
Lan Wangji has found himself in a… predicament, to say the least. The timeline goes like this:

5:07pm: Bunbun knocks her favorite ball under the bed.

5:08pm: lwj attempts to crawl under the bed to get said ball

5:10pm: lwj realizes he’s stuck.
// will be NSFW with bottomji 🫡 mild CNC but wwx checks in with him regularly
There are multiple scientific laws that state essentially one thing: what goes in, must come out.

Lwj, however, went under the bed and now cannot /get out/ no matter how hard he tries. Thus, the only reasonable conclusion is science is fake, the conspiracy theories are right
and his entire life has been a /lie/. Who knows what his supposed ‘scientist’ husband actually does at the lab all day.

Probably falsifies data and comes up with clever names for things that don’t exist so the public interest stays up.
Behind him, he feels BunBun begin tugging at his slipper laces. He chooses to believe it is the bunnies attempt to rescue him and not a lack of care about the situation /she/ caused.

“Good, Bunbun,” he mumbles against the carpet.
If he remembers the time correctly, Wwx should be back any minute now. The reminder has lwj heaving a sigh of relief.

Thank god there’s no upcoming deadlines for the lab and this didn’t happen earlier or else lwj could have been stuck like this for /hours/.
As though summoned by his thoughts, lwj hears the telltale sounds of his husband coming home.

The lock rattles multiple times (indicating wwx has once again forgotten which of his 10 keys to use), then finally, with what lwj is sure is great flourish, the door slams open.
“Lan Zhan, my one true love, light of my life and apple of my eye, I am hoooomeee!”

“Wei Ying, I am here,” lwj calls in a completely calm, not at all desperate voice (its definitely been at least 10 minutes okay? That’s a long time to be trapped under a bed with a bunny
eating his shoes). “Come help, please.”

There’s a pause, then a loud thud that was probably wwx’s bag and rushed footsteps.

“Help?” The concern is his tone is palpable. “Are you okay? What’s going — oh. Why are you under the bed?”
“Bunbun knocked his ball under the bed. I tried to get it and now…”

A sound that could only be suppressed laughter comes from the doorway.

“I see,” Wwx says with far too much joy for lwj’s liking. “And now your slippers have become a snack for a very naughty bunny!”
“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll get her put up and then you can come out without accidentally hurting her!”

“That’s not—“ lwj tries but wwx is already gone. He drops his head against the floor and allows himself one small, quiet, pitiful whine.
Wwx skips back into the room a moment later. When he spots lwj in the same spot, he freezes.

“Lan Zhan…? Why are you still there?”

“I’m. Stuck.” lwj grinds out. “For over 10 minutes now.”


Silence. Then,

“HAHAHAHA Lan Zhan!!!!How the hell did you manage that?!”
“The gap is small. I am not. I was able to flatten myself enough to get under, but now, for some reason, I cannot get out.”

“Pfffft, why did you not just walk to the other side, or use a long stick?!”

“The ball is in the middle. I thought I could get it without a stick,”
Lwj answers with his bitchiest tone. /Obviously/ he considered these options, especially the stick. Really his husband should know him better.

“Okay, okay, I get that,” Wwx soothes. “Have you tried pressing your self reeeallllly flat, then wiggling backward yet?”
Lwj loves his husband. His husband brings him great joy and happiness. He does NOT want to smack his husband upside the head and call him an idiot.

“Just kidding!” Wwx cheerfully interrupts his mental game of two truths and a lie. “Of course you tried that!”
“Yes, I have. Now, please help me for real, Wei Ying.”

“Okay, okay, I’ve got an idea. Just hold still!”

After a very long 10 minutes of pulling, pushing and an ill advised attempt to single handedly lift their king sized mattress + large bed frame, wwx is forced to admit

“Oh wow, you’re really stuck there, huh?”

“It appears so,” lwj responds in a clipped tone. Wwx is suspiciously quiet for a moment. Lwj is just wondering if he’s been abandoned when he finally speaks.

“Lan Zhan, you know this is like straight out of a por—“
“Yes,” lwj grinds out. “I am well aware of what form of entertainment would use this as a plot line.”

Wwx cackles and pokes his butt. Lwj tries to wiggle away, but there’s nowhere to go.

