Gal G., Adv 🇮🇱 Profile picture
The Branding Warfare - Strategies of fighting information terrorism | Defensive Ethics | ⚖️ Lawyer, Internet law | X #SpacesHost | All posts are my opinions
14 subscribers
Feb 10 8 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ LIES: Our sad reality reveals what would’ve happened if WWII happened today. @CNN would probably say: ‘The allies raid renowned Goebbels radio in occupied Germany/Japan’. Before I dive into this new deceiving propaganda, to clarify: East Jerusalem is freed not “occupied”.
>> Image
2/ DID YOU SEE ANY HEADLINES ABOUT THIS? - The Israeli police had a court order (that is NOT easy) and this “raid” is a part of an ongoing investigation that follows last week’s arrests of 2 other “book store” owners with books from Sinwar, Nassralah, Hitler and other criminals liars that incite to hate Jews and brainwash with lies.…

We are fighting N*zis again. Do not dare to criticize us, we don’t care.
Feb 7 5 tweets 2 min read
To all those in the world who innocently support this death cult that manipulate you to think it’s for freedom: “When I was hiding in my house waiting for myself or my daughter to be murdered I felt betrayed because they all knew that we in Nir Oz supported them…“ > They were their biggest supporters
Jan 12 19 tweets 10 min read
🧵1/ Let’s talk about: GENOCIDE. Im asking you @elonmusk to protect this very uncomfortable TRUTH (second attempt- x keeps rejecting this thread)

On October 7th Hamas manipulated Israeli innocent civilians into the shelter facilities - in there they slaughtered them in masses, crammed together exactly like in the you know what in the Holocaust. Then, they celebrated “killing many Jews”.

This was an intentional deception by Hamas for many reasons (to interrupt the IAF from taking of and protecting the border, for manipulating the IDF with distraction) but mainly because Hamas studied the Israeli people and knew exactly what we do when there are rockets (go inside shelter rooms) - to intentionally create traps of MASS METHODICAL DEADH:

▶️ They burned entire families alive in their homes - in their shelter rooms
▶️ They executed civilians on the roads - where they looked for a street shelter in Migunit.
▶️ People hid in closets, trash containers, ambulances, toilets and in every hiding place - they were hunted and executed or survived it miraculously.
▶️ If anyone tried to escape the suffocation or fires or hand grenades thrown inside those shelters that became a prison of death - then they either shot them to death immediately or kidnapped them to Gaza.

Reminder: this is the part when they entered into CIVILIAN communities and facilities and this is how they intentionally TARGETED civilians- elderly people, young women and men and children-toddlers-babies as well. This had NOTHING to do with the military bases and it was knowingly and intentionally

▪️“humanitarian laws” protection.
▪️Human rights
▪️UN interference or resolutions.

A new report reveals one of their main genocidal attacks - route 232🧵👇🏻>>Image
On the land - about 6000 terrorists in total entered Israel at that day (about 1400 were eventually killed, 200 captured) - after attacking the military bases and a few first villages near the border at around 6:45 am, they reached route 232 - on it many of the civilians that escaped the nova festival and the rockets attack were hiding in street shelters called “Migunit” - a tiny concrete room with an open entrance that is meant to provide shelter for up to 10 people max - from the regular random rockets on southern Israel (for the drivers caught by surprise with the alarm).

I wanted to attache here is a clip from an article made by @kann_news many months ago and @i24NEWS_FR - about the beginning of that day and the attack - BUT IT WON’T COME UP.

In the following posts I attached the story of the 9 Migunit street shelters - with clips from a very recent article by @hen_zender , @channel13il >>Image
Dec 31, 2024 26 tweets 11 min read
🧵1/ “The white coat deception”


Using a humanitarian protection as a terrorist manipulation and deception- is a war crime and often a crime against humanity. When you idolize terrorists as heroes- you support a death cult that commits endless crimes against humanity, has no boundaries and or a moral code, but will use and utilize every single moral code as a weakness

Do not fall for the lies and deception of a death cult that just lost one of its important fortresses - as usual with a cover of “a hospital”

This is the story of Kamal Adwan “Hospital” the disguised “patients”, the “medical staff” and the devil in the white coat “Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya”- Hamas' last stronghold in Jabaliya - and following that in the thread- how they use

▪️UN aid
▪️and children

2/ First, just to make you understand, Gaza might be the place with most “hospitals” on planet earth - they learned early on to use it as terrorist coverups and resting points for headquarters. This is not “the last hospital” it’s simply no longer a terrorist headquarters.

