3 months ago, I was tasked with writing an article detailing “20 Transphobic JK Rowling Quotes We’re Done With”
After 12 weeks of reading her books, tweets, full essay & finding the context of these “quotes”, I’ve not found a single truly transphobic message🧵
In the process, I peaked.
JK Rowling is not an “intolerable transphobe”, she’s a (talented) woman who could have sat back & been beloved forever, but looked around & paid attention as the intersection of trans rights and women’s rights has had understandable growing pains.🧵
In many cases, one groups rights are being sacrificed for the other, with the most vulnerable women often paying the price. Here in Britain, we always want to support both sides but realise that in some cases (like DV Shelters), that is impossible.
And JK was paying attention.
JK saw the loopholes being created & knew that women needed a voice. So instead of sitting back & wishing everyone well, said “It’s got to be me, hasn’t it?”. She did something terrifying & amazing & used her voice, I suspect knowing damn well what was to come.
That’s bravery.🧵
3 months of dedicated research & I cannot find a single truly transphobic JK Rowling quote that stands up against the scrutiny of journalistic integrity.
The abuse JK has endured is beyond forgiveness. Every death threat, r*pe threat & torrent of abuse, she has born w/ grace.🧵
Shame on those who have framed her under the guise of “reporting” when you must know, deep down, you are just chucking out clickbait & stirring up hate. Shame on those who followed that propaganda without critical thought.
You’re burning the wrong witch. I stand with @jk_rowling
After 2 very bumpy days, I think I’m going to send myself some flowers.
There’s nothing like a beautiful bouquet to remind you there is love and beauty in this world.
Any recommendations?
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Here are the loopholes I’ve found that are created by Trans Inclusion that harm women & children.
I’ll update this thread as I find more.
Let’s me start by saying I remain a trans ally & agree trans people deserve to live openly, without discrimination.
However: 🧵
Trans Inclusion harms lesbians.
Lesbian bars & events must currently admit *males. This attracts men who crossdress & infiltrate our spaces to loom over, leer at, harass & abuse lesbians.
There are more lesbians “out” than ever but zero lesbian bars in the UK & only 5 in the USA. This has disbanded the lesbian community & endangers young sapphic women as we try to meet.
Ask any lesbian - she’ll likely have had an ordeal with a man in a sapphic space who has come in specifically to be creepy little perverts.
Essentially, trans inclusion has meant lesbian bars are now no more than Lesbian Aquariums for men with a fetish for lesbians to use to target us. Organisers face accusations of transphobia if they won’t allow *males in to lesbian/bi women’s events.
Of course men are using the loophole created to include trans women to harass lesbians. We’re scared & these men seek out confrontation. It’s a kink, a fetish, an abuse of the law & an insult to both the trans community & lesbians/bi women to ignore this happens. It does.
Trans women remain male so are not lesbians anyway. Most trans women respect that & wouldn’t come to lesbian only events. Only fetishist, crossdressing men do that. It’s an uncomfortable truth & very easy to look away but I beg of you - don’t. Please listen to lesbians as we fight to retain our right to meet without men.
It has become a given that to attend a lesbian/bi event means we will likely have to deal with crossdressing men who have come specifically to target us. They will film us, try to start confrontations, expose their genitals to us, leer at & loom over us & generally make it impossible for us to “just ignore them”. This is our punishment for daring to not being attracted to men.
It’s OK to oppose these men & we must be able to say No to any *male in sapphic spaces. The next generation of lesbians deserve to feel safe & supported & have access to their community. Us elders are fighting not only for us but for all sapphic women. Please help?
No, it is not transphobic for us to not “date” biological males. That’s just lesbianism. Any consequences faced by women for simply being homosexual is homophobia.
The loophole which allows any male to enter lesbian bars or events must be closed. Lesbians are human female homosexuals. We never have nor want penises. Stop supporting a movement which destroys our ability to meet without *males or accused us of hate because of our unchangeable sexuality.
Trans women & lesbians are cool. We’re allies. It’s men causing the problem, here. We must retain sapphic spaces for biological women only.
Trans Inclusion harms domestic violence victims & abuse/SA survivors.
Domestic Violence shelters & services for women are no longer safe. Male abusers can currently follow their victims in to the shelter she has escaped to & access her again, so long as they claim to be a trans woman also escaping an abusive relationship. Yes, of course an abusive man will do this.
It is already hugely difficult for abused women to leave an abusive relationship. Any reason a woman may think twice about seeking help or shelter is to be shut down. Women deserve support surviving abuse & the men doing the abusing will go to any lengths to prevent their victim breaking free. The fact that the man could present as a trans woman & he admitted in to a women’s shelter or access the same services is preventing women from seeking help.
There are even men who will use the loophole that says trans women may use women’s shelters & services to crossdress & try to befriend or get close to vulnerable women. Vulnerable women are exactly what these men wish to find & when we allow any male to access DV/Rape services or shelters, we invalidate them.
Domestic Violence shelters & services which provide help to abused women must remain female only. Women deserve to have a completely male-free environment in which to recover. The early stages of these victims recovery is no time to forcibly include trans women(who remain male) in our few shelters & support groups.
Trans women remain male & it is not transphobic to acknowledge that. When a woman has been abused or is a victim of sexual violence, they should be able to be in a female only environment.
There is a shelter in Scotland who employed a trans woman as the manager of a DV Shelter. That is not appropriate. No one should be forced to lie & say they believe a male can be a woman just because he says so. That is forced speech.
Women’s services should be run by & accesses by biological women only. The loopholes trans inclusion creates are being used by dangerous men & that must stop. Just the possibility of a shelter or service not being female only is enough to stop women in great danger & great need from accessing these safe spaces.
Of course trans women are also victims of abuse & also deserve support but they should have their own shelters. It should not be women’s job to fix the problems caused by violent men.
Keep Domestic Violence & Rape shelters & services female only. To remain silent on this is to leave women unable to leave abusive relationships & this is often a life threatening situation. There is no time to be occupied with trans inclusion while abused women pay the price.
Trans women surely do not wish for women to be robbed of this lifeline for their benefit? There is so much support for trans services, so open your own. Why force already existing women’s services to include males?
As with lesbian bars, men abuse the loophole created by forced trans inclusion & Self ID to enter DV shelters & prey on vulnerable women. No. Of course predatory men will wish to find & target women already worn down by the horrors of domestic abuse & sexual violence. We cannot support any loophole which makes it easier for these men to acces their victims or find new ones.
No males in women’s emergency shelters & services.
I keep being told off & declared “offensive” for saying I don’t care about trans people.
Not what I meant. I mean I don’t care, nor do I care to learn, what makes someone trans. You do you, I won’t to stop or attack you.
What I will fight is the destruction of women’s spaces🧵
Example: Men (the male kind🙄) are pretending to be trans & using women’s spaces/services as a playground for their various fetishes.
It started with lesbian bars, so those all closed bc: BREAKING: lesbians don’t like being perved on & harassed by men.
Then prisons. Men are…🧵
Men saying “I’d love to go to a womens prison!” used to be a joke.
Now, it’s a reality. You need only check Reddit etc to see that many men are “bookmarking” false feelings of Gender Dysphoria with their Doctors so that they may go to a women’s prison if caught for a crime.😒
I’ve just been banned from @Tinder for privately reporting this clearly-a-man, asking for an option for lesbians to opt out of trans women. As they are male.
I made the request privately, I didn’t contact this individual, I have not been hateful.
But I’m banned for life.
Thanks, @Tinder , for reminding us lesbians where we stand.
Which is in the dangerous position of being forced to include crossdressing *males in our dating pool or be banned from your platform.
You clearly believe lesbians have no right to deny males access to our community & bodies.
We’ll remember you said that.
@Tinder This was my report. A simple plea to the @Tinder God’s to allow an option which respects all sexualities - in this case, lesbians.
But it seems my sexuality is hateful, bigoted & is literally preventing people from “being themselves” just for wishing to opt out of dating *males.
Claiming that a man can literally become a woman just by saying so is such an insult to women.
Women have only had equality for a speck of human history & the moment it happens, men say they can just opt in?
No. You can’t. Stop lying. To yourself as well as everyone else.
Being trans isn’t an insult. If you wish to identify as a trans woman, have your friends & family call you “her” & a female name, wear dresses & make up etc, fine. Have at it.
But you can’t gaslight the public in to pretending we don’t know you’re male.
We’re allowed to say so.
My female body is not just a vagina & breasts. I am not a woman bc I wear make up, dresses or heels. I cannot opt out of womanhood & no male can opt in.
The biological lottery is 50/50. You cannot play again.
Services & spaces set up for women’s safety & equality need to remain female only.
Please find a way to cope with that simple fact. It is not the public’s job to affirm your womanhood if they do not wish to do so. Live your life, find your people & leave everyone alone.
No one should be forced to lie. I do not believe anyone male is literally a woman & while I will use preferred pronouns out of respect, I will stop if womens spaces continue to be demolished in the name of trans inclusion.
This has to stop somewhere. I draw the line at forced speech & women losing their jobs for simply believing males are men & females are women. This is basic biology - I don’t care why you think you are the opposite sex, it’s simply not true. Those who suffer with Gender Dysphoria are respected on the whole, but the trans community is starting to push its luck. The whole world doesn’t revolve around your whim to be seen as a woman.
Now that women’s spaces & services (such as DV shelters & sports) are being trampled for the sake of less than 1% of an already privileged population, to cheers from *males dressed as women, I can no longer support trans inclusion as harmless. It directly affects women’s safety & equality. No.
One time when I was running a coffee shop, Maggie Smith came in. She was eating alone & not at all in peace because all the kids in the coffee shop had spotted Professor McGonagall and we’re so excited!
She finished her lunch, tipped very well and asked for her coat. Before she left, she walked in stern silence to the bathroom with her coat in her hand as parents hushed their excited children. When she emerged from the loo, she was wearing her long black coat as a cloak, one of her arms ahead of her with the coat draped over it and, with a flourish, she swished her arm down and her eyes gleamed as she called out, in character -
“Let the Sorting begin!”
She sat for a good hour signing napkins and talking to a huddle of kids. It was absolutely adorable.
I’ll never forget that. It was the nicest thing I’ve ever seen. She’s an incredible lady.
She had a smoked salmon salad and a sparkling water. And gave every kid in the place possibly the best day of their entire childhood.
The last thing she said before she left was “Expecto Patronum!”
I’d forgotten the straw bit! It was cafe policy that I wasn’t allowed to ask for an autograph but that’s fine, the memory is incomparable.
It was 2009 just after The Half Blood Prince released in UK cinemas. Magic.
As a former LGBTQ media “Journo” I’d like to uncover some of the simple rules used across the board in LGBTQ media📝
From feed content to homo headlines,here are the Top Tips for being published in your favourite LGBTQ publication🏳️🌈
1. Reaction Takes Action
Want to write about LGBTQ culture? The number one rule is Thou Shalt Not Be Un-Biased😡
We’ve been silenced & outraged too long so this is OUR TIME to shine. We don’t do “journalism”-we want a reaction & that starts with yours
“Be mad b4 you go mad”
2. Enragement Equals Engagement
So, you want your article to fly around social media? Of course you do, you’re paid in clicks & exposure. Go one further than “get a reaction” & see if you can enrage your audience
Bc Enragement Equals Engagement. They’ll share it like a rash.