Braverman didn’t make a ‘mistake’, she deliberately tried to circumvent security rules by emailing a market sensitive document to her private email before then trying to send it on to Sir John Hayes for advice. We only know bc she sent it to the wrong person who reported her.
Who is Sir John Hayes MP, & why does Braverman - by her own admission - pass everything she does by him first?
Hayes is one of the most extremely ‘socially conservative’ Tory politicians in Britain. He is, for eg, ‘RESOLUTELY OPPOSED TO ABORTION, IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES.’
Sir John Hayes MP, who Suella Braverman says is one of her closest allies & who she passes everything she does by, in advance, even when it means breaking the ministerial code, seems obsessed with trying to remove abortion rights from women.
Sir John Hayes is in favour of bringing back capital punishment, ie. Death Penalty.
‘"I say capital punishment should be a sentence available to the courts but the death penalty should not be mandatory - that's always been my position."’
Sir John Hayes, who potentially has been receiving documents via personal email from Suella Braverman for some time before she was caught doing it bc she cc’d the latest one to the wrong person, chairs the Common Sense Group of Tory MPs. Look who’s in it!…
The Common Sense Group is the heart of the ridiculous ‘War on Woke’. They formed in 2020 as a new iteration of ERG, hoping to push the social conservative envelope further & further to the very hard right. They, of course, have a manifesto outlining their ‘post-liberal’ agenda.
Hayes: ‘“What is required is nothing less than a complete reconfiguration of the relationship between the individual, society, the economy & the state.” Winning the culture war “is vital to such a national rebirth” (a phrase often used by 20thC Fascists).’…
‘Alexander Stafford insists that their agenda “will require both Government action and courage”, most immediately: to undermine the 2010 Equality Act, repeal hate speech laws, and break up the BBC. They want to “end the need for impartiality” in news reporting.’
‘Now that Brexit is “done” it looks increasingly unlikely to deliver promised material rewards. W/o being able to deliver economically, a culture war becomes not merely a defence of values that these MPs cherish; it is also all that’s left of a strategy to retain Red Wall seats.’
‘All the contributors to Common Sense are intent on perpetuating the divisions that saw them into power. Continued momentum depends upon the creation of a new enemy – a spectre as contemptible as that of the EU conjured up before the 2016 EU referendum.’
‘“Once the Brexit transition period is over”, writes Stafford, the Conservative Party will be at a crossroads. We must double down on the social conservatism that voters in our constituencies expect of us. We must avoid losing our way”.’
‘The new spectre is the “woke”. Tory hyper-nationalists made a start in sketching it out in the immediate aftermath of the BLM protests last summer, opening two main fronts: against the practice and teaching of history and BLM.’
FYI: @Sathnam - this lot are right up your street!
For some reason, the Common Sense Group’s website, where they hosted their manifesto, isn’t working right now. Does anyone have a copy of their manifesto? I’d be curious to read it; I suspect it provides a blueprint for how Home Sec Braverman will operate.
So, I hope we’re all reassured now about Braverman’s ‘mistake’. She was simply getting her hard right wing political godfather, who wants to strip British women of ALL their abortion rights, to approve / check her immigration policy before it was released.…
Here's a good thread on Common Sense Group (CSG) by @hughster. Note that Sir John Hayes & his protege Braverman are on the record perpetuating the anti-semitic 'cultural marxist' trope that dates back to Nazis in 1930s. They also rail against 'globalists'.
Anti-abortion, anti-immigrant, anti-semitic, anti-transgender, anti-history, anti-human rights, anti-protest, anti-welfare, anti-BBC, anti-equality, proudly xenophobic. This is the faction who our Home Secretary is a puppet for, & she's not alone in the Tory Party. It's horrific.
'It was 9 years ago that a similarly punchy book by newly elected members — Britannia Unchained — made the names of some of today’s leading Tory politicians. Four of the work’s co-authors — Patel, Raab, Truss & Kwarteng — now sit around the cabinet table'.…
Braverman RAN AWAY!!! She scarpered & left Cabinet Office Minister to answer on her behalf. Now trotting out same old rubbish. How’s that for democratic values for you? He says she made “an error of judgement”. It was NOT an error of judgement, it was far more sinister than that.
,@YvetteCooperMP now ripping Tories apart. Asking if @SuellaBraverman has ever made such security breaches before, & if there’s been any investigation into her past behaviour. Did the CabSec warn against her appointment? What security clearance does she have?
Blistering stuff.
