The state of denial Tegarus in diaspora are finding themselves in is the result of years of brain washing done by #TPLF
In the past 2 years, they hv been bombarded daily with a well crafted n designed propaganda to became themselves part of a design to amplify a narrative ...
... pointed to convince western countries, NGOs, human rights orgs n mass media to support the quest of Tplf itself to paint the #Ethiopian Govt, #Eritrean Govt, #Amhara State and others as the enemy of the people of #TigrayWillPrevail.
The Tigray "genocide" hashtag, being the..
... tool used even before the hostilities started in Nov 2020, has been the main vehicle to start propagating a consecutive amount of false news and information that went out to the public also with the help of paid actors, analysts, journos n historical Tplf friends to make..
All this would HV been avoided 2 years ago only if the US was going to fully back up a legally elected Govt of a sovereign nation and firmly denounce the actions of a renegade party that, by hijacking a State n it's people, went rogue using military means.
The results of your failed foreign policy (not the first time around), gave confidence to a group of people that lost power due to their shocking tenure as a govt in #Ethiopia for 30 years, to enact military action against the federal Govt. with Fed Gov resources
Your 30 years long friendship with #TPLF have created a monster, and you have been the major cause into their arrogance in thinking everything was allowed to them.
Hopefully, although late n after many unnecessary loss of lives, U realise that.
This must be taken as an example and advise to all other States within the federal system that no-one is allowed to use military means to settle any disagreement they might have with the federal government.
I strongly believe that all States should dismantle any militias and..
.. relinquish all military hardware to the Federal Govt, who by law is the only caretaker in regards to security n military forces within the country, so to guarantee the safety n protection of all people.