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Oct 27, 2022 102 tweets 20 min read Read on X
Today I offer you a #krtsk #kurotsuki mafia au idea.

Tw: sexual assault (mentioned, not in any sort of detail or between krtsk, but it is to a main character so proceed with caution) and mafia typical violence/blood/gore.

Tsukishima is a full time college student who is a
Part time stripper. College is expensive and since he was so graciously disowned when he came out to his parents, he needed a quick way to make some money. The club he works at is a bit of a ways away from his home and his college, but that’s how he likes it. Less chance for a
Crossover between customers and his personal life. The place he works at offers extra services if you have enough money, but tsukki made it clear that was not an option for him. Not that he had anything against his coworkers who offered it, it just wasn’t for him. The manager
Was okay with it, he considered one of his top priorities looking after his employees. The owner of the place did not share the same sentiment. Normally tsukki was able to ignore the inappropriate comments, walk away when the owner tried to touch who he didn’t have permission
To touch, but the manager was on a two week vacation. He had just gotten married, went on a fancy honeymoon. The normal bartender was handling most of his duties but the owner who usually only visited the club once a month(owner lived in Tokyo, why come all the way to sendai
When he could go anywhere back home), but he decided to check in extra these two weeks. Tsukki had already almost walked out twice this week when the owner attempted to berate him for not taking /extra/ clients, and copped a feel right after like he didn’t just threaten to
Replace him if he didn’t stop being so frigid. The only thing that stopped him from quitting was the bills he knew were coming out soon, and his coworkers calming him down. One more week until the manager was back to be a buffer, he could manage. It was a particularly rough
Night, the owner was in a nasty mood, yelling at anyone he saw. He already made one of tsukki’s coworkers cry, and the bartender was trying to ply his attitude by feeding him drinks at double strength. They didn’t know what kind of drunk he was though, and he cornered tsukki in
The back room after the rest of the employees left, overpowering him. On one hand, tsukki was glad everyone had left because as he scrubbed himself down in the shower at home later that night, he swore he would make the owner pay, and he didn’t need any witnesses to tie it back
To tsukki. When the manager came back, the owner went back to Tokyo, or so they all assumed. No one at the club noticed anything was wrong for a few weeks, when the manager was concerned that he couldn’t get in contact with him. His concern wasn’t shared by the rest of the
Employees, they all snickered and said good riddance to the creep as long as they got paid, until a few weeks after that. Tsukki was working, but not on the stage. He was walking around the customer section, available for private lap dances, when he walked in. Tsukki had never
Seen the man before, but he could tell he was someone important. If not from the two men who flanked him dressed in all black(body guards? In Sendai?), but from the clearly tailored, high end suit he was wearing. Tsukki hoped in his mind the man was a good tipper if wanted a
Dance, he looked like he could afford it but those types were often the stingiest. Then again, he glanced at the strangers face as he passed tsukki to head to a private room, he was attractive enough he almost wouldn’t mind being stiffed a good tip. /almost/, the atrocious birds
Nest hairstyle taking away some of the attraction. A few minutes later, one of the supposed body guards approached tsukki at the bar, asking if his boss could offer to buy some of his time. The man was almost taller than tsukki even though tsukki had his heels on, silvery hair
That tsukki was trying to decide if it was dyed or not. He shrugged, relayed his services and the base price for them when the man pulled out a stack from his pocket that looked to be ten times the amount of tsukki’s most expensive session. He raised his eyebrows, and reached
Behind the bar to grab the counterfeit pen to check it. The guard smiled, commented on how smart tsukki was, and told him that all the boss wanted was a 15 min dance to start, and some small talk. Tsukki was inclined to decline, something was fishy about the amount being
Offered, but the new semester started soon and he had new books to buy and this amount should cover it plus some. He nodded his agreement and slid the money to the manager(thank god he would trust this man with his life) and moved to follow the guard to the room. He slipped
Behind the curtain, eyes meeting the other man’s eyes. He was even more attractive up close. Tsukki hated to admit it but something about the bad boy persona got him going. The man was leaned back in his seat, legs spread slightly, lit cigarette dangling from his mouth.
‘You’re not supposed to smoke in here, local laws.’ He hoped the man wasn’t expecting a sweet pushover, he hated sucking up to customers and most of his regulars came to him because of his sharp tongue. The man barked out a surprised laugh, before putting out the cigarette
On the bottom of his (expensive) shoes.

