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The argument against impeachment is this:
If it fails in the senate, the gop will proclaim vindication.
The problem: by not pursuing it, they will proclaim vindication.
Damned if you do or don't. This being the case, be on the side of the constitution and what's right.
.@SpeakerPelosi said in an interview (paraphrasing):
"You should never start impeachment for political reasons BUT you should never NOT start impeachment for political reasons."
EVERY reason not to is political.
"not there yet" &"still on the table" are BS at this point. #resist
Why impeach: 1) It is the constitutional duty of the house to do so. 2) Dems become the party of ethics &law; taking the mantle from the gop. 3) Punching a deserving bully in the mouth helps Dems now &in the future; showing that we aren't weak. It will shift the paradigm. #resist