After the business collapse of former billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried, I'm seeing lots of hot takes condemning the philosophy of effective altruism that he helped fund.
Don't throw the EA baby out with the billionaire bathwater. 1/
2/ I'm a newcomer to this moral philosophy and framework, with just 10 to 20 hours of EA readings, podcasts, and discussions under my belt.
It is clear to me that some criticisms of EA rely on very oversimplified descriptions of the subject. Other criticisms are valid.
4/ I say the following as somebody who has spent 20+ years in NGO/nonprofit work:
I see limits to current EA discourse that need to be transcended, but I do think the EA community brings a much-needed scalpel of quantitative analysis to the NGO/charity world.
5/ One of the simple questions that effective altruism asks is the following:
What are the best ways to spend scarce dollars to reduce suffering and save lives?
The NGO/charity sectors need independent voices to ask this question over and over again.
Here is why:
6/ The basic design challenge that many NGOs, advocacy organizations, and non-profits face is that the people who "BUY" the services aren't the same people who "CONSUME" them.
What do I mean by this?
7/ Let's take the hypothetical of a charity, nonprofit org, or NGO that helps homeless people:
(NGO means non-governmental organization)
The people who "buy" the services of the NGO are the donors.
The people who "use" the services are the homeless.
This creates a challenge.
8/ Donors (or buyers) fund the organization based on the organization's marketing, PR, and reputation.
Unless you are a large donor with time and staff, you aren't investigating the organization or charity's actual effectiveness.
You are often reacting to their marketing.
9/ The hypothetical homeless that the organization is supposed to help might actually be served much better with a different approach, but donors often don't have time or capacity to be able to know that.
10/ Effective Altruism communities help address this by asking rigorous questions. @GiveWell, for example, makes recommendations as to how you can make the most effective donations possible with your money.
11/ This has led the EA community to make recommendations like donating to interventions in poorer rather than richer economies because you can save more lives in places where costs are lower.
12/ Another area of internal and external debate is the EA topic of " long-termism."
There are different ways to describe this philosophy, but I understand it to be anchored in the basic idea that future lives are as important as current lives.
13/ Many might argue that this is problematic in that it reduces the focus on alleviating currently existing suffering.
To me, addressing the climate crisis is one kind of of long-termism.
Many of the people who will suffer the most under climate change aren't yet alive.
14/ An area that I think needs additional scrutiny and discussion in the EA community is the question of structural change.
15/ Many of the easily-quantifiable EA backed solutions, like mosquito nets in societies struggling with malaria, are themselves outcomes of structural failures-- like government failures.
16/ It is much much easier to calculate lives saved from mosquito net funding than it is to calculate lives save from pushing governments to take action on mosquito nets or malaria.
17/ It is even harder to currently evaluate under the EA framework whether the targeting of a government will even work or what the best way is to do so.
18/ And so as a consequence, it can be easy for EA communities to dismiss campaigns for structural change-- whether we are talking about human rights, government reform, ending corruption, etc.
Because it's hard to track success or effectiveness in this particular arena.
19/ That's just one of multiple criticisms out there regarding effective altruism. But I think these criticisms should be engaged as pathways to amend and improve the EA community's general areas of consensus.
20/ I encourage folks to resist the urge to dismiss EA just because you or I don't like the conduct of folks like Sam Bankman-Fried.
Moral philosophies and communities are much bigger than the patrons that let them down.
Wonderful news! After 1000 days in a Saudi prison, Saudi women's rights activist @LoujainHathloul is no longer behind bars.
But the Saudi monarchy that imprisoned her is still a brutal government. And Loujain may still not have her freedom.
More 1/
Loujain al-Hathloul's release from a Saudi prison is a testament to the perseverance of her family and the global solidarity movement that has demanded her freedom.
But no one should be fooled by the Saudi monarchy's behavior.
Loujain's release took years of extraordinary global pressure, and the underlying repressive nature of the Saudi dictatorship is still in place.
About a war.
Many don't know about.
That has killed a lot of people.
That we the U.S. are helping fight.
But Congress never voted on.
YEMEN. (And next week Congress will finally vote.)
Thread (1/x) (photo: Hani Mohammed/AP)
This war is bad. Do not look away. It's brutal.
A dictatorship -- Saudi Arabia's King Salman -- is bombing its next door neighbor -- Yemen. And not paying much attention to where those bombs land. (2/x)
Our own U.S. government has supplied bombs, cluster bombs, jet fuel, and intelligence to Saudi Arabia in its war.
When Saudi jets fly to Yemen to drop their bombs -- THEY GET REFUELED ON THE WAY BY THE U.S. AIR FORCE.