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Nov 23 237 tweets >60 min read
Alright, just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the meeting of 11/22. Twitter is still up and functional, so we're sticking around on here for a little while longer before making any major changes. Looking forward to tonight's meeting, enjoy the 🧵

#ANCgov #ANCHgov
Low attendance at the Chambers today, as has been largely the norm since the rules change that moved Audience Participation to the end of the meeting in favor of appearance requests. A gaggle of students in the room though, thanks local government classes! #ANCgov
Bronson is here, on time, today. LaFrance on the phone. Allard hasn't shown up quite yet. Constant is chairing. #ANCgov
Constant lets us know we'll be starting in a few minutes, they're sorting out some details. #ANCgov
Meeting is called to order. Roll is taken. Everyone except Allard present or on the phone. We have a quorum. Cross leads in the pledge. Quinn-Davidson reads land acknowledgement. #ANCgov
Minutes of previous meetings (Sept 13, Sept 26) approved unanimously. #ANCgov
Mayor's report. Bronson's wishes us a good Thanksgiving. Says the budget will hopefully be voted on tonight. Says they have kept spending increases under the cap. Last week they held the first "Do Business with the MOA" event, which connected businesses with Muni depts. #ANCgov
He says it was a big success. He says he believes in supporting the start up economy and small businesses. On Monday, he took part in the Thanksgiving blessing. The event "plays a huge role in making sure nobody goes hungry, at least on Thanksgiving Day." #ANCgov
He says we're all lucky to live in such a giving city. Wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. #ANCgov
Students from Service are in attendance. #ANCgov
Constant reads the Chair's Report. Congratulates UAA athlete's for recent wins. Says the budget is on the agenda tonight, it's important to develop one that the city can be proud of. There has been an omnibus amendment package that will be reviewed tonight. #ANCgov
Constant hopes everyone has a good Thanksgiving with their families, as well as recognizing Friday as Indigenous Heritage Day. Then he speaks on the shooting at Club Q on Transgender Day of Remembrance. Reads the names of the deceased and those who halted the attack. #ANCgov
He reads from an article about people who were there attending a drag show, including a retired military member who was there for the first time. It's a heartbreaking story, and a sad reminder of the horrors that we face in America. Remind your 2SLGBTQ+ friends that you love them
The rules of the Chambers are read. Allard is now in attendance. Onto committee reports. Rivera says the Muni Audit Committee met yesterday concerning Title 7 and an internal audit. One of the items tonight is a continuation of that meeting. #ANCgov
He also speaks on the housing and homelessness committee. They met last week on the state of the shelters. Next meeting will be next week in the assembly chambers. They will discuss concerns from community councils. #ANCgov
Zalatel updates us on the enterprise utilities and oversight committee meeting. They received an update on the Eklutna situation and are working towards getting something in front of the Governor next year. They will be having a meeting soon on the port plan. #ANCgov
Dunbar updates on the Budget and Finance Committee. Says that they found that FEMA reimbursement came through and it's a good sign going forward. #ANCgov
Petersen says the ethics and elections committee meeting tomorrow has been cancelled. #ANCgov
Onto the addendum to the agenda. Attendance has roughly doubled since the start of the meeting! Constant reads through the laid on the table items. #ANCgov
First item receives no motion to be laid on the table. These are a bit hard to describe as it's happening so I won't be much help for a minute here. #ANCgov
Second item is laid on the table. Third item has some complexities, Constant asks for a motion to lay parts of the package on the table, I think. It's a series of informational memorandums, including one on the Aviator. Zalatel so moves. Cross seconds. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that, per her request, these items be separated out as three distinct items. Quinn-Davidson asks if they can be repeated, and asks if in the future members can get the list that the clerk receives so they can keep track of which documents they need / have. #ANCgov
He explains that this was done by the admin on the Assembly's behalf. Zalatel says that the record will reflect that each notice contained will be seen as an individual notice due to this rather than a package. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson asks why this is prudent to lay on the table? Zalatel says the admin put the package forward on time, but sue to the separation request it's being laid on the table in this form. Voting commences, laying on the table passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Two more supplemental items. Both are code amendments concerning zoning standards. And one more, concerning the budget. #ANCgov
Constant apologizes for the slow pace tonight. Rivera gives a point of order, notes that one item wasn't read into the record. Constant explains that it is attached to another item which it will move through the process with. Addendum incorporated unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto the consent agenda. Volland pulls 10E3. Quinn-Davidson/Dunbar/Volland pull 10e2. Dunbar pulls 10a1 and 10d4. Zalatel pulls 10b3, 10f13 and 10f13a-c. Cross pulls 10f7 and 10f9. Allard pulls 10d8. Consent agenda minus those items is adopted. #ANCgov
Onto the pulled items. First, a resolution recognizing Nov 20-Dec 20 as Survivors of Homicide Victims Awareness Month. Dunbar reads. Cross presents. #ANCgov ImageImage
Next, a resolution acknowledging the inherent responsibility of the MoA to protect it's most vulnerable populations and the disproportionately high rates of MMIWG2S in Alaska. Quinn-Davidson puts forward an amendment correcting the numbers. #ANCgov ImageImage
The amendment passes unanimously, as does the main motion. Quinn-Davidson reads the item, Allard is presenting but there is no one here to accept. #ANCgov ImageImage
Next, an AM for Chugiak-ER Advisory Board appointments of Robert Reagan, Debbie Ossiander, Patty Friend, Sean Murphy, Camilla Hussein-Scott. Allard moves to approve, then notes the purpose of this board. Constant notes that there may be a process issue with this board #ANCgov
He encourages a yes vote, but notes they will return to this issue later to figure out an issue concerning dates. Allard notes she is also aware of the issue. The item is approved unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution revising and reallocating $200k of ARPA funds. Dunbar notes it is a partner item to the next item, and concerns funding for clean up and security around the Sullivan. Also ties into the downtown partnership, youth court. #ANCgov
Dunbar pulled it because there is a proposed amendment. Zalatel notes that the amendment has to do with homelessness, does her disclosure. Chair rules no conflict. Quinn-Davidson moves the amendment. Explains that it brings three more organizations into the fold. #ANCgov
Rivera says he appreciates the mover bringing this forward. Says this will help collect more data surrounding the homelessness issue. Encourages support. #ANCgov
Voting on the amendment commences and passes, 11-Allard. Voting on the main motion commences, passes 11-Allard. #ANCgov
Bronson seems to have left. #ANCgov Image
Next is another ARPA item. Volland moves, Dunbar seconds. Volland reads from the item, which allocates funding for clean up and security services around the shelters. Notes that security is not intended to replace police, but rather aid as extra eyes and ears. #ANCgov Image
Zalatel notes that the item says it should start no later than January 2 and continue til one week after shelter closure. Why are we waiting until January and will this funding suffice for the full time? Volland says that it's "no later" than January 2, and yes. #ANCgov
Cross says that the majority of debris doesn't get revealed until spring, and that's when it's worst. Suggests an allocation for summer when clean up gets more bang for the buck. Dunbar notes that we have other funding buckets for summer clean ups. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that trash is one thing, but hopefully using the logs and calls from this allocation they will be able to pinpoint where to beat allocate clean up funding later. Constant reemphasizes that January 2nd is a latest date, hopefully we can start before then. #ANCgov
Voting commences, passes 11-Allard. Next, an information memorandum, Internal Audit Report 2022-08, Annual Municipal Procurement Card Review, Purchasing Department. Rivera moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. #ANCgov
Cross asks about some of the purchases, including yoga lessons, expensive name brand jackets, and microwaves. Wants to know what the policy is for reprimanding misuse of purchasing calls. Demboski says that many departments called to look into these charges. #ANCgov
She says that some of the charges were appropriate, and the directors of the departments are on it and are reviewing policy with their employees with purchasing cards. Says the purchasing director will remove cards from repeat offenders. #ANCgov
Rivera encourages accepting this audit report. He says we've seen the same issues pop up again and again, hopes the admin is as tired of it as he is. Allard calls up Mr. Chadwick from the Purchasing Department. #ANCgov
Allard asks him about a parks and rec section, is it Anchorage P&R or Eagle River P&R. He says he believes it's P&R in general. She'd like to see a breakdown. Wants to make sure they're staying in line and not repeating issues from previous years. #ANCgov
He says it's an archery equipment charge. Allard says that sounds like an Eagle River issue. She thinks there is a problem with someone in the department approving charges that aren't ok. Demboski says that she's been informed it's an Anchorage charge. #ANCgov
Allard makes a comment about Bluetooth speakers that were purchased for over $100 each for the Boo at the Beach event, which she feels were a waste of money. Voting commences, memorandum accepted unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, an information memorandum regarding seismic safety from the Geotech advisory commission. Cross moves to approve, Quinn-Davidson seconds. Cross notes that this is just informational, other groups have disagrees with findings. Constant asks that those items be sent. #ANCgov
Allard says her Community has been very active in the process regarding the BSSA. Says the public has come out very much in opposition to expanding the BSSA. Says it would take away individual's choice to use a municipal inspector. Wants Chugiak-ER and Girdwood to be respected.
LaFrance says on the second of December there will be a meeting on this issue, encourages attendance. Voting commences. Passes 11-Allard. #ANCgov
Next, an information memorandum. Notification of Mayoral Waiver of Formal Procurement Process, Municipal Manager. Zalatel asks why they would need on when it's a sole source approval and why this is time sensitive. #ANCgov
Christensen says that there are two ways the assembly could allow this, neither apply here. Zalatel says she understands the legal mechanism now, but wants to know why they didn't go through the normal procurement process. #ANCgov
Voting commences on the Henning item, passes unanimously. Onto the Aviator Hotel item. Zalatel says she has the same concerns on this item, says they have the appropriation of dollars for a specific time period. Asks if they need to formally state they are waiving title 7 process
Christensen says that the body would have to approve a code change to waive that kind of procurement process. Specifically has to do with federal or state funding. Voting commences, Aviator Hotel item passes 11-Cross. #ANCgov
Onto the AWWU portion, Zalatel moves to approve. Rivera seconds. Zalatel says she thinks this one is fantastic and shows we can do it. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Zalatel motions for immediate reconsideration of 10d9 and 10d10 and urges a no vote at admin request. Seconded. No discussion. Fails unanimously. #ANCgov
Zalatel motions to change the order of the day. Petersen seconds. Zalatel says there are some must pass items that should be quick before taking up the budget. Then after the budget, they'll take up an unfinished business item. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says she isn't a fan of moving items around like this, especially since people show up expecting to speak on an item at a specific time. Dunbar echoes these ideas, asks if maybe at the dinner break the admin could explain what the must pass items are. #ANCgov
Dunbar says he'd like to pass the budget. Volland agrees with both of them. Voting commences. Changing the order of the day passes 8-4. Cross, Dunbar, Quinn-Davidson, and Volland dissent. Now we take dinner break before the rest of the meeting. #ANCgov
Okay out of fairness, he is back now. #ANCgov Image
Meeting is called back to order. Next item is this.
Public testimony opens, closes. Petersen moves to approve, Dunbar seconds. No discussion. Voting commences. Passes unanimously.
#ANCgov Image
Next, this. Public testimony opens and closes. Petersen moves to approve, Volland seconds. Zalatel reminds the body that they've done some work on LUC items, considering a map. Says the process is expensive. Asks they bring that back before the body. #ANCgov Image
Voting commences. Passes unanimously. Next, this. Public testimony opens and closes. Petersen moves to approve, Volland seconds. Constant says before moving forward, counsel emailed him and said it's a requirement to add in the ordinance number 99. #ANCgov Image
Voting commences, passes unanimously. Next, this. Public testimony opens. Irene Quednow testifies. She opposes it until the schools bring up student scores. They have no incentive to improve student scores as long as they keep getting money. #ANCgov Image
Public testimony closes. Zalatel moves to approve, Petersen seconds. Allard notes that the public has already approved these bonds. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, this. They intend to continue it on December 6. Public testimony opens. Francesca Allegraza testifies over the phone. She has concerns about the term "use best efforts." She wants time lapses, says the live streams were not 24 hours. Says she was gaslit. #ANCgov Image
She also says she doesn't believe there is a camera on the back bay door, thinks this is a problem with integrity and transparency in our elections. Thinks with "best efforts" added in, it will degrade that further. Public testimony closes. #ANCgov
Zalatel moves to continue public hearing on Dec 6, Petersen seconds. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. See y'all on December 6 for more election stuff. #ANCgov
Onto Quasi-judicial items. First, renewal of Marijuana's cultivation, retail, and manufacturing license for Anchorage Bowl. Zalatel moves to approve, Petersen seconds. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Now we roll back up to the budget item. Zalatel moves to approve, Petersen seconds. Constant says we have a wealth of amendments, asks that we start with the omnibus amendments. Zalatel does her conflict disclosure, as the ACEH is named in one section. Asks that it be bifurcated. Image
Deputy Clerk Camacho says that the omnibus item doesn't include ACEH. Zalatel says it was included in discussions and after conversations with the Ethics department, she would like it to be bifurcated out. Rivera moves such a bifurcation, Quinn-Davidson seconds. Pass 11-0 #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says that they removed the coalition, so they weren't expecting this. Rivera explains that this amendment was brought forward as a way to change how we fund sheltering in Anchorage. #ANCgov Image
He says it is to continue working towards having an adequate safety net in Anchorage. He says stable funding is essential, and we've becomes adjusted to unstable funding. This amendment clearly delineates two buckets out of the alcohol tax. #ANCgov
Dunbar says that this is a revenue neutral amendment, has funding in a different line. Proposes a way of working through three amendments related to ACEH that should get us on track. Voting commences, passes 10-Allard. #ANCgov
Dunbar moves amendment #9, seconded by Rivera. Rivera says it's the same rationale as the last amendment, same overall package. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. Zalatel may return to the Chambers. #ANCgov
Allard issues a Point of Information, she couldn't find amendment 9. Constant tells her it's in the big packet. She finds it and asks for a reconsideration, she wants to vote no on it. She got two mixed up. But she says just let it go. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson moves amendment 8 except the previously approved bifurcated portion, which was approved before. She tells the public that they had a meeting and brought all these together and created these packets. For big ones they will explain what's up. #ANCgov
She says on line 2 there's an added $50k. This is for education on what the alcohol tax is being used for. They hope to continue that program. Line 3 is technical assistance for $150k, for equity reasons. Supports orgs applying for alcohol tax funding. #ANCgov Image
Line 4, strategic planning. She says they've been spending a lot of the alcohol tax on homelessness, but they want to look forward and do prevention work. There needs to be a strategic vision for the alcohol tax. This would contract that out to someone. #ANCgov
Zalatel takes line 6, restoring funding to the 24/7 mobile crisis team. She says that they want the Mobile Intervention Team, as created by the admin, and the MCT to both function. They worked with Demboski and found a way to have both. They've looked to other cities... #ANCgov
...for best practices. They will try having both the MCT and the police version MIT on 24/7. They've created exec positions for all the clinicians. They've added 2 EMTs as opposed to firefighters for the model. #ANCgov
Dunbar says that last year when they did the omnibus there was a lot of interaction between the general budget and the alcohol tax. This year, much less except here. If you look at the whole omnibus, there's a $340k for the MIT. Both programs fully funded. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson speaks to lines 10-13. The alcohol tax was meant to be used for Substance misuse and mental health and homelessness, but they've pretty much only funded homelessness. She passes to Volland. #ANCgov Image
Volland reiterates, we haven't spent ne as ely anything on substance misuse. The community has spoken, saying they want prevention. This provides funding to Recover Alaska and Volunteers of America for substance misuse work. Also $30k for suicide prevention. #ANCgov
Zalatel says that all of these investments are leveraged investments. For Recover Alaska, we are one funder among many. For Volunteers of America, we're also filling some holes. And for the suicide prevention campaign, they added coordination with AHD. A good start. #ANCgov
Voting on the remainder of amendment 8 commences. Passes unanimously. Allard seems conflicted before voting yes. Constant notes that the members don't get to abstain and sometimes that's hard. #ANCgov
Dunbar moves another amendment. Seconded. Dunbar says that this is another omnibus amendment. He speaks to some items. Includes a grant to the library foundation, 3 AFD positions, $1mil for snow plowing with $500k specifically for sidewalks. Constituents have said they want it. Image
He notes next year through AMATS there will be funding for sidewalk clearing. 50k to senior housing. An annual increase for brother Francis. A variety of salaries and benefits. And $347k for partial funding of MIT. #ANCgov
Constant says that Zalatel has noted a conflict on line 5 due to sheltering. We need a bifurcation. Quinn-Davidson moves to bifurcate lines 5&13, seconded. Voting commences, passes 10-0. Perez-Verdia absent. #ANCgov
Dunbar moves to approve lines 5&13, Rivera seconds. Voting commences. Approved 9-2, Sulte and Allard oppose. Zalatel returns. #ANCgov
Allard notes that she's having some difficulty with her hearing aids, so she is taking them in and out due to feedback, hence her occasional need for clarification. #ANCgov
Zalatel speaks to staffing at the AHD. Her and LaFrance have talked about it and want to make sure that they have all necessary resources, and hopefully they'll be able to fill vacancies. Also passthrough funding to the Library Foundation, they need leverage to bring in more $
Quinn-Davidson speaks to the snow clearing. $500k to sidewalk clearing. For the remainder, it would allow for an additional snow haul out which should be a noticeable difference throughout Anchorage. #ANCgov
Sulte asks about line 3, he's heard some concerns about the ability to actually accomplish the goal. Demboski says we usually have 87 CDL drivers, right now we have 54. A member of snow clearing is here to explain. Says this money will bring us even with where we've been.#ANCgov
Dunbar asks, if this is just getting us back to even, does that mean that the admin has cut services? He says no money was cut. Dunbar says that it's an effective cut if this returns us to the normal amount of clearing. Yes. Dunbar says we should do it, it's important. #ANCgov
Rivera says he isn't interested in status quo, he wants to do better. If we were to increase this from $1mil to $1.5mil, how would that change services for sidewalks? Vanlandingham (snow removal) says that sidewalks are an equal priority to streets, but we have a storage problem
Rivera asks, even with an additional $500k we can't do any better with sidewalks? Not necessarily, considering the lack of man power. #ANCgov
Demboski wants to clarify. She says we're seeing a rapid escalation on costs, especially in contracting. The reality is a new economic environment where things cost more and we have less people to work it. We can throw more money at it and not see changes due to lack of manpower.
Zalatel says this is why the admin can always bring an S-version. She also says they weren't briefed on this, they went over M&O's budget and this wasn't brought forward. By the time budget is passed, the snow has come. She wants to add $500k and do what we can to get workers.
She says we get so many communications about streets and sidewalks. We've had a high standard of snow removal, want to do their part to make sure it's funded. Leaves it to the omnibus authors to add the money in, if they don't, she will. #ANCgov
Cross says what he heard is even with more money, they are limited by snow storage. Maybe we should look at what land we can turn into snow storage. If you don't have anywhere to put it, what can more money do? #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson responds, the labor issue is more relevant to sidewalk work, right? Vanlandingham says that the delay is when we get snowfall back to back and can't get there quick enough. She asks if we add funding, could they contract out for more snow removal? Potentially.
Quinn-Davidson says if they need to give bonuses/work with the union, she'd support that. This is a primary issue for the city. She then proposes an amendment to change the snow removal to $1.5mil. She thanks Vanlandingham for being here, or else we wouldn't know about reduction.
Dunbar says that with this extra funding, snow removal could lease extra land or use it however they need to increase snow removal. Would rather give too much than too little as they can go back during budget revisions. #ANCgov
Constant asks if they have a source for funding? Yes, unspent under the cap. Constant thanks Zalatel and the AMATS work for the capital stack that does this work. He wants to dispel any myth we can just lease land for snow storage, it's a complex and controversial process.#ANCgov
Dunbar moves and amendment to the amendment, which would delete $250k from both the assembly and the admin for legal costs. Calls it an arms race between admin and legislative branch. Saves the taxpayers $500k. #ANCgov Image
Constant says that in elections there is an increase in legal questions. The assembly has lost two key legal counsels. They are capped with how much legal work they can take on. Says maybe we could do with less than $250k, but we need money for lawyers with election expertise.
LaFrance agrees. She says this amount was a response. Apologizes for not briefing the body on the need. There's a gap that must be filled in supporting the elections teams. Given the importance of elections, we have a duty to ensure the team has appropriate legal counsel. #ANCgov
Trombley speaks on behalf of Bronson. Says this amount isn't just legal counsel, but also has to do with military events and lobbying in Juneau. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson thanks Trombley for that. At the meeting they were told it was for "expected lawsuits" which is unusual to have around. Asks by what percentage they are anticipating to increase the Mayor's Office budget this year? Motion to extend debate, passes. #ANCgov
Admin says that the Mayor's Office there will be a 1.8% overall increase to the budget. Quinn-Davidson asks, is that from last year to this year? Not exactly. Quinn-Davidson says it isn't what she asked for, it misleads the public. She's fine with not doing this amendment.#ANCgov
Zalatel says during the worksession she asked the question and was given a two word response: "legal fees." And now we have to debate this on the floor. Says she's frustrated, hopes there's a lesson learned here. #ANCgov
Dunbar says he will probably rescind his amendment, but asks Trombley, are there any part time employees who are being shifted to the contract for $250k? Trombley says no. Dunbar asks what it's for again? #ANCgov
Military affairs events, lobbying, etc. Dunbar withdraws the amendment to the amendment. Constant notes that the ability to get in the queue may be hampered, get his attention to get in the queue. #ANCgov
Trombley apologizes to Zalatel for his short answers in the worksession and will do better going forward. We're back on the Amendment. Allard tells Trombley there's no reason to be apologetic, she likes being on the dyas so they can talk about this in public. #ANCgov
No one else in the queue. There are some technical issues, so we take a five minute break. #ANCgov
We're back. Rivera motions for a conforming amendment that would allow the Clerk to change items to grants where necessary. Quinn-Davidson seconds. Rivera explains that all of this funding is considered as grants (I think). #ANCgov
Livestream apparently went down, lucky for Deadbeats this feed doesn't go down 😎

Barring some Musky issues...
Voting on the conforming amendment commences, passes 11-0, Zalatel excused. Livestream is back on. Zalatel returns. #ANCgov
Voting on Amendment 8 commences, passes 10-2. Allard and Sulte dissent. #ANCgov
LaFrance moves an amendment that would appropriate $75k to the legislative branch for a housing summit. Rivera seconds. LaFrance says that housing issues in Anchorage are an ongoing issue. This money would allow for multiple sessions, pay for a contractor to run sessions #ANCgov Image
And an ongoing project website. Given the critical need in the city, she thinks this important for creating a path forward. Rivera says he's very excited about this being put forward, he advocated for it during the assembly retreat earlier this year. He will support. #ANCgov
Rivera asks, the language implies that the summit will occur after the housing market analysis? Constant says it will be in tandem with it. Rivera says it's important that this can begin first quarter next year. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she's happy to see it, will support but has some concerns. When discussion happens, all work stops. We need thousands of units of housing now. Hopes this won't stop plans to develop housing now. #ANCgov
She also notes the assembly will oversee the contract, hopes a committee can oversee it. Says they had a collaborative conversation at the retreat, wants to see that continue. Third, there were tangible actionable items from the retreat that don't need to wait for summit. #ANCgov
Cross says he supports the concept, but doesn't think it'll take $75k to get people together to figure out how to save money. Loves the idea, doesn't think it takes this much money. There's passion in the housing industry, thinks they will come in droves. #ANCgov
Allard agrees with Cross, you can get a community room in Eagle River for $50. People buy houses for $75k, well trucks, well cars... #ANCgov
LaFrance notes that a large chunk goes to cover the cost of consultants and part of their role is to organize and plan, otherwise it falls on staff and their staff is fully utilized. It's not just meeting space, there work ensuring the ideas get implemented. #ANCgov
Voting commences, passes 9-3, Sulte, Allard, Cross dissent. Next, Amendment 10. LaFrance moves to approve, Rivera seconds. LaFrance says this is the amendment to fund the housing market analysis. She urges support. It's a key piece for moving forward on housing. #ANCgov Image
Zalatel says she's muchore skeptical of this. We know there's a housing shortage of all types. She'd rather see an analysis of other jurisdictions that have made way on their housing crises. Says we don't need this analysis to do that. #ANCgov
She says any project from the planning committee takes 12+ months, and we need work now. Says if there was an amendment for actionable items, she may support it, but can't in it's current state. LaFrance thanks her for the statements, agrees mostly, says this would include...
... analysis of best practices in other jurisdictions. She doesn't know how to address the time issue, is open to suggestions. #ANCgov
We move to the next amendment, #11. Rivera advocates but my draft got messed up. Allard asks if it's precedented for a committee to get this kind of funding. Rivera says it doesn't matter if previous committees have done so, this committee is about trying new things. #ANCgov Image
Allard asks what boundaries are they trying to push? What do they want the money for? Rivera says 1) committee strategic planning 2) community engagement 3) committee honorarium. #ANCgov
Perez-Verdia says he supports this. He's been working with this committee for some time and it's a unique opportunity for community members to step up and shape the future of the city. Says that two community members have stepped up as co-chairs, big effort for diversity. #ANCgov
Says that there's an effort to make sure that community members that usually can't participate are able to. It's a unique way to look at the municipality. Encourages support. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she appreciates what they want to do, but other committees also want to do cool, unique things. Doesn't want to do something for just one committee because they have a different structure. She loves strategic plans, but doesn't want to do it for just one. #ANCgov
Sulte echoes Zalatel's comments. Says he isn't a fan of increasing the general fund, has Rivera looked at other funding sources? Rivera says no, they looked at general funds. #ANCgov
Perez-Verdia says when they committed to this committee they agreed to a different structure. As assembly members they are paid and given funds to pay for aides and what not. This committee is volunteer run with a small amount of resources. This is a small investment. #ANCgov
He says this committee is different and requires a different method for support. Rivera says he doesn't think anything in this amendment precludes going back and revisiting other plans. This committee is just getting off the ground and wants to do good work. #ANCgov
He says this committee brought this forward, let's support them. Zalatel notes that this is recurring funding, and she's feeling blind sided. Wants to have a more in depth conversation. If we did this for every committee that's a lot of money, and she has reservations. #ANCgov
Voting commences. Fails 5-7, Perez-Verdia, Rivera, Dunbar, Quinn-Davidson, and Petersen in favor. #ANCgov
Zalatel moves an amendment to a previous amendment that would add in goals for housing development for 2, 5, and 10 year marks. LaFrance seconds. Cross says that he believes that housing industry people would be willing to do this for free, this is a waste of money. #ANCgov Image
This one amends the one about the housing market analysis. Zalatel's amendment passes 9-3, Allard, Sulte, and Cross oppose. Onto the main amendment, voting commences, fails 6-6, Dunbar, Quinn-Davidson, and Volland join the other three. #ANCgov
Constant motions an amendment that will prohibit any funds in the budget to settle the Hickel Contracting project (aka $4mil hole in the ground). Seconded by Rivera. #ANCgov Image
Constant says that the way our code allows for settlements, it will allow any funds in the budget to be used. Since this project was approved outside of code, if that is allowed it means the assembly has no place in approving projects. #ANCgov
The language was taken from a state example. Settlement could still be paid, with authorization from the assembly. He says this amendment secures the appropriating power of the assembly. Urges support. #ANCgov
Cross wants to hear from counsel about separation of powers, as he understands the admin has that right. Wants to hear their legal interpretation. Asks for Christensen's opinion. #ANCgov
Christensen says that she believes Constant is onto something, the power of approval is in the legislative. She says it seems more legally viable than one that amends code for similar purpose. She says it's interesting that Constant said this is how the State did it... #ANCgov
... wants to look into it. Says she thinks it is a viable limit on appropriations, but wants to look into it. Gates says this is an exercise in the appropriations power, which is in their authority. He says he believes it's legally viable. #ANCgov
Constant says the assembly can always reappropriate, this isn't the end of the story. He wants to make sure their power of appropriation doesn't die. Urges support. Voting commences, passes 9-3, Cross, Allard, and Sulte oppose. #ANCgov
Constant says that concludes amendments for the operating budget. Constant asks Chief Schragge if the hiring of 18 new positions are contained in this? No. He asks if that can be done in budget revisions? Yes. #ANCgov
Voting on the general operating budget commences, passes 9-3. Allard, Sulte and Cross oppose. Onto the Capital Improvement Budget. Quinn-Davidson moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson moves amendment 1, Zalatel seconds. This would rehab Forest Park Roadway to add an extra foot. Would improve safety for students. This is Turnagain CC's highest priority capital improvement. Urges support. #ANCgov Image
Voting commences, amendment 1 passes 10-2, Allard and Sulte dissent. Sulte moves Amendment 10. This replaces a 16 year old FD vehicle. #ANCgov Image
Quinn-Davidson asks what kind of vehicle? A command vehicle. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, Cross moves amendment #6, Allard seconds. Allard says this one replaces the CVFD fleet. Constant says this week one of the vehicles was smashed, so this replaces that as well. Allard says currently they don't have the ability to get to Skyline Dr in case of fire. #ANCgov Image
Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Dunbar moves to approve amendment 7, Petersen seconds. This repairs/replaces the Russian Jack Greenhouse. Dunbar says that this was on a bond that failed, this moves it to the parks and rec dept, which he sees as more fitting. #ANCgov Image
Cross asks the admin, is this a project that was only bid on by one or two contractors rather than free market, potentially raising the prices? Demboski says she can't predict how that will go, but the roof replacement would be funded out of SEMT funding. #ANCgov
Dunbar asks for it to be added tonight. Allard says she votes no on bonds because Eagle River votes no on bonds, so she'll vote no on all bonds. Dunbar asks why she voted yes on the last bond? Because that was for Chugiak-ER. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says everyone has been voting on things that affect the whole community but Allard and Sulte vote against everything except stuff for themselves. Constant says it's hard to thread that needle. #ANCgov
Voting commences, passes 11-Allard. Next, LaFrance moves an amendment that would establish a Girdwood cemetery. She says some complications include cemeteries are not area wide. May require a code change? There are details to work out before the April ballot. #ANCgov Image
She moves an amendment to the amendment to move it out to 2024, as there is more to work out. Quinn-Davidson seconds. Voting on moving the question to 2024 commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Gates says he is concerned that the motion might be out of order, as putting it on the 2024 budget is out of scope of the 2023 budget and that removes this entirely. However the capital improvement 6 year plan could be changed, but not this one. #ANCgov
Gates speaks to the nature of the amendment itself, but I didn't really catch what the technicals were. LaFrance says she'll rescind the amendment to the amendment. Quinn-Davidson agrees. #ANCgov
So we're back to adding the cemetery to the 2023 budget. LaFrance says she isn't sure this is what the people of Girdwood want. Mike Edgington speaks to it. He says there's a resolution from GBOS attached. They have not decided they want a bond on this. #ANCgov
LaFrance rescinds the amendment, Perez-Verdia agrees. Constant apologizes to Mr. O'Malley, says we'll get there. #ANCgov
Zalatel moves amendment 9, the Chugach Way upgrade. Voting commences, passes 11-Allard. #ANCgov
Next, Zalatel moves amendment 10, Volland seconds. This will remake Denali St as a pedestrian / bike friendly corridor. Zalatel says this area is undergoing changes that will affect traffic. Denali is one of few refuges where you can walk down the core. Let's keep it safe #ANCgov Image
She says it's a considerable area of pedestrian traffic already. Dunbar says this gave him pause due to the size ($1mil). He asks why it was removed from the 5 year? Zalatel doesn't know. Demboski throws to a project director. #ANCgov
The director says it's just a matter of competing needs in midtown, what can be funded, what can we move forward on. She isn't sure if the intent is to remove it, or stall due to lack of funding. #ANCgov
Volland asks if Zalatel is aware of anyone separated or protected lanes? She isn't sure, but she could look it up. Says it was supposed to have separate facilities for bikes and pedestrians. #ANCgov
Voting commences, passes 11-Allard.