‘My apologies, I’m a tourist.’ The man smirked like he knew a secret tsukki didn’t which lowered his attractiveness. He also spoke like no one had told him what to do in a while, and tsukki kind of wanted to push it. He had already
Gotten the money for the dance, and the no refunds signs were clearly plastered all over. He didn’t mind getting the bouncer to throw him out if he turned out to be an ass. Tsukki glanced over his shoulder where the tall guard was standing, eyes wide and bouncing between tsukki
And his supposed boss.

‘Is he watching? Is that your thing?’ He asked, cocking his head slightly. The guard choked on air, almost moving as if he was going to step between the two of them before the strangers laugh cut through the room again.

‘Oh, I like you. No, lev, leave.’
The guard nodded, sliding out to stand next to the other man who had came in with them. Tsukki moved to the side of the room to set the music to something he could dance to.

‘So mr tourist, is that how much they charge for a lap dance where you’re from? If so, where is that
So I can move there.’ He steps closer, beginning his dance. He tries to not let the smoldering eyes of the man distract him.

‘Nah, but it’s how much you should charge. You are exquisite,’ he drawls the last sentence.

‘Smooth talker,’ tsukki chuckles, bending over in front of
Him, showing off his long legs and how nice the heels make his ass look. ‘He said small talk to, like what? You want me to talk about the weather?’ Tsukki feels the strangers eyes devouring him, he’s never been so affected by a dance before. He stands back up, slowly, before
Moving to straddle him.

‘Weather report: it’s rainy and shitty.’

‘Yeah? What’s the forecast for the next 7 days?’ The man says, amused but clearly just as affected as tsukki is.

He hums before rattling off what his phone app stated this morning.

‘Perfect. What’s a smart,
Pretty thing like you doing working here?’

‘It was my dream job as a kid.’ Tsukki deadpans, startling another laugh out of the man.

‘There are probably better places you could’ve pursued that dream.’ The man replies.

‘What are you, my career advisor?’ He rolls his hips
Forward, hoping the stranger doesn’t comment on or notice his semi. He hasn’t popped a boner doing a dance in a long time, but something about the warmth from the man below him, and the smell of his cologne was ruining his streak.

‘Not a career advisor baby, just curious. Humor
Me. I heard the owner of this place is a real sleazeball.’

Tsukki flinches before he can stop himself, and tries to play it off.

‘Hm. He signs my checks, so I can’t complain. Besides we don’t see him much.’ He keeps his voice aloof, and hopes the stranger doesn’t feel the
Shift in the room, the chill taking over the once heated area. It was like someone doused tsukki with a bucket of ice water, but he tried to keep moving as if he wasn’t beginning to regret coming in here.

‘Hm right, with him living in good old Tokyo. You see, he owes me some
Money so really, feel free to bash him all you want.’ The stranger is smirking again, but this time it’s razor sharp. There’s an almost feline glint to his face that makes tsukki glad that the next part of his dance involves facing away from him. He spins slowly, sliding until
His upper body was angled to the floor, leaving his barely covered ass on display. He’s surprised that the man hasn’t moved his hands to touch any part of him, all the contact between them is initiated by tsukki. Normally, and this part, the person he’s dancing for has to be
Strictly reminded that this is a hands free experience. Tsukki contemplates his next words before being unable to stop himself, still overcome by an urge to push every button until the man below him cracks his nonchalant tone.

‘Seems weird, if he owes you money, to come to his
Establishment and overpay his workers. You think he doesn’t take a cut of our earnings?’

