgov
Trombley says he thinks that the assembly is starting to understand how difficult it is to develop. Not trying to put anyone on a hamster wheel, it's the result of title 21. It's difficult. #ANCgov
Whitfield says he apologizes for confusion, not the intent. It's a confusing process. Says maybe two processes got mixed, designation and non-conforming. Says they're two processes. Zalatel says she hopes they've given enough info to kick off both. #ANCgov
She says they were able to do it with the Guesthouse in nine months, it can't be that hard. We should be able to parallel that process. Hopes the resolution passed tonight can kick it off. #ANCgov
On the NavCenter, Zalatel asks what the plan is for the permit updates? Foreman says they are working with contractors and vendors for answers. Zalatel says how can we sign off when there's no answers on seismic, wind, size, etc? Foreman says the questions brought up are unique
Nowhere in code is that stuff brought up, so they're working with the contractor to get responses. The issues with the structures, they added extra support for snowload, they're addressing snow melt, wind. Nothing we can't overcome. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she didn't see these issues to be resolved until she went to the permit, why weren't they in the Packets they've been given? She says in other situations they've gotten check offs on seismic and what not, but not on this one. #ANCgov
Foreman says the questions they've received were from the assembly and they answered those that they received. Zalatel says there are still fundamental questions unanswered about how it will fit code. Juxtaposed against the GL, which has to be delayed, but here it's go ahead.
She says she's gunshy from a previous project. They were involved in a whole process that she doesn't want to do again. She wants to make sure that this project checks off all design criteria first. Feels this is premature, even to prep the site. #ANCgov
She says we need NavCenters, which are separate from shelters. But we have one at Beans about to come online, another in Mountain View. Says we're trying something new, which is great, but not for tens of millions. We can get housing for similar costs. #ANCgov
Without fundamental questions answered, we can't proceed and be good stewards of the public's money. She's ready to hear from the colleagues if they're ready to decide or need more time. #ANCgov
Bronson, who is here now, says that we all share in the frustrations around title 21, which is why so many builders move to the valley. Passes to Demboski. She says on the NavCenter, the assembly keeps saying they don't have enough info, operation plans, she's happy to provide.
She says they all got a 293 page binder with plans, if they lost it let her know. Plus, they've engaged in hours of presenting a plan and put out a PowerPoint, if they've lost that, they can contact her and she'll sit down with them. #ANCgov
She says that after four hours of worksessions they have explained nearly all of the most recent 8 pages they put out point by point. She says they've tried to get them info, a nauseating amount, but it's never enough. She doesn't know what they want. #ANCgov
Trombley, on the Golden Lion, says planning has said that to get to where planning is done will take 3-4 weeks. Fire will also have to do an inspection, permits have been pulled before for boilers and such. Repairs will depend on Fire and Inspection's findings. #ANCgov
Constant asks Wilbur if he has a list of contractors and subcontractors that was previously requested. He says he has it, will send it through to them. Constant says that they have not received all of the info, as this demonstrates. The question has been ignored. #ANCgov
Constant notes that a contractor had the same thing happen in 2013, work was begun without assembly approval. He says that the contractor gets paid when the city gets sued. The mayor talks about separation of powers, but here we are. The code was ignored. #ANCgov
He says that the issues with understanding the code are not with the assembly. Says we haven't given our word, so they can't keep their word. While expected that litigation will occur, how can the Mayor -- Noria Clark starts coughing and laughing, she's told to stop. Doesn't.
So we had ourselves a little classic outburst from the attention seeker, which delayea the process. But now we're coming back to order. #ANCgov
A motion to extend debate by 30 minutes is made by Constant, Petersen seconds. No opposition. #ANCgov