Look at the compared maps - Gaza and Israel (Gaza is in green on the Israeli map) hospitals

Dec 11, 2024 20 tweets 10 min read
🧵1/ Captagon, the amphetamine evil, and the criminal narco state of #Syria 🇸🇾 and non state proxy Hezbollah 🇱🇧- as a geo political weapon, financial survival source and fundraiser for terrorism - that maintain the industry that threatens the world AND Israel

>> Image 2/ We’re seeing many videos of Captagon destruction in Syria lately, what does it mean? The Captagon drug industry in Syria is unique in many ways, but mainly because it was controlled, sponsored and used by the Assad’s regime itself >
Dec 8, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵1/ HELLO #Syria!
Some will say (as always) that Israel, the Mossad and “the imperialistic west” overthrew the Syrian dictatorship. Israel declared it will not interfere but I will be very proud if we did.
I don’t know if it’s a victory yet but it is an important defeat
> 2/ I can’t celebrate the “rebels” because non of us know the > values and principles that they will eventually hold and promote. And no, “the will of the people” is not enough to create a positive change in a society or to create an actual democracy.

This new leadership
Nov 26, 2024 19 tweets 7 min read
🧵1/ Hey there @JosepBorrellF, I see that you’re very concerned with attacks in Lebanon (but nothing about indiscriminate rockets from Lebanon on Israel since the genocidal attack on October 7th, walk with for a thread about the UNIFIL’s contribution to “peace” on this border >> 2/ After endless cruel terrorist attacks that came through air, sea and land, that focused mostly on kidnapping and murdering Israeli women, children toddlers and babies eventually Israel entered the IDF into southern Lebanon >> Image
Nov 17, 2024 23 tweets 15 min read
🚨🧵1/ REVEALED: A MEGA SCAM FOR THE FAKE PRO PALESTINE MOVEMENT: you might hear that this is about a “human mistake” / Karaoke nonsense / cancel culture victims / Spaces drama etc. But it’s really, IMO, about so much more. This will be a long and deep dive.

For those of you who still haven’t realized that deception is not a random “mistake” but rather a concept for the fake “pro Palestinian” movement- orchestrated to fabricate and promote a fake genocide narrative only to justify profiting from it and also to support a global criminal terrorist organizations- you are not there yet.

You don’t see the truth yet.
I hope that you get there, because this is what Israel has been fighting for more than a year instead of focusing only on saving our people and our country, and on recovering from a genocidal brutal attack on October 7th that some evil people call “resistance”.

Stealing, lying, fabricating facts and emotionally extorting people to believe that the criminals are the victims and the victims are the aggressors- is exactly what they’ve done to Israel and to Zionists/ Jews in general. There are endless evidence of that mechanism- you can see a small fraction of it on @GAZAWOOD1

The children in Gaza ARE suffering and ARE victims of this situation- but their true oppressors and abusers are the Gaza death cult: the Muslim brotherhood (Hamas mainly) - that are followed by, celebrated and supported by the adults in Gaza (“Palestinians”), by the UN institutions in Gaza and by many others complicit in this Iranian / Qatari criminal industry.

For years, but mostly since October 7th - they have been terrorizing the Israeli / Jewish people, then committed a genocidal attack on us, followed by robbing us of facts, validation of the crimes they did to us, of our history, and then bullying us with more lies and fabrications.

At the center of this new scam on social media (one of many scam campaigns) - was the leading “angle voice” for pro Palestine: Maze (@ MazeLove14). This is not a mistake and not random, it’s malicious and professional. And it looks like she wasn’t working alone in deception.

Apparently she stole many voices and claimed that it’s her voice and performance - then raised donations with it, but there was one talented covers singer that she used the most.