“I mean, we’re practically obligated, Lan Zhan! The universe has given me a gift!”
“Every part of that statement is false.”

“No, no, I’m a scientist Lan Zhan! Newton’s fourth law is: if one is placed in an previously thought unrealistic porn scenario, one must complete the act! I wrote my masters thesis about it!”
Lwj’s sudden distrust of scientists is suddenly starting to seem like a very reasonable outcome of this entire situation.

“Do not play,” he growls. Wwx mock gasps behind him.

“Who’s playing?! I really did!It’s like you don’t even know me, husband!”
Lwj doesn’t need to see wwx’s face to know it’s twisted in an exaggerated pout.

“Your thesis focused on the behavior of quarks in extreme —“

“Behavior of tops and bottoms in specific ~situations~, you mean!” Wwx chortles. “It practically the same as what I said!”
It’s a horrible joke. Absolutely terrible and Lwj has heard a thousand times. It has never once been funny.

And yet, lwj cannot resist the smile that tugs at his lips.

His husband is silly and entirely unhelpful, but he’s also the light of lwj’s life.
So, despite himself, he can’t help but feel the slightest hint of amusement at wwx’s commitment to the nerdy joke about studying the behavior of top and bottom quarks in extreme conditions for his physics masters thesis.
// as someone currently getting my masters degree in physics I can confirm this quantum joke is exactly as terrible and lame as lwj describes 😅

Also I am not proof reading any of this so all of us are just going to have to deal with the resulting typos 🥲
“You know,” Wwx’s voice suddenly drops to a purr. A finger trails up the inside of lwjs bare thigh. “I had issues with the bottoms being a bit… bratty, then” he digs his nail into the sensitive skin, eliciting a hiss from lwj. “Not too different from my personal life now, hm?”
"No physics puns in the bedroom, Wei Ying," Lwj reminds. "It is a safe zone. You promised."

Wwx chuckles and softly kisses behind his knee. Lwj jerks, but wwx, and the bed, hold him in place.

"See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. You're no fun, Lan Zhan."
He begins trailing kisses up the back of his leg. When lwj squirms too much for his liking, he nips the soft and refuses to continue until the motion stops.

"I'm more fun than someone who makes bad jokes in bed," lwj pants.
A flash of white-hot pain stabs into his inner thigh. Lwj cries out and instinctively tries to kick wwx away from him.

It's a futile effort, though. With the bed pinning down most of his torso, it's difficult to aim or put any force into a kick.
Wwx easily catches his ankle before it makes contact and pins it to the ground. He digs his teeth in harder and growls in warning.

"I didn't agree to this, Wei Ying." The reminder comes out high-pitched and breathless, completely undermining the statement.
Wwx releases his leg and lwj whines with what he chooses to believe is relief-- not disappointment.

"I didn't ask." In one smooth motion, he tugs down lwj's shorts, revealing the strappy, lace panties he'd chosen for their usual nightly activities --
/not/ for some attempted reenactment of a stupid, overused porno plot.

Still, the curse wwx murmurs under his breath gives lwj no small amount of satisfaction. He's waited weeks to show off this pair to his husband.
The soft, red lace is designed to cover as small a region of his cheeks as possible without being a thong. From the waistband, two matching garter belts drop down to wrap around the tops of his thighs, just above wear his shorts had ended.
"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, you have no right being this beautiful," wwx praises. He presses a reverent kiss to each cheek, then releases lwj's legs in favor of gripping his ass.

Heat trickles down lwj's spine as wwx massages the globes softly. Squeezing and releasing.
Moving his thumb in small, maddening circles that occasionally drift beneath the lace, but never close to where they're wanted most.

Lwj wants so badly to give in. Allow wwx to provide pleasure the way only he's capable of doing.

But he refuses to make it that easy for him.
Using his newfound freedom and wwx's distraction, he kicks out again. This time, the hit finds lands true, though lwj can't determine where exactly.

Wwx yelps in surprise and yanks his hands off lwj.

"Ah /fuck/, Lan Zhan, that really hurt!!"
"Good," lwj says

The smug remark gets the desired response.

"Oh, is that so?" wwx asks, bright tone laced with irritation.