I like Denali St, so I'm happy about that. #ANCgov
Next, Constant moves another item concerning the Hickel contract. Same stuff as in the Operating Budget. Voting commences, passes 10-2, Sulte and Cross oppose. #ANCgov Image
Now we vote on the Capital Improvements Budget as a whole. Voting commences, passes 10-2, Allard and Sulte dissent. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution adopting the 2023-2028 General Government Capital Improvement Program. Rivera asks LaFrance if she wants to put the Girdwood Cemetery on here? She says she was trying to resolve it, asks Gates if she'd be able to make an amendment to the CIP? #ANCgov
She isn't sure if she can put it in as an area wide cemetery since that isn't how cemeteries work usually. Gates isn't an expert on the CIP. Christensen asks if she's trying to put it in with the intent of there being some change to how that can be implemented later? #ANCgov
Christensen asks if the department would be Parks and Rec? LaFrance isn't sure, maybe the amendment could say that and hopefully before 2024 we could change that? Constant says it currently has that as a placeholder, the purpose is to give the community time to decide. #ANCgov
Christensen proposes some language. LaFrance agrees to adopt the language. Constant asks if they are okay staying consistent with the previous amendment. Rivera asks the clerk if they can use the amendment from the CID and reformat it for the CIP? Clerk agrees. #ANCgov
Rivera moves that amendment formatted for 2024 for the CIP. LaFrance seconds. Allard clarifies, are we putting in the $5mil? We're putting it in for 2024 to give the community time to consider. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto the CIP as amended. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Now, a resolution adopting the 2023-2028 size year plan. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Now an ordinance adopting and appropriating funds for the 2023 Utilities and Enterprise operating budget. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution approved f the 2023-2028 utilities and enterprise operating plan. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, an ordinance adopting and appropriating funds for the 2023 Operating and Capital Budgets for the Anchorage Community Development Authority. Allard asks if Constant needs to give the gavel away if he wants to speak, he says that's not a contentious topic. #ANCgov
Dunbar says that since this item is the last budget item, he wants to thank everyone who works hard and contributed their input on the budget process. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, this. Volland moves to postpone indefinitely, as this has been resolved. Zalatel seconds. Voting commences, indefinite postponement passes unanimously. #ANCgov Image
We take a five minute break before the next item, which is this one! Parking requirement people, get excited, you only had to wait all night 🙂 #ANCgov Image
Cross is eating some white cheddar SmartPop and this makes me like him more. Good snack.
Constant calls us back to order. Allard corrects a previous comment she made earlier about not having a 4x4 fire truck, as of this morning they do. #ANCgov
Okay, onto 2022-80. The public hearing has been continued and is now open. We start with the phone people. Michaela Hogan is up first. #ANCgov
Hogan is from Taku/Campbell, she supports the S-version. She frequently bikes around the city and believes there aren't enough options for parking her bike. It makes her and others less likely to use our great bike trail system. #ANCgov
We need to modernize our city and standardize bike parking. She sees no reason for abundant car parking, it sends the message we are car friendly, not bike friendly. She wants the city to be more friendly for people who opt out of car culture. #ANCgov
Says we can do better than all the dead spaces and we should remove our parking minimums. #ANCgov
Christina Talbott-Clark is up next. She's from East Side, Scenic Park. She has often thought of how much more beautiful the city could be if we had less parking lots. People in cars don't window shop, bikers do. Her oldest son uses the bus system, but the city isn't friendly... pedestrians. Biz box stores are favored. She encourages this change. #ANCgov
Constant keeps mistaking voicemail messages for real people, which is highly enjoyable. We end the phone list. Michael Chase is up next in person. He works with Catholic Social Services. He works with refugees, many who can't afford housing. #ANCgov
He lists the standard wages, and the rent this can afford. It is above 30% which is considered affordable. People can't afford apartments. Removing parking minimums allows contractors to build more diverse kinds of homes and amenities for bicycle users. #ANCgov
Irene Quednow testifies. She says you can take away parking and develop it, but we will never be a walkable city. It will have a negative impact on the museum and the PAC. People who go to concerts don't all live downtown. She's in favor of improving the availability... #ANCgov
...of bike paths, but it will never be a bikeable city. Downtown will never be affordable housing, normal people will never afford it. #ANCgov
A Mr Ortega testifies in favor. His non-profit supports the changes. The current parking requirements put unnecessary restrictions. Removing them will give contractors options to develop as they are fit. He also speaks to carcinogenic chemicals used in sealants. #ANCgov
He says this creates common sense changes that will increase housing, improve liveability, and reduce climate effects. #ANCgov
Kaylee Thompson says she thinks there's bigger changes that need to be made. Businesses will still have to go through a Muni inspector to prove they have bike parking. She supports it, but we need to make changes to title 21 for she can save her clients money. #ANCgov
She also says she's excited to see how many people are passionate about land use issues. Zalatel asks if her concerns are related to the first version or S-version. She says she was reading the S-version and still sees issues. #ANCgov
Anna Brawley testifies. She responds to the concept that this city can't be a walkable or bikeable city. It was a walkable city when it was built, many sections were built around that idea. We're not trying to do something new, we're trying to build the way we used to. #ANCgov
Emily Wiser, board president of Bike Anchorage. She says many people wanted to speak in favor, but decided not to in respect for time. She says that biking is good for business, cheaper for people, and attractive for job seekers looking to move here. #ANCgov
Bike Anchorage was happy to see the bike parking requirements in this. They've also heard sometimea those requirements are too high. Bike Anchorage has no interest in getting in the way of development, but we're building for the future. #ANCgov
Let's also make sure what we build is safe and secure. An outdoor bike rack is a bit of a trap. #ANCgov
Yarrow Silvers supports eliminating parking mandates. Says that it allows the free market to decide. The city is running out of land, parking lots is not a good use of space. Removing requirements allows for utilization of areas that wouldn't be developed otherwise. #ANCgov
She says this is an exciting step in modernizing our city. Encourages a yes vote. #ANCgov
Mike Edgington testifies in favor of the S-version. He says in Girdwood they found that parking minimums were problems. They started by reducing them but there were still problems. When he first heard of the S-version he was skeptical, but upon further research he realized...
