There’s a trend of straight-ticket voting and nationalizing elections, so it makes sense to join the dominant party, while voting as you wish in November.
@indivisiblestcv@MaxHailperin@IndivisibleMN03@MNSecofState The real issue is decoupling the State ID from the current address; you are correct that many seniors moving into retirement communities don’t update their address by getting a new Minnesota State ID card.
Personal appearance should never be required just to update address.
On the other hand, letting asylum seekers stay in USA encourages more people to make the unsafe journey, hiring international criminal human trafficking organizations to guide them across our border.
@stevesi28838948@mikepompeo People respond to incentives; these unlimited numbers of undocumented foreign citizens abandoning their BIPOC-led home countries are not sustainable.
That’s entirely on the @WHCOS Administration which refuses to acknowledge that poverty has never qualified for US asylum.
The cynical exploitation and abuse of the asylum system by economic migrants and international criminal human trafficking organizations means it’s going to end, rather soon, unfortunately.
@PoJoCummings@SIfill_@Kaepernick7 His actions or inactions are directly opposite of what I think are his stated objectives, starting with police disrespecting Mr. Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, August 9, 2014, while the @MoDemParty@stlcopa was cruising to re-election without opposition.
@RepAOC@AOC, I think it’s time for the pro-choice community to acknowledge that Dobbs is the law of the land, and to amend federal laws accordingly; start with HIPAA.
Let’s be honest:
There will be @GOP officials, family members, big donors, etc., “with problems,” right?
Well, of course they’re going to expect medical professionals to “help them out,” right?
Even though they - or legislators they support - strictly criminalize the exact ‘favors’ they’re requesting, right?
Not to mention covering up statutory rape, right?
You know it.
Well, it’s time to amend HIPAA to remove any protection for hypocrisy.
This can include ‘requests’ to medical professionals to violate state law, or not to report violations of law, or to ignore such a reporting requirement.