#NathanCofnas has written a response to recent journalistic articles critical of his appointment as Leverhulme fellow in philosophy at Cambridge. I was tempted to line up the terms he is using to give the impression that his work can't have been debunked.
So, let's do that. 1/
A: terms he uses to describe his own work
B: terms for the work of his critics
A: He works in "philosophy of biology and ethics" and his paper in a "highly respected philosophy and psychology journal" calls for "free inquiry into all possible causes of race difference" in IQ.
B: In response to that story, a "small group of philosophers" had "a meltdown" which is "its own funny story."
I'll leave out the description of his encounters with the journalists at the two news outlets; it's not as relevant to the characterization of his & others' research.
A: That IQ "gaps exist is the starting point for the debate" in which his research is engaged; "a demonstrable fact not denied by any informed commentator." [I have a response here, but this thread is not about that.]
B: He says that "some unnamed 'various scientists' criticised" his work for "saying something politically unpopular" is the start of "a campaign to threaten my employment."
B: Some "debunkers appeal to morality" in their rejection of hereditarianism. Others says it's not a good scientific starting point and they, too, are "politically motivated." In other words, "scientists sometimes obfuscate for moral/political reasons."
But not hereditarians. :)
A: He does not take the easy route, he does not pretend “to believe the politically correct view.”
B, about others' work: "Have you heard of the 'replication crisis' in psychology?" Several discoveries "widely touted by liberal social scientists" have turned out "to be fake."
B, again about others' work: The explanations for the "race differences in intelligence" that allegedly no-one denies "have all been tested and shown to be inadequate." Racism "doesn’t explain why the same patterns of differences appear again & again across time & place."
A: He suffers from the "pain of (at least attempted) cancellation." But he is on the side of the truth that "cannot be cancelled" despite not being able to have "frank discussions" about the hereditarian hypothesis, which "hasn't been debunked."
B: Others, however, are "invested in the reigning political orthodoxy" and are fearful about "what might be discovered if we were to critically examine the issue."
A: #NathanCofnas, on the other hand, is ready to "confront some very awkward facts." He is a "philosopher of biology and ethicist" who takes his job seriously: "to help prepare us for that day, regardless of what uninformed journalists or protesters think."
Just noticed that I started numbering at the first tweet and then immediately abandoned that. Sorry!
What we can see in my analysis is the narrative that's woven by choice of words that characterize his own and others' work. It's a narrative about fearful, political, cancellation-happy sheep for researchers who get in the way of the relentless pursuit of truth on racial IQ.
It goes without saying, hereditarians like #NathanCofnas are committed to said pursuit of the truth which when it arrives he will have seen clearly (even without evidence of his own) because no political, moral, personal, or professional reasons are obfuscating his view. :)
Here's the response piece I'm analyzing in this thread.
1. Do your white supremacists things. Write blog posts, tweets, articles in which you take white supremacist positions. Attend white supremacist rallies. Take photos with Nazi symbols. Whatever it is you like to do.
2. Do it repeatedly, perhaps more openly in public & more veiled in professional life. Do it enough until your students and colleagues are alert to it and your university administration notices.
3. When an investigation is launched, immediately contact FIRE. Let them in on the public parts.
4. Provide FIRE with receipts that show you engaging in public political expression. Indicate how people have noticed you doing so & have sent career-threatening emails to your uni.
Pit of a puzzle to me how one can say faculty *must* work to make their institutions more equal and inclusive, and then dismiss a request to sketch out how faculty do this work they *must* do as "purity tests" that open some mysterious yet unsavoury doors.
It's a sharp statement. The ministry's letter is egregious enough for the uni president to comment on it directly and critically. He explains that the minister has not followed through by meeting with the uni's executive and has instead put the matter into the public domain.
I think Canadian uni presidents should comment more often & more openly on how they are engaging with education ministers. Beyond simply saying that's behind closed doors. We should know what the issues are on which they disagree with ministry, on which they assert uni interests.
Four years ago, before he published his first #Quillette piece, before he signed on as editor to that same online magazine, #ColinWright wrote an email to #JamesLindsay in which he laid out the set of simple and basic ideas that continue to drive his anti-trans activism. 1/
1. You can be an academic—held to the quality of his evidence, the knowledge of the existing literature, & the soundness of his arguments—or you can be a "free-thinking intellectual." (To the point that having lousy evidence & no demonstrable knowledge shows "free thinking.")
2. Let's blame everything on the "trans activists." Let's call everyone who disagrees with anti-trans talking points a "trans activist." "Trans activists" are bad, it goes without saying. Let's claim they are in "denial of gender or sex differences."
#Quillette published its house phrenologist's lament on having lived the last two years "in exile" from academia. The subheading is to cringe for: "Academia has become an intellectual prison, and many incarcerated professors are compelled to live a dual existence." Let's see. 1/
Bo Winegard says he was shocked and bewildered when he lost his job. He'd thought academia was a place "guided by evidence and argument instead of political ad hominem." I've read some of this papers. Rich in evidence and meticulous in argumentation isn't what I'd call them. 2/
He remembers his literature degree, reading French theorists, on the side discovering Robert Wright and Richard Dawkins, and turning to evolutionary psychology as a result. 3/
Ha ha ha, our muffin, #ColinWright not being entirely rational, is he. When Elon Musk copies his cartoon, "It's fine! It's fine! May I interest you in a mug, too, Elon, my mugs are the best mugs!" When Aaron copies his cartoon (albeit with enhancements): "You're insufferable."
Can't be that agreeing and disagreeing with someone on other matters and/or sheer level of internet clout could influence #ColinWright's judgement on someone's use of his stick figure cartoon, could it?
That would not be high decoupling if that were the case, now would it? 😂