We have a pediatric illness soup, boiling over with school closures and overflowing hospitals in over a dozen states. Why are we allowing the large-scale pain and suffering of innocent children? They’re depending on us to save them. 🧵
Let’s support our U.S. and CA mask manufacturers— they’ve been there for us! Order now before the inevitable back-to-school fall and winter surges. Upgrade to a more protective elastomeric respirator like one of these:
- It is not a Readimask-approved use and is not NIOSH-approved for nose-only wear
- This use is a mitigation, not a guarantee (obviously the nose and mouth are connected, and the mouth is open for dental work)
- I have no connection to the company ⬇️
Fit test vid of dental mask hack courtesy of @ghhughes with 99% fit factor results 👍