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Flashpoint is on the Victory channel founded by Kenneth Copeland. The show frequently platforms dominionists and MAGA leaders. See post 2 re: Kenneth Copeland. You won’t be disappointed. Scary guy. #Christofascism 1/
2/ Introducing Kenneth Copeland, founder of the Christian Victory channel, which hosts Flashpoint.
3/ I did a long thread about Kenneth Copeland and his Christian media network here.…
Read 4 tweets
The Bartons are dominionists and they collaborate with the so-called “Moms for Liberty” organization. Dominionists believe they have a mandate from God to control all aspects of government & culture. Moms 4 Liberty = Moms 4 Christofascism. 1/
As I warned here, Moms 4 Liberty is in cahoots w/ the Bartons & with the “parental rights” Christian homeschooling crowd that opposes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child & mandatory child abuse reporting laws. #ShinyHappyPeople #Christofascism 2/…
Moms 4 Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler works for the Leadership Institute founded by Council for National Policy (CNP) member Morton Blackwell. The CNP is an umbrella & strategy group for the Christian Right & wealthy financiers. 3/
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Tim Thompson is a pastor in Temecula, CA, who has hosted MTG at his church, cavorts w/ III%ers, & wears a III%ers patch. He successfully backed several far right school boards candidates. Those school boards members fired the superintendent last night. #Christofascism 1/
2/ @privatelynda - Thomason’s candidates won in Temecula. They control the school board there. Image
Read 54 tweets
Sylvie Araujo seems to coordinate some of the thuggish far right attendance at school board meetings in Southern California. After Glendale (below) she encouraged her followers to show up in Temecula tonight (6/13) at 5pm. 1/
I’m told this is Sylvie’s Instagram account. 2/ #Christofascism ImageImage
3/ This is Sylvie. Click to see the anti-LGBTQ message she posted. It’s a screenshot I just grabbed. Image
Read 32 tweets
These concerned residents of LAUSD and Temecula School District (in CA) spoke with me today about recent far right attacks against their public schools. In Temecula, a far right pastor (who has hosted MTG at his church) recently installed 6 people on 3 school boards. 1/
You can watch the full interview here. As discussed in the interview, the far right targeting of Southern California schools seems to be coordinated w/ the same extremsists showing up again and again. They are expected to target Temecula tomorrow. 2/
Thank you to Jenn, Daisy, and Alex for taking the time to speak with me. Please keep us updated on future developments. #WarOnPublicSchools #ChristoFascism #ProudBoys 3/ @Doro_Slay_Gale @daisykpgardner
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Far right extremists plan to target the school board meeting in Temecula tomorrow. Jenn Reeves, a concerned parent, explains here how a far right pastor has also targeted the city and school district. 1/
This is an excerpt from my interview earlier today with 3 concerned women from LAUSD & Temecula whose schools have been targeted by far right extremists, including the Proud Boys. You can watch the whole interview here. 2/ @daisykpgardner @Doro_Slay_Gale
Thank you to Jenn, Daisy, and Alex for taking the time to speak with me. Please keep us updated on future developments. #WarOnPublicSchools #ChristoFascism #ProudBoys 3/
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"When we rolled up [to the school board meeting], it was the scariest scene I've ever seen." There were "over 100 really buff dudes shouting, 'Groomer, pedophile, leave our kids alone!'" -@daisykpgardner, LAUSD mom. Extremists will target Temecula TOMORROW. 1/ #WarOnPublicSchools
This is an excerpt from my interview earlier today with three concerned women from Southern California whose schools sytems have been targeted by far right extremists, including the Proud Boys. You can watch the whole interview here. 2/
Thank you to Jenn, Daisy, and Alex for taking the time to speak with me. Please keep us updated on future developments. #WarOnPublicSchools #ChristoFascism #ProudBoys 3/
Read 8 tweets
OMG, Forgiato Blow (the anti-LGBTQ, “Boycott Target” MAGA rapper) is a close associate of Roger Stone and has been photographed in a Proud Boys t-shirt. He’s targeting the public school board meeting this Tuesday, 6/13/23 in Temecula, CA. @GavinNewsom 1/
Read 39 tweets
“Voucher schools discriminate against LGBTQ+, disabilities” -

“Dozens of voucher schools have policies that allow them to exclude LGBTQ+ students or those with disabilities. In many cases, it’s legal.” 5/5/23
#Christofascism 1/…
“In 2022, the 2 Fox Valley Lutheran High School students were a few months from graduating when they got called into the dean’s office. One was the cheerleading captain & National Honor Society inductee; the other a basketball player, homecoming queen & student council member” 2/
“Both were accomplished and well-respected students. 
