Currently reading "The Guns of August" and I truly cannot believe how stupid the reasons World War I started are. I mean. Clearly it started because everyone wanted to dickswing their newly developed armies, but the actual pretexts are onionskin-thin
You'll forgive me as I expose the yawning gaps in my education, I am definitely learning loads about WWI in real time and did not know enough about it!!!!
I feel like WWI got short shrift in my education for possibly *the* event that shaped the modern world
just to be clear i guess the doomsaying was overdone but it's not *great* that an overall message of "shoot the trannies, ban books and hang abortion patients" can still win you a chamber of congress
however, if the margin is 220 or below its gonna be chaos. one guy getting a colonoscopy will impact national policy
congressmen & women cant just faff around if they actually have to be there and i find that extremely funny
"It looks like a squid got trapped in a sea of its own blood and was then cruelly forced to wear a bread yarmulke. It’s the sandwich version of Elon Musk-era Twitter—its own disintegration is contained within its limp and sagging form."…
im just asking questions but it appears to be a live possibility that tucker carlson has a "murder closet" full of the bones of his strangulation victims. also a swanson branded freezer for human hands. im allowed to speculate about the frozen human hands
am i not even allowed to QUESTION why tucker carlson and sean hannity share a quicklime pit full of human bone dust
i need to see at least 15 hours of footage of every square inch of tucker carlson's home just to be certain there's no freezer of human hands & make sure that rumor about greased corpse chutes is false
netflix's All Quiet On The Western Front is a) gorgeously shot, scored and acted, b) harrowing, c) amazing to see a WWI antiwar movie shot and acted in German, and d) made some v odd self defeating decisions, notably a subplot about politicians
definitely sticks searingly in the mind
That being said it clearly struck a note for me cuz I just watched 1917 (gorgeously shot, waaaay too much attention drawn to cinematic gimmickry, beautiful images, empty plot/characters, a Hero Tale vs an antiwar story)
found a white supremacist diet book should i review it for my newsletter y/n
making my editor @DavidSwansonNYC read it for his sins (being my editor)
update: im not gonna review it because it turns out they just plagiarized a 1946 book in its entirety then added a chapter about eugenics. the 1946 book is bad but not racist, it just says to eat only fruit and you wont need glasses