Debank - Look through the top wallets and see what chains most of the funds are on and which protocols these wallets use. You might find wallets that are early to trends.
Hot contracts - This free tool allows you to find the hottest contracts on 7 different EVM chains.
- Buy spot and long puts as its long volatility
- Buy spot short futures
- Remove lp and sell alts for eth to max ethpow.
- LP on ethpow 100% impermanent loss.
- Nfts might still have value on ethpow not 0
- Ethpow cryptopunnks original nft?
- Uniswap 1 might have value someone can buy uni and flip protocolfee switch on with governance vote
- move eth from l2 to layer 1
- remove nft sell orders before the merge
- lend eth on aave and borrow eth to get more ethpow (risky)