Real actions & real solutions are needed to keep global temp rise below 1.5C. The UNFCCC must focus on ensuring the deep and rapid reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases, not on ways to mask or compensate for continued emissions such as carbon markets & geoengineering.
None of the geoengineering technologies proposed will reduce emissions or address any of the root causes of climate change. Promoting carbon removals through geoengineering delays and distracts from the rapid reduction of emissions that the world needs.
The #UNFCCC must recognize & honour the precautionary decisions on geoengineering tech adopted at the Convention on Biological Diversity and the London Convention/London Protocol, & should not sanction activities that are being restricted & under the scrutiny of other UN fora.
No geoengineering techniques – including BECCS, direct air removal (DAC), enhanced rock weathering (EW), ocean alkalinization (OA) and ocean fertilization (OF) – should be approved to be registered as potential removals tech under Articles 6.4 and 6.8 of the Paris Agreement.
No marine geoengineering proposals should be considered under the Ocean and Climate dialogues.
Because of the multiple threats to food security, food sovereignty and to peasant and indigenous livelihoods, agricultural soil should not be integrated into carbon markets.