Dogs are very intuitive…but do they judge our actions?
Can dogs tell if humans are being mean or just clutzy?
Find out! #TSPST
In a study at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna scientists built an experiment to test if dogs can judge a human's intentions.
Researchers offered treats to nearly 50 dogs, BUT they played mind games.
A member of the research team sat in a rectangular box that had mesh on all sides but the front.
A clear plastic panel was the window to the dogs, and the team drilled a golf ball sized hole.
48 dogs (of various breeds) were led past this human jail.
Now the mind games began.
On trial had the researcher offer a treat to the dogs only to have it “fall” by accident back inside the human jailbox.
The second trial had the researcher jerked the treat away as the dog went to nibble.
In the third trial, the hole was plugged and the researcher attempted to smash the treat through.
The research team had camera set up that tracked the dog’s movement in 3-D (with the help of artificial intelligence).
Each trial, regardless of "mind game" lasted 30 seconds.
What was the conclusion?
The dogs hung around the human longer when the treat was dropped on accident, 89% of the trial.
When they were being teased, they left sooner, sticking around for 78% of the trial.
The dogs with the plugged hole left the soonest, but they moved to the side hoping the human could figure their life out and give them a treat.
The cameras had more "positive" dog body behaviors also when they were not being teased.
So the dogs seemed to be able to read the intentions from:
1. The human is trying, but kinda clumsy and stupid. I’ll wait. 2. The human has tricked me, they are an asshole. 3. The human is trying, so I’ll be helpful and move around their jail.
Obviously, we cannot speak dog and any conclusions are based on observations.
Other conclusions could be made as well - the dogs made no judgement on the human, but concluded they were not getting a treat.
Perhaps the teasing human smelled like a liar.
Any conclusion from the study should be based though in kindness to an animal.
Teasing a dog for any reason can lead to frustration, jumping, and inappropriate behavior.
If the study is right, your dog will let your butter-fingers slide.
That's a wrap!
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We want you to know that you are important.
You are needed.
This thread will prove it.
1. There’s no one like you
With all of the breathtaking numbers of DNA combinations, you are here.
You represent a series of molecules that have put themselves together in such a unique way that you have MILLIONS of differences from anyone else on the planet.
2. You are alive.
Right now there are way more things that are not alive compared to things that are alive.
If you want to get really spooky, our greatest telescopes and scientists have zero evidence that life exists in the entire universe beyond Earth.
You are rare!
The advice in this thread will make you unrecognizable in 30 days.
You owe it to yourself to read it. Trust us.
1. Pet One Dog:
Petting a dog will release feel good hormones, decrease your heart rate, and bring a sense of calm into your life.
You will become 10% more efficient.
2. Pet Two Dogs:
Petting two dogs will release feel good hormones, decrease your heart rate, and bring a sense of calm into your life.
You will be 17.2% more efficient and you will be able to hold your breath for 1 minute.
“I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating — and it gets everywhere.”
- Some Random Jedi
Yes, sand is annoying. Especially for solar panels.
Find out why using THE FORCE may help on The Super Pawesome Science Thread #TSPST
Solar energy continues to grow as a source of energy.
By 2030 it is projected to account for 10% of all global energy.
An awesome place to put solar panels is where it’s kinda bright, like the desert.
Except the panels get dusty.
Really sandy.
As dust accumulates it wrecks the efficiency of solar panels.
This which makes sense. Light can't go through sand well.
Currently the method to fix this isn’t great for the environment.
Water is brought it via trucks/trains and used to wash the sand/dust off.
Not that long ago it was accepted that hurting a dog with training was the best way for them to learn.
The science says otherwise, as do our hearts.
Learn why on The Super Pawesome Science Thread. #TSPST
Before we get too deep into the thread, let’s just make it clear that nobody decades ago should feel bad about using punishment training.
It was something that was widely accepted, shown on T.V., and modeled by respected dog trainers.
Today, these methods are debunked.
What is Positive Reinforcement?
Positive reinforcement means adding something after an action to increase the likelihood of that behavior occurring again.
This could be a treat, a kind word , a toy, or a kind touch.
Going to welcome a Golden Retriever into your life?
Here are 9 things you NEED to know.
1. Goldens have a “soft mouth”.
This means when they retrieve things they generally don’t destroy it.
HOWEVER as puppies they will CHEW everything.
Things you didn't think could be eaten, will be if you aren't careful.
2. Goldens have a HUGE amount of energy.
They are up for adventures multiple times a day.
They LOVE runs, walks, and hikes.
That energy means they have constant BEAKERING until they turn three or four.
(And maybe later!)
So, plan to be active!