Cooper rightly makes it a question of national security & asks a series of very pertinent question. Oddly, the Cabinet Office minister has now retreated from ‘error of judgement’ back to ‘mistake’, which is subtly different. The latter suggests she didn’t know what she was doing.
Which is it, a “mistake” (that Braverman originally & falsely claimed she made at 4am when she was ‘tired’, one involving deliberately routing a doc via her personal email), or an “error of judgement”? Important distinction. This vagueness won’t hold, not wrt national security.
Cabinet Office Minister struggling to answer these Qs. You can tell he knows that these are valid & important questions around her behaviour wrt security clearance, & that they simply can’t be batted away without being properly addressed. This is @RishiSunak’s ‘integrity’, is it?
,@Meg_HillierMP powerfully & correctly states that @SuellaBraverman’s behaviour can’t be explained away as just a minor mistake & is on a far greater scale than the Tories are acknowledging. The Tories are making this worse for themselves. This will roll & roll now, & it should.
“I think we should leave it there,” says Jeremy Quin. I bet he does. But we shouldn’t. How are we supposed to be reassured that Braverman sending a secret document to one of the most extreme MPs in the House is just some passing, minor error. Complete hogwash. A major scandal now
What was in that document that Braverman deliberately tried to secretly & surreptitiously send to Sir John Hayes? If it had anything to do with immigration numbers, it almost certainly would have been market sensitive, & as such would have allowed Hayes to exploit it to make £££.
Appropriately, the next qs in the House is about progress on India Free Trade Deal, the one that Braverman scuppered under Truss with her rant against giving Indian students visas. An immigration policy security breach is a major market sensitive matter!
What's next, Braverman leaks whatever she knows about the Autumn Budget to one of her headbanger backbench pals a day in advance of the Chancellor's (now delayed) statement on November 17th? We know these Tories are mired in corruption, & this smells fishy
Right now, in a Britain plagued by Brexit & its associated reduction in immigrant workforce, there are few more market sensitive matters than what level of immigration the govt is willing to embrace. Low immigration = low growth: it's as simple as that. This stuff moves markets!
He said he'd give her the job, keeping it is surely her own business? I reckon they'll happily see her go if an investigation digs up more dirt on her emailing & security protocols. She's definitely vulnerable & in play now, hence her running away from Qs.
Ah, it wasn’t just the email then? This is kind of nuts. Might as well have a call round to check if your mates would be happy with a certain set of lottery numbers or not. She’s completely off-piste. I can’t believe she stays if this is what she’s been up to.
And this, for those that didn’t read it a few days back, is the actual way that the email breach was discovered, NOT by Braverman fessing up, at least not before it had already been reported to the Chief Whip.
So if, as @JamesCleverly said this morning on @BBCr4today, he's not sure what happened with @SuellaBraverman's breach of security, then clearly there needs to be a comprehensive investigation to establish the full facts once & for all?
And it certainly shouldn't go without serious sanction when a group of 50+ extremist Tory MPs, closely connected to the Home Secretary, use the anti-semitic 'globalist' term. But that's where we are in the shape of the Common Sense Group & Sir John Hayes.
As has been clear since Braverman failed to stick around to answer the urgent question after PMQs today, this matter is far more serious than the Tories would like us to think. By trying to duck it @SuellaBraverman had only made it worse. Did @RishiSunak ignore advice of CabSec?
Strong letter from @johnmcdonnellMP. This demands proper investigation. We can’t accept living in a country where extremist politicians intent on spreading anti-Semitic, xenophobic hate are able to break national security rules without proper accountability. That way lies hell.
‘Henry Hill, news editor at Conservative Home, said that groups had formed bc “whereas w Thatcher or Cameron you had a coherent ‘-ism’, with Johnson you don’t really have one of those. There are just whole areas of policy where Johnsonism isn’t a thing.”’…
‘Some backbenchers on the left of the party are concerned about a new factionalism. One who is aligned with the One Nation Group of soft-right Conservatives said they feared the emergence of multiple “parties within a party”.’
“I’m wary of some of these endeavours, given the grief they wrought on the party last year. But it should be said that you don’t have to be a headbanger to think that the sphere of influence in No 10 is too small”.
Truss’s Tory Party Chair Jake Berry, who Sunak sacked yesterday, carries out a potentially lethal targeted drone strike 🚀on Suella Braverman.
"From my own knowledge, there were multiple breaches of the ministerial code."
So much for party unity then!
“As I understand it, the evidence was put to her & she accepted it, rather than the other way round.”
Puts the lie to Braverman’s claims that she took the initiative & raised the matter first. Rather, she messed up, got caught, was forced to admit what she’d done & got sacked.
So, basically, Jake Berry just confirmed what I wrote this morning (below). Glad we’re getting that much cleared up before the day is out. Now, how much more is yet to come out? Berry says the document related to “cyber security”: I wonder what precisely? Why send to John Hayes?
Braverman will have to resign, sooner or later. Qs is whether she clings on & forces Sunak to have to face awkward Qs over whether he ignored /overruled CabSec Simon Case’s concerns about her loose lips & flouting of security protocols. Sunak’s reputation is also being damaged.
Agree. She’s going down. She’s only got herself to blame too. What the hell did she think she was doing? The sheer stupidity & arrogance of it. But then that’s how Hard Right headbangers roll, isn’t it. It’s all, “I can do whatever I want, the laws don’t apply to me.” Going down.
I wonder if Penny Mordaunt has been courting Jake Berry? I imagine she thinks that she has a claim on Home Secretary role should Braverman be forced to step down. Wouldn’t put it past them to coordinate an attack like this. It’s a brazen, brutal political assassination attempt.
There may be a reasonable reason for Mordaunt sacking off her responsibilities in the House. Or she's plotting with Jake Berry & others to try & get her mitts on the Home Secretary job, that she so obvs covets. Mordaunt is transparently on manoeuvres.
'There are also qs over the version of events Braverman gave to officials – claiming not to have had her govt phone on her bc she was taking part in a police op. Sources said the timestamp on the email showed it was sent several hours after the police raid…
The whole point of Simon Case seems to be to NOT investigate things that need investigating. Dreadful reputational damage for the @UKCivilService & utter disaster for Britain's international reputation, with real costs in terms of market confidence in UK.
I see that Tories backing #SuellaBraverman have got their genius minds together & decided that their counter-attack nativist talking point is to be, 'Her critics don't want her to control our borders', which, seeing as she claims to be unable to control her emailing, is a joke.
Here's today's report on how effectively #SuellaBraverman is 'controlling our borders'. A shocking, inhumane & dangerous mess & yet vampires like John Redwood MP still want to whip up xenophobia & nativist sentiments. Fucking disgusting. We NEED migrants.
'The Express, closest to that faction, reveals that in the last hours battling with Boris Johnson, Sunak was so needy for rightwing support that he called Braverman no fewer than six times begging for her backing and that of the wing she represents.'…
'The more she promises impossibly few asylum-seekers and refugees, the more glaring are Home Office failures, processing virtually none of the rising numbers, with the shameful squalor of their living conditions revealed by a chief inspector who said he was left “speechless”.'
This cynical heart of the matter. Distract & Rule.
'Culture wars whipped up by Braverman and her allies will hide the new austerity. Sunak will stand by as they let rip... He hopes their foghorns on statues, colonialism, museums and immigration will drown out everything else.'
'[Braverman +Badenoch] are favourites of the Tory party’s new GB News-wing.
'Sunak is sympathetic to this agenda.
Sunak hopes to compensate for the painful fiscal conservatism that the markets demand with a clear & effective strategy on the culture wars'…
This is Sunak's cynical, desperate Johnsonist play: trigger the libs, get outriders to upset people to try to distract us from austerity, inflation, rising interest rates/mortgages/rents/energy prices. Remember this when they start up with their 'foghorns'
Precisely. Especially after she ran away from @YvetteCooperMP’s Urgent Question. Opposition parties shouldn’t let up on this. The Tories are trying to style it out, let the air out of it, but a cool, clinical approach to pulling it apart will, I feel sure, reveal much more dirt.
@RhonddaBryant says that “very senior” ex-Ministers & sitting Ministers told him today that @SuellaBraverman “has to go bc they believe that she’s a risk to national security”.
“You can’t be free & easy with the national security. You just can’t have that in a Home Secretary.”
Earlier, in this now epic thread, I suggested that if Braverman was leaking info on immigration policy, it would, owing to the severe labour shortages Britain faces post-Brexit, be hugely market sensitive & involve mega-bucks. And lo & behold…£14billion!
I can’t bring myself to retweet these people so I’m just going to screen grab the posts for info value. (I already feel a bit sick having shared that video in the previous tweet, but needs must.)
Look at the figures involved: Braverman’s extremism is costing Britain £BILLIONS!!!
Very curious to see what Braverman stories /investigations the Sunday papers are working on right now. I bet there are quite a few, & I bet they reveal all sorts of dirty business. She was completely off-piste as Attorney General too under Johnson. There’ll be shit loads of dirt.