‘Well now, I was just planning on coming in and talking to the manager directly, cut out the middle man, but then I saw you and couldn’t resist. But don’t worry your cute little head, I’ll
Be sure no one takes a penny of what I give you.’ Tsukki’s moved so his back is centimeters away from being pressed into the strangers chest, and he frowns as he looks over his shoulder.

‘I’m not sure the owner would be happy with that,’ he states slowly, cautiously.

That’s the least of his worries when I find him. Running a business out of our prefecture without telling me? Punishable but not unforgivable. Skipping town without paying me off in full? Inexcusable.’ There’s a sharp jolt through tsukki’s stomach as he starts to connect the
Dots. Tokyo, money owed, and he’s starting to see the hint of a tattoo peeking out from the strangers collar. He would bet that giant wad of cash waiting for him that this man was involved with the yakuza, meaning the owner of the club had to have ties too. Shit. He glances at
The clock on the wall, he only has to keep his cool for a few more minutes.

‘I hope you’re able to recoup your losses. Our time is almost up, did you want to go back to the much preferred conversation about how unseasonably wet it is outside or did you have more questions
I don’t have an answer to?’ (God Kei is this keeping your cool?? He screams in his head). Luckily, the man only laughs, low, almost intimate compared to the hyena like cackle from earlier.

‘One more question, but I think you can answer it. What’s your name?’

‘Oh wouldn’t you
Know? I actually forgot.’ He flashes a fake smile, back to straddling the man while facing him, running his hands up and down his torso to highlight the length of it.

‘If I don’t know your name, how can I tell your manager who gets full claim to the money you left with the

‘You can just say the blonde one, the tall one, the legs, the bitch. They all know those are me.’ He shrugs. The stranger leans in dangerously close to whisper the next line into tsukki’s ear.

‘I’ll slit the throat of the next man who calls you a bitch.’

Can’t stop the shiver, eyes widening. He’s so taken aback from what the man says he almost blurts his real name out, before correcting himself to his stage name.


‘Fitting. I’ll call you moonshine. You can call me kuroo. Or tetsurou if you want me to take you home.’
Tsukki feels his body go numb, realizing who exactly he is dealing with.

‘Sorry, I don’t offer those services. And it looks like our time is up, kuroo-san.’ He wills his body to move, standing slowly, reluctant to part even knowing who the stranger is.

‘No honorifics, please
Moonshine. Especially not after you’ve been so,’ he pauses to look tsukki up and down slowly. ‘Informative.’

Tsukki wills the heat pooling in his stomach to shut the fuck up, he cannot and will not be attracted to the fucking head of nekoma, especially not after what he did
To someone who owed-

His internal panic is cut off by one of the guards sliding in the curtains. He almost double takes and how short this man is compared to the other guard and just holds his tongue from saying something smart.

‘Boss, the manager is waiting in his office
With lev for you.’

‘Thanks, yakkun.’ He stands and moves towards the curtains before doing a dramatic twirl to face tsukki. ‘Oh! One more thing.’

‘Yes, Kuroo?’ Tsukki asks, ignoring the sharp snap of the guards head to look at him for committing what he’s sure is a big no no
By addressing him so informally. He knows he’s made the right choice on who to piss off when Kuroo’s face lights up.

‘Moonshine, if you hear from the owner or hear any whispers about where he may be, call me. This card has my direct line on it.’ He slips out a business card
Handing it to tsukki. He takes it carefully, trying to not touch Kuroo more than necessary. Once the man leaves, tsukki crumples to the floor trying to steady his breaths. His coworker slides in, sees him, and asks if he should get the bouncer.

‘No, no. He was fine, perfect
Gentleman, didn’t touch me.’

‘What’s wrong then?’

‘Oh you know, only that he’s the fucking head of nekoma.’ The coworker gasps, hand darting out to grab tsukki’s arm.

‘What did he want?’

