Thread: Earlier process of allotting Twitter #blueTick/verification was unequal, hierarchical, arbitrary & anti-democracy. This is not a private company’s affair alone. It affects our public discourse, opinion making process and the kind of governments we form. Read entire thread
The blue tick verification is/was a badge of honour Twitter gives to only some of the accounts, out of its several million users. Those lucky few and honoured accounts are known as verified accounts. (Let’s hope that @elonmusk will purge it)
We can call these blue tickers an exclusive club of Twitter users, who stand on a pedestal and oversee from their rarefied, verified lens large swathes of masses, ordinary teeming millions, who have to be shepherded with their wisdom and opinion.
It was such a sought-after thing on social media that Twitter India officials were often pestered for it. Former managing director of Twitter India operations, Manish Maheshwari, had to announce on his Twitter bio that “he has no power to give blue tick!”
Blue ticks are antithetical to internet equality: The promise of early internet was that it will democratise public conversation and give every user a level-playing field. Early users of Internet can recall those days.
Those were the days of AOL and geocities dot com sites, and I must admit that I observed with awe how almost anybody could have her or his own website or an account on a social media platform and say whatever she or he likes.
Journalist Ann Cooper wrote a paper in @CJR Columbia Journalism Review on how everyone was a journalist now and the question was not ‘who is a journalist, but who is doing journalism’. For Cooper, anyone with an internet connection could do journalism.
She saw that as ‘the tent getting bigger’. It is true that the tent has grown bigger over the years, but the promise of level-playing field has not been kept. Blue tick is one of the symptoms of that malice.
It is a travesty to the equality principle because Blue Tick changes the power dynamics in a conversation between a verified and a non-verified account.
Blue ticks are hierarchical: This badge was intended to create a hierarchy in the social media as only a chosen few have it and the majority don’t. It is exactly how knowledge of Sanskrit created a caste hierarchy centuries ago.
The stated purpose of blue tick badge is to verify the identity of the user. Going by that standard, it should be given to anyone who can prove her or his identity. But this was not how it worked. (@elonmusk is thankfully changing the old system.)
Twitter segregates the users into two categories: some are opinion-shapers, while others are followers. This is a model of two-step communication. It does not stop non-blue tick accounts from starting conversations, but it’s very difficult for them to get enough traction.
It was almost impossible for these non-verified users to generate a critical momentum that is required to get their hashtags figured in the trend list. For a trend to reach the top, it’s a prerequisite that it first surfaces in the list.
Blue ticks are arbitrary and discriminatory: @jack and @paraga run Twitter never disclosed the criteria for verifying an account. Since the process of giving blue ticks was opaque, it caused doubts in the minds of many users regarding its fairness. (Elon is making it transparent)
In 2017, Twitter announced that the verification process would be put on hold. But it has never really stopped verifying accounts. Since there was no set procedure for verification, social structures like caste, region and religion started playing a role, even involuntarily.
That is why SCs, STs, OBCs and even Muslims were demanding that their accounts should be verified.
Blue ticks were creating ghettos: As most of the verified accounts tend to follow or retweet only other verified accounts, a bubble is being created where only blue tick verified accounts shape the conversations while others just like and follow them!
Twitter gives an option to verified accounts to see notifications only from verified accounts. This creates an echo-chamber where these verified accounts hear only certain voices. (This must change.)
It creates a sort of ‘Davos effect’ – the snow-capped Alps where the rich and the powerful meet and network with each other once a year. Twitter too is merely reproducing the existing power and social domination structures.
Implications for democracy: Blue tick verification also has implications for a democracy like India because a lot of conversations are happening on social media and public opinion is also formed and shaped here. This is not a private company’s affair alone.
It affects our public discourse and the kind of governments we form. We must think hard about this. We are a late entrant to the ongoing worldwide debate on the role of social media in democracy.
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Thread: भारतीय सॉफ़्टवेयर प्रोफेशनल ट्विटर क्यों नहीं बना सकते? गूगल, टिक टॉक, अमेजॉन, मेटा, विंडोज़, ऑपरा, बिटक्वाइन कुछ भी नहीं। निजी क्षेत्रों तो कोई आरक्षण भी नहीं है। यानी कोई बहाना भी नहीं चलेगा। अमेरिका जाकर भी वे आविष्कारक क्यों नहीं बन पाए?
भारत को लोग आईटी सुपरपावर कहते हैं. इस नाते क्या हमें इस बात को लेकर चिंतित होना चाहिए कि भारत के सबसे ज्यादा डाउनलोड होने वाले 10 में से एक भी मोबाइल ऐप भारतीय नहीं है?
दरअसल भारत की नई खोज न कर पाने की समस्या 1947 से नहीं शुरू हुई है और न ही चीन इस मामले में कोई रेफरेंस प्वायंट है. भारत ने मानव जीवन को सरल और सहज बनाने वाला कोई भी आधुनिक आविष्कार नहीं किया है.
Thread: Indians can’t make anything like @Twitter or for that matter @amazon@Google or @Meta . India and Indian companies have no presence in the top technology innovations of the world. Read this thread.
That India is an IT superpower is a misnomer. India is ranked a lowly 46 among 64 countries in global IT business in terms of competitiveness. We are producing a large number of poorly paid IT professionals who are fluent in English, but this will not make India an IT powerhouse.
The mystery of not inventing or developing any public utility in India is not unique to the present era and so the inquiry has to transcend the matrix of a particular government or party. Indians have not invented anything worthwhile in the entire epoch of modern history.
सुब्रह्मण्यम स्वामी ने 83 साल उम्र में दिल्ली में सरकारी मकान के लिए जिस तरह प्रधानमंत्री व गृहमंत्री पर गंदे आरोप लगाए, मुक़दमेबाजी की, अपनी जान को खतरा बताया, उससे ये तो साबित हो गया कि ब्राह्मणों को पता है पुनर्जन्म या परलोक कुछ नहीं होता। सब सुख यहीं है। यहीं भोग करना है।
पुजारी आपसे कहते हैं कि भगवान से माँगो लेकिन खुद आपसे माँगते हैं।
वे जानते हैं कि भगवान वग़ैरह कुछ नहीं है। सब कुछ यहीं है।
उम्र के आख़िरी पड़ाव पर स्वामी के मकान बचाओ आंदोलन और उनके लालच ने हिंदू धर्म के पुनर्जन्मवाद को हमेशा के लिए झूठा साबित कर दिया। ~ आचार्य दिलीप मंडल
दिल्ली में अपना भी एक मकान है। पर सरकारी मकान भी चाहिए। जबकि रिटायर हैं। 83 साल के हैं। पीएम और गृहमंत्री पर ऐसे ऐसे आरोप लगाए बंदे ने।
“I am not your data, nor am I your vote bank,
I am not your project, or any exotic museum object,
I am not the soul waiting to be harvested,
Nor am I the lab where your theories are tested,” - Remembering late Abhay Xaxa,
“I am not your cannon fodder, or the invisible worker,
or your entertainment at India habitat center,
I am not your field, your crowd, your history,
your help, your guilt, medallions of your victory,”
“I refuse, reject, resist your labels,
your judgments, documents, definitions,
your models, leaders and patrons,
because they deny me my existence, my vision, my space,”
A Thread: छठ पर्व पुत्र प्राप्ति और बेटे की लंबी उम्र के लिए किया जाता है। हिंदू मान्यताओं के अनुसार यदि किसी के बेटा नहीं है तो उन्हें मोक्ष नहीं मिलेगा। वंश बेटे से ही चलता है और वारिस भी उसे ही माना जाता है। छठ व्रत करने से बेटा होता है और बेटे की उम्र लंबी होती है।
शास्त्रों में लिखा है कि ब्रह्मा की पुत्री माता छठी ने राजा प्रियव्रत और रानी मालिनी को दर्शन दिए। माता ने कहा कि, मैं लोगों को पुत्र सुख प्रदान करती हूं। यदि राजन तुम मेरी विधि विधान से पूजा करोगे तो मैं तुम्हें पुत्र रत्न प्राप्ति का वरदान दूंगी।…
विधि - अर्घ्य और पूजन के लिए पहुंची व्रती महिलाओं के डाला(सूप) में फल और प्रसाद करीने से सजाया गया था। केला, सेब, अनन्नास, नारियल, चावल के लड्डू, मूली, कंदमूल फल और फूल से सूप भरा था। भगवान सूर्य को अर्घ्य देने के बाद महिलाओं ने घाट पर ही पूजा की।…
हमारे घरों से गमछा, चावल और आलू ले जाने वाली दक्षिणाखोर जमात वाले भी अब ₹50 लाख इनाम देने की बात करने लगे! पुलिस को चाहिए कि इनको उल्टा लटकाकर पूछे कि इसके पास इतने रुपए आए कहाँ से। जान से मारने की धमकी का केस तो इस पर बनेगा ही।