When lwj hums affirmatively, he stalks away, presumably in the direction of where they keep their more intense toys.
That assumption proves correct when he returns a second later and cool, cylindrical metal is pressed against his thigh

Every one of his nerve endings sparks with excitement. Please, please, please let it be --
"You know, Lan Zhan, this spreader bar --" oh /yes/ it is "-- was only a few steps away and it's definitely long enough to reach the middle of the bed," wwx muses.

"Just a little bit more effort and you could've avoided this predicament entirely."
Lan Zhan, I'm disappointed in you! Who knew you were so lazy?!"

Lwj makes a noise of protest and kicks out at him again.
Ready for it, wwx catches his calf in a bruising grip around and holds it in the air.

"Ah ah ah," he chides "No need for that. I'm here to help you, remember?"

"How is this helpful? You are only taking advantage."
Wwx ignores him.

"Say, sweetheart, do you happen to remember what the color of this bar is?"

"Green," lwj answers quickly. "Very green. Practically glowing."

He knows damn well the bar is chrome/grey. Just like he knows damn well wwx was not actually asking for the color of
the bar, but for lwj's feelings about how things are going.

It's the basic traffic light system. If he had answered yellow, they would have stopped and discussed things more. If he said red, wwx would have stopped immediately and provided as much aftercare as possible with him
half wedged under the bed.

If lwj had said either word unprompted, the result would be the same. But he has absolutely no opposition to the current events.

In fact, other than him actually being stuck, he is /very/ into this scenario.
He'd say it was a surprising sentiment, but his 14-year-old self would strongly disagree. He knew about this 'plot' line for a reason, after all.

Wwx hums. "I think I agree with you, Lan Zhan. It does look green. Lets see if it changes when I lock you into it."
"Wait, no, don't --" lwj renews his struggles, but wwx holds strong.

In almost no time, the cuffs are secured around his ankles and his pretty panties are stretched around his knees, leaving him bare to wwx's hungry eyes.
"Now what?" Lwj asks haughtily, as though humiliation and arousal aren't blazing through him in equal amounts. "I can't move my legs and half my body is trapped under the bed. What can you possibly do?"

"Many things," wwx murmurs as he kneels between his legs.
"You look so beautiful like this, maybe I'll take a picture or two for those long, lonely nights."

Lwj shivers. That... that sounds like something he'd --like? He considers it. The distinct click of a camera when he's bound and vulnerable, exposed for all to see.
Wwx biting his lip, staring at the photos with half-lidded eyes as he strokes his cock while lwj is on a business trip.

Warm lips brush against his lower back.

"Next time, baby," wwx chuckles at his obvious interest. "When we've talked about it more."

"Mn," lwj breathes.
"But for now," wwx grips his cheeks and spreads them wide, exposing the fluttering hole nestled between them. "I think I'd like an appetizer."

With no further warning, he buries his face in lwj's ass. Lwj groans in surprise. The tips of his fingers burn as he curls them into
fists against the carpet. His lower gut tightens with pleasure, hips involuntarily grinding back against wwx's clever tongue.

"Wei Ying," he pants. Wwx hums against his hole. "I -- please, you can't --"

"I can," wwx assures. A finger presses against his hole, gently, but
relentlessly pushing forward until it slips in, slick with wwx's saliva. Lwj twists his head to bite his to muffle his pleasured whimpers and soft moans.

Wwx pinches his hip and groans against him.

"Let me hear you," he demands, then immediately dives back in.
Lwj shakes his head rapidly, forgetting wwx can't see it. Another vicious pinch elicits a loud cry from lwj and then the game is up. He couldn't contain his cries or pretend he isn't loving every second of it even if he wanted to.
By the time wwx is slipping a third finger in alongside his tongue, lwj is a shaking, moaning mess that's been brought to edge of pleasure, then yanked back again more times than he can count.

"Wei Ying, please," he whimpers. "Stop teasing."
Wwx smiles against him, then curls his finger to jam directly against his prostate. He plunges them in over and over, working him fast and hard. Lwj shouts and struggles fiercely, unsure if he's trying to angle himself closer or further away.
It doesn't matter either way. With his legs spread wide and his torso trapped, there's nothing he can do. He can't even get his knees under him.

Without warning, wwx pulls away completely. Lwj whines loudly, hips still rocking back, seeking something that's no longer there.
"Hey Lan Zhan, you still take that strength and flexibility yoga class right?"

Lwj's mind spins, struggling to process the shift.