‘Looking for the owner. He’s with the manager now. Cmon, we have to get back to work.
Act normal.’ He stands, willing his legs to not shake as he walks back out. He’s set to take over on the stage next, so he slips straight into the back room to change his outfit and swipe some more glitter on his face. He trades off with another coworker, managing to keep the
Panic at bay by losing himself in the familiarity of his routines. He notices kuroo walk back down the stairs that lead to where the managers office is, trailed by the body guards and his manager, who’s face is paler than normal but betrays nothing. The manager gestures to the
Bar, probably offering them a drink, but kuroo shakes his head. The manager bows, and the three yakuza head to the door. Kuroo glances over his shoulder, and their eyes meet. The sharp grin comes back, and tsukki isn’t sure if his stomach swoops from fear or arousal. He keeps
Going with his routine, twirling around the pole, as Kuroo’s stops heading towards the door and leans back to the wall. He hands are in his pockets and his eyes are glued to where tsukki is dancing. The shorter of the body guards follows his line of vision to see who Kuroo
Stopped to watch before scowling and turning to lecture kuroo. Kuroo waits until tsukki catches his eye again to blow a kiss, winking, and then leaving. Tsukki pretends to not noticed the alarmed looks his coworkers shoot him, sure that the news of who those men were has
Spread throughout the club. By the time his stage routine is done, it’s almost closing and he’s glad he’s scheduled off earlier tonight. His hopes are dashed when he gets back to the dressing rooms and his coworkers informs him they’re having a mandatory meeting for the whole
Staff at close. He groans and grabs a wipe to start scrubbing his face glitter free. His manager walks in with an envelope that tsukki knows is his share of tips for the night, frowning as he remembers the giant stack that Kuroo’s men had given him. Even split between all of
The workers, the envelope should have more than this. He goes to say something when the manager holds up his hand.

‘I have another envelope for you, I just wanted to wait until everyone leaves to give it to you. They’re already not going to be thrilled and the last thing I want
Is for someone to say something stupid. Kuroo-sama made it clear that his payment for your services were strictly for you.’ Tsukki nods, internally mourning his sleep at knowing he’ll have to be the last one here again. He kills time writing a rough draft of his next paper on his
Phone, until they’re all piled in the dressing room waiting for the manager to speak. The whispers around the place have been nonstop. The manager stands, clearing his throat.

‘As some of you may have heard, we were visited today by kuroo-sama and his guests. For those of you
Who are not aware, kuroo-sama is the head of nekoma, a yakuza gang from Tokyo.’ He pauses as the room gasps, like they didn’t all already hear that tonight. ‘Now the reason for his visit is what the meeting is for. The owner is officially missing. It appears as though he was
In debt to nekoma, and kuroo-sama is looking to make up that debt from the club until the owner is found. He stated that anyone who was unwilling to work for a club owned by nekoma was advised to bow out now. If you choose to stay, you will not be a part of the gang but will be
Affiliated with them in some ways. He said you’ll be under his protection, but that cannot guarantee you immunity from repercussions from the affiliation. He did state that your pay structure will not change, tips will continue to be split unless it was an extra service offered.
His cut will come from the pay the boss was taking, along with a slight boost in prices for the drinks.’ The crowd was murmuring, trying to digest the news. Tsukki wasn’t surprised, but he wasn’t sure why the manager had felt the need to withhold his pay, what he was worried
About. Until the manager cleared his throat again to keep speaking.

‘He did also have two other demands. One is if any of you hear from the owner, it is to be reported to one of his subordinates. Anyone caught helping him will be treated accordingly. Two, moon’s tips are his
And his alone. He will also get a small portion of the shared tips, but unless it’s a group performance on the stage, anything he earns will not be shared.’ Surprisingly, that gets the biggest reaction from the group. A few gasps, a few glares, and tsukki feels his entire face
Start to burn. What the fuck.

‘Damn moon, you must’ve given some good head in that fifteen minutes,’ one of the newer strippers shouts, and some of his friends start to giggle along until the manager cuts in.

‘Enough! I do not know if you know how serious this situation is,
Or how dangerous these men can be but disrespect towards him, his subordinates, or his choices can and probably will be the last thing you do. He’s expecting an answer from everyone on if they choose to stay or not by the end of the week, now go home and consider your options.’
Tsukki continues sitting there, shocked that this man he’s only met once would single him out like that. He shakes off his friends concerns, waiting until the place clears out. The manager sighs, sitting down next to him once they’re alone.

‘Tsukki, I know he’s offered a lot
Of money but you don’t have to stay because of it. Quite frankly, I’m more concerned for you than anybody else.’

‘It’s an offer I can’t refuse. Maybe I can make enough I can not work at all my last year, just focus on getting my degree.’

‘Tsukki, I don’t know what else he
May ask of you. Sure he seems nice and understanding now but what if in a year you try to quit and it’s a different story?’

‘We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.’ He shrugs, taking the extra envelope of cash, shoving it inside his jacket and heading for his car. He waves
Goodbye to the bouncer, and holds in his panic until he makes it back to his shitty apartment. He ends up curled on his shower floor, hoping his plan works and he doesn’t find himself on Kuroo’s bad side.

Tsukki is shocked the next time he works to find out all of the employees
Besides a few of the strippers chose to stay, even with tsukki getting special treatment. Tsukki vows to himself that if he survives this, he’ll use some of the extra money to treat the coworkers who aren’t being shady to him. The only changes tsukki notices over the next few
Weeks is an increase in new customers he can only assume are nekoma members, and the tall silver haired man showing up to talk to the manager once a week to collect their portion. He catches tsukki on his way out once to ask if Kuroo’s wishes were being carried out regarding
Tsukkis pay, and once he was sure of that, he reminds tsukki(or moon as they know him) that he can call or message Kuroo’s number directly from the card he was given as long as he didn’t lose it. Tsukki knows exactly where the card is, pinned to the corner of his cork board one
Evening as tsukki listened to the news tell the story of a man who drowned washing ashore with his boat. He hid it behind a picture of him and his high school friends so he didn’t feel the urge to see if the number really went directly to kuroo as often.

He thinks about the
Card again as he is sitting in a cafe back at his college, cramming for finals. He took a week off work to focus and only had one more exam before he was free. He’s chewing absentmindedly on the end of his pencil as he flips through his vocab list. His study partner went to use
The restroom and get a refill, but he knew it was going to take him awhile with how crowded the cafe was. It’s as he’s reviewing the last card, the one he messes up every time, that he hears is.

‘Mooonshineee!’ The voice is unmistakable and tsukki’s heart is through the floor.
He turns slowly, horrified, to see Kuroo tetsurou waving from across the cafe. He’s so stunned that he doesn’t even have time to collect his wits and run before kuroo is suddenly in front of him. He’s dressed in another ridiculously expensive suit, very out of a place for an on
Campus cafe.

‘Kuroo,’ he manages to choke out. ‘I. What?’

‘God you’re a hard man to find. Not impossible though. Imagine my disappointment when I came to visit you and your manager said you were off this week.’ He slides into tsukki’s study partners empty seat. ‘Don’t worry,
Your manager didn’t tell me anything. I even pressed and he said he wasn’t in the business of providing personal information. If it was for anyone else I might’ve had to teach him a lesson, but I guess it’s good he doesn’t tell people about you.’

‘How’d you find me?’ His mind
Is reeling, half relieved to finally see kuroo again(traitor. This side of his brain is a traitor.) and half terrified at the implications behind the sudden visit.

‘I have my ways. Finding you on campus though, oof, that was hard.’

The study partner must have finished in the
Line because he’s walking over, frowning. Tsukki slams his books closed before turning to his classmate.

‘Sorry, emergency. I’d say rain check on studying but I don’t think they’ll be time. See you in class.’ Tsukki grabs his books and Kuroo’s arm to drag him out of the cafe.
‘Moonshine, so forward. Or should I call you Tsukishima? Nah, too long. Tsukki?’

