Petting a dog has a PAWSITIVE effect on your brain.
The science is so wholesome and potentially groundbreaking.
We don’t have to tell animal lovers that petting a dog rules.
If you see a dog and you get to say hi to the dog and then you ask to PET the dog and you are ALLOWED to pet the dog is pretty much the BEST DAY EVER.
Science explains why!
In the journal PLOS ONE a team of scientists decided to put dogs up against adorable stuffies while scanning for specific types of brain activity.…
The humans selected were placed in one of three groups.
A group that got to interact with dogs.
A group that got into interact with a stuffed dog.
A group that go to stare at a wall.
Yes, being in the last group would have sucked.
In all of the trials the humans had their brains scanned with something called fNIRS or functional near-infrared spectroscopy.
That’s a fancy machine which measures brain activity via oxygen saturation in the brain.
The team thought that frontal cortex of brain would show greater excitement.
This part of your brain is responsible for attention, memory and problem solving.
It's perhaps why PETTING a dog is so memorable.
Perhaps your brain is MORE engaged!
First the dog/stuffie was across the room.
Then it was right next to them.
Then they got to pet it.
After the first round of these trials, the participants were send home and then had to come back to repeat the experiment.
This is where things get REALLY wholesome.
The wall group was the baseline and compared to that control, both the stuffie and real dog group had more brain activity in the pre-frontal cortex.
So, even the stuffie caused an increase!
The increase was the MOST when the participants were petting the stuffie or the dog.
BUT when the participants came back for the second and third trial the data was shocking!
The stuffie group showed a plateau or a decrease in the second and third trial, while the real dog group showed an increase each time.
The conclusions are adorable.
The humans in the trial had made a bond with their real dog, were happy and excited to see their dog, and their brain was more active.
The humans in the stuffie trial perhaps now thought their situation was silly and not novel anymore,.
Why is this important?
If people or kids with deficits in attention or motivation are doing activities where there is a dog, those activities would be done at the same time the brain is very engaged and focused.
Activities like learning or therapeutic classes would have a greater impact.
The evidence continues to mount.
Petting Dogs do provide a measurable response in the human brain.
It’s overwhelmingly positive to be around a dog.
The area of the brain needed for learning is engaged when petting a dog.
Dogs are just awesome.
That's a wrap!
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Here are FIVE things you should NOT do to your cat based on science.
1. Never declaw your cat.
This procedure is painful to the cats, affects how they walk, and can cause lifetime problems.
It’s straight up illegal most places in the world.
When you declaw your cat you AMPUTATE their toes.
This should be stopped NOW.
2. Let your cat scratch.
It’s part of their natural instinct and keeps their claws in good shape.
Some cats love to scratch HIGH, so have a tall sturdy scratch post.
Some cats love to scratch horizontal.
Watch what your cat does and provide them with sturdy posts.
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There is SO much content here that we update 3-5 times a week.
We want you to know that you are important.
You are needed.
This thread will prove it.
1. There’s no one like you
With all of the breathtaking numbers of DNA combinations, you are here.
You represent a series of molecules that have put themselves together in such a unique way that you have MILLIONS of differences from anyone else on the planet.
2. You are alive.
Right now there are way more things that are not alive compared to things that are alive.
If you want to get really spooky, our greatest telescopes and scientists have zero evidence that life exists in the entire universe beyond Earth.
You are rare!
Dogs are very intuitive…but do they judge our actions?
Can dogs tell if humans are being mean or just clutzy?
Find out! #TSPST
In a study at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna scientists built an experiment to test if dogs can judge a human's intentions.
Researchers offered treats to nearly 50 dogs, BUT they played mind games.
A member of the research team sat in a rectangular box that had mesh on all sides but the front.
A clear plastic panel was the window to the dogs, and the team drilled a golf ball sized hole.
48 dogs (of various breeds) were led past this human jail.
The advice in this thread will make you unrecognizable in 30 days.
You owe it to yourself to read it. Trust us.
1. Pet One Dog:
Petting a dog will release feel good hormones, decrease your heart rate, and bring a sense of calm into your life.
You will become 10% more efficient.
2. Pet Two Dogs:
Petting two dogs will release feel good hormones, decrease your heart rate, and bring a sense of calm into your life.
You will be 17.2% more efficient and you will be able to hold your breath for 1 minute.