“Reevaluating Gandhi: How he delayed Independence and Mainstreamed Radical Islam”
will show how Gandhi’s actions kept Indians pacified for the British, and his courting Mullahs seeded the partition of India.
Letter from M K Gandhi to Viceroy to "explain" his actions. His concern is the (British) Government of India is not supporting "India" in its quest for Khilafat (i.e. ISIS-like Caliphate).
Islam teaches contempt for kaffirs, particularly kaffir women.
All the professions of “love” are a facade for the underlying contempt. As soon as the girl is trapped, the real hate and contempt start getting expressed.
When the contempt shows up as abusive behavior, the women often condone it, stuck on the earlier professions of “love” and how their Abdul would turn back around.
But their is nothing to turn back to. There was never love, only hate for kaffirs.
While Islam and Christianity go out of the way to get followers (with a low barrier to entry), some Hindus actively discourage even those who spend years learning the tradition.
This arrogance is costly. We must find a way to welcome sincere seekers, not diss them.
People don’t know what “sin” means or “shudra” means but are happy to recite rules.
I’m not sure what the problem with a woman reciting the Upanishad with proper uccharan is. And how did we assume she is not connected to a lineage or doesn’t have a guru.
"over 26,000 fire incidents have been observed in Punjab since September 15..."
How can farmers be allowed to trash the environment like this? @ArvindKejriwal is failing at the job. UP is a much bigger state with far less paddy burning.
While the Govt and Courts are quick to ban Diwali which has a negligible effect on pollution, no one has the guts to ban stubble burning which is the major cause.
Is it because as whipping boys, you whip Hindu festivals, no matter the actual cause?