‘What do you want kuroo? I don’t go back to work until next week, if you’re looking for a repeat of last time.’ He pulls kuroo into an alley once he deems them far enough away from the cafe,
Turning to face him.

‘Just wanted to share the news. It appears as though your owner was found washed up on shore.’

‘He’s not my owner,’ Tsukki snarls before he can stop himself. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down. ‘Okay. So he’s dead. You came all this way just to
Tell me he drowned?’

‘Well, I didn’t say he drowned.’ Tsukki falters for a second.

‘No, but you said washed ashore. It was implied.’ He doesn’t like the grin Kuroo’s wearing.

‘Sure, tsu-kki.’ He drags out tsukki’s name. ‘Now the official investigation is leaning towards
An accident, he was known to overdo it on his vices and not know his limits, but I feel like maybe their minds may change after an autopsy.’

‘Okay? And this concerns me how?’ He tries to keep up the act but he knows kuroo can probably see the tremble in his fingers. He says
A quick apology to his family and his friends inside his mind, sure he is going to leave this conversation the same way the clubs owner left their last conversation - dead.

‘See, I could sway the coroner to not include what I’m sure is some kind of sleeping pill, but what is
In it for me?’ Kuroo continues, like he didn’t hear tsukki’s last question. Tsukki tries a different tactic.

‘What’s in it for you if you don’t? You have the club now, that should make the money he owed you back and more. Why invite more scrutiny to avenge someone who was
Screwing you over?’

‘I know it’s hard to believe, but sometimes having someone who’s in debt is more beneficial than having the money back. He was a good dog when I needed some one to do some dirty work, now I’ll have to find a replacement.’ Kuroo sighs in exaggerated
Disappointment. Tsukki’s resolve is crumbling the longer this conversation goes on so he cuts to the chase.

‘What do you want from me, kuroo-san?’

‘Oh baby, don’t go back to the honorifics. I thought we were past that.’ Kuroo frowns, stepping closer. ‘I just want the truth.’
Tsukki let’s out a dry laugh.

‘The truth? What you want me to confess to killing one of your men? What so you can report me to the cops? Or take your own revenge?’ Tsukki knows his voice is trembling but he doesn’t allow himself to break eye contact.

‘Moonshine, I had my
Suspicions from that first night. I have a good eye for these things, comes with the business. I just wanna know why.’

‘Is that why you booked the dance?’

‘No, that was truly because you were gorgeous.’ Kuroo’s standing so close to tsukki now he’s not sure if his breathing
Is getting heavier from fear or the proximity. ‘I didn’t realize you might’ve been involved until I mentioned the owner. There was a second there, in your eyes. A flash of raw, unfiltered hatred. Now c’mon, why would an ambitious, smart, college going boy like you do something
So reckless?’

‘He touched what wasn’t his,’ Tsukki cracks, feeling the hot angry tears splashing down his face. ‘I don’t regret it. Even if you take your revenge or whatever you do to me, I’d do it again.’ His words come out harsh, only brought down by the sniffles as he tries
To stop the tears.

‘Baby, moonshine. I would never. He got what he had coming.’ Kuroo’s fingers pause before touching tsukki’s face, waiting for tsukki to give him permission to touch him. He answers by leaning in to press his cheek into Kuroo’s hand. ‘My only regret is I
Didn’t know you beforehand so I could’ve prevented it, or made his death more painful than you did.’ He pulls a compliant tsukki into his arms, cradling him between them as tsukki cries, letting out the repressed emotions.

‘What now?’ Tsukki asks as he calms back down some.
‘Will you tell someone it was me?’

‘No, I’ll handle it. The autopsy will say accidental and that will be it. And…’ he trails off, eyes searching tsukki’s face.

‘And what?’

‘Tsukishima Kei. Feel free to say no, but can I kiss you?’ Tsukki laughs wetly, before agreeing.
They share a kiss that is perhaps too sweet for the head of a powerful yakuza group and someone who just admitted to murder.