"The -- yoga? I don't -- what are you talking about? Wei Ying, /please/," he begs. "I love you so much, I need to feel you in me again, please,
please, plea --"

Wwx groans loudly.

"Oh fuck, Lan Zhan that is not fair and you know it! How am I supposed to resist such a request? Or survive it? This is attempted murder, clear as day!"

As wwx continues his rant, lwj comes back to himself a bit.
Wwx asked him a question, but he doesn't quite recall --

Ah, yoga. He remembers now.

"The jury will never side with you and --"

"Yes," lwj interrupts.

"... Yes?"

"Yes, I am still taking the class," he clarifies. "Why was that important enough to interrupt the best rimming
of my life?"

"Oh!" wwx cries. "Because I want to do this!"

With no further elaboration, wwx wraps one hand around his hip and yanks it up, using his other hand to grip the bar and shove it forward, forcing lwj's knees under him.

"FUCK," Lwj yelps.
Wwx startles and immediately straightens him back out.

"Oh god, did I hurt you? color?"

"No," lwj grunts, mostly telling the truth. There had been a pinch because he wasn't prepared, but the position is certainly in his range. "Green. Do it again, slower."
Wwx follows his instruction and soon he's in a somehow even more compromising position: on his knees, ass up, face down, with his legs spread wide.

Behind him, wwx slicks up his cock with lube and maneuvers himself into position.
Wwx presses against his hole, pushing forward like he plans to slide home, but instead, he lets his cock slip up so it only brushes against where lwj wants it.

"Wei Ying," lwj warns. Wwx clucks his tongue at him.
"So much attitude, Lan Zhan. What happened to that sweetheart who was begging for my cock not 5 minutes ago?"

"His ADHD husband showed up," lwj grumbles.

Wwx laughs loudly and continues rubbing against his hole.
"Is that so? Well, fair enough. I guess I'll have to work hard to win him back, then."

"Mn," lwj agrees heartily.

"And how do you think I should do that, husband dear?"

"Fuck me."

Wwx hums and strokes his hip. The next time his cock brushes against him, he holds it there.
"Are you sure that's what you want? Earlier you were awfully against it. I'm sure I'll have the bruises to prove it tomorrow."

Lwj exhales steadily, trying to resist the urge to thrust back and get things started himself. He'll be nice and play along with wwx.

For now.
"You've already humiliated me and taken everything else why not this too? Have you suddenly developed a moral compass?"

"No," wwx chirps. Slowly, he presses forward until the head pops inside. Lwj groans and buries his face in the soft carpet.
"You know, it's really admirable the way you continue to pretend you don't absolutely love this, er-gege."

"I don't," lwj grinds out.

Perhaps the lie would have been believable if it wasn't immediately followed by a loud moan when wwx rocks just the slightest bit deeper.
"Is that so?" wwx coos patronizingly. "You're adorable, Lan Zhan. Trying so hard to pretend you're anything but the dirty slut you are."

The words go straight to lwjs neglected cock. Unconsciously, he attempts to move a hand to it, but it's trapped above his head.
Of course, wwx notices this. The resulting full-body laugh causes him to slip just a little deeper. But, to lwj's increasing frustration, there's still only a couple inches inside.

To make matters worse, wwx's hand drifts around his hip to stroke near his cock, but not touching
"If you're going to do this, then just /do it/," lwj snaps. "Stop playing."

"Oh my, so impatient for someone who claims to not want this," wwx teases, letting his fingers brush over the tip.

"You're going to do it no matter what I say. I just want to get it over with."
"Well, who am I to deny a request from such a beautiful man?"

It's all the warning lwj gets before wwx slams all the way in.

"AH!" Lwj cries and instinctively tries to move away, but wwx pays him no mind.
Without giving him a single second to adjust, he slips out until only the tip remains, and forcefully shoves back in.

Ignoring all of lwj's pained whimpers and protests, wwx continues working him fast and hard,
like he plans to free lwj by pounding him all the way to the other end of the bed.

Lwj's back pinches painfully with every thrust and the tips of his fingers have been rubbed raw from desperately scratching at the carpet.
His insides are almost certainly no longer organized the same way they were before wwx began vigorously proding at them with all his strength.