Meet the main victim here:
a talented performer called @samharveyuk , with more than 2.3 million subscribers on YouTube (this cover performance was also stolen by Maze)- you can find her here:…

On both clips it’s her voice, her performance, on one of them Maze claimed it’s her live performance
>> 2/ Imagine the levels of theft and deception: lying about your voice and stealing someone’s voice, in the name of a fake cause, for a fake claim of a fake history and a fake movement - all while supporting terrorizing another nation just so that you can condemn it with more lies and steal in the name of suffering.
Nov 9, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
🧵1- #פוגרום_אמסטרדם
אחד האנשים הכי עדינים, ערכיים ומתונים שאני מכירה טס לאחרונה בהתרגשות שיא (״להתאוורר״) למשחק של מכבי באמסטרדם עם אבא שלו ואחיו הצעיר. מה שעבר עליו בלתי ניתן לתיווך אבל לצערי הוא חבול פיזית ונפשית ולכן הוא לא כאן לזה ואני חייבת לנסות כמיטב יכולתי לתמצת את מה שסיפר וגם ביחס לשלל העלילות שהריצו מאז.
מתייגת אותו כאן אבל בבקשה אל תטרידו אותו, הוא צריך מרחב לנשום ולהתאושש @Roy19O6

* הוא לא אוהב פוסטים ארוכים אז בשבילו אני חותכת לשרשור >> 2- עכשיו כבר ידוע שהארוע כולו תוכנן מראש, ימים לפני- התארגנות ״לצוד חיילי צה״ל״ - הגדרה גורפת לאלפי הישראלים שהגיעו לעודד את מכבי, כולל משפחות וכל מי שהיה לידם- כללה נהגי מוניות ומסייעים שהכינו מארבים המוניים של מאות (אם לא יותר).

בשטח- חיכו להם בכל סימטה, כל פינה, כל מלון בו שהו ישראלים או מי שלידם.
Oct 29, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ 🚨⚖️ Breaking: The Israeli parliament just voted in an overwhelming majority- to cut all ties with UNRWA. This new law is a combination of 2 bills - one is to stop UNRWA permit from operating on Israeli sovereign territory (East Jerusalem) and the other is to stop all collaboration with this organization entirely.


Read thread 👇🏻Image
2/ To understand the meaning and true purpose of the UNRWA deception you need to start with the fabricated and unique definition of “refugees” UNRWA is providing- exclusively for “Palestinians
Oct 19, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ The “unconfirmed” fiction movement:

‘Unconfirmed: a random BS lie I push forward to the dumb crowd of bots that follow me’

* Fact: Netanyahu was not there and is rarely there.
>> Image 2/ Netanyahu just published this video in which he refers to the elimination of Sinwar 3 days ago >>
Oct 19, 2024 16 tweets 7 min read
🧵1/ Meet Heidi Matthews, an assistant Prof of law at @OsgoodeNews , a graduate of the university of “depends on the context” @Harvard_Law and an “expert” in International Law.

Also- a perfect example of the absolute moral bankruptcy that academia is promoting these days.

@Heidi__Matthews I’m mentioning you here with the zero chance that you are simply VERY confused, misled and mistaken in good faith rather than my basic intuition that you are a very bad faith paid actor that is profiteering from this insane and so falsely brainwashed line of “critical thinking” that is simply promoting cruel violence, zero morality and a very evil death cult that you mistake to be the victim. I truly hope that you listen.
>>Image 2/ Let’s start with your premises. Recently, Heidi was very busy as the star “expert opinion” on all the propaganda talking points of the death cult: terrorism is a heroic resistance of freedom fighters, even - “the eroticization of colonial violence” - “conjuring the FANTASY of these kind of atrocities” to justify “a genocide in Gaza” - in reference to the rape and sexual abuse that was committed by Hamas and other Palestinians on October 7th and on the female Israeli hostages.
Oct 15, 2024 24 tweets 16 min read
🧵1/ The children of Gaza & WB - revealing the Islamist palestinism death cult and UNTWA’s role in their use and abuse:

👉🏻To understand Israel in this war- you have to truly understand what we’re fighting.

It took us 75 years, repeated monstrous terrorist attacks, that manipulated every ounce of our morality, countless monstrous statements by its leaders and one #October7th genocide attempt- for the majority of Israelis to understand that the group that defines itself as "Palestinian" is led by a palestinism death cult (with many leaders that were born in other Arab countries- like Egypt, Syria, Jordan etc. and with IRGC agenda and support) that sanctifies death for the sake of Allah - suicide and murder by and of children and all others are holy and for the sake of God (as opposed to death is a necessary evil for the protection of life and the values ​​of freedom)

It took us 75 years to realize that this death cult is maintained by international organizations that call themselves "guardians of human rights and international law" and have many polite and whitewashed expressions in the language of the West (colonialism, oppression, occupation, apartheid, river and sea) with the purpose of justifying, advocating for and covering up of an extremist religious sectarian ideology - a criminal and corrupt palestinism-Islamist ideology - which sanctifies the blood of children for the purposes of the sect and in the name of "God (Allah)", that glorifies the murder of innocents because they are "Jews" or “the west” whom it defines in serial brainwashing as subhumans, pigs and monkeys - that must be destroyed in order to please Allah "from the river to the sea" and then also - to destroy the control of "the West" heretics.

In this cruel and unimaginably tragic picture of reality - the children are both messengers of murder, victims who grew up to sanctify their deaths and also a product of propaganda to continue the blindness of the West and its use against itself and to continue this unbearable control and exploitation of children, in the name of the death of said children.

Placing the children at the heart of the violence of this death cult and this cruel cynical use of them - poses new and impossible moral dilemmas that obviously serve the death cult that has never had zero care or interest in morality.

It took us 75 years to wake up from the "two state solution" propaganda fraud and that awakening was painful.

It took us 75 years to realize- that while we in Israel were singing and educating for peace, working for peace and trying to reach out for humanity in every way - the death cult loyalists across the border on the other side were dreaming, singing and teaching about the blood of Jews and the war of exterminating the Jews, they were training militarily from birth to die for Allah in the holy war in which they will kill as many Jews as possible and die for “Palestine”.

Even since we left Gaza in 2005 and long before that from the PA territories in the West Bank - there were (are) groups in Israel and in the world that still talk about Israeli "occupation" as if it were Gaza and the West Bank - but there (in Gaza and WB) they talk about “the occupation of Palestine from water to water" "from the river to the sea" - Including Acre, Haifa, Tel Aviv. Meaning, “liberation from occupation" means the complete destruction of Israel, a complete genocide and ethnic cleansing of its people. For them it was for 75 years: Arab Palestine (although it never existed).

This thread will show the methods of this death cult that is now pushing for more power and support through “self determination” - of a criminal cruel organization that is hijacking a people with UN help and support.

The first clip is from the movie: “UNRWA AT WAR” - full movie is here: 2/ There is no nice way to say it- children are a product in this death cult and its war. They abuse them in many ways- starve and torture them (with stolen humanitarian aid that is then held and sold in very high prices), after they create misery they then pay them to do propaganda in front of a camera

Sep 23, 2024 6 tweets 4 min read
🧵1/ What happened to the 30 synagogues in the Gush Katif towns - which were in the Gaza Strip before Israel withdrew from there in 2005? Israel decided to leave many facilities (such as advanced greenhouses) behind and not destroy them in order to allow the Gazans to prosper after the evacuation of Jews from the Strip, the synagogue buildings specifically were left as because it is a place of prayers and Jews will not destroy synagogues.

Even before the full withdrawal of the IDF from there, a Gazan mob came to loot and burn them, then tractors and construction equipment came to completely destroy them and celebrate the ruins.

There was no ammunition there or any king of risk to Gazans, some of those places were left as a deserted land and some with facilities that were intentionally humiliating. There was absolutely no reason to do this, other than complete disrespect for other religions.

2/ These are some of the images that Jews that were just ethnically cleansed from their homes - only with the intention to promote stability and co existence- saw in the days following the evacuation

Sep 10, 2024 24 tweets 12 min read
🧵1/ Again with the “Hannibal Directive” campaign from the death cult and its influencers - this vicious ignorant claim started almost right after #October7Massacre and was debunked many times but we have more documentation now so time to revisit. Who killed/burned them? >>
2/ Let’s start with the fact that we know now - that the IDF heavy forces and the air force was almost not existing in the first hour of this genocidal attack, in some place for more than a day. In the Nova - that, is a tragedy that is for us to investigate. But a fact.
Sep 8, 2024 13 tweets 6 min read
🧵1/ 🇯🇴 🚨The daily attacks of the #Death_Cult on every attempt of peace and co existence reached Allenby border crossing between Israel and Jordan, a truck driver that was supposed to bring aid into Gaza shot and murdered 3 elderly Israelis that were there to help. I was young but I still remember one of the most horrific massacres of Israelis on that border >>Image 2/ On 1997 one of the most horrific massacres happened when students (only girls) 13-14 y.o. went on their school trip to a place called “the island of peace”- a very unique place that was established with the peace treaty with Jordan only 3 years prior. 7 girls were murdered, 5 injured. Island of peace:

Sep 7, 2024 28 tweets 16 min read
🧵1/ The latest discussion in Israel and what it has to do with Russia 🇷🇺 IRGS 🇮🇷 and Turkey 🇹🇷 psyops? The German newsletter @BILD that recently revealed a document that was discovered in Gaza - in it the strategy of Sin-War and Hamas leaders orchestrating a huge manipulation regarding the hostages negotiation and the weaponization of the “deal” propaganda and Israeli protests.

First, the main points revealed in this document:

“We have a document from Hamas that proves that it does not intend to end the fighting and that Hamas has no interest in Gaza's suffering. According to the report, the writers were exposed to a document personally approved by Sinwar that contained the organization's strategy in negotiations. It is dated spring 2024.

1: The organization's military capabilities to act against Israel must be maintained. The political and military apparatus (in Israel) should be exhausted at this point.

👉🏻 2: Clauses (in the “deal”) must be improved even at the cost of delay in negotiations.

👉🏻 3: We must continue to exert psychological pressure on the families of the hostages (they call them prisoners) in order to increase the pressure on the government.

4: During the negotiations in the second phase, Hamas will allow the Red Cross to visit some of the hostages and deliver a message to the families 👉🏻 it is claimed that the goal is to extend the ceasefire.

👉🏻 5: The document specifies requirements and key points for manipulating the international community and promoting the restoration of Hamas's power: we must station Arab forces along the eastern and northern border with Israel. These will serve as a buffer to prevent the entry of Israeli forces into the Gaza Strip 👉🏻 until all of the organization's capabilities are restored.

👉🏻 6: Applying media pressure that Israel is the obstacle to the deal while Israel rejected it. 👉🏻 Hamas must not be held responsible for the failure of the negotiations.

7: What is not in the document (according to the Bild): reference to a humanitarian situation in Gaza and the Philadelphi corridor, which Hamas is now insisting on.

Link to original publication:

The main discussion in Israel is regarding points 3, 6 - and the question weather the protests in Israel are manipulated by Hamas/ helping Hamas and more importantly- are they helping Hamas in a way that actually hurts the chances of the hostages coming back and alive, and whether there’s even a real chance of “a hostage deal” or this is all a manipulation game run by Hamas. In this discussion- there’s another question, how reliable this document (that was not revealed) and if this is a true strategy or a political manipulation by the Israeli government.

One Israeli reporter @amit_segal says that this is the document he revealed in January 2024, but this document was very criticized and also January is not “spring”. In his reveal - Amit Segal referred to the IDF recovering many documents from Hamas headquarters in Gaza in Dec 2023, these documents could be the same or different- in any case they align. The IDF did not deny them.

The “pro Palestinian criticize both reveals as well.

Wether the documents are reliable or not is less important here because this is not really a reveal, we can see EXACTLY what Hamas wants, the leaders and propaganda machine are very public with it, they want (from their messages):

• Netanyahu out (and blamed for all their actions)
• The Israeli protests to continue
• Israel to be divided, isolated and desperate
• To weaponize the hostages and their families’ pain
• To stop the IDF, stop the successful rescues of hostages
• To avoid any and all accountability for endless crimes
• To survive and destroy Israel

👉🏻 The only remaining questions are whether Hamas truly negotiates a “deal”,truly wants it or weaponizes it and what is the cost for Israel. Moreover- what should be the conclusion from all of it?

Image 2/ @EinatWilf posted very accurately about Hamas’ agenda- they wish for one thing only: avoiding all accountability and completely destroying Israel. If they (only) wished for prisoners (murderers) release from Israel - they would not do a genocide attempt and take so many hostages.
Sep 3, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵1/ There’s simply no way a human brain can process all the atrocities of this genocidal attack, every day my heart breaks with a new story and I cannot avoid the unbearable reference to my people’ ancestors testimonies from another decade

This is Kai, he was a 9 days old infant when the death cult terrorists broke into his family home on October 7, they hid in the home shelter- and like many others they began suffocating from smoke inside that shelter as the psychopaths outside burned their home, waiting for them outside.

The impossible choice was:
To say and suffocate to death
To escape outside and be executed to death / brutally tortured or kidnapped as commodity to Gaza tunnels. Many of these impossible choices ended with a horrific tragedy.

Kai’s family called the fire department hotline and 2 of that department guided them for hours until they were able to finally rescue them.

One of the advice they gave the parents was to protect the new born from the smoke that filled the shelter, at all cost. The parents put him on the window when there was no other alternative.Image 2/ Kai and his family were rescued alive, unfortunately many others did not. This is the video from the moment of the rescue from their home in kibbutz Nirim (surrounded with terrorists) >>
Sep 1, 2024 17 tweets 9 min read
🧵1/ שמישהו יסביר לי למה אי אפשר לקיים דיון רציני ומעמיק על הסכנות הממשיות, המוחשיות לחיים בעקבות מנהרות הטרור מתחת למעבר רפיח וציר פילדלפי - הערכת ניהול סיכונים אמיתית של חיים מול חיים, ולמה ואיך ישראל זיו הפך לדובר קבוע באולפני ישראל, בנושא הזה ובכלל?
2/ נתחיל מזה שאלוף במיל׳ ישראל זיו נשען על היותו אחראי לציר כמפקד אוגדת עזה וראש אג״מ לשעבר, בשנים 2003-2005 וטוען שלא נמנעו מעולם הברחות באזור הזה, שפוצצו מנהרות בודדות ורק שת״פ עם מצרים הציל אותנו. דבר ראשון, מאות רבות של מנהרות התגלו אחרי סיום תפקידו ב-2005, איפה האחריות לזה? >>Image
Sep 1, 2024 9 tweets 5 min read
🧵1/ The full statement of IDF spokesman @IDFSpokesperson (free translation by me):

”This morning, with a broken heart, we are with the families of: Ori Danino, Alex Lubnov, Almog Sarusi, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Carmel Gat and Eden Yerushalmi, may their memory be a blessing.

A few hours ago we informed the families that the bodies of their loved ones were located by the IDF in an underground tunnel in Rafah.

According to the initial assessment we have, they were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists, shortly before we reached them.

They were kidnapped alive on the morning of October 7 by the terrorist organization Hamas.

Their bodies were found during the fighting in Rafah in an underground tunnel, about a kilometer away from the tunnel from which we rescued the hostage Farhan Qadi a few days ago.

Since the rescue of Farhan, the forces have been given emphasis on careful and controlled action even more than usual, with the understanding that there may be additional hostages in proximity.

We did not have any information about the exact location of those hostages.

The fighting continued above ground and the forces eliminated terrorists, during the battles that took place there yesterday as well.

The forces are operating in the field at this time as well. Last night IDF forces located and rescued the bodies from the tunnel and brought them to Israel to continue the identification process.

At the end of the process, which was carried out by medical officials and the 433 LAHAV police unit, the IDF representatives notified the families.

We share, at this difficult time, the great sorrow of their families. It is impossible to describe in words what the hostages are going through in the captivity of Hamas since October 7th, for 331 days now, and what their families are going through.

This morning, the horrific news shakes us all.

Questions? >> 2/ Q- @N12News : “What exactly is the connection between Farhan's rescue and the discovery of these bodies? Were they together with him in captivity and murdered because the terrorists feared that the IDF was coming?”

👉🏻 “The bodies of the hostages were located about a kilometer from the location where we rescued Farhan Qadi, to the best of my knowledge there is currently no direct connection between the situations - we are investigating it.

Aug 24, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Hey @mehdirhasan Why do you work for a country that blames victims of rape on their rape and imprisons them? Ridiculously YOU rise an argument of rape - against countries that actually go above and beyond to investigate it, even if it’s only based on testimonies of mass rapists & rapists - according to 🇶🇦 we should charge them for sex outside of marriage as well? Or is that just a woman’s privilege? >>Image
Secondly, is all your debates based on lies that are presented as facts? Do you really not know the difference between allegations and investigations to an actual fact?

Your arguments have such zero respect to evidence and due process no wonder you’re so morally bankrupt