Imagine: a Home Secretary willing to betray National Security & break the Official Secrets Act in order to try to torpedo the PM’s work visa policy bc that Home Sec is part of an extremist Tory faction intent on keeping even the immigrants we need for their skills out of Britain.
Good to see broadsheets now starting to pick up on the significance of the leaked emails being sent to Sir John ‘End All Abortion & Bring Back Hanging’ Hayes. This story could do with setting out Hayes’s regressive views in more detail mind you but hey ho.…
[To add to the tweet before last - UK desperately needs the skills of all its immigrants. Anyone willing to work & contribute should be welcome here, & in my eyes they are. Eventually, we will realise that again, & the cycle will reverse. Only we’ll be a poorer country by then.]
‘This leaves Govt with a HomeSec that can’t be allowed out in public. Leaky Sue avoided answering an urgent Qs on Weds. & she avoided answering another on conditions inside Manston asylum facility. AKA an overcrowded concentration camp, ridden w disease.’…
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With Badenoch as Women & Equalities Minister, & Suella 'Sir John Hayes is my Guru' Braverman @ Home Office, I hope British women are ready for the coming assault on their abortion rights. These 'social conservative' extremists see such rights as the enemy of the 'Trad Family'.
What many people urgently need to grasp is that for many on Conservative Party right-wing (& these days that's most of them), their anti-abortion, anti-trans, anti-refugee 'war on woke' stuff is all part of the same 'extremist social conservative' project.
It's in periods of rapid national decline that people's already limited attention moves away from the most vulnerable towards our own personal survival concerns. Such moments are extremely dangerous: bad things happen in hidden corners, esp. when you have ugly extremists in power
For example, this from the other week. This is an absolute horror show. We must demand accountability & responsibility from the @ukhomeoffice, @SuellaBraverman & @RishiSunak.
When the economy collapses, what's left of our moral fabric risks collapse too. We mustn't let these difficult inflationary times also lead to an expansion of our neglect & cruelty wrt to refugees.
1. An influx of Americans buying up big, fancy houses. Whole country is at a 20%+ discount due to forex rates bw $/£.
2. Sunak delaying budget from Oct28 to Nov17 is likely to push BoE to be >hawkish: probs 1% rise on Nov 3rd, not 0.75%.
3. Same Estate Agent thought there'd also be another 1% rise in December (!) bc BoE needs to get inflation down asap. Hopefully, shorter cycle that way.
4. Same guy expected these rapid rate rises will force some people to sell up as early as Q1 & Q2 2023. Gave an eg:
"If you're a 1st time buyer w a £300k interest only mortgage, you were paying £300 a month in spring '22. By Spring '23, BoE rates may be 4 or 5%. That's £1200 or £1500pcm. With rising living costs, that's impossible for some people, who will have to sell to avoid repossesion..."
You can see how inexperienced Sunak is. He totally didn’t know how to respond to Starmer bringing up that viral video of RS telling a group of Tories this summer that he had been levelling down. Sunak looks very hesitant & out of his depth. He’s a money-man, not a leader. #PMQs
Sunak completely ducks Ian Blackford’s call for the “sleazy deal” RS has done with Suella Braverman to reappoint & Home Sec to be reversed and Braverman to be sacked. Very notably, Sunak doesn’t say ANYTHING to support Braverman, just waffles about working with Scotland. #PMQs
What a country: vicious public attacks on the most marginalised groups in our society are deliberately being orchestrated by a group of (at least) 50 sitting Tory MPs. Even better: many of the ordinary people acting as their foot-soldiers probably don't even realise they're pawns
I note the way this orchestrated 'War on Progressive Values' works as a many-headed hydra, such that one group of soldiers (say, anti-immigration lobby) don't need to necessarily know they are working alongside another (say, transphobes). Reminds me of terrorist cells structure.
'We’ve got inflation just over 10%. At the same time, wage growth is running at about 5.5 /6%. So people are seeing their real incomes fall.
'It’s the deepest 2-year fall since modern records began in the early 1950s. So for households, it’s fairly grim.'…
This is a really interesting conversation with @DuncanWeldon. It's particularly of note that having looked at the raw numbers, he describes Brexit as "less like a revolt of the economically left behind, & more like a revolt of older, relatively prosperous voters."
"Your stereotypical Brexit voter if you were to watch the vox pop on British TV in 2017 / 18 was a man with a northern English accent in a working mens' club, but actually you were more likely to find a Brexit voter in a Southern English golf club."