Constant notes he's still waiting on the list. Says that much has been made about how much communication has been made. The first draft plan, he thanks God, finally came in after waiting since June 2021. Still incomplete. Took 18 months. #ANCgov
He says now despite the incomplete plan, a threat of litigation and settlement, they're being asked to approve this, which he doesn't have in him. But what do we do for the people on the streets? He says the question before us was taken from us. He's still waiting for the list.
Wilbur details out the contractors he previously told Constant about. Says they were verbalized, promised he would send it as a list. But he has now. Constant says, after these items, Hickel gets $3mil for contracting. #ANCgov
Constant says that when they asked for the information, they were told it was too voluminous. Then it was given as verbal incomplete information. Now he finally gets the list, it took this long. Bronson issues a point of order. Says Constant hasn't told them what info they want.
Dunbar issues another point of order, that's not a rule. LaFrance confirms. Constant continues, you can see on the website the questions they've asked that aren't answered. You can watch the videos, it's all recorded. It took a month to get a 6-line table. That's why we're here.
They have valid questions that aren't being answered clearly. He says what do we do? His neighbors are mad. The Sullivan is open. This summer we closed the doors and locked them outside, then didn't work on the problem. How many times will the administration block? #ANCgov
When the admin wants something, the oceans part. When they don't want something, the blockades roll in. #ANCgov
Volland says that Zalatel asked if members want to kill this or postpone. He wants to postpone. He has a lot of conflicted thoughts. He sees where we are, where we want to be. We convened a task force, it looks at over 100 properties, came up with terrible options. #ANCgov
Currently we're using a hockey arena. And it's taken a toll on the neighborhood due to numbers. He thinks housing should be our primary priority. Leads to best health outcomes. #ANCgov
He says he's frustrated about the roadblocks in the way of using the GL. But on top of that, he's concerned about the failure of this process. Worries about the precedent this would set, and the one already set. But where we are now, where will we be next winter? #ANCgov
They discussed some options at a prior session. He has concerns about estimates, underestimated personnel. Thinks funding will be probably 1.5x expensive. However, he's still open to the conversation and would vote in favor of postponing. #ANCgov
Allard says the assembly has been running Anchorage into the ground for 6 years. Says it isn't the mayor who puts up barriers, he's only been here for a year or two. The assembly supermajority runs it into the ground. She says no human being can get out of a hamster wheel.#ANCgov
Zalatel says this comment is out of order. LaFrance agrees. Allard snarks at her. Now she rants about her freedom of speech. LaFrance clarifies that process is important. Allard says she's silenced. Drama. #ANCgov
Rivera says that he wants to reiterate LaFrance and Zalatel's comments about zoning. Hotel conversion costs are fairly concrete, rather than new construction. On Alaska Club and GL, extensive plans were presented to the assembly and public before voting. #ANCgov
Rivera says that, on good faith, the admin would need to come to them and earn their votes through the work. The facilitated process didn't reflect the body as a whole. Saying the actions taken were in good faith doesn't hold water. #ANCgov
He says that around all of these, other organizations have worked hard despite the back and forth between assembly and admin. Says people can make whatever comment they want, that's their first amendment right, but the facts speak for themselves. #ANCgov
Rivera asks if the resolution passed today would be enough to bring forward any future impediments? Trombley says that it should be enough on the Title 21 side, however Fire has been instructed to inspect the building and we don't know what they'll find. #ANCgov
Inspectors will go through there, we don't know what a plumbing, mechanical, or electrical inspector will find. They're waiting to find out when Fire can go out there. Things are in the process of working. #ANCgov
Rivera says that makes sense, he figured it would take some time. He says at the worksession there was back and forth, this is not emergency shelter, it's overnight shelter. Terminology is important. #ANCgov
On the binder, Rivera says it was a farce. He requested it, detailed the info needed inside. Gerace took that on. Looking through it, it is largely useless information. It keeps getting brought up like it makes a point, it doesn't. #ANCgov
He says that as far as the meetings, you can go back and see a plethora or information requests that were not fulfilled and he is tired of being gaslit. This process has been exhausting. In the facilitated process, he put in many hours in good faith. #ANCgov
He says that he tried very hard to get them to a yes, and even then he told the admin the work wasn't over. Then the facilitated process died and it sounds like this item will too. #ANCgov
He says we need a NavCenter, it's a hole to be filled, but we have two about to come online. But we need to find the real solution: housing. With all of that, he will no longer be supporting postponing. #ANCgov
Constant motions to extend ten minutes. Unanimous consent. Dunbar says that the admin says NavCenter, and says there was one in the Sullivan but wasn't called that. There was another planned one, but it didn't get called a NavCenter. This "NavCenter" will be an expensive shelter.
Dunbar says, in response to Volland's comments on searching for a building, they were only looking for very large buildings. They asked the wrong question from the start, so the got the wrong answer: we need this really big facility. #ANCgov
He says the 2020 plan focused on smaller facilities and housing, and that's still what's needed. He says Volland and Rivera should be commended for their work, but don't hold onto the failure of the facilitated process as it asked the wrong question from the beginning. #ANCgov
Constant says that it was said that this proposal was stated to be $15mil, but it's obvious that person wasn't there then. It was $7mil, then $15mil, then upon pushing, $22mil and still didn't have bathrooms. The reason it fell apart is the number increased exponentially. #ANCgov
Perez-Verdia says the process broke down because of clear incompetence and planning on Joe Gerace and the admin. Many qualified people walked away because of it. So here we are. There's still a possibility to move forward, but not with this admin because they don't know how to.
Other projects have seen success because of the teams involved and the work. If there's going to be success on this project, we need to hire someone else who can do the work and inform and gain the support of the public. He suggests doing that. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that she wants to thank Trombley, they had a good convo out in the hall and it has helped her figure out how to make decisions. She says the solution to homelessness is housing, we need to invest in it, and we are and it's moving rapidly. #ANCgov
She says that a NavCenter can augment housing, it can help people keep housing. The causes of homelessness are complex, the solution is simple: housing. It is easier for individuals to address their issues in housing, rather than outside or in a congregate facility. #ANCgov
She says the results are shown in the Guesthouse. Housing is stabilizing. Every landlord, sure, has had a bad experience with a tenant. But if we want to solve homelessness, we have to focus on housing. Once someone is housed, they are no longer homeless. #ANCgov
A navigation center is not just a homelessness response, it is a way of helping individuals who need help for a variety of reasons. She says that the structural issues are the problem that keep her from being a yes vote. #ANCgov
Volland says we need to redouble our efforts in treating substance abuse and mental health help, we are lacking. He also agrees that the solution to homelessness is housing. But, he speaks to the housing pipeline. What is the transition between camping and housing? #ANCgov
Is there still a need for low barrier shelter? Zalatel says yes, and she said so in her opening comments. Volland says he wants to keep searching for solutions with the body, as of now we don't have enough low-barrier shelter. #ANCgov
Bronson says it's evident where this is going. He says at this point the assembly needs to address what we're going to do with the people living out in the woods, so he'll leave it in their hands to solve that problem. #ANCgov
Constant says it is not the assembly's job to craft solutions to these problems, they have stepped into the void. It is the job of the admin to come up with detailed plans that Garner support. Says this is a sloughing of the Mayor's responsibility because he didn't get his way.
Discussion ends. Voting commences. The item fails, 3-9. Allard, Sulte, and Cross support. LaFrance declares a ten minute break. #ANCgov
We're back! Next item is this one:

Constant moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. Constant says it's pretty far along in design phase. As with the last item, there are questions about sprung structures, and this could allow it to be used and not held in storage. #ANCgov
He says it's a gray area of who owns it. Demboski says it's not a gray area, Hickel owns it. Constant says that's great news, then he has a two million dollar asset with which to fill his hole. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, an item amending municipal code to allow moveable ancillary structures as emergency shelters for persons experiencing homelessness once the emergency shelter plan is activated. Zalatel moves to postpone indefinitely, Petersen seconds. #ANCgov
She says that this may be premature, but if these structures were to ever be used then there needs to be more specifics in code. This should be reworked from the ground up. #ANCgov
Rivera asks Trombley if we've acquired the structures yet? He says no, waiting on code changes. Rivera asks if there's any other blocks? Trombley says that they planned on them being used for sheltering, so they don't know what they would do with it. #ANCgov
Where would they be stored? Would have to discuss. Rivera says he'll support postponing indefinitely. Dunbar asks legal if the code would require a declares state of emergency? No, there are other options to activate. #ANCgov
Dunbar says he would support this ordinance if it was amended to only be used in a declared state of emergency. More tools in the toolbox. Cross agrees. #ANCgov
Volland says he's waiting on an S-version, says he thought they were going to add in more language and specifics that would address concerns. He says he'd like to circle back to the work session and see what would be changed. #ANCgov
He wants to see the work done to address questions that are raised. LaFrance also wanted to ask about an S-version, she thought that's where they left it. Egress requirements, overnight use... She's in favor of innovative ideas and exploring these structures. #ANCgov
She says she'd support Dunbar's amendment should be put it forward, but she's waiting on an S-version. Constant says as he understands it, in an emergency, the mayor can bring ideas to the assembly within 48 hours so it's unnecessary. #ANCgov
He also says we don't need any of this code to receive them for the use discussed in the worksession. We're back to having the same issue, lack of info. Supports indefinitely postponing. Says we should accept the structures, we just need to know uses. #ANCgov
Blaire Christensen says they were working on an S-version but she isn't sure what happened. Department of Law was working on it. #ANCgov
Voting on postponement commences, passes 8-4, Allard, Cross, LaFrance, and Dunbar oppose. #ANCgov
Next, an ordinance amending Muni code to restore previous language regarding exceptions to the requirements for contractor licensing. Constant moves to postpone, they received communication around it and there's more work to be done. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she supports postponing. She says she hasn't sussed out where this went sideways and wants to know that. Would like someone from the department to work with them along side Gates. She hopes with a postponement they could work with CEDC and bring it back. #ANCgov
Cross says he'd support postponing, he has a floor amendment to try to address the changes but he prefers having a clearly lined out session. Says it's a problem between Muni and state requirements. #ANCgov
Discussion ends, voting on postponement to December 6 passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto continues public hearings. First, an ordinance that would propose to voters a charter change to support and advance early childhood education, dedicate the net proceeds of the current retail marijuana sales tax to this, and except the marijuana tax from the tax cap. #ANCgov
Perez-Verdia, as a sponsor, motions to postpone to November 9. Zalatel seconds. He says that they've been working with the marijuana industry and just need a little more time to get it right. #ANCgov
Zalatel asks if Nov 9 is enough time? We're working against a ballot measure so a timeline, but also budget items right now. Perez-Verdia says they intend to hold a worksession, thinks that there should be enough time but encourages LaFrance, cosponsor, to weigh in. #ANCgov
LaFrance says there's time on November 4 to hold an additional worksession. Says we're pretty close on an S-version. She thinks the ninth could work. Zalatel asks the admin if there's been legal review of this item done? Christensen says they haven't reviewed it yet. #ANCgov
Zalatel says since it establishes a board and such, it's important for the timeline. LaFrance asks Gates to also engage in that discussion. #ANCgov
Gates says it's enough time for him, but it depends on what the department of Law finds. He thinks it's enough time. Dunbar says there's a chance he may not be on the body in January, would like to vote on it so he hopes it happens before then. Voting commences, passes 12-0.
Next, this:

Public testimony opens, no one testifies. Closes. Cross moves to approve, Allard seconds.

Clarification necessary, the S-1 version. Cross pulls this image up. Cross says that acting mayors are not ideal, but necessary. Assembly members are elected by 1/6 of the city, sometimes running unopposed. Says the acting mayor should act for the shortest amount of time...
...without causing undue burden on the voter. Elections too close together can cause confusion, low turnout. He says this could give the voters a method of voting is clear and makes voters feel heard. #ANCgov
The most interesting part is what happens in year three, where there are two options. This AO would make it so if a vacancy occurs between 150-270 days until the next regular election, there would be an acting mayor until a special election, the winner will then serve a wholeterm
Cross says it reduces cost related to elections and may increase voter turnout. Constant says he has an amendment. He agrees with everything except the special fourth scenario. His amendment looks like this:

Constant says this simplifies the circumstance where an election date is changed and a regular election is removed. Cross says he likes it for it's simplicity, however he thinks the voters would like more limits on how long and acting mayor serves. #ANCgov
LaFrance leans towards supporting the amendment, but thanks Cross for his thoughtful process and the feedback he's incorporated. The only issue she has is the potential elimination of the regular election. She thanks him for how he's handled this piece of legislation. #ANCgov
Dunbar echoes the sentiments praising Cross' work. Says he will support it with the amendment. However, he says he totally disagrees with the motivation for doing it. Dunbar thinks the previous acting Mayoral term wasn't really problematic. But he thinks the language is useful.
Zalatel appreciates the amendment, she's been concerned with elimination of a regular election. Notes that they often have other items on the ballot, which make it important to keep that regular schedule. Bonds, for example. #ANCgov
She says she agrees with the thoughtfulness of it. She hasn't heard, though, what problems some of the members who have been walked through this. LaFrance has noted that backfilling the assembly seat, and that makes sense. She'll support the Constant amendment, but maybe not...
...the rest of the item, since she isn't sure what problem is being solved. #ANCgov
Gates notes that this wouldn't erase the election, it would just take the Mayor off the ballot. So we'd still have a regular election, just without a Mayoral race on it. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson speaks, but her phone is really garbled and I can't hear her. LaFrance also can't. Quinn-Davidson clears it up, says she agrees with Zalatel, this is a solution in search of a problem. #ANCgov
She says when she was acting mayor, it was in a pandemic with a Mayoral election coming up. This item would take away the Assembly's ability to work around odd circumstances. Says there was a manufactured controversy to cause people to hate her. Can't support. #ANCgov
Sulte likes the amendment, says that it involves cost savings. Supports it. Rivera addresses Zalatel's question, there was a joint memo from October 16, 2020 from Gates and Vogel. He reads from the memo. #ANCgov
He says he believes what they did was legally defensible. The memo says the charter leaves unanswered questions about process that leaves multiple paths for the assembly to take, which may be legally defensible but may not hold up in court. Rivera appreciates the work. #ANCgov
Constant says this item allows the assembly to backfill a position, outlines the method for special elections. Candidates plan out elections, if they move election dates, will that be the same election? No answer from APOC. #ANCgov
Constant asks how the Muni charter language would play out if you have a hostile assembly. You could have an assembly hold the Mayoral position for three years, should they want to. This proposal maxes that out as a third of a term. #ANCgov
Cross says he'd support this even if Constant's amendment passes. Also says that his motivation is from curiosity and interest, not as part of a manufactured controversy. Says it isn't a slight at AQD, has nothing to do with her term. Just clarifies some timelines. #ANCgov
Voting on Constant's amendment commences, passes 10-2, Cross and Quinn-Davidson oppose. Back on the main motion. Constant notes that if this passes it goes to the voters. Voting commences, passes 9-3. Perez-Verdia, Zalatel, and Quinn-Davidson oppose. #ANCgov
Onto new public hearings. First up:

No one testifies. Constant moves to approve the S-1-version, seconded by Zalatel. Constant says that there's a language issue that could be clarified ("all" vs "any"?). Asks Gates. Demboski says that she'll check with an attorney, will be right back. #ANCgov
The language issue gets solved. Discussion ends. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. Next up, this:

Public testimony opens. No testimony. Closes. Constant moves to approve, Rivera seconds. LaFrance asks the admin to speak to why the rates need to be increased, as there was interest at a community council discussion. #ANCgov
Demboski pulls up a rep from SWS to speak. She says it's due to the bonding that we put solid waste services in. The bonding was put in place for a new depositing space for collection. Demboski follows up, the new central transfer station, when approved, includes a ... #ANCgov
...several year rate increase. There are year over year increases. Discussion ends. Voting commences, passes unanimously. Next up, this:

Public testimony opens and closes. Zalatel moves to approve, Rivera seconds. No discussion, voting commences. Passes unanimously. Next up, this:

Public testimony opens, closes. Constant moves to approve, Allard seconds. No discussion. Voting commences. Passes 11-Cross. Next up, this:

Public testimony opens, a man approaches and we realize the timer clock is off so we must troubleshoot. Wow! That's never happened. #ANCgov
James Thornton, member of the Fairview Community Council testifies. He speaks on behalf of those who are harmed by the city's inability to help. He says we must break up large shelters for the good of the community and individuals. #ANCgov
We all agree on the scattered approach. We have had plenty of time to make it happen, but we're back at the Sullivan with some of the same issues we had during the pandemic. This prolongs the problems and predation on some of those who need help. #ANCgov
We have to work together, not against each other to solve this. Asks everyone to put aside their politics and work on this together. Says he may be optimistic, but he believes we can work together despite irrevocable differences. #ANCgov
He asks, if not the Golden Lion, where? And why the Sullivan and Fairview? He feels the answer is unfair. No more testifiers. Constant moves to approve the S-version, Petersen seconds. #ANCgov
Constant says that this whole issue could be postponed indefinitely. He believes the code is written such that facilities designated as emergency shelters shall not be considered homeless shelters. He says interpreting the code as it has been is a dishonest read. #ANCgov
His S-version changes 8 words, which changes it to say certain properties can't be declared as transient and homeless shelters, I think? Moved a bit fast. He says it still is problematic. Zalatel moves to postpone indefinitely, Petersen seconds. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she appreciates his clarification, but she's tired of the GL being used as a political football. The body has voted very clearly for it's use. Until they decide another use, it shall be used as housing and a substance misuse treatment center. #ANCgov
She says carving out pieces of title 16 to exclude this or that building is a bad way to govern. We need to look at usage. If there's a need to look at title 16, let's look at it holistically. #ANCgov
Cross says he agrees that the GL is a mess of an issue. If people are dying in the streets, let them stay at the GL. Compares it to, I believe, a Bible story. He says we are lacking in treatment centers. GL is used as a ping pong ball. Will chew on it. #ANCgov
Rivera says the story of the GL has become too convoluted, says this just adds to that. Urges support for indefinite postponement. Discussion ends, voting commences. Passes 9-3, Allard, Sulte, Cross dissent. #ANCgov
We now take up the budget related public hearings. The second hearing will be on November 9th, the day after election day (Wednesday). First up is this:

Public testimony opens, closes.

Next item is this:

Public testimony opens and closes.


Public testimony opens and closes.


Public testimony opens and closes.


Public testimony opens and closes.


Public testimony opens and closes.


Public testimony opens and closes.

Okay, now we're onto administrative matters and Quasi-judicial matters. Liquor and marijuana license matters. First up:

Public testimony opens and closes.

Constant moves to approve, Petersen seconds. No discussion, voting commences, passes unanimously.


Public testimony opens and closes.

Zalatel moves to approve, seconded by Constant. No discussion. Voting commences, passes unanimously.

Now we're in final audience participation. Jean, from somewhere in Alaska testifies. She has some rhetorical questions. Does anyone remember when winter wasn't cold? When did we not have homeless people? Get it together, she's tired of paying for this.

And now, assembly member comments. Rivera says as we went though the budget items he thought of what Haberman would say. He'd say this started too late and why is nobody here to say anything? Hopefully more people testify November 9. #ANCgov
Zalatel asks that if any members want a worksession on the 36th interchange they should message the clerk, otherwise she'll assume her comments were sufficient. Constant thanks everyone. Dunbar says RIP to legendary comedian Leslie Jordan. #ANCgov
Petersen says the world series starts on Friday. LaFrance thanks Cross for his kind words on AQD's time in office, says no other Mayor has had to serve under those circumstances. Meeting adjourned.

Love you Anchorage, be kind to each other and tell those you love you love them .
Deadbeat over and out ❤️


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Aug 24
Just arrived at the Chambers for the 8/23 Assembly meeting, which is bound to be an interesting one. Live 🧵#ANCHgov #ANCgov
LaFrance gavels in the meeting, calling us to order. Allard is going to be late, Sulte is on the phone, as is Perez-Verdia. Everyone else is present in the Chambers. #ANCgov
No yelling during the pledge. Cross reads the land acknowledgement. Onto approving the minutes of previous meetings, which Constant makes a motion for. Petersen seconds. No opposition, minutes are approved. #ANCgov
Read 138 tweets
Mar 16
Alright, here down at the Anchorage Assembly for the March 15th public meeting. Lots of public hearings on the agenda today, so I'm expecting this one to run long! #ANCgov Image
We've got Stephanie Taylor in the audience tonight! Curious to hear what she'll bring to the table, if anything, or if she's here to witness. #ANCgov
APD also has a strong presence, lots of men in uniform who were standing off to the side but now have taken stance in front of the dyas. #ANCgov ImageImage
Read 253 tweets

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