2/This Roman Catholic prelate has not only defined a member of congress; he has also used his pulpit to electioneer, which is a violation of US Tax law. >
“Pope Francis’s record is mixed on the greatest scandal to envelop the church in centuries. His forthrightness on the issue is admirable, but ultimately he, and the church, will be judged on the tangible progress they have made.” 1/ washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/…
2/ Francis, who doesn’t have & the “liberal” #CatholicChurch have dropped the ball on this. Francis doesn’t have the support to hold perpetrators & the prelates who maintain the cover-up responsible. “Liberal” Catholics have declined to use their power to oust
3/accomplices & accessories to these crimes ftom power. I have been writing about this for 20 years. It is tragic and appalling. @IndieTheology
1/“Cardinal Timothy Dolan was directed in early 2021 to investigate claims against retired Albany Bishop Howard Hubbard, who has been accused of multiple instances of sexual abuse against minors” (child r*pe) > pillarcatholic.com/new-york-archd…
2/“and who admitted last year that he transferred several priests to new parish ministries without contacting police, after they were accused of sexual abuse.”
3/“A woman who claims she was sexually abused by Hubbard and other priests while she was a teenager attempted to subpoena archdiocesan records of the Vos estis investigation into Hubbard, which amount to more than 1,400 pages,”