It's too much and not enough all at once. It hurts, yet there's an equal rush of pleasure with every sting of pain.
It's overwhelming. He wants to move away, beg wwx to stop, but his hips lurch back to meet every last thrust and the only sound he makes is a rhythmic 'ah, ah, ah', interspersed with the occasional groan.

Then, wwx angles himself just right and nails straight into his prostate.
Just like that, the pain melts into white-hot pleasure. It blazes under his skin, driving him to near madness. His thoughts are a jumbled mess of his 'Wei Ying' and 'more, more, /more/'.

"Ah, there you are sweetheart," wwx pants. "Don't worry, I'll give you what you need."
"Please," Lwj begs. "Need you, need you, need you --"

"You have me," wwx reassures. His grip tightens on lwj's hips. On the next thrust, he forces lwj to hold still while he grinds against that sensitive spot.

Lwj cries out and slaps his hand against the floor repeatedly.
"/Wei Ying/"

"This is what you need, sweetheart. You can come from this. You /will/ come from this."

"Yes," lwj breathes.

And then his world shatters into a million, glittery pieces.
The orgasm crashes through him like a wave breaching the shore, and as it slips away, it takes the remaining shreds of his sanity with it.

He can only whimper pitifully as wwx pounds him into overstimulation, using his now pliant body to chase his own pleasure.
It doesn't take long for his thrusts to turn erratic, and then warmth floods his insides as wwx spills into him with a grunt.

For a moment, they stay connected like that, struggling to catch their breath and find their way back to themselves.
Eventually, wwx drops a kiss on his lower back and shifts down to release him from the spreader bar, slipping out along the way.

Lwj whines at the sudden chill. Wwx shushes him softy and strokes a comforting hand down his leg.

"It's okay, love, we'll get you warmed up soon."
"This is going to be a bit uncomfortable, but it'll be over soon, I promise, okay?"

"Hm," lwj grunts in disapproval. Now that the fun is over, he wants to be warm and tucked in his husbands arms /on/ the bed, not under it, immediately. No more discomfort.
Wwx ignores his petulance and gently pulls lwj's legs straight, so he's laying flat again. A sharp twinge in lwj's back has him regretting every life choice that has led to this point.

"I know," wwx soothes. "Just another minute and I'll work out that knot, I promise."
Wwx stands up and shuffles next to where he's trapped. There's the sound of clothes rustling as he, presumably, redresses, then he bends down to tap lwj's leg.

"You awake down there?"

"Mn," lwj confirms. It seems like a stupid question, though.
How on earth could he fall asleep trapped under a bed, laying in a cold, sticky pool of his own spend and an aching back?

"Alright, I'm going to count to three, then I need you to wiggle backward as fast as you can, okay?"

Lwj nods, then says, "okay," when he remembers wwx cant
see him.

"Good. Here we go. One.. two... aaand /three/."

On three, wwx grunts loudly and the pressure on lwj's back eases just enough for him to scramble from under the bed, wincing at the strain on his back.

As soon as he's out, wwx drops the bed and leans back on his heels.

Lwj replays that last thought in his head. Wwx drops the bed -- which means wwx must have /lifted/ it first.

Something he claimed he was not capable of doing when he tried earlier.

"Phew! That was heavy. Look at that though, you're finally out!
"Wei Ying." Irritation coats every syllable. "Did you just lift the bed?"

"Hm?" Wwx's brows furrow. Then, realization strikes. "Oh, OH! I guess, haha, I guess I did, huh? Damn, that's crazy."

"It is," lwj bites out. "Considering you were incapable of doing so not long ago."
Wwx's eyes widen, but he quickly covers it with a borderline hysteric laugh.

"Yeah, it's a real miracle!" He (wisely) takes a step back, toward the door. "Hahaha, it must have been your hole, Lan Zhan! It's magic! Like spinach is for popey--"

"I'M SORRY!" Wwx's expression crumples into guilty desperation. "It's just, you were /right there/ and it was too good! I mean -- I was just obeying the laws of nature!"

Lwj growls and tries to stand, but a sharp pain in his back sends him straight back to the floor with a yelp
"Lan Zhan!" wwx crouches beside him. "Are you okay?Oh fuck, was I too rough? Should I call an ambulance? Shit, how would we even explain this?!"

"Wei Ying, I am fine," lwj carefully maneuvers himself to sitting. "No hospital needed. But this is /your fault/."
"I know," wwx whimpers. "I'm so sorry, Lan Zhan, I thought it would be fine, but I got carried away. Please, can I make it up to you?"

"Help me onto the bed and work the knot out, like you promised," lwj demands with a huff.
Wwx immediately scrambles to do as told. When they finally get to standing, lwj shoots him a glare.

"Then I want a divorce."

Wwx abruptly drops his arm and reels back, then quickly lunges forward to support him again when lwj almost falls over.

"A divor -- Lan Zhan!"
Lwj huffs and lifts his chin haughtily.

"You could have freed me, but you didn't. And now I am injured. All for some stupid porn-driven fantasy."

"You --!"

The protest dies on his lips when Lwj fixes him with his trademarked 'Try Me' Look.
"Fine," wwx caves. "You're right, I shouldve mentioned I could get you out."

"Mn," lwj agrees heartily. However, if he's honest with himself, that wouldn't have changed anything. He was just as into the idea as his husband.
And, aside from the pain, he's very happy with the outcome.

Not that he'll admit that to wwx. Not until he gets what wants, at least.

Wwx sighs and carefully lowers him onto the bed. Once he's laying down, wwx gently rolls him onto his front and reaches into their nightstand
for one of the wipes they keep for lazy clean-ups.

He doesn't speak again until lwj is mostly clean and doing his best impression of a puddle under those magic hands.

"A divorce is a little extreme for the circumstances, don't you think?"

Lwj makes a disapproving noise.
In revenge, wwx digs his thumb into an especially tight spot. Lwj groans into the pillow and resists the urge to whine. It's not long before his noises shift from pained to pleasured as yet another knot is loosened.

"There we go," wwx murmurs softly.
He eases the pressure and strokes his back soothingly.

Lwj melts a little further into the mattress.

"You know, when you file for divorce you have to explain your reasoning. How will you explain the to the court, soon-to-be ex-husband? Or should I say, /un-fiance/?"
"My husband is cruel, uncaring, and tortures me with made-up terms he /thinks/ are funny and random sexual whims."

Wwx barks a laugh and rests his head between lwj's shoulder blades.

"Oh my, your husband sounds like a terrible man!"

Soft lips press against his back in a gentle kiss. Warmth blooms from the spot, heading straight for his heart and lwj is unsure how much longer he can keep up this act.

"Ah," wwx sits up and returns to his task. "Funny, beautiful, and clever. Youll be the death of me, Lan Zhan"
"I suppose that will be your reason for divorce in the paperwork."

Wwx chuckles and begins working on another knot.

"Oh, you have this all wrong, er-gege. See, there will be no paperwork because I could never let you go."
Satisfaction curls in lwj's belly.


"Mhm. Being in such close proximately to your perfection may be killing me, but its a much nicer death than the one I'd suffer without you. So, how about we work out another solution?"

Lwj hides his smile in the pillow. "I'm listening"
"How about I order delivery from your favorite restaurant /and/ a slice of chocolate cake from the bakery down the street, instead?"

Lwj pretends to think about it.

"I do like chocolate..."

"Yes, you do." Lwj can hear the grin in his voice.
"I'll even hand-feed it to you while we watch that documentary you've been wanting to see."

That's it. Lwj can no longer pretend. Wwx has no interest in the topic the documentary covers, which means it'll be an ADHD nightmare for him, yet he sounds genuinely happy at
the prospect of watching it together.

"Lift," lwj demands. Instantly, wwx's weight disappears from his legs. Lwj flips over so wwx is straddling his lap instead and yanks his surprised, wonderful, lovely husband into a searing kiss.
"Mmmm," wwx moans into it, then pulls back like it physically pains him. "I'm not done with your back, Lan Zhan, don't go starting some -- mmph!"

Lwj pulls him back down to finish the kiss properly.

"Not starting something," he murmurs against wwx's lips. "...yet."
Wwx growls and nips at his bottom lip. "Death. of. me. Lan Zhan."

Lwj huffs and tugs him down until his head is resting in the crook of his shoulder.

"Not starting something," he repeats. "Just love you. So much."
Wwx melts against him. "Love you so much too, husband. Does that mean we have a deal? No divorce? Ever?"

"Mn," Lwj hugs him tighter. "Deal."
~ End ~

Oh man that was a wild ride! I had a lot of fun with this, but I was definitely half asleep when I wrote the majority of it lol! Still, I hope you all liked it!

Ty for reading!! ♥️♥️ I'll try to respond to the wonderful comments and qrts tomorrow!

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Oct 28
Lan Zhan is gone on a week long business trip and Wei Ying is… fine, actually.

There was a time when he would have moped and mourned dramatically.

A time when, w/o lz’s light, he would have let the shadows creep around him and drag him into their darkness.

But not this time.
This time, he has learned to keep some of that light - and some of his own - in his heart and in his mind.

This time, he knows how to keep the darkness at a safer distance - still hovering nearby, but no longer consuming him.
He knows how to reach out to other friends and family when he needs to. How to stop isolating himself and stay connected to reality.

He knows how to miss Lan Zhan without falling apart. How to anticipate his return without desperately needing it.
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Oct 21
I don't have time to write it, but I can't stop thinking about streamers Lwj and Wwx who both have a cooking show, but only one can actually cook.

Wwx's process is as disastrous as the end result, while lwj is elegant and makes amazing food.

Naturally, they do a collab video.
It goes about as well as any of their fans could have expected. Wwx is a mess, both literally and metaphorically. lwj's fans finally get to see his stony exterior break when wwx 'mistakes' cayenne pepper for cinnamon and promptly dumps it into the frosting for the cupcakes.
At the end, the camera zooms into lwj's awed, horrified expression as he stares at the somehow over /and/ underbaked vanilla cupcakes with frosting that's an ominous, bright red despite not having a single drop of food coloring in it.
Read 21 tweets
Aug 26
Uni student Lwj has poor eyesight and needs his glasses to properly see.

One day, in a rush, he collides with another student and his glasses fall off. The student helps him up and finds his glasses, but runs off before lwj can see him.

In that short time, lwj falls in love.
It should have been impossible, but he was hopelessly charmed by the person's rambling as they scrambled to pick up the fallen items. They even diligently checked on lwj's glasses, which had thankfully fallen in the grass and not on the concrete for damage before giving them back
And if that wasn't already enough for lwj's heart, then the jolt of electricity he felt when they gently placed the glasses in his hands would have sealed the deal. Lwj hate's being touched by strangers, but, oddly, that small brush of skin left him craving for more.
Read 47 tweets
Aug 18

Secretary Wei Wuxian's boss, CEO Lan Wangji, is a total ass. So he doesn't feel even the slightest bit of guilt when he loses a bet to nhs and has to shove a remote-controlled vibrating plug up his ass and wear it at work for at least half a day.
Nhs is left in charge of the remote and he has already proved himself to be a merciless overlord. Wwx spent the entirety of his 7 fucking am bus ride to work in alternating states of pleasure, humiliation, and general misery as nhs explored the full range of the plugs settings.
And honestly, he kind of loves it. It's never really been a fantasy of his before, but now he can't help but imagine what it would be like it if it were a lover in charge of the remote rather than his impish best friend.
Read 160 tweets
Jul 30
Florist Wei Wuxian opens a shop next door to a tattoo and piercing parlor owned by Lan Wangji

When they meet wwx takes in lwjs multiple facial piercings, the stunning sleeve of baby blue clouds wrapping around bulging muscles, gorgeous eyes and suddenly decides he needs a tattoo
A tattoo from lwj specifically. He's grateful he had been considering getting one for some time now as he stumbles through an explanation of a floral pattern he wants along his collar bone.
He's certain he sounds like a total idiot, but lwj seems to understand what he's asking for. He adds him to the schedule, collects the deposit and gives him the general information.
Read 166 tweets
Jul 20
Despite the ads on p*rnhub's promises, Wei Wuxian is having extreme difficulty finding hot dilfs in his area online. All the profiles are either bots or scam accounts.

So, he naturally decides to design a shirt that says "Searching for hot DILF" and take a walk around town.
Lwj, who has taken his nephew to the playground at the park so his brother can have some much-needed alone time with his husband, spots wwx walking by and immediately thinks: Opprotunity™️.
The most beautiful man in the world passes by wearing a shameless ad for dilfs when lwj happens to have a child in his position? It's obviously fate, and who is lwj to argue with the mysterious whims of the universe?
Read 22 tweets

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