Yet in separate meetings with the dean, they learned they faced expulsion — not for cheating or plagiarizing or breaking the law, but because administrators suspected the young women of dating.” 3/ #Christofascism
Read 17 tweets
The so-called “Moms for Liberty” organization is “in cahoots with the same Christo-fascist cabal that has long used the ‘parental rights’ framework to thwart … oversight of Christian homeschooling.” My latest 4 ⁦@BucksCoBeacon⁩. #Christofascism 1/…
The public deserves to know that this “so-called ‘parental rights’ crowd has undermined children’s rights.” 2/
“The apparent intent of these zealots is to destroy public education so that it can be replaced with Christian homeschooling and Christian academies.” 3/
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Mark Meadows is rumored to have testified v. Trump in exchange 4 partial immunity. He’s also a Christo-fascist who was endorsed by Michael Farris, the evangelical lawyer who ghost wrote Paxton’s SCOTUS brief challenging TFG’s loss & mentored Jenna Ellis. 1/…
This is my latest for @BucksCoBeacon. 2/
Meadows also mentored Madison Cawthorn who attended Farris’s Christian college, Patrick Henry. Meadiws has been photographed in a Patrick Henry jacket. Remember Cawthorn? #ChristoFascism 3/ Image
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Everyone should know this quote. There was never a “war on Christmas.” The Christian Right’s liberties were never under attack. They claimed otherwise as a ploy to position themselves to force their own extreme version of Christianity down the nation’s throat. #Christofascism 1/ Image
2/ Source for quote. I first learned of the quote from @DavidDark… Image
Read 21 tweets
Jackson Lahmeyer, who claims BLM was founded by “witchcraft-practicing lesbians,” founded Pastors for Trump last year. He is a close associate of Mike Flynn. The MAGA movement is saturated in Christo-fascism. #Christofascism 1/
3/ Lahmeyer held a Pastors for Trump event at Trump, Doral last month. The promotional graphic for the event had Mike Flynn & Roger Stone front and center. Image
Read 25 tweets
Jenna Ellis is a dangerous Christo-fascist. #Christofascism 1/ Image
In 2020, Doug Mastriano advisor Jenna Ellis, an attorney, used a “chopped up video to falsely suggest that election workers in Georgia had told observers to go home so that they could retrieve fake ballots from under a table.” 2/…
3/ Jenna Ellis probably told herself that lying for God is good. #Christofascism Image
Read 12 tweets
Harrisburg, PA’s Life Center Ministries is a part of Che Ahn’s ministry. Ahn is an Apostle in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), which promotes dominionism, the idea that Christians have a Godly mandate to control all aspects of government & culture. #Christofascism 1/
2/ This is NAR Apostle Che Ahn on Jan 5, 2021. Thread.
3/ This is NAR Apostle Che Ahn in Brazil with other NAR leaders in 2021. The NAR’s reach and dominionist ambitions are global.… Image
Read 18 tweets
“‘Some of their most fanatical supernatural beliefs have been mainstreamed into the maga movement, such as the notions that Democrats are demonic or engaged in witchcraft,’ Jennifer Cohn, an election-security advocate, told me.” #Christofascism 1/…
By @elizagriswold for @NewYorker, 10/31/22
“In November, 2020, Abby Abildness, the state director of Pennsylvania’s Prayer Caucus and an ‘apostle’ with the New Apostolic Reformation, a network of pastors, hosted a series of “Jericho marches”—religious precursors to the insurrection.” 3/
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If your county is on this list, beware. Lance Wallnau is a leader in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a global movement that promotes dominionism, the belief that Christians have a mandate from God to control all aspects of government & society. 1/
2/ h/t post 1 @ScottUhlTX
3/ I’ve warned about Lance Wallnau, the NAR, and dominionism many times, starting here. The threat is real. #Christofascism…
Read 30 tweets
Roger Stone continues his courtship of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a network of Christian extremist leaders who promote dominionism, the idea that Christians have a mandate from God to control all aspects of society. Steve Schultz of Elijah Streams is a NAR leader. 1/ Image
Last year, I began warning about the NAR dominionist movement (including Steve Schultz) & the NAR’s alliance w/ Mike Flynn & Roger Stone (including via the Reawaken America Tour sponsored by Charisma News, which was founded by NAR leader Steve Strang). 2/…
The NAR was involved with promoting “Stop the Steal.” 3/…
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“The first thing to know about Project Blitz is that it was launched in 2015 by the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, the National Legal Foundation, and Wallbuilders. The latter is an organization founded by David Barton, … 1/…
… the Republican operative and discredited historian who rejects the separation of church and state…” 2/
“This project seems to have maintained a low profile until Fred Clarkson, who has been studying the Christian right for decades, came across their 116-page manual of model legislation in early 2018.” 3/
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Okay yeah PA needs to vote out Rep Dave Zimmerman at the next possible opportunity. #Christofascism 1/
3/ Seriously. Zimmerman has to go. He opposes the separation between church and state. #Christofascism
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2/ This was then Texas GOP chair Allen West’s traitorous message when SCOTUS rejected Texas AG Ken Paxton’s election challenge (which had been ghost written by Christofascist lawyer Michael Farris).
Read 8 tweets
“On 12/29/20 —one week before the insurrection — 15 of the [NAR] apostles & prophets performed spiritual warfare at monuments across D.C. Taylor explains: ‘That afternoon, they had a more than 2-hour meeting w/ high level Trump administration officials…1/…
… in a conference room in the White House. This meeting has never been reported on before.’” WTF, Jan 6 Committee?! 2/ #Christofascism
3/ ImageImage
Read 7 tweets

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