Some thoughts on #PandemicAmnesty: Amnesty, as @D_B_Harrison said in a comment, is a pardoning by an offended party (predominantly one in official authority) for an offense committed by another. It means someone did something wrong (typically criminal in nature) and the one 1/
authority pardons the guilty party. Forgiveness is similar in that it is giving of grace toward one who hurts or offends you. Instead of holding the offense against the person indefinitely, you graciously forgive the person, remembering the harm no more. However, in both 2/
matters, a charge of guilt is necessary. This means that someone did something wrong. The persons or authorities granting amnesty/forgiveness need to have an offense to show grace toward. If no offense occurred, no amnesty is needed. In the case of the @TheAtlantic article, 3/
the author, @ProfEmilyOster, claims that everyone is guilty of an offense and that we all need to forgive each other. She claims this is because we were all "in the dark" about COVID and we all said or did things wrong. Now, in one respect, there is truth that not all of us 4/
knew everything there was to know. But the issue is not one of knowledge but one of action. Those who opposed draconian COVID mandates did not advocate for forced masking, lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, or loss of jobs, travel, or societal privileges. One may try to argue that 5/
opposing such draconian measures could possibly have been ill-informed; however, objecting to action is not the same as demanding action. Those, like Ms. Oster, who took the side of pro-vaccine mandates, took or demanded action. And those actions impacted all of us. One may 6/
try to argue that opposing such measures was POSSIBLY harmful insomuch as it MAY have contributed to the spread of COVID; however, according to Ms. Oster, we were all in the dark at that time. Opposing mandates cannot be considered harm as everyone was “in the dark” and could 7/
not know if the measures were good or bad. According to the “in the dark” argument at least. Additionally, the claims that these measures would, unquestionably, limit the spread of COVID have never been proven to be true and, in some cases, have been shown to be arbitrary 8/
acts that had no measurable effect. So, again, those who opposed mandates committed no act that would need to be forgiven. Perhaps we may argue harsh comments were made (and that would be true to some extent), so, yes, forgiveness for words expressed in frustration would be 9/
appreciated. But, what of the actions of the pro-COVID measures side? Ms. Oster says they were in the dark when they advocated for these things. But, those measures lead to a great deal of loss, division, misery, and harm. Jobs lost, education slowed, economic fallout, 10/
families torn, and now, as we learn, possible medical harm to those who took an experimental mRNA treatment. Would it not seem prudent to now admit that supporting such measures, while “in the dark,” was, at best, unwise and’ at worst, destructive to society? 11/
Yes, forgiveness/amnesty can be extended but it must be extended to the side that caused offense and harm. It has become increasingly clear that those whose rhetoric and behavior demanded actions are the party of offense. Yet, they seem very reticent to admit or apologize for 12/
those actions. Rather, they choose to mischaracterize those in opposition. To claim they are somehow guilty of offenses that need amnesty. And the pro-mandate side now demands amnesty on their own part, something they are not entitled to require of others. One can seek 13/
forgiveness, but one cannot DEMAND it be given. Amnesty given by force is not amnesty at all.
One final thought: forgiveness does not mean the forgiven party is free from the consequences of their actions. I can forgive a man who assaults me but that does not keep him free 14/
from serving jail time for committing the crime. A just and legal criminal justice system will still hold him accountable. And a culture that seeks to maintain a free society for all must hold accountable those who abused their authority. If no consequences occur, then the 15/
abuse will continue, and the society is no longer free.
Those demanding amnesty today want not merely forgiveness, they want freedom from the consequences of their actions. They don’t want the culture at large to hold them accountable for the rhetoric, actions, and policies 16/
directly responsible for the harm inflicted. They want to hide behind being “in the dark” to excuse what they have done. We can never allow being “in the dark” to excuse behavior that willfully ostracizes, maligns, and divides a people. Such behavior must be brought into 17/
account. Such persons must be willing to receive the consequences they are due. And that really is the key about seeking forgiveness. If you harm another, while it is good to admit wrong and seek forgiveness, you must also be willing to suffer the consequences. If you are 18/
unwilling, then the last offense is greater than the first. Because, not only do did someone wrong, you want to force them to say it’s all OK, and somehow, it was their fault too. COVID manipulation hasn’t ended, it has just changed form. 19/
And that should bother us all the more. 20/End
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Here is the problem with French, Oster, and the others: they actively engaged in verbal attacks and rhetoric against people who opposed tyrannical mandates. And while Oster wants to claim victim status for being attacked for wanting schools reopened, she advocated for vaccine 1/
mandates that prevented people from working, traveling, shopping, etc. French regularly engaged in rhetoric that accused Christians of not loving their neighbors by doing the very things Oster now admits were not helpful at all. They want to hide behind “we were all in the 2/
dark, so you need to let bygones be bygones.” The truth is that Oster, French, and the others all supported and engaged in the actions that caused the very harm they want to now sweep under the rug. People lost families, friends, jobs, and livelihoods because of the rhetoric 3/
When I look at this uniform, I think back to one of the most critical lessons in leadership I have ever learned. I was nowhere near the best combat leader the Army Guard ever commissioned. If I could go back, there is A LOT I would change. But I learned this, that I was a 1/
success if my men were a success. This meant it was my job to make sure they could do their job. Making sure they got the training they needed. Standing up for them. Taking them to task if they failed. Serving them as their leader, not tyrannically demanding obeisance. Respect 2/
came with the position to an extent but it was fully earned by leading from the front, not screaming at them from the rear. As I said, I was not at all the best. I failed probably more than I succeeded. But I loved those men and I know they respected me. Today, I watch so much 4/
Seriously? #PandemicAmnesty? Some people got it right because the were “lucky”? There was misinformation on all sides? Let’s clear this up a bit. A lot of people, from the very beginning, noted that masking was never a good idea because we’ve 1/…
known the science from times past. We never had people mask up in cold and flu season because wearing masks DO NOT prevent wearers from getting sick. We know, from science, that the issue was always SYMPTOMATIC, not ASYMPTOMATIC, persons. Therefore, we knew, from science, if 2/
you feel sick, do not go out. People who were not sick should not be forced to be locked down. We knew from the science that people who had comorbidity factors were at higher risk of serious impact to health, including death. That people who were generally young and healthy 3/
Hello, everyone. You know it is said that there can too much of a good thing. In my case, that is certainly becoming true. I needed to take a break for a few days to give myself a minute to think. After the latest round of "dog-pile on Chris with elf jokes," I needed to step 1/
away. I know there is no one here that intends to be hurtful or mean, I know this is all meant in fun. But here's the thing, if your notifications were to melt down regularly, not because you posted something helpful or insightful, but because once again everyone wanted to 2/
make a joke at your expense, would you feel like anyone took you seriously? I know everyone here genuinely means it when they say I am liked or respected. But, somewhere along the way, it became fashionable to make me Twitter's court jester. More often than not, people will 3/
You know, it’s a funny thing, there are no end of progressives who complain that literature & art of old is “too white” or “too male.” But when they have the opportunity to make something new, something that reflects what they want, what do they do? Steal from the very things 1/
they hate. They take the stories they say are seriously problematic and then try to remake it in their image. Why? Because they don’t want to really make new art, new literature, new entertainment. That takes work. That takes dedication. That takes time. And they don’t want to 2/
spend time working on something great that makes people think, that challenges the heart and mind over time. They just want everyone to think exactly like they do right this minute. So they steal from what came before. They promise something great will come of it, but it’s 3/