Of course, I've shown the family this movie before - I'm no monster - but it's been too long & the kids are forgetting the lines, and that can't be. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Night_a…
123.03b/ Note, in unwitting homage to this movie, I actually saw "Il trovatore" in the New York Metropolitan Opera. That's how committed I was to my heroes Groucho, Chico and Harpo. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Il_trovat…
123.08/ My son, working in Israel this year, came with these gifts, demonstrating how well he's absorbed the lessons & instruction of my parenting. Getting kosher soda is hard, especially in goofy #Fanta flavors
123.09/ Went to the Israel Museum today & saw some amazing things, possibly the most mind-blowing was this king's seal of Hezekiah himself! It gives me chills. The Bible validated as history by archeology!
123.10/ We also saw some funny Avoda-Zara statues. Many Roman gods, but also stuff from 4000+ years ago. Including this cartoonish lady.
123.11/ Chodesh Tov from "The Eye of the Universe!" One small thing I treasure about being here is the birkat cohanim in every morning davening. It's a palpable sign of the advanced holiness.
123.12/ There's also a fun halachic shuffle where we don't say "Ten tal u'matar" in America yet, but *do* say in Israel, yet when I return to America I stop saying it for a week or so and then start up again. outorah.org/p/22451/
123.13/ Able to daven Rosh Chodesh mincha at the kotel at virtually the earliest time possible. It's a bracha to be able to do so, but still tinged with sadness at the Churban (can't help it!)
123.14/ It's heavy rain in Jerusalem (a bracha) and heavy traffic (not so much) and we just passed through the walls of the Old City (the ramparts) through the Sha'ar ha-Ashpah (the ram parts).
123.15/ Making Shabbas lunch and going for one of my favorite Israeli food customs: challah with a trillion "salads" (pictured below). Alas, I didn't fully trust this caterer's Yerushalmi kugel (with pickle, of course).
123.16/ My daughter asked why do people think that it's a good thing to leave notes in the Western Wall (something I'm pretty much against). I explained that it must come from the concept of "leave-note Yerushalayim" as seen below en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livnot_U%…
123.17/ Candle lighting in Jerusalem is 36 minutes before sunset, so that's very soon. Please stay safe everyone and #ShabbatShalom
122.03/ The first #MotzeiShabbatMovieNight of 5783 is the classic grim crime thriller "Batman"... actually, sorry, it's the camp classic "Batman (1966)". Why? Because it's referenced so often by later comedies & it's part of their education, of course. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_(1…
120.03/ Spot on. I used to get a DD kosher egg-white, fakin'-bacon & cheese on a bagel as a Sunday treat and I so wanted it to be good... but my dreams were dashed on this reality:
119.03/ Remembering the Before Times, Nov 2019, when my wife and were on a business trip together to Vienna and, as is our wont, we went to an art museum where, unbeknownst to me, I was able to see one of my favorite paintings ever. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kunsthist… en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tower…