Just arrived at the assembly Chambers for the Anchorage Assembly meeting of November 9! Exciting voter-relevant related issues on the docket today, should be fun! 🧵#ANCgov #ANCHgov
Everyone except for LaFrance is here in person, as she is on the phone. Constant is chairing today. #ANCgov
We have an extra participant today, however! #ANCgov
Onto the mayor's report. Bronson is at the Fairview rec center, so Trombley takes over. 2023 fur rondy collector pins have been revealed, purchases fund fur rondy. #ANCgov
Crystal Everly May, from Big Lake, designed the pin this year. The Mayor looks forward to it. The mayor also thanks Rivera for working with him last week, hopes to sit with all assembly members in his office. #ANCgov
The mayor announced this week the arts grant recipients. Remind me to make a separate thread about this one later, that's an extremely juicy one. #ANCgov
Constant does the chair's report. He offers condolence to the family and friends of former governor Bill Sheffield. Constant says the election was amazing, celebrating a tradition of going to the polls. Congratulates all of the candidates. Honors everyone who participated #ANCgov
He says Alaskans can be proud of the free and fair elections and peaceful transition of power. Next, the budget hearings continue tonight. Few things in our daily lives are not affected by the Muni budget. A work session will be held tomorrow at city hall at 11:55. #ANCgov
Finally, he reports that it's veteran's day this week and he thanks all of the veterans. Thanks Allard and Bronson by name. Tonight there will be an item recognizing veterans. #ANCgov
Onto committee reports. Sulte says AEDC had a great meeting this morning with business leaders to help improve Anchorage, it was well attended. Rivera says last week the audit committee reviewed the ACFR, they found all items in the review were correct. #ANCgov
He also says next week the housing and homelessness committee will meet in the assembly Chambers. Cross says the ACDA approved a project on the park strip, allied universal contracr was approved by the board, Anchoragites are encourages to decorate their houses with light #ANCgov
Zalatel says that there has been a meeting about the port and the Eklutna lake renovation. She also says an AMATS meeting will happen on the 17th, which will be an interesting meeting. #ANCgov
Dunbar says that tomorrow they will have a budget and finance committee worksession followed by a meeting tomorrow. Usually it happens on Friday, but due to veterans day it will be tomorrow. #ANCGOV
Volland says at the Health Policy Committee meeting they had representation from the assembly and admin to discuss suicide prevention and potentially integrating the MCT and another team. #ANCgov
Petersen says that the elections and ethics committee met, discussing items such as legalizing giving voters stamps to encourage voting. There was also a meeting on airport zoning, fee reductions, and heritage land bank. The legiatlative committee also met to discuss 2023.#ANCgov
Perez-Verdia finishes, says that the Anchorage Equity Committee met, discussing Crisis Now, which will be ongoing. Next meeting is November 17. Also, the Public Safety committee met, discussing body cams and APD and AFD's fleets. Next meeting is December 7th. #ANCgov
Constant says that historically we have had youth from our schools come up and introduce themselves, and today there are more of them than other public. They are invited up and introduce themselves. #ANCgov
Look at all of em! #ANCgov
Onto laid on the table items. Constant lists the titles, too long to quickly transcribe. #ANCgov
One of the items must be voted on to be added, Zalatel motions to lay it on the table, Petersen seconds. It's for a sole source contract with Denali FSP. Demboski says if we don't pass it tonight, we won't be able to continue to distribute ARPA funds until a later time. #ANCgov
Allard asks Demboski to repeat her justification. Demboski says it's time sensitive, we have 7 weeks to years end and multiple grantees are awaiting distro. If we don't have a contractor, we won't be able to continue. #ANCgov
Allard asks her to read line 37 out loud. Constant says that it's better to ask this question during discussion after laying on the table has been voted on. Voting to lay it on the table commences. LaFrance is excused for the evening. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Constant asks for a motion to incorporate the addendum and laid of the table items. No objections, passes unanimously. Constant says there are no appearance requests. Ron Alleva makes a stink, says he requests an appearance, is denied. He calls Constant a "fuck head." #ANCgov
Onto pulling items from the consent agenda. I'm gonna run to the bathroom, brb! #ANCgov
Consent agenda is passed, minus the pulled items. Onto the pulled items. We start with a resolution recognizing and celebrating November 15 as Anchorage Recycles Day. Moved by Zalatel, seconded by Petersen, passes unanimously. Zalatel reads, Volland presents. #ANCgov
I always wish I could get pictures that weren't just of people's backs but I don't want to be obnoxious and go up every time 🥲
Here's as much of the text as I could get. Excited about that new Central Transfer Station! #ANCgov
Kelly Tobe, from SWS, accepts. She says we have many exciting opportunities to recycle and compost coming forward and she looks forward to it. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution recognizing November 11 as Veterans Day and celebrating and honoring all veterans for their service to the country. Allard reads, Sulte presents. #ANCgov
Here's the rest of the document. #ANCgov
Allard gets pretty choked up while reading. Bob Doyle, Tom Burdin, Michael Scholl, Lois Scholl, and a Ms. Farley accept. Doyle thanks Allard for her leadership and support. Doyle says he can't think of a more supportive towards veterans community. #ANCgov
On Sunday there will be an event where veterans will honor each other by calling and checking in on each other. #ANCgov
Allard also recognizes Demboski, a Marine vet. Next, a resolution recognizing and celebrating November 2022 as Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month and November 27 as Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Day. Dunbar reads. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution recognizing November 20 as Transgender Day of Remembrance. Zalatel, Perez-Verdia, and Volland ask to be added to the resolution. Quinn-Davidson reads, Rivera presents. #ANCgov
Skyler Arin (sp?) Accepts. She organized this year's event. She says it is always a devastating event, every year the list of names gets longer. Says it would be even longer if many places recognized the identities of missing or murdered people in their areas. #ANCgov
She notes that many transgender and gender non-conforming people are forced into dangerous circumstances due to housing unavailability or discrimination. Says the day is not about the perpetrators. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution requesting the State of Alaska amend state statutes to allow persona to offer items if nominal value to encourage voters to vote such as postage stamps. Petersen moves to approve, Dunbar seconds. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says that there's already too much money in politics, so she can't support. If the Muni wanted to pay for it across the board, that's acceptable but not as it stands. Allard agrees. So does Cross, who notes he disagrees with mail in voting and won't promote it.
Discussion ends, Voting commences. Fails 4-7, Rivera, Constant, Dunbar, and Petersen support. #ANCgov
Next, this:

