quickly pushed a product onto the market that it called a "vaccine" even though it was based on an unethical clinical trial that did not comply with the rules of clinical trials (follow @IamBrookJackson)
in which information was manipulated to make it appear false 95% or higher efficacy and false safety- even though they had no data to support this and the critical phase 3 was ongoing at the same time as distribution
3. They had to quickly push the product to the whole world to cash in before the world noticed and/or there were serious competitors - for that they needed the approval of a regulator that the world trusts and world leaders can hide behind: FDA.
4. More and more evidence and documents show now that for FDA approval, they used political pressure, money and conflicts of interest - but they also needed a laboratory to provide information that the failed clinical trial couldn't really provide, a scapegoat was needed.
5. So Pfizer entered into an unprecedented agreement with Israel as a laboratory for the world (this is almost literally stated in the agreement text) - an agreement that obliges Israel to quickly push the product, show efficacy and hide safety problems
Those are my conclusion from the clauses that was published and not darkened- that forbid Israel to publish any data regarding this product and “project” without Pfizer's approval. Other attorneys wrote about this as well:
6. This unbelievable, possibly corrupt, deal - was led by 2 people in Israel (and many helpers) - Nethanyahu and Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis.
Nethanyahu, Israel’s prime minister at the time, that faced criminal charges in court, and still does (therefore is very susceptible)
signed this unbelievable and censored contract. Nethanyahu presented this deal as a huge success,
all the media supported him, and he had no political opposition to this.
Recently was elected again - and returns to be the prime minister of Israel
after he served the citizens of Israel as a laboratory in this agreement he also made them feel that he and Pfizer's product were saving them.
The previous government that was elected in between as his “adversary” was implementing Green Pass and helping this deal.
7. We also saw that England and Canada were starting their “vaccination” rollout project at the same time or sometimes even before Israel, so they did not understand that we were a laboratory, in retrospect it was presented as inevitable and life saving. All based on lies.
8. Another key person was mentioned by name in the agreement: Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis, today the head of health services at the Israeli MOH - who was mentioned by name and not by her position (and if she’s fired? Can anyone fire her?)
When the “pandemic” started she was suddenly declared as the Acting Head of Health Services (2020), and after the agreement was signed (January 2021) - The position was given to her.
Preis led the vaccine project in Israel and it was she who also reported on it to state officials, to the Israeli Supreme Court and to other countries and regulators. She published articles together with Pfizer and presented "real world data" (laboratory results) to the FDA.
9. Now we know, that this data was false, there was no reliable safety follow up, and the results that they did have later on - were not presented accurately to the public.
Why did we come to that conclusion?
Because of a leaked conversation - which no one dares to comment on publicly.
Listen to Prof. Retsef Levi (who recently also published a study on heart side effects after this product they called “vaccine”) and his interview on this #IsraeLeak 👇🏻
🧵1/ LIES: Our sad reality reveals what would’ve happened if WWII happened today. @CNN would probably say: ‘The allies raid renowned Goebbels radio in occupied Germany/Japan’. Before I dive into this new deceiving propaganda, to clarify: East Jerusalem is freed not “occupied”.
2/ DID YOU SEE ANY HEADLINES ABOUT THIS? - The Israeli police had a court order (that is NOT easy) and this “raid” is a part of an ongoing investigation that follows last week’s arrests of 2 other “book store” owners with books from Sinwar, Nassralah, Hitler and other criminals liars that incite to hate Jews and brainwash with lies. timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry…
We are fighting N*zis again. Do not dare to criticize us, we don’t care.
3/ These “book stores” date to call themselves “educational”. It is a violent and abusive indoctrination disguised as education- that inspires Arabs in this region to fanatic hate and to completely destroy Israel with catchy slogans that hide a genocidal mindset, like ‘from the river to the sea’ and idolization of “martyrs”.
On this new arrest the police say that they were selling these books to children (among other things)- those vile “coloring books” are indoctrinating them to a death cult that idolizes martyrs (death and murder as holy), intifada (mass terrorism attacks) and the fabricated concept of ‘Israel is our stolen Palestine’ . google.com/imgres?imgurl=…
To all those in the world who innocently support this death cult that manipulate you to think it’s for freedom: “When I was hiding in my house waiting for myself or my daughter to be murdered I felt betrayed because they all knew that we in Nir Oz supported them…“ >
Listen to Amit as well - who was her most cruel torturer- a father to a 4 y.o. that was treated for eye cancer in Israel and her life were saved.
The ones that received the most compassion from Israel were the most cruel >
🧵1/ Let’s talk about: GENOCIDE. Im asking you @elonmusk to protect this very uncomfortable TRUTH (second attempt- x keeps rejecting this thread)
On October 7th Hamas manipulated Israeli innocent civilians into the shelter facilities - in there they slaughtered them in masses, crammed together exactly like in the you know what in the Holocaust. Then, they celebrated “killing many Jews”.
This was an intentional deception by Hamas for many reasons (to interrupt the IAF from taking of and protecting the border, for manipulating the IDF with distraction) but mainly because Hamas studied the Israeli people and knew exactly what we do when there are rockets (go inside shelter rooms) - to intentionally create traps of MASS METHODICAL DEADH:
▶️ They burned entire families alive in their homes - in their shelter rooms
▶️ They executed civilians on the roads - where they looked for a street shelter in Migunit.
