I do. Gluing my mouth to a woman's clit, while putting my fingers inside her & stroking her G spot for hours is heaven 2 me
I like to watch & taste her cum!
@mentions@ClassyClaraSC I find furniture is a problem. One often feels it hasn't been designed with oral sex in mind.
If only I could be on the #CuntSuckingAdvisoryBoard of #Habitat, I could show them a design consideration they (along with every other manufacturer) seem to have neglected to consider!
@mentions@ClassyClaraSC Floors are good too, of course, provided there is a nice, long clear expanse of floor, ideally covered in some hairy, animals' skin carpet with towels strategically placed to catch the Niagara Falls of bodily fluids that usually result from this activity, reassuring me of success
That might sound #harsh & bonkers but look at this:
You could actually cure slaves of Type 2 Diabetes and send them home healthier than they arrived!
You'd have to ensure the prisoner / slaves were not allowed to take any medication whatsoever (otherwise unexpected complications could occur) but you'd cure diabetes. Imagine that!
Whereas, up until now, your slaves may have hidden their Slave Holidays, from their employers & their wives, you could offer a service that wives would encourage & employers might be willing to fund!
@MzFee I believe you're right, Ms Fee. I believe being your slave really would be a type of freedom.
A real slave lives (possibly shackled) in his Mistress's home, so she can use & / or abuse him, whenever she feels like it.
I'd like to try that scenario but do you want it?
It would not be forever, @MzFee, but I'd like to feel as if it would.
You'd dismiss me & let me go, when you got bored with me. But I'd like to feel like a real prisoner & slave, meaning that I should have NO right to terminate my incarceration until you terminate it!
I might not like it, when & if it happens. However, if I reached the point where I wanted to leave & you wouldn't let me go, I'd know what it's like to be incarcerated against one's Will.
@MistressPip@XenaLWS I do. I like you and I want you to like and respect me. I'd drop that wish in the blink of a eye, if you said I could be your slave, concubine & plaything, @MistressPip!
This equality, "We're both in this together" thing is very well, but I'd much rather call a woman Goddess?
I'd love to show you my devotion by being faithful to you (if I'm capable of being faithful to one woman) while you sleep with anyone you like, male or female, & taunt me to my face!
@MistressPip@XenaLWS I'd like to try #AbjectSurrender on for size, @MistressPip. I'd like to belong to you, knowing you belong to no one; to be at home with you (keeping my flat as a bolt hole, for when you want to dismiss me) knowing you & your girlfriends will push me around whenever you want to!