Lisa Foreman APRN-C Profile picture
Dermatology NP. #CovidisAirborne. Fit Test/Portacount Enthusiast. 🔗= N95 Dental Mask Hack. Mastodon:
3 subscribers
Jan 8 12 tweets 2 min read
How to Avoid Infections by Shaping a Nosewire: Little Red Riding Hood Edition (hear me out)-- 🧵 A red velvet cape with a ribbon tied into a bow at the neck No matter what mask you wear, if it has a nosewire: the single most important thing you can do to maximize the protection of that mask is to properly shape the nosewire.
Dec 31, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
Coming soon to a mask bloc near you (and your home if you’re crafty): the dental mask! It’s designed by @DentalMasks, a Kanro-funded project to help protect ppl from infectious aerosols during dental work. 🧵

See alt text for info and disclaimer. A display of clear snorkel masks w blue straps, packages of valves, and a box containing a portable blower motor  Disclaimer: I have no connection/affiliation with this project other than friendship w the person/s working on it, familiarity w their work, and most of all a desire to help ppl avoid infections at the dentist.
Dental hygienist cleaning a child's teeth; child is  wearing a dental mask
The dental mask uses a snorkel, a portable blower fan, and P100 filters. It has been Portacount-tested to verify efficacy, and currently is undergoing final stages of optimization.

H/t @MariaMGillespie for pic, modeling prototype demo Dental mask w anti-glare film over eyepiece
Caucasian female wearing a dental mask while hygienist cleans teeth
Nov 15, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
You can’t find what you don’t look for…

@CIDRAP says “US hospitals saw declines in HC-associated infections last year”. This begs the question: which HAIs are being reported?

CDC: US hospitals saw declines in healthcare-associated infections last year… The types of infections referenced are tied to Medicare reimbursement. They include central line, urinary catheter and ventilator-associated infections, and MRSA and C diff infections, among other tracked measures.
Jul 19, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Two days ago, the CDC sent out this advisory to U.S. clinical labs. It contains instructions for conjunctival swab collection and other symptom-based swab types for suspected H5N1. Specimen collection graphic posted below--……
May 4, 2024 13 tweets 2 min read
💥 Fit-Test Fun: 3M Aura Smash-Up 💥

Inspired by the question below, I recently decided to test a worn-out Aura to see if it was still protecting me. The results were surprising! See alt text for disclaimers.

Pic of dirty, worn-out 3M Aura respirator  Disclaimer: I have no relationship to any mask companies. I pay out of pocket for all masks used for testing, or receive them from other testers. There was just one problem: I didn’t have a totally worn-out Aura. Luckily, after searching the car I found a questionably past-its-prime 3M 9210+ Aura used for recent eclipse travel. ⬇️
Aug 19, 2023 52 tweets 10 min read
📣 Can’t get Pax for Covid infxn? Or worried you won’t be able to? One-stop shop for info here. Bookmark and share!

Paxlovid: U.S. Resources— long 🧵
Bonus: Metformin info at the end-- Image Many providers are not aware of this updated guidance, but it is important info w issues of false negative RATs/PCRs and + test result delay of up to a week after symptom onset. FDA reference here: 🔽…
May 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Just did a “what is this rash” curbside consult for a friend. From pics and history, I’m 99.9% sure it’s multidermatomal shingles… in a 13 yr old. This type of shingles involves multiple adjacent dermatomes and is usually seen in patients who are immunocompromised. 🔽 This person is a 13-yr old w past history of varicella vaxx and no known recent illness/comorbids.

In my 20+ yrs of practice, it’s been uncommon to see shingles even in younger adults, much less pediatric zoster— and it should be even less common w history of varicella vaxx. 🔽
Oct 29, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
🚨 The Kids are not Alright! 🚨

We have a pediatric illness soup, boiling over with school closures and overflowing hospitals in over a dozen states. Why are we allowing the large-scale pain and suffering of innocent children? They’re depending on us to save them. 🧵 Maine—…
Aug 10, 2022 13 tweets 9 min read
Let’s support our U.S. and CA mask manufacturers— they’ve been there for us! Order now before the inevitable back-to-school fall and winter surges. Upgrade to a more protective elastomeric respirator like one of these:

⬇️ @flo_mask (adult and kids Flo)

@envomask (Envo)

@Prescientx1 (Nano and Breathe)

@TreborRx (Pro+) (Softseal 3D)

@DentecSafety (Comfort Air) (GVS Elipse)

@3M (Various, i.e. 7500 series)

Jul 10, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Re-upping this dental mask hack vid: adding comments, fit testing results, ordering and discount/coupon info below. Please RT— we all need 🦷 work! ⬇️ Comments on this hack:

- It is not a Readimask-approved use and is not NIOSH-approved for nose-only wear
- This use is a mitigation, not a guarantee (obviously the nose and mouth are connected, and the mouth is open for dental work)
- I have no connection to the company ⬇️