🤿A person takes a deep breath of ambient air & free dives (e.g. holds her breath without a SCUBA tank) in the ocean. At a depth of 40m an arterial blood gas is drawn.
Compared to an ABG drawn at the surface, the divers PaO2 at 40m is:
The answer is INCREASED.
We know because people have free-dived with an arterial line: mean PaO2 at 40m was 197 mmHg (after 45s of breath holding!)
But why? Understanding requires a deep dive into the alveolar gas equation. A 🫁 pulm #physiology🧵. 2/
Before getting to the fun stuff, we should acknowledge that it’s *weird* for your PaO2 to increase while breath holding.
For comparison look how PaO2 DECREASES if you hold your breath on land: it plummets from 110 to 60 mmHg in just 35 seconds!
What makes diving different? 3/
To understand this case, we need to review the alveolar gas equation:
PAO2 = (FiO2 x (Patm - PH2O)) - PaCO2 / RQ
Basically, the partial pressure of O2 in the alveolus depends on the FiO2, the atmospheric pressure (Patm), & the content of CO2 in arterial blood (PaCO2).
Sidebar: This is actually a *simplification*. Fortunately the assumptions that allow us to simplify apply in every case we'd actually encounter in the ICU, so we never need to worry about the complex version... phew!😅
If we plug some values into the simplified alveolar gas equation, we can see what the normal partial pressure of O2 is in our alveoli.
(I'm assuming you're are at sea level with an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm = 1000 mbar = 760 mmHg)
We get a PAO2 of ~100 mmHg 6/
Be careful not to confuse:
- alveolar O2 pressure (PAO2) with
- arterial O2 pressure (PaO2)
PAO2 (I pronounce it "P big-A O2" to avoid confusion) is O2 is in the alveoli. We estimate it using the alveolar gas equation
PaO2 is O2 is in arterial blood. We measure on an ABG.
It's crucial to differentiate alveolar (PAO2) from arterial (PaO2) oxygen pressure because we like to compare those values to see how efficiently O2 is getting from alveolus into the blood!
Aa difference (some all it "Aa gradient") is just PAO2 - PaO2
(more later I promise) 8/
🤿 Now that we've mastered the alveolar gas equation, let's go back our diver, who held her breath & descended to 40m.
As we descend under water the barometric pressure increases by 1 atmosphere every 10m. What effect does this pressure have on the air in her lungs 🫁?
Imagine she takes a balloon; as she descends the🎈is gonna be compressed by the rising water pressure.
Boyle's law tells us that the volume of the balloon is inverse to the pressure.
P ∝ 1 / V
If the pressure increases 5 fold, the🎈 volume has to decrease by 5 fold also!
The same thing is going to happen to the divers lungs.
At the surface when she takes a breath she will be at total lung capacity (TLC) ≈ 6 liters
When she reaches a depth of 40m, her lungs will be at residual volume (RV) ≈ 1.2 liters
No wonder they call this "squeeze!"
What is going to happen to the partial pressure of oxygen in her alveoli (PAO2)?
Let's use our new friend the alveolar gas equation to find out:
Wow! Her PAO2 went up to 738 mmHg! With that much partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli it's going to drive a lot more O2 into her blood.
That's exactly what we saw in the art line study!
This phenomenon is called *hydrostatic induced hyperoxia*
But wait a second! If the PAO2 went up to >700 mmHg, why did the PaO2 *only* increase to ~ 200 mmHg.
Quick review of what we/ve learned: what is her Aa difference?
Free diving to 40m has massively increased her Aa difference! Why?
Exposing her lungs to 5 atm of pressure decreased her lung volume from ~6 liters at the surface to 1.2 liter at 40m, but it didn't *uniformly* shrink all her alveoli like the balloon. It caused some of her alveoli to collapse completely!
This is extreme atelectasis!
Atelectasis can cause blood to flow past the alveoli without participating in gas exchange, causing right to left SHUNT.
This might seem confusing because she isn't hypoxemic. But remember that despite 5x increase in her PAO2, her PaO2 only doubled. That's a lotta shunt!
🥤As an analogy, imagine a 2L bottle of your favorite carbonated beverage.
🫧 How do they get so much CO2 dissolved in there?
They apply 4 atmospheres of CO2 above the liquid. This forces more CO2 into solution. yum 😋
This is just like a higher PAO2 driving up PaO2! 18/
We should talk about what happens when she ascends to the surface, but maybe it's better to save that for a future pulm physiology tweetorial.
Bottom line: we learned
- to use the alveolar gas equation to calculate alveolar partial pressure of oxygen (PAO2)
- why comparing PAO2 & arterial oxygen (PaO2) with Aa difference can be useful
- some cool diving physiology like hydrostatic induced hyperoxia & lung squeeze
• • •
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Every year, there is a predictable spike in fatal car accidents, medical errors, & heart attacks.
It’s estimated that there are thousands of excess deaths, a 1% increase in energy consumption, & billions of dollars in lost GDP.
The cause? Daylight savings transitions.
Earth's axis of rotation and orbital axis are not precisely aligned. The 23.5 degree difference - 'axis tilt' - gives us our seasons and a noticeable difference in day length over the course of the year.
For millennia this seasonal variation was an accepted fact of life.
In 1895, George Hudson, a New Zealand entomologist, was annoyed that less afternoon light meant less time for bug collecting.
He realized that clocks could be adjusted seasonally to align with daylight.
Unlike other Trump moves, this is arguably GOOD news for researchers!
If the NIH budget is unchanged (a big if), this allocates more money to researchers; if you go from an indirect of 75% to 15% it means you can fund 3 grants instead of 2.
Between 1947 and 1965, indirect rates ranged from 8% to 25% of total direct costs. In 1965, Congress removed most caps. Since then indirects have steadily risen.
A lot of indirects go to thing like depreciation of facilities not paying salaries of support staff.
This accounting can be a little misleading.
If donors build a new $400m building, the institution can depreciate it & “lose” $20m/year over 20 years. Indirects pay this.
🚨Apparently all NIH Study Sections have been suspended indefinitely.
For those who don’t know, this means there won’t be any review of grants submitted to NIH
Depending on how long this goes on for, this could lead to an interruption in billions in research funding.
With a budget of ~$47.4B, the NIH is by far the biggest supporter of biomedical research worldwide.
Grants are reviewed periodically by committees of experts outside of the NIH.
When these study sections are cancelled, it prevents grants from being reviewed & funded.
Hopefully this interruption will be brief (days)
A longer interruption in study sections (months) will inevitably cause an interruption in grant funding. This means labs shutdown, researchers furloughed/fired, & clinical trials suspended. This will harm progress & patients!
#HurricaneHelene damaged the factory responsible for manufacturing over 60% of all IV fluids used in the US, leading to a major national shortage.
As clinicians what can we do to about the #IVFluidShortage and how can we prevent this crisis from happening again?
A thread 🧵 1/
There are many things we can do as clinicians to improve ICU care & reduce IVF use.
1️⃣Don't order Maintenance IV Fluid!
Almost no patient actually needs continuous IV fluids.
Most either need resuscitation (e.g. boluses) or can take fluid other ways (PO, feeding tube, TPN).
Frequently if someone is NPO overnight for a procedure, MIVF are ordered.
This is wrong for two reasons.
We are all NPO while asleep & don't need salt water infusions!
We should be letting people drink clears up to TWO HOURS before surgery, per ASA.
New favorite physiology paper: Central Venous Pressure in Space.
So much space & cardio physiology to unpack here including:
- effects of posture, 3g shuttle launch, & microgravity on CVP
- change in the relationship between filling pressure (CVP) & LV size
- Guyton curves! 1/
To measure CVP in space they needed two things:
📼 an instrument/recorder that could accurately measure pressure despite g-force, vibration, & changes in pressure. They built & tested one!
🧑🚀👩🚀👨🚀 an astronaut willing to fly into space with a central line! 3 volunteered! 2/
The night before launch they placed a 4Fr central line in the median cubital vein & advanced under fluoro.
🚀The astronauts wore the data recorder under their flight suit during launch.
🌍The collected data from launch up to 48 hrs in orbit. 3/