▶️ People hid in closets, trash containers, ambulances, toilets and in every hiding place - they were hunted and executed or survived it miraculously.
▶️ If anyone tried to escape the suffocation or fires or hand grenades thrown inside those shelters that became a prison of death - then they either shot them to death immediately or kidnapped them to Gaza.
Reminder: this is the part when they entered into CIVILIAN communities and facilities and this is how they intentionally TARGETED civilians- elderly people, young women and men and children-toddlers-babies as well. This had NOTHING to do with the military bases and it was knowingly and intentionally
▪️“humanitarian laws” protection.
▪️Human rights
▪️UN interference or resolutions.
A new report reveals one of their main genocidal attacks - route 232🧵👇🏻>>
On the land - about 6000 terrorists in total entered Israel at that day (about 1400 were eventually killed, 200 captured) - after attacking the military bases and a few first villages near the border at around 6:45 am, they reached route 232 - on it many of the civilians that escaped the nova festival and the rockets attack were hiding in street shelters called “Migunit” - a tiny concrete room with an open entrance that is meant to provide shelter for up to 10 people max - from the regular random rockets on southern Israel (for the drivers caught by surprise with the alarm).
I wanted to attache here is a clip from an article made by @kann_news many months ago and @i24NEWS_FR - about the beginning of that day and the attack - BUT IT WON’T COME UP.
In the following posts I attached the story of the 9 Migunit street shelters - with clips from a very recent article by @hen_zender , @channel13il >>
2/ Trying again with the video that I wanted to attach above- On October 7th, at 6:29, a heavy barrage of about 4500 rockets attack on the southern and central parts of Israel started (plus 8 paratroopers, 30 drones and several other boats - all with armed terrorists, attacked Israeli territory from the air and the sea). This is how it started
Using a humanitarian protection as a terrorist manipulation and deception- is a war crime and often a crime against humanity. When you idolize terrorists as heroes- you support a death cult that commits endless crimes against humanity, has no boundaries and or a moral code, but will use and utilize every single moral code as a weakness
Do not fall for the lies and deception of a death cult that just lost one of its important fortresses - as usual with a cover of “a hospital”
This is the story of Kamal Adwan “Hospital” the disguised “patients”, the “medical staff” and the devil in the white coat “Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya”- Hamas' last stronghold in Jabaliya - and following that in the thread- how they use
▪️UN aid
▪️and children
2/ First, just to make you understand, Gaza might be the place with most “hospitals” on planet earth - they learned early on to use it as terrorist coverups and resting points for headquarters. This is not “the last hospital” it’s simply no longer a terrorist headquarters.
Look at the compared maps - Gaza and Israel (Gaza is in green on the Israeli map) hospitals
3/ New details from the IDF's operation at the Kamal Adwan hospital that captured about 240 terrorists (by Gali IDF military correspondent, Doron Kadosh)
After almost 3 consecutive months of fighting in Jabaliya and around the hospital, on the night of the operation, on the way to encircle Kamal Adwan, one of the commanders spotted a cable on the way that he did not know from previous trips on the same axis.
This is how they identified a charge that was connected to a cable and placed on the side of the road, neutralized it and prevented harm to the fighters.
Early in the morning, the forces of the 401st Brigade surrounded the hospital from all sides, and eliminated two terrorist squads that tried to escape from it.
Early in the morning on Friday, the IDF called out to the director of the hospital (who himself is suspected of being a Hamas operative), the director came out to them, said that there were about 350 people inside.
After the successful operation, the IDF says that they are making great progress towards the completion of the operation in Jabaliya and the north of the Gaza Strip.
🧵1/ Captagon, the amphetamine evil, and the criminal narco state of #Syria 🇸🇾 and non state proxy Hezbollah 🇱🇧- as a geo political weapon, financial survival source and fundraiser for terrorism - that maintain the industry that threatens the world AND Israel
2/ We’re seeing many videos of Captagon destruction in Syria lately, what does it mean? The Captagon drug industry in Syria is unique in many ways, but mainly because it was controlled, sponsored and used by the Assad’s regime itself >
3/ There have been many evidence based reports over the years about Syria as the main source to the Captagon drug industry, many of which linked this directly to Assad’s regime.
▪️US - state.gov/report-to-cong…
▪️UK - gov.uk/government/new…
🧵1/ HELLO #Syria!
Some will say (as always) that Israel, the Mossad and “the imperialistic west” overthrew the Syrian dictatorship. Israel declared it will not interfere but I will be very proud if we did.
I don’t know if it’s a victory yet but it is an important defeat
2/ I can’t celebrate the “rebels” because non of us know the > values and principles that they will eventually hold and promote. And no, “the will of the people” is not enough to create a positive change in a society or to create an actual democracy.
This new leadership
3/ will have to show us what they stand for - and if they will create a free election that they will show us what the Syrian people stand for. Whether it’s non violent values of prosperity or the ‘freedom to be a violent radical cult’ - like Gaza chose.