1/6. Hi #RRISD1Family‼️ Since this👇BS just don’t quit, we’re gonna do a Family Law Paralegal 101 class today. I’m speaking in general terms here b/c I’m #NotALawyer. The term “Permanent Restraining Order” is a made-up title, which is why no code is cited.
2/6. A “Final Order of Protection” is a type of restraining order that's issued when family violence is FOUND to have occurred and is likely occur again in the future per Sect. 85.001 of the Texas Family Code.
3/6. Parties will often agree to a Final Order of Protection to avoid court. In which case you would see language like this 👇 making it clear that it constitutes an Order enforceable by the Penal Code due to a FINDING of family violence.🧐BUT... that's not what happened here.
4/6. An important part of any Final Order of Protection, by agreement or otherwise, is the Judge’s FINDING on which the Order is based. In a Final Order of Protection based on family violence, you would see language like this. BUT 🤔that's missing too...
5/6. Finally, the most important part are the WARNINGS per Sect 85.026 of the Texas Family Code. The warnings ALWAYS look like this 👇because they are REQUIRED, and they include all the things that you would happen if you violate the Order, etc. I'm not seeing those either? 🤨
6/6. So... what you ACTUALLY have if all these elements are missing is a plain old Agreed Order, based on a settlement between the parties & enforceable by civil contempt. That's all. An agreement with whatever title you want to give it. Not even a finding of anything. THE END!
1/9.👋 Howdy #RRISD1Family! Remember I said it's "mostly unknown" where the💵collected for Vanessa's fictitious👶 went? I'd bet you an anonymous $50 PAC donation it went to @TheLibertyDan's Upstart Strategies LLC & #JailhouseJill as @educationrrisd political expenditures in 06/22
2/9. Lets do a refresher first: #TerribleTwo Trustees aren't up for reelection until 2024 & they only need 2 more board seats occupied by their candidates to have a @roundrockisd voting majority. #RRISD1CrimeFamily already has the #HateSlate covered.
3/9. Trustees Weston & Bone know from experience that a PAC as dirty as One Family wasn't going to go over well with all #RRISD voters & an independent looking "grassroots" PAC is needed to promote a few of the same candidates.🥁... Enter yellow-shirt wearing Focus on Education.
1/7. 🌄 #RRISD1family! I'm gonna explain student outcome goals like y'all are 5 just to clarify what #RRISD1CrimeFamily's #HateSlate is *pretending* not to get in their FB 💩post claiming to care about EVERY student 👇.
(@RoundRockISD Educators - feel free to ✅️ my work. 😉)
2/7. When you're trying to make data-informed decisions to fix a problem you have to start with a baseline. See how the number steps up 2-4% every year? That's growth ON TOP OF the expectation of a full year's worth of academic progress. Otherwise the gap would stay = or widen.
3/7. It's a different set of students every year b/c another group of 3rd graders replaces the last. Between 2024 & 2025 the goal jumps up by 10% 👇. That's because 2025 is the 1st group of 3rd graders exclusively exposed to the "science of reading" from Kinder ➡️ 3rd grade.
2/8. This despite all investigations being closed by TCSO & @teainfo w/ no findings of wrongdoing. The only thing that remains is an opinion from an "independent investigator" who is known to be neither independent nor qualified as an investigator.
3/8. It is almost certain that @jeremywstory orchestrated this entire mess in #RRISD w/ help from bad actors across the state, including known xenophobes, high 💵 players from @TexasScorecard, & other PAC-funders looking to privatize #TxEd in the upcoming legislative session.
2/6. Let's dig into her claim a little, shall we? Mind you, I can only scratch the surface here because the final numbers aren't in yet. Meet Jim Moyer, Fairmont developer & primary donor of pro-Ed privatizer Conservative Action for Texas PAC. texastribune.org/2022/05/19/tex…
3/6. Here's some more fascinating info about this Hemphill billionaire who's suddenly so interested in a local school district over 250 miles away from him. 🤷♀️google.com/amp/s/www.12ne…
1/9. 👇 @antraasa is talking about former Deputy Commissioner of @teainfo, Dr. Jeff Cottrill. In 2021, it was pretty widely known in #TxEd circles that Cottrill wanted to exit the agency & was looking for a superintendent position in Central Texas. #RRISD1family
2/9. If his name looks familiar to @RoundRockISD folks, that's because around 9/2021 Trustee #DanielleWeston had started cc'ing/bcc'ing Deputy Commissioner Cottrill on numerous internal emails (including several protected from disclosure as @tuxedo_jack has previously chronicled)
3/9. In 10/2021 the #RRISD school board received notice from Cottrill that @teainfo was assigning a monitor to our district & attributing this decision to a complaint filed by @RoundRockISD's former staff attorney against former board member & president Chad Chadwell in 2019.
REMINDER: 👇 All this is still true! Dr. Ann Dixon's $20K+ "report" to the @RoundRockISD BoTs was based exclusively on unverified & unsworn nonsense from an att'y who's only ethical obligation outside a courtroom is to their client, not truth or transparency. #rrisd1family 1/
The most generous explanation for the conclusions in @teainfo investigator Dr. Dixon's ridiculously overpriced "report" is that she lacks any basic understanding of the Tex. Rules of Civil Procedure & was unqualified for the scope of work for which she was contracted. 2/
The 2nd most generous is that her understanding of the job was producing a report that would support reaching a separation agreement between @RoundRockISD & our newly hired Superintendent to bring peace to the district & simultaneously avoid a wrongful termination lawsuit. 3/