Zalatel gives her usual disclosure about working for ACEH. Leaves it to the chair to determine if there's a conflict. Constant rules no conflict. Volland moves to approve, Rivera seconds. #ANCgov
Volland says that while most of the body agrees that housing and shelter are necessary components, they are not the full picture in helping those experiencing homelessness. He says he hears daily about concerns about vandalism, trespass, theft, etc. #ANCgov
Recalls a particular community member who has taken it upon herself to remove graffiti. Others who are concerned about camps and litter. Business owners worried about safety. Says it's important to not attribute all of these issues to all residents at the Sullivan. #ANCgov
He says it happened at his own business recently, and the perpetrator was someone who needs help. We've started to process with the MCT, will further it with the Mobile Intervention Team. We need help from the State. #ANCgov
However, we do a disservice to ignore the valid concerns of neighborhoods and residents. We have to own all aspects of the choice to shelter people at the Sullivan. People have brought these before them many times, let's take it seriously. Isn't a demand, but a request. #ANCgov
Volland says he doesn't know where this will go overnight, but he wants to open it up. Wants to support Fairview. Zalatel thanks him for bringing it up, questions the vehicle. Budget worksession is tomorrow, why do a resolution instead of a budget amendment? #ANCgov
She asks him why he chose a resolution instead of an effective item? Volland says he puzzled over it. Has heard concern about using alcohol tax, maybe the ARPA funds? SENC maybe? If there was a quick turnaround to bid, maybe it could be done quickly? #ANCgov
He says he's open to the conversation. Zalatel says she still doesn't know why there's a resolution, instead of a funding item. It's determined he wants the admin to invite people to bid, see the bids, then assert a funding item. #ANCgov
Dunbar says he's a little frustrated because this wasn't done for East Anchorage and the park. Hopefully we're never there again. He says he's still not sure what this does, asking the admin to open for bids without funding source determined. Suggests using the ARPA funds.#ANCgov
He says we have them in hand and he believes we can go across fiscal years with them. Could approve December through the closure of the Sullivan. He says he isn't comfortable voting on it tonight. Wants the discussion, thinks we should postpone though. #ANCgov
Demboski passes to acting Muni attorney Christianson, who says their labor contract with APDA bars them from contracting security that would normally be done by APD. Demboski agrees, also says they did security at Centennial. Maybe do investment in community patrols? #ANCgov
Demboski says they've done grants before for community patrol. Also for graffiti, we have the Graffiti Busters program. Call 3434663 (I think) if you see Graffiti. #ANCgov
Rivera says he'd rather not postpone action on the item. He appreciates issues the admin has brought forward, but maybe rather than let that kill it, we could delay voting until we can address those items? The issues on the ground exist now, let's not delay solutions. #ANCgov
He says that some frustrations include figuring out how to get the ball rolling. Been sitting in email for weeks, no movement. He appreciates Volland trying to move it forward. Let's pass something today that puts forward the intent. #ANCgov
Allard says that, because of the comments on Centennial, she wants to give the admin kudos. They had bathrooms, showers, trash pickup. It looked like a campground. #ANCgov
Cross says when we try to do good we can unintentionally do harm. He says regardless of where this goes, he wants a worksession to figure out what to do about the unintended consequences when they try to help. Don't want to help some, frustrate / disenfranchise others. #ANCgov
Sulte says he isn't sure this is the right vehicle, but when we award a Shelter contract this should be part of it. When we do this in the future, we need to include extra security, trash pickup, etc. #ANCgov
Constant says the folks who live around the arena would appreciate if APD would station officers on the street. But they don't have the staff and they don't want to, they want to work on bigger issues. There's precedent, however, for negotiating for other security with APDA.
In conversation with the mayor's staff, Constant said we need a plan for helping the neighbors whenever this occurs. He sides with Rivera, let's table it and figure out the problems because it's a good intent. #ANCgov
Dunbar says the problem with passing tonight is the $500k number. Says the number could change, we don't know. It's a challenge to pass something without a real fund source but with a number attached. He asks, if passed, that it be scalable. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that, hearing there's interest in taking it offline to pass before the end of the meeting, she suggests looking at the remainder in the alcohol tax. Also, addressing the conflict with APDA. She can see a way forward, but it needs to be identified. #ANCgov
Allard says that when she reads there is an uptick in crime, Graffiti, etc. "They aren't homeless neighbors, these are crimes." She says now we're going to put another tax burden in the tax payers? It's super concerning to her. We need to have more of a conversation. #ANCgov
Volland says Henning is pretty limited in scope, though he talked with Trombley about expanding the scope. Crime is a concern. Public Safety issues are valid. He says they aren't all attributed to the unhoused population, we need to be careful about distinguishing the two.#ANCgov
He says the missing component is maybe the time between reports and response? He envisions maybe some sort of community patrol. But he worries, if it's citizens, Fairview already does so much work, do we expect them to add another burden? How can we support them? #ANCgov
With that, the queue is empty. Volland motions to postpone to the next meeting, November 22. Dunbar seconds. Voting on postponement commences. Passes. #ANCgov
Dunbar notes that the person who was to accept the resolution about the Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month, Nikki Graham, director of operations at ANHC is here. She approaches and accepts the resolution. #ANCgov
Constant rereads what he calls "an innovation in the piece," which states "this land has been and always will be an indigenous place."

Next, this:

Volland moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. Volland says that the federal government infrastructure funds are good news for Alaska. Includes nearly $70mil to fix the port, which will help increase food security for the future. #ANCgov
In addition, this resolution tackles another infrastructure issue. This should fix and mitigate issues in the Fairview Community caused by the transportation infrastructure. #ANCgov
The skinny sidewalks on federal highways that are often piled with show, interrupted by utility poles, etc are dangerous to navigate for wheelchair users, and others who may not have the luxury of vehicular travel. #ANCgov
Volland cries while reading, "the motto is not the neighborhood where people will not amount to anything." Sulte asks him to expand on what the program does, how it functions. #ANCgov
Volland says it's an innovative program under Buttigieg, which could help in a variety of ways. Potentially a road diet on Gambell, taking out a land and widening sidewalks, potentially turning Hyder into a Greenway... It would have to come from the community members. #ANCgov
He notes that other opportunities focus on motorized infrastructure, which ignore the majority of complaints which come from pedestrian traffic. Constant notes that building bridges, taking out roads, etc. It's about reconnecting neighborhoods. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that she finds this way of braiding two federal programs together innovative. Her community didn't have this opportunity because it didn't exist. She says the PEL program is still important, and will continue moving forward. But it could be improved. #ANCgov
She hopes this will be used not to go around or subvert, but to strengthen the PEL improvements. #ANCgov
Cross asks if she thinks a study like this will be useful and listened to by the DoT? She says yes, a lot of DoT programs look at community plans, so if there are concurrent projects it's likely to be considered. #ANCgov
Constant says we have a member of the project team here who is disagreeing with one of the "whereas" clauses. He reads the clause, which claims the state prioritizes through traffic over community input. He says this is the oldest story in his community. #ANCgov
The community begs for consideration, and yet the focus is on through traffic, and "we'll get to you someday." Says Fairview got jumped in line and Midtown got those improvements in 2019. Says the racist policies of the 1950s have never been undone. #ANCgov
He says there's no evidence that the DoT plans to do anything besides drive through Fairview. He urges the body to support the item. #ANCgov
Allard asks if Constant feels that Fairview is being discriminated against by DoT? He says the infrastructure which has been developed has had a racist impact that has never been undone. The history of the country shows highway projects have done so. #ANCgov
He says that he doesn't want to say the state and it's actors are being racist in their policies, but there's an effect that has been had. The community has made an effort, and yet the state is disagreeing with the communities assertion. #ANCgov
Constant brings up the degratory name of the Gambell Carrs, asks if Allard knows it? She says she doesn't go to Gambell. Quinn-Davidson says this has gone on as a conversation, wants to continue to discussion of the item. #ANCgov
Volland reads from the project proposal, discussing alternative mobility such as bikes. Says this comes from the community, and they don't feel heard. Says he seconds Zalatel's desire that this could enhance the process, but he hopes those involved would be reflective. #ANCgov
He says there's a disconnect, a feeling that needs are not being met. He then moves Amendment 1, seconded. It adds this Whereas clause. #ANCgov
Volland says this gets at what Allard asked about, the long history. Once de jure segregation became de facto segregation. Voting on the amendment commences. Passes 10-Allard....

Allard says she's super offended that anyone would think the DoT is racist, and she says so as a minority. She is a latina and she can't stand it. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that without being a part of the AMATS process one might not be familiar, but this is about addressing the structural racism inherent in policy, not the people involved in the process. It's long standing, and nationally recognized. #ANCgov
Rivera echoes Zalatel. Says a lot of the time when we talk about racism it's difficult because the gut response is to take it personal. But this is about the history of an inequitable system. Reads headlines about racism and highways/transit. #ANCgov
He says there's a history here and why shouldn't we try to right the ship. Cross says he understands, but also when you build a highway you look at affordability. Says we have to be careful when we call it racist, we could be called racist for placing a homeless shelter.. #ANCgov
Says we need to look in the mirror, pot calling the kettle black. Constant says that's our biggest challenge, to make sure we don't do that. We proceed to vote. Passes 10-Allard. #ANCgov
Zalatel moves to change the order of the day, passes unanimously. Next up, an assembly memorandum confirming Richard Sewell as Merrill Field Manager. Zalatel moves to approve, Allard seconds. #ANCgov
Allard asks Sewell if there's a AMAAC here. Sewell says members of the business community, as well as the chair of AMAAC may be here who'd like to comment. Stormy Fields, chair, approaches. She encourages passing the confirmation. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Sewell and his granddaughter approach. He thanks Bronson for his appointment and thanks everyone for the support. We move to the swearing in process. #ANCgov
Sewell is sworn in. Applause. Next up, a resolution concurring with the temporary delegation of the Muni Attorney position to Blair M Christensen. Zalatel moves an amendment, seconded. Here is the amendment. #ANCgov
Zalatel says this has nothing to do with the acting attorney, it's about being able to check in on how the job search is going. Volland says he believes Christensen is doing a great job, this is just to make sure we don't end up with a de facto situation. #ANCgov
Amendment passes 9-2, Allard and Sulte dissent. Voting in main motion commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, resolution concurring with the temporary delegation of the AHD Director to Kimberly Rash. Zalatel moves an amendment, does the same thing as last time, same justification. Volland makes similar comments, appreciates Rash's work. #ANCgov
Cross asks Christensen about the time period, what does the Charter say about time restraints and what not? He wants to make sure this is in line with charter. She says there are some exceptions. Discusses situations where indefinite action is allowed. It all seems ok. #ANCgov
Voting on the amendment commences, passes 9-2, same people. Main motion, voting commences, passes unanimously. Onto the dinner break. Be back soon. #ANCgov
The meeting is called back to order. Next item is a memorandum awarding the Mayor's Community Grant to the Salvation Army for the McKinnell House Program, $50,00. Zalatel moves to approve, Volland seconds. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she pulled this item to ask a couple questions about the grants. She asks if they are distributed in a lump sum? Yes. Do they have to be spent by end of year? Trombley says by the end of January 30. Is there a report that needs to be filed about what it was used for?
Demboski says that yes, they have 90 days from the end of the grant term to issue a report. Describes what that entails. #ANCgov
Zalatel asks if any of the funds are eligible for expenses incurred before the grant agreement? Demboski says the term of the agreement is from time of award to the end of the term. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she thinks it is important to look at a more streamlined way to award these grants. Says $50k is a lot to spend between now and end of January. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, Mayor's Community Grant to the Polynesian Association of Alaska for the Pacific Island Homelessness Education and Outreach Project, $150k. Zalatel moves to approve, Volland seconds. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she's under the impression that this project has already been executed? Demboski says no, it has not. Zalatel says that there's nothing in the procurement process that prohibits it. This is a lot of money to spend by end of year. But then she notes it's through Oct23
Turns out it has to be issued by the end of fiscal year, but the project doesn't have to be completed, according to Demboski. Zalatel would like to see a similar policy put in place for the alcohol tax fund as well. #ANCgov
Next, Mayor's Community Grant to Anchorage Project Access/Christian Health Associates, $50k. No discussion. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, memorandum, sole source contract for professional services between MoA and Denali FSP for prep and mgmt of all grant proposals for ARPA, $84,400.33. Zalatel moves to approve, Rivera seconds. #ANCgov
Allard asks about a section where it says the contract had been inadvertently cancelled. Demboski says it was an accident. Allard wants to know how that happened. Demboski says she isn't sure, but it was caught and we're fixing it. #ANCgov
Allard wants to know who cancelled it, why, and who got assigned it instead. Demboski says after the contractor engaged in the work, they found the work was more than expected and came back to negotiate. Then a second contract was established, however the amount was... #ANCgov
...an amount that was supposed to undergo assembly approval. Allard says, so we didn't get to approve it? You get to approve it now. #ANCgov
Demboski says the first contract was executed totally fine, assembly alerted. Then after renegotiation, a higher amount was awarded. Allard wants to know how much has been spent? 46k, 16k more than the original contract. Who cancelled the contract? The purchasing director.#ANCgov
Demboski says this was truly an error that occured, once discovered they brought it to the body for consideration. She wants it cleared up, so ARPA funds can be distributed by end of year. Her goal is to get us through 2022. In December she'll be back with a '23 full contract.
Allard asks if we can schedule a worksession, she wants to discuss. Constant says we can schedule one, but let's vote tonight so Ken can keep working. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Demboski asks for a motion of reconsideration. Petersen moves to immediately reconsider, urges no. Seconded. Voting, all nos. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution revising and reallocating ARPA 2021 funds. Zalatel moves to approve, Rivera seconds. Zalatel moves Constant amendment 1, seconded. Constant explains this amendment is on part of LaFrance. #ANCgov
He explains the funding previously would've gone to the planning department instead of Girdwood, Inc, as intended. However, it requires that the Muni process for plan updates and community council meetings is followed. #ANCgov
Voting commences, amendment passes unanimously. No discussion on main motion, voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Consent agenda is concluded. Next up, an information memorandum concerning the 36th Ave condemnation. Zalatel moves to postpone indefinitely, Rivera seconds. Says that it incorrectly calls it a condemnation, and says that it isn't in line with what has been learned. #ANCgov
Voting commences, indefinite postponement passes unanimously. Next, this:

Zalatel moves to approve. Cross seconds. Zalatel moves amendment 1, Petersen seconds. This amendment was brought by the Mayor, and explains where the money comes from. They were briefed at the utilities and oversight committee.

If passed tonight, we're slated for construction next summer. Constant explains that this project is the removal of the failed project North. He says this isn't where we should spend all of our time, but this is an agreement everyone concurs with. #ANCgov
Voting commences, amendment passes unanimously. Onto the main motion, no discussion, voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto continued public hearings. First up, this. Public hearing reopens. Perez-Verdia moves to continue public hearing to December 6. Rivera seconds. Perez-Verdia says they're working very hard to get this presentable. #ANCgov
Voting commences, passes unanimously. Will be back on December 6. Now onto public hearings. First up, the second public hearing on the budget. Public hearing opens. #ANCgov
Oleks, a carpenter in midtown, testifies. He wants to speak about snow removal. He lives on a residential street that was often unplowed last year. Next to that is chugach way, which was under plowed putting pedestrians at risk. He asks for enough money to be allocated for plows.
Quinn-Davidson says they have a meeting tomorrow for budget amendments, and she intends to put forward an amendment to fund more plowing. #ANCgov
A library foundation member asks for $125k to be allocated to the library's operating budget. Notes that a year ago the library eliminated their staffing director and the model is not sustainable. The library foundation had to add a position to counter that. #ANCgov
Excuse me, this is to add that amount of money to the library budget to be used as a grant. Zalatel says an amendment has been prepped for presentation tomorrow at the budget meeting to add that in. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says that she's hoping for a work session, there is potentially a structural change at play. If the amendment doesn't get passed, she will make sure that happens. Constant asks him to email those comments. #ANCgov
Ron Alleva testifies. He says he has heard a lot of truth and lies here. Talks about his property deal with the city. He talks about having been shafted by the legal department, where he was promised that his properties would be purchased but then it didn't happen. #ANCgov
He says nothing has changed except his conviction on the disinfectant. He says Constant said he should get the money, Rivera said it should never happen again. He's stuck in a lawsuit concerning cutting trees in his easement. He wants his money. #ANCgov
Allard says she's heard him many times over three years, he's persistent. What's his bottom line? Quarter of a million dollars. She asks him to deliver her all of his information. #ANCgov
Radika Krishna, downtown partnership, testifies. She speaks on the snow removal, events, and security that they provide. She asks for a contribution to help cover the costs of the clean and safe services ADP provides. The Muni hasn't contributed for the last decade. #ANCgov
*on city owned parcels. She says without more contributions they won't be able to continue to provide services, even at their current reduced levels. She says they're proud of the work they do, and want to continue. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson thanks her for being here. Says they got an email stating the same a few weeks ago. She looked into the funding history, and it was funded through Mayoral Community Grants, and this year they decided not to. Quinn-Davidson asks the admin why? #ANCgov
Constant says it's public testimony, not time for that. Volland congratulates her on her position, thanks her for the work. Zalatel asks her to put together an email with the numbers needed for services so they can consider it. #ANCgov
Yarrow Silvers testifies. Supports leaving the MCT in the FD. Wants to see the Muni move away from emergency spending on homelessness, prevention instead. Speaks on sidewalk clearing, says it looks better so far, but some icg streets haven't been sanded. Please support libraries.
Kathy Gleason, Turnagain community council. She says she assumes a line item on the operating budget will continue the federation of community councils, and she supports and thanks them for continuing to fund it. #ANCgov
Tiffany Hall, exec director at Recover Alaska, testifies by phone. She wants them to amend the grant process for bucket two of the alcohol tax fund to expand the definitions, which currently has to expand a line item for domestic abuse. #ANCgov
She also says in the past two years nothing has been spent on substance abuse treatment. She supports keeping the MCT in the AFD. She says they need a comprehensive plan for the alcohol tax plan overall. Some areas clearly need a plan, dedicate some revenue to creation. #ANCgov
She also wants to see more equity in the grants, including assistance for first time applicants. She also says it made sense to spend on homelessness, but we have to work on other areas rather than just spending on emergency response. #ANCgov
That public hearing closes. Next up, public testimony on capital improvement budget. Turnagain community council director speaks. She references the safe routes to school community, which put forward recommendations for two schools. They've advocated for 9 projects. #ANCgov
Some have been done, others not. She's advocating now for a change in the striping and resurfacing of a particular street (I missed which one). They believe it is time, redo this road. She also wants to acknowledge the inequities built into the transportation system. #ANCgov
She says Turnagain has been fortunate, and she recognizes that others will also be advocating for funding, but they still think this safety improvement is a low cost one. Quinn-Davidson says they'll be putting forward an amendment for $600k for projects like these. #ANCgov
Ron Alleva returns. He says no one is more familiar with Beans and Brother Francis than him. Says the area behind them is contaminated. There's a big clean up coming, now's the time to look at a redesign for the street. Says the NavCenter could be put there. #ANCgov
He also says that he would take a lie detector test about his intent about the chlorine fiasco. Says he had bad legal representation, and the media did him in. Zalatel does a point of order, we need to stay on the capital budget. #ANCgov
Alleva continues that he believes he is entitled to reparations. #ANCgov
Daniel Gleeson, Turnagain community council, testifies. Safe routes to schools spent many hours on the plan previously discussed. Says it would be a win win for forest park drive. Get kids safely to romig and west. #ANCgov
Mike Edgington testifies. Says in Girdwood they've been working on a project, which also would expand into the rest of Anchorage, concerning cemeteries. Allard says Eagle River isn't ready to bond, so they might want to section it off. #ANCgov
Kathy Gleeson returns. She also advocates for the safe routes to schools in Turnagain. She also wants to advocate for a couple other projects, including the west Anchorage snow disposal site. Conor's Bog has a relevant item, but I'm not totally following what that's about.#ANCgov
Also, they submitted a letter concerning the Fish Creek project. #ANCgov
Tony J Andrew, midtown, testifies. He says he stays near Campbell Creek Park. The street has no street lighting. He wants residential street lighting added. Shouts out Dunbar, Zalatel, and Rivera, who have communicated with him over email. Says it's a two block street. #ANCgov
Says there is homeless traffic and people sleeping in their cars on the street because it's dark. He also wants some no parking 11-6 signs up as deterrents to stop that. #ANCgov
Zalatel thanks him for the follow up. She says this is why it is so important to go to community council meetings. She says Dunbar has done some work with the city to see what is possible. They'll see what can be done, but she encourages him to remain participatory. #ANCgov
Dunbar thanks him for being involved. Tells him not to get discouraged, it may take a while, remain at it. Says he's been a great advocate so far. That closes public hearing on this item. #ANCgov
Next public testimony item. Ron Alleva opens. Says when the old Native Hospital was downtown, they had a nice trail system. Now, there's a bike path that is the most expensive in the city. Says they could connect it with the old trail system. #ANCgov
He also says at one point there was a condo proposal to bring millennials into the area and revitalize it. Says that renovations in that area could really revitalize the area. He says there are more assets to be enriched in the area. Would be a great stimulus. #ANCgov
Public hearing closes. Next up, this:

Public hearing opens and closes.

Next, this:

Public testimony opens, Alleva returns. He's concerned with utilities, he's familiar with chlorine. Says when we consider bonds on the landfill, we should consider some going to retirement and alternative recycling. Says there's a wind turbine by Eklutna unused.
He says we aren't looking at climate change when we look at utilities. He says we need to look at alternate resources, and in time they will be good investments. He chuckles, he still has a minute left. "I'm condensing, Chris!"

Public testimony closes. Next up:

Testimony opens and closes. #ANCgov
Next up:

Public testimony opens and closes.

That concludes the second public hearing for all of the budget items.

Next, an ordinance amending municipal code concerning general penalties, fine schedules, to authorize fines for uncategorized civil violations. Public testimony opens and closes. Zalatel moves to approve, Petersen seconds. Zalatel says it's just a clean up of code. #ANCgov
Voting commences, passes 9-0, Perez-Verdia and Cross are absent. #ANCgov
Next, this:

Public testimony opens. Alleva returns. I don't really follow what he's talking about, I'm sorry.

He says he is announcing his run for Mayor since he's educating. Quinn-Davidson says she'd vote for him.

Our mayor isn't here.

Public testimony closes. Petersen says that when we say refunding, we really mean something more akin to refinancing. Constant says if there is a 3% difference in the rate it essentially becomes a trigger based refinancing. Voting commences, passes 10-0. Perez-Verdia out. #ANCgov
Next up:

Public testimony opens. Alleva returns. He says he's called dispatch so many times, the dispatchers know him by voice. He says you always have to give a street address with a number, not a cross street. They need an upgrade. #ANCgov
He also says the community could use education on what to expect when you call dispatch. Also 311 has crashed multiple times, which can lead to people tying up emergency lines. Also thanks the police, and says the public must be patient. They are responding and doing their best.
Public hearing closes. Petersen moves to approve the S-version. Quinn-Davidson seconds. Zalatel says she doesn't think we should approve any of these funds for these purposes, we're in the midst of budget. Many are capital improvements which could be bonded for. #ANCgov
She says until there is a clearer image of what's on the budget next year, spending $15mil isn't prudent. Constant says that what the S-version does is remove everything except fire department stuff, while adding eagle river and Chugiak fire department improvements. #ANCgov
This drops it down to $6.6mil just for fire engines and trucks and the departments in Chugiak/Eagle River. He urges support. The rest will be brought in a separate item by the admin at a later date. #ANCgov
Voting commences, passes 9-Zalatel. This ends public hearings.

Woah! I just noticed there isn't a single Save Anchorage person here tonight. Wild. #ANCgov
Onto Quasi-judicial items. First up:

Public testimony opens and closes. Petersen moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. No discussion. Voting commences. Passes 10-0. #ANCgov

Public testimony opens and closes. Petersen moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. No discussion. Voting commences. Passes 10-0.

Next, this:

Public testimony opens and closes. Petersen moves to approve. Zalatel seconds. No discussion. Voting commences. Passes 10-0. #ANCgov
This closes the agenda. Onto final audience participation. James Thornton testifies. Says it was an eventful evening for Fairview. A lot of things were said and he's glad it is part of the public record. Fairview is excited about the future. It isn't a lost community. #ANCgov
He says on Halloween a woman was found deceased next to a connex next to his business, a few hundred feet from the Sullivan. Assumed death of exposure. He says all neighborhoods are in need, Fairview especially right now. They are excited about the reconnection grant. #ANCgov
He says while they work to secure funds concerning off-site impacts of the Sullivan, the residents will have to take it upon themselves to try to make sure no more people die there. #ANCgov
Sulte asks if a package can be brought about the history of Fairview and the highway? Testifier says that he's relatively new, but from listening they weren't really brought to the table. We all want to work together to make sure it's equitable. #ANCgov
Finally, Ron Alleva. He says when we start the meetings we say the pledge of allegiance. Says we don't feel united. Says we've perverted the God part, don't bring God to the podium. He says you could delete those lines, and when you get to liberty and justice for all? Not true.
He says the lectern should be turned around, Carl Haberman was for the people. Says that when it comes to indigenous people, it's more like pandering than actually doing something for them. Listing statistics brings out racism. When shot, we bleed red. Pretty good evening.#ANCgov
Audience participation ends. Assembly comments. Quinn-Davidson thanks Ron, he gets laughs and she likes having him here. Volland points out an image on a packet he forgot to recognize earlier. Petersen recognizes how well behaved Quinn-Davidson's child is, he'll be great. #ANCgov
No comments from everyone else. Constant notes we forgot one call request, so we try it but they don't pick up. Constant finishes by saying that the nation seems to have stood up and done a great thing on election day to make sure things are equitable. Meeting adjourned. #ANCgov

• • •

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Oct 26
Just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the meeting of 10/25! Thread to ensue. #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Mellow day at the Chambers so far, only 12 members of the public in attendance as of now. Trombley was outside giving an interview about the NavCenter, saying that due to the process there's no reason for the assembly not to continue funding the project. #ANCgov
LaFrance says we're going to give an extra couple of minutes before starting the meeting due to the weather and at least one member is running behind due to an accident on the highway. Must be either Perez-Verdia or Allard, Quinn-Davidson is on the phone, everyone else present.
Read 246 tweets
Aug 24
Just arrived at the Chambers for the 8/23 Assembly meeting, which is bound to be an interesting one. Live 🧵#ANCHgov #ANCgov
LaFrance gavels in the meeting, calling us to order. Allard is going to be late, Sulte is on the phone, as is Perez-Verdia. Everyone else is present in the Chambers. #ANCgov
No yelling during the pledge. Cross reads the land acknowledgement. Onto approving the minutes of previous meetings, which Constant makes a motion for. Petersen seconds. No opposition, minutes are approved. #ANCgov
Read 138 tweets
Mar 16
Alright, here down at the Anchorage Assembly for the March 15th public meeting. Lots of public hearings on the agenda today, so I'm expecting this one to run long! #ANCgov Image
We've got Stephanie Taylor in the audience tonight! Curious to hear what she'll bring to the table, if anything, or if she's here to witness. #ANCgov
APD also has a strong presence, lots of men in uniform who were standing off to the side but now have taken stance in front of the dyas. #ANCgov ImageImage
Read 253 tweets

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