Today is Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Day as launched by MANKIND INITIATIVE. Although at Break the Silence UK we are limited to the support we can offer, we do have our publication "Break the Silence - a Support Guide for Male Victims of Domestic Abuse"
This is available from our publisher, amazon and Waterstones. Not only has this been useful for male victims but also to professionals and family members.
"I can highly recommend Lee's book! As a male domestic abuse survivor myself, I found it to be an extremely accurate and fascinating read. Reading each chapter saying to myself 'yep, she did that' and 'yes, she behaved like that' and 'my god I didn't even realise that was abuse!
I only wish this book had been published a couple of decades ago. Not only to support me, but to let my friends and family read it so they understood and would have been able to support me more."