‘I like you, moonshine. I’d like to take you out on a date, after your exams of course.’

‘I don’t know if I’ll have time, I’ll be busy with work,’
Tsukki teases.

‘I’ll force them to give you a day off. With pay of course.’

‘Kuroo no! It’s already awkward enough being the only one who keeps his own money. Someone already joked about me blowing you when that was announced.’

‘Tell me who, I’ll make sure he doesn’t say
It again.’

The threat should not turn tsukki on, but he would be a liar to say it didn’t. He shoots another apology to his family and friends, for his poor choices this time and not his untimely death.

‘They already quit, and the manager took care of it anyways. If you want
To take me out again soon, I wouldn’t say no to some dessert. You did interrupt my study session at the cafe before I caved and bought something.’

Kuroo agrees, and they head to one of the high end bakeries tsukki had never been able to afford, buying what felt like half of the
Display case and bringing it back to Kuroo’s new part time apartment. Tsukki knows they need to discuss logistics, dangers, etc, but he’s content to spend the rest of the day snacking on sweets, lazily making out with Kuroo on his giant bed.


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Jul 9
#krtsk ft eventual tsukki nekoharem nsfw

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‘Hello?’ His voice only sounds a little familiar. Usually, the context he’s hearing it in involves more growling, more raspiness. His day to day voice only hints at the
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‘Sure is.’

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‘Tell me your bio is a joke.’

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‘Nope, I’m serious,’ he replies.

His bio was short and to the point. ‘Almost 19. Virgin. Not looking for a relationship, just someone to fuck me.’

‘Tsukishima. Do you know what kind of people you’re going to attract with that bio?’
Read 27 tweets
May 17, 2023
This but make it #krtsk where Kuroo is the blue and tsukki is the gray. And kuroo tries again, a year later, but at the exact time and tsukki texts him a place and a time for their first date.
OK this but a #krtsk #kurotsuki mini thread!!

Kenma shook his head as Kuroo paced back and forth in the room. ‘Panicking isn’t going to make the time pass any faster.’

‘Shh shush I didn’t ask for your judgement. He said try again in a year, I’m not missing my chance.’

People would’ve taken that to mean no.’

‘Kyanmaaa you don’t understand,’ Kuroo whined flopping down on the mattress next to Kenma. ‘He’s my soulmate he just doesn’t know it yet.’ Kuroo goes on a tangent, waxing poetic about the tall blonde he had been obsessing over for the
Read 53 tweets
May 16, 2023
#oitsukki #oitsk

When oikawa wakes up, the bed next to him is empty. He frowns, throwing an arm out to the indent left by the blonde as if it would bring him back. The sheets are still warm, so oikawa forces himself into a sitting position to look at the time on his phone. He
Squints, just making out the 3 am time stamp without his contacts or glasses, and he huffs. Where could Tsukki have gone? He sees tsukki’s pants over by the door to the room, so he most likely is somewhere in the house. He debates going back to sleep but his curiosity gets the
Better of him.

Curiosity is what led them here in the first place. He had always thought the middle blocker was cute, and seeing pictures and videos of him playing for the frogs proved that he went from cute to incredibly attractive, but they couldn’t compare to seeing him in
Read 14 tweets
May 15, 2023
#oitsk #oitsukki nsfw!!

Tsukki goes on a trip with the museum. It’s the frogs off season and they need someone to go to Argentina and meet with a department head there, and tsukki’s boss can’t make it so they ask him and of course he says yes?? The frogs are doing amazing
But he won’t play volleyball forever, he’s going to do all he can to further his career at the museum.

So he goes and the museum is amazing and the head of the department is close to his own age and despite his rusty hold on the language he learned years ago, they converse well
Together. The deal is all but signed, when the museum worker invites tsukki out for a night on the town. Normally he would decline, but over the course of the day the man had let it slip that his husband would be going, and after a tense moment when he realized what he
Read 50 tweets

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