... that specific types of use are the issue. Sand lake has a similar issue and went through a similar process and had success. He support the S-version. He hopes they could add some amendments that might help Girdwood specifically, concerning paving and whatnot. #ANCgov
He hopes there's a follow up that can address those issues. #ANCgov
Dunbar moves to extend to 11:15, no opposition. We're extended. we're moving back through the phone list. #ANCgov
Rachel Heath, Bear Valley, testifies. She's been in Anchorage for 8 years. She's been commuting to bike on and off for years. The city is a bikeable city, she uses an e-bike. She works in the U-Med district. She's requested a bike rack for years and have not gotten any. #ANCgov
People have to carry bikes inside or lock them to signs outside. It's an obstruction, but there's nowhere else to do it. The top level of her business stays empty because they don't have enough parking for it to be zoned as commercial. #ANCgov
She feels that by ensuring there is bike storage it will encourage biking. Going forward she thinks it's an important change. #ANCgov
Donovan Camp, Spenard, testifies. He speaks on behalf of the waterway council. They are in support. They thank the municipality for bringing this. Parking minimums has a negative effect on waterways through pollution. They thank them for a yes vote on the S-version. #ANCgov
With that, public testimony is over. Volland moves to approve the S-version, Cross seconds. Volland moves amendment 1, seconded. It addresses ADA compliance. #ANCgov Image
One request that was made that didn't make it into the S-version was that when two or more accessible parking spaces, they must share an accessible pathway. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Volland moves amendment 2, Rivera seconds. Volland says this has all been about compromise to make a win win. He talked to CIHA, and got input. This amendment would have it comply with more real world use, so that the scaling makes more sense. #ANCgov Image
Voting commences, passes unanimously. Back onto the main motion. Cross says downtown already operates this way, so it won't apply. They did a lot of study on available lots and what it would mean. It would allow for easier change of use, which could increase development. #ANCgov
Cross says he's gotten 3 e-bikes in the last few years and they are as fun as a rollercoaster. He says this is just a bite, they are working on larger comprehensive changes. If this is exciting, buckle up. #ANCgov
Dunbar says that over the last few years they've had multiple projects and he's excited about Volland and Cross' work. He says if this passes, parking minimums are abolished. One of his motivations is the affordable housing crisis, this is an important step forward. #ANCgov
He thanks his colleagues and everyone who came out. Zalatel says that they received a comment about parking plans are onerous. She hopes in implementation we can reduce barriers for development. #ANCgov
Constant says he's struggled with this. People may believe this solves the problem, but it doesn't. Many progressive policies have an unintended problems. That said, his neighbors are supporting it. He will support, but don't stop here. Says is skeptical for his poor neighbors.
Volland says it's interesting, and lists all the people who have volunteered their time. There's letters support from many groups. Title 21 has parking mandates. The problem is these are set for max usage. Overbuilt surface parking is harmful to our environment and community.
Many cities of over 50k with environments like ours have eliminated parking minimums. He wants to be clear, this doesn't eliminate parking. Names projects that plan to have parking downtown, despite no parking minimums. #ANCgov
I'm the absence of minimums, we will still have parking, but we will assess what it means to us. With that, we move to voting. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto audience participation. Ron Alleva starts. You don't get kissed unless you ask. He keeps telling them about how he gets shorted on a real estate transaction. He continues his case today. #ANCgov
He explains that the city isn't solving the homeless problem. #ANCgov Image
Irene Quednow speaks on the general operating budget. When the mayor proposed his nav center, the assembly opposed it every step of the way. Then this Spring they approved a whittled down one. Then they killed the funding and now the mayor has to settle with Hickel. #ANCgov
Then tonight you voted that he can't use the budget to settle the pickle they have put them in. She finds it disgusting. This ends audience participation. #ANCgov
Member comments. Petersen recognizes this as the anniversary of Kennedy's assassination. Cross wishes everyone Happy Thanksgiving. With that, we adjourn the meeting. #ANCgov
Alright, Anchorage. Have a good night and tell the ones that you love when you love them. ❤️ #ANCgov

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Nov 10
Just arrived at the assembly Chambers for the Anchorage Assembly meeting of November 9! Exciting voter-relevant related issues on the docket today, should be fun! 🧵#ANCgov #ANCHgov
Everyone except for LaFrance is here in person, as she is on the phone. Constant is chairing today. #ANCgov
We have an extra participant today, however! #ANCgov
Read 187 tweets
Oct 26
Just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the meeting of 10/25! Thread to ensue. #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Mellow day at the Chambers so far, only 12 members of the public in attendance as of now. Trombley was outside giving an interview about the NavCenter, saying that due to the process there's no reason for the assembly not to continue funding the project. #ANCgov
LaFrance says we're going to give an extra couple of minutes before starting the meeting due to the weather and at least one member is running behind due to an accident on the highway. