#quote The censors and gatekeepers simply assume—without evidence—that human population research is malign and must be shut down. The costs of this kind of censorship, both self-imposed and ideologically based, are profound 🧵
Student learning is impaired and important research is never done. The dangers of closing off so many avenues of inquiry is that science itself becomes an extension of ideology and is no longer an endeavor predicated on pursuing knowledge and truth <end quote> ↓
#quote As an evolutionary biologist, I am quite used to attempts to censor research and suppress knowledge. But for most of my career, that kind of behavior came from the right. ↓
In the old days, most students and administrators were actually on our side; we were aligned against creationists. Now, the threat comes mainly from the left <end quote> ↓
#quote The risk of cancellation at Williams College, where I have taught for 12 years, and at top colleges and universities throughout this country, is not theoretical. My fellow scientists and I are living it. ↓
What is at stake is not simply our reputations, but our ability to pursue truth and scientific knowledge <end quote> ↓
The last French man to die was Augustin Trébuchon. He was 40 and he died carrying a message "Rassemblement à 11h 30 pour le ravitaillement" –> "Muster at 11.30 for food." ↓
Terminando de ver la presentación de las primeras fotos! No se puede creer! Increíble que ese laboratorio/telescopio este en órbita en L2, haya hecho el deployment, se comunique con Tierra, y además de todo... FUNCIONA! No me alcanzan las MAYÚSCULAS!!! #JWST
La verdad, felicitaciones a todos, desde el que se ocurrió, al que convenció al congreso de pagarlo, a los obvios (científicos, ingenieros) y hasta el que servía café! Increíble team work a través de varios países, agencias!
Cuántas empresas, fábricas, procesos, software, solo se desarrollaron para que ande!
Cuán grande es el universo? Sabías que a principios del siglo XX se suponía que era alrededor de 100K años luz de largo? Y hoy? ⤵️
Hoy se estima en 13.8 mil millones de años luz de radio! Una esfera de 46B! Hemos aprendido la verdadera escala de nuestro lugar en el universo, en sólo los últimos 100 años... ⤵️
En 1917 Harlow Shapley utiliza estrellas Cefeidas como referencia y un metodo conocido como paralaje y logra medir el diametro nuestra galaxia ⤵️