Sept 2020. Johan Giesecke tells Ireland's Special Committee on Covid-19 Response that Sweden's strategy "could be effective in other countries as well".
"I believe Ireland should allow a controlled spread of the disease among people below 60 years."
Giesecke asserted there had been "no difference at all" between the number of infected children in Sweden, which kept primary schools open, and Finland, which had distance learning.
He left out that Sweden didn't test children.
The comparison that Giesecke referred to. Because Sweden didn't test children, it looked like Finland had a higher incidence among children despite remote learning and a lockdown. Yet it was in Sweden where children ended up in intensive care.
Johan Giesecke claimed Sweden "never had herd immunity as a goal" but had reached herd immunity as a by-product by allowing spread in the population.
Why was the spread allowed if herd immunity was not the goal? Why did he recommend the same for Ireland?
Like Swedish health authorities have done during the whole pandemic, Johan Giesecke recommended against masks while the other experts talked about promoting mask wearing.
After recommending his "controlled spread" to the parliamentary committee, Johan Giesecke had an interview with RTÉ Radio 1. In the interview, he soon admitted he doesn't know much about Ireland and that applying Sweden's model could be a mistake.…
More similar cases of Sweden marketing its pandemic approach:
In spring 2020, when other countries closed all schools, Sweden kept primary schools open, with mandatory in-person attendance and without protective measures such as testing or quarantines.
Sweden then told the world COVID didn't spread in schools. It wasn't true. 🧵
Early March 2020: Some schools wanted to be cautious and closed when pupils tested positive, which upset Anders Tegnell. He insisted schools should stay open despite covid cases.
14 March 2020. Anders Tegnell wrote to his Finnish counterpart Mika Salminen that one reason to keep schools open would be "to reach herd immunity faster".
I had covid in February at the same time with my schoolkids. One of those mild cases. A couple of days of fever, some days of dizziness, 10 days of testing positive. I haven't talked much about having had slight memory issues since, because as I predicted, people doubt it.
It's like being in my memory storage and going to a drawer labelled "world-famous scientists", "constructions" or "Swedish fish", and then the name of the scientist, the term or the foreign word is not there anymore.
- That's common for everyone.
It wasn't like this for me. It started during my covid.
- You seem normal.
My memory was considered sharp to a fault. "Can't party with Virpi. It's like going out with a recording device."
From a recording device into a word guessing game.
Sweden: Two weeks ago, it was announced that the state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell resigns the same week after having got a job as a senior expert at the WHO. It turns out this was news also to the WHO, as no such job exists. 🧵
Sweden doesn't vaccinate 5-11-year-olds. One reason for it is inequality: not all families would vaccinate their children, so it's better no one does. With that logic, how can they vaccinate kids against anything? 🧵
The decision leads to more inequality: those Swedish families who want to have their children vaccinated and have the means to do it, travel abroad to get them vaccinated.
It's not the first time Sweden's Public Health Agency has refused to recommend a measure for the same reason: also a mask recommendation would be inequal.
Sweden: The government set a corona commission to evaluate the pandemic response, but denies them relevant documents. They claim there are no notes, minutes or logs whatsoever of 149 (!) government office meetings about the strategy.
Like the Swedish government, also Sweden's Public Health Agency prefers to keep conversations about the strategy secret. State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell has himself deleted hundreds of official emails.