Since I found out last night that AG Healey went out of her way to express her approval of NEW GAS INFRASTRUCTURE in Douglas timed *right* after she was elected, I feel a thread coming on. But I have to get some work done first 1/n
Aw, hell, @MassAGO @maura_healey is parroting gas industry ... 💀GAS INDUSTRY💀 ... points in this enthusiastic approval! Gov. Gas 2.0!
#mapoli @Karynregal @deehan @stephmsolis @mckennapr @itai_vardi @amywestervelt @shankman @dharnanoor @MiriamWasser
But WAIT, Isn't this the same Maura Healey that sued Exxon?! Yes!
She's also the same person who for multiple YEARS watched, inactive, while our current Governor Baker ignored and/or broke laws to allow Enbridge to build their verkakte gas transmission compressor on the tiniest
plot of land in the US, next to the most densely populated area, in a hurricane inundation zone, on top of a superfund waste site. AND MA gets NONE of the gas.
Healey blew us off over and over. She could have acted so many times, and she did not.
Those of us that have been schooled really well by past experience, climate reporters, scientists, etc KNOW what bullshit gas industry talking points are and what they look like when inserted into documents.
Maura Healey is parroting gas industry ... 💀GAS INDUSTRY💀 ...
talking points in this enthusiastic approval of new gas infra in MA.
Hey, Maura, we have MA LAWS against this, WTAF. Help us understand how you're breaking them on Day 1
Help us understand how this steaming pile of bullcrap paragraph justifies NEW gas infrastructure?! Douglas is "green" so let's pollute it AND put more stress and pollution on Pennsylvania's residents in the Marcellus Shale?!
MA has LAWS, regulations, climate goals that
are INCOMPATIBLE with new fossil fuel facilities/pipelines!
I'm so fricking pissed, and I only know this because @StopNEDirect PLAN-NE watch this stuff like hawks.
summary, not in my words:
Maura Healey waits until the day after the election to file IN SUPPORT of Eversource
gas expansion in Douglas.
Healey had filed for an extension for filing briefs to be a week LONGER which juuuuust happened to be the day after her shoo-in election for Governor.
This purposeful action parroting gas industry points undermines her stated "commitment" to
2030 emission reduction goals. LOL. (Plus MA laws!)
The government of Douglas is captured and the ppl of Douglas have NO idea what's up.
MA has a lot of gas projects that our R governor wouldn't stop, and I cannot believe we are going to have to fight our
own party's Governor to get her to not be a gas shill.
This shit is exhausting.
The political entities in MA know what we’re [MA climate activists & community members] capable of as a state-wide group/individually when Gov’s are pro-gas.
We learned a LOT combatting Baker, and have gotten our shyness and naiveté out of the way.
There will be no
hesitation to bring all of our efforts to bear if this 💩 keeps happening under your watch. Ignoring MA’s environmental laws will bring consequences.
ONE last note:
Healey did not have to file her approval as AG because the Baker administration would never have turned down Eversource. Healey and her office did NOT have to go the extra miles to urge them to approve the project
.@MayorDriscoll, soon the Lt Gov: you are on the hook for this as well.
.@MassGovernor @MassEEA Project Maple is HERE, now. Ask Middleborough, ask Lincoln. If you're waiting for Enbridge to submit a full Maple project to FERC that includes MA, stop waiting. THEY ARE HERE NOW.
They are circumventing enviro review (as laid out in their own 1/
1/ As new and "upgraded" projects along Enbridge Gas's proposed "Project Maple" get either ignored by or get blanket approval from FERC, the not-so-hidden strategy & tactics I pulled out below in the 🧵 become apparent #mapoli @shankman @MiriamWasser
@shankman @MiriamWasser 2/ Pls have a read below, & know that since I wrote this more "upgrades" along the pipeline have been in the works w/ little or no State & Federal environmental oversight.
Recent update from today, via @fercgov, who has ZERO concern over the rampant segmentation of Project Maple
1/ I honestly cannot profess any expertise in gas & oil strategies, but I do have a familiarity as I try to scour Enbridge's latest docs for any sign of what they are planning to do to use in the Northeast. Join me on a short journey
2/ Hi, I'm Andrea, and Enbridge descended on my town in MA in 2015-2016 to build a gas transmission compressor in a highly strategic place (for them) in order to frack more gas in PA, shoot it north for conversion and export. More info here:
2/ Anyone looking for what a massive company like Enbridge has plans for can 👀 it in this recent presentation (link) ⬇️ Build a lot of new gas infrastructure—of all kinds—in "friendly" states and…
1/ Last night I made a 🧵 of past fake-outs @maura_healey-as-AG pulled on us in the Enbridge compressor saga. PS: there were more fake-outs than posted on Twitter 🤬
Today, I'm making a 🧵of what's happening NOW w/ Healey as Governor. Spoiler: it's disappointing
1/ #mapoli
as I sit here w/ my family watching The Last of Us, I'm exhaustedly angry at our new MA Governor @maura_healey. After EIGHT years of watching Charlie Baker ignore environmental laws & strongarm his environmental agencies in favor of unneeded gas projects ... I thought
@maura_healey 2/ we'd caught a break w/ a Dem Gov. who appeared to care about the environment & justice. Maybe there'd be brighter days ahead for those of us who had gas projects in Environmental Justice areas?
There were signs she'd favor utilities over people: