- inability to walk tandem
- step length varies unpredictably
- turning may bring out a stagger
- acute alcohol intoxication
via: Matthewhr1
Hemiparetic (spastic hemiparesis) gait
“Involved leg spastic, circumduction, often with foot drop”
- pyramidal lesion
- sound by toe scraping, & wear of shoe at toe
- freq: stroke; arm flex, adduct, intern rotated; leg extend
via: onlinemedicalvideo
Hemiparetic (spastic hemiparesis) gait
“Involved leg spastic, circumduction, often with foot drop”
via: Dr. Rishikesh A. Bhakare
Scissoring gait
“Stiff legged, scissoring (wooden soldier)”
- congenital spastic diplegia and myelopathies
- narrow base
- steps are short and slow, feet seem to stick to the floor
- swaying without true loss of coordination
“an abnormal pattern of walking secondary to pain that ultimately causes a limp, whereby the stance phase is shortened relative to the swing phase”
via: Dr. Prodigious
Sensory ataxic gait
“Wide-based, steppage”
- post columns or peripheral nerves
- “spinal ataxia”
- pt is extremely dependent on visual input for coordination (# cerebellar ataxia)
- “steppage gait” heel first
- ‘Frankenstein’ gait
“Loss of descending pyramidal control of the reflex arc to suppress extensor withdrawal results in the upgoing toes in the plantar reflex known as Babinski's sign”