Mystic Crusader Profile picture
INDEPENDENT mom of 4 6th Gen Central Texans w/ various gifts/talents/abilities, concerned citizen of Round Rock ISD, Fam Law #IANAL, #AuDHD, Lifetime #GoChaps!
Nov 6, 2022 5 tweets 6 min read
1/5. No, #ChristieSlape (A/K/A #AryanBarbie). We tell #RRISD1family the #TRUTH. That if you and #LooneyLinda QAvila had your way, "biblical citizenship class" would replace human sexuality in all @RoundRockISD schools. 2/5. We tell them you're fully aligned with the #HateSlate & @DonZimmermanATX's policy proposals, including bringing the "World's Greatest Teacher" into every #RRISD classroom & you have refused to renounce his vile bigotry & hatred at every opportunity.

Nov 3, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
1/6. Hi #RRISD1Family‼️ Since this👇BS just don’t quit, we’re gonna do a Family Law Paralegal 101 class today. I’m speaking in general terms here b/c I’m #NotALawyer. The term “Permanent Restraining Order” is a made-up title, which is why no code is cited. Image 2/6. A “Final Order of Protection” is a type of restraining order that's issued when family violence is FOUND to have occurred and is likely occur again in the future per Sect. 85.001 of the Texas Family Code.
Nov 2, 2022 10 tweets 9 min read
1/9.👋 Howdy #RRISD1Family! Remember I said it's "mostly unknown" where the💵collected for Vanessa's fictitious👶 went? I'd bet you an anonymous $50 PAC donation it went to @TheLibertyDan's Upstart Strategies LLC & #JailhouseJill as @educationrrisd political expenditures in 06/22 2/9. Lets do a refresher first: #TerribleTwo Trustees aren't up for reelection until 2024 & they only need 2 more board seats occupied by their candidates to have a @roundrockisd voting majority. #RRISD1CrimeFamily already has the #HateSlate covered.
Oct 31, 2022 8 tweets 6 min read
1/7. 🌄 #RRISD1family! I'm gonna explain student outcome goals like y'all are 5 just to clarify what #RRISD1CrimeFamily's #HateSlate is *pretending* not to get in their FB 💩post claiming to care about EVERY student 👇.

(@RoundRockISD Educators - feel free to ✅️ my work. 😉) 2/7. When you're trying to make data-informed decisions to fix a problem you have to start with a baseline. See how the number steps up 2-4% every year? That's growth ON TOP OF the expectation of a full year's worth of academic progress. Otherwise the gap would stay = or widen.
Oct 30, 2022 8 tweets 8 min read
1/8. A video was posted on Facebook by #RRISD1CrimeFamily late yesterday continuing to defame @RoundRockISD's superintendent with the endorsement of @jeremywstory & full support of @DonZimmermanATX & his #HateSlate. #RRISD1family 2/8. This despite all investigations being closed by TCSO & @teainfo w/ no findings of wrongdoing. The only thing that remains is an opinion from an "independent investigator" who is known to be neither independent nor qualified as an investigator.
Oct 29, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
1/6. Current campaign treasurer of #RRISD1CrimeFamily Lisa Lusby claims that @DonZimmermanATX's #HateSlate doesn't know any billionaires, & the #HateSlate's association with an anti-#PubEd agenda seeking to destroy @RoundRockISD is just a fairy tale. 🤔 #RRISD1Family ImageImage 2/6. Let's dig into her claim a little, shall we? Mind you, I can only scratch the surface here because the final numbers aren't in yet. Meet Jim Moyer, Fairmont developer & primary donor of pro-Ed privatizer Conservative Action for Texas PAC.… Image
Oct 12, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
1/9. 👇 @antraasa is talking about former Deputy Commissioner of @teainfo, Dr. Jeff Cottrill. In 2021, it was pretty widely known in #TxEd circles that Cottrill wanted to exit the agency & was looking for a superintendent position in Central Texas. #RRISD1family 2/9. If his name looks familiar to @RoundRockISD folks, that's because around 9/2021 Trustee #DanielleWeston had started cc'ing/bcc'ing Deputy Commissioner Cottrill on numerous internal emails (including several protected from disclosure as @tuxedo_jack has previously chronicled)
Jun 10, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
REMINDER: 👇 All this is still true! Dr. Ann Dixon's $20K+ "report" to the @RoundRockISD BoTs was based exclusively on unverified & unsworn nonsense from an att'y who's only ethical obligation outside a courtroom is to their client, not truth or transparency. #rrisd1family 1/ The most generous explanation for the conclusions in @teainfo investigator Dr. Dixon's ridiculously overpriced "report" is that she lacks any basic understanding of the Tex. Rules of Civil Procedure & was unqualified for the scope of work for which she was contracted. 2/
Dec 11, 2021 49 tweets 9 min read
HAPPENING NOW: @RoundRockISD's BoT student outcomes workshop. Watch live here:…
#rrisd1family Coach Marsha is a badass at managing the room. Kudos to her bc it ain't an easy one... And in an an ultimate pot-meet-kettle moment, Danielle just lectured President Weir about using "rhetoric" for saying the goals should support % growth without breaking individual students.
Nov 19, 2020 66 tweets 15 min read
Anyone know whether the @RoundRockISD BoT meeting still starts at 5:30 p.m. or 7:00 p.m.? There appear to be conflicting notices on this. #rrisd1family The meeting has now started. The board members are saying the pledge. They will be taking public comments next. There's a strange echo on the feed that will make this meeting difficult to listen to virtually if it isn't corrected.
Jul 4, 2020 11 tweets 3 min read
1) Good teachers know where their students are & make adjustments based on accurate data points & benchmark tools. Nonetheless, Districts haven't accurately represented student knowledge or broken down data by student population, etc. #rrisd1family 2) This has exacerbated the extreme disparity in student outcomes by race, income & disability. Historically districts have been unwilling to address these issues. This is often worse in high performing districts where it's easier to mask disparities with overall high performance
Apr 16, 2020 47 tweets 28 min read
Watching the @RoundRockISD BoT meeting:…

US: "22 million people have filed unemployment in 4 weeks."
@roundrockisd: "If we don't raise property taxes now we will fall behind other districts who do."
Me: 🙄 "Let them eat cake."
#rrisd1family .@vessacory: "I'm concerned abt assumption that enrollment will increase by 500. My concern is that #COVID will cause students to leave"

✋My son is worth $25K in revenue in #SPED to @roundrockisd w/ basic allotment & if he doesn't get synchronous learning soon, I'm leaving.
Nov 14, 2019 8 tweets 6 min read
1/7 Since @roundrockisd started it's 2016 @roundrockcurriculum project, & #rrisdtech's push 4 widespread use of Google Classroom/Chromebooks in elementary schools, & @HoldsworthCentr leadership training began consuming significant amts of #rrisd1family teachers' PD time... 2/7 No improvements 2 literacy/numeracy in @roundrock is indicated & declined for vulnerable student populations (including #SPED). Yet @roundrockisd still uses skills focused read'g strategies, while schls w/ better resources & lower teacher turnover deliver target'd support.
Oct 24, 2019 29 tweets 14 min read
We're more concerned about your continued efforts to thwart the efforts of @roundrockisd citizens to gain access to public information, Sandra Carpenter, not the Board leadership's efforts to hold the District accountable. You aren't fooling anyone. #rrisd1family President Chadwell: "you've questioned our integrity. Why can't we vote against the administration & ask questions in an effort 2hld the District accountable?"
@roundrockisd Sandra Carpenter: "You can, as long as it isn't against best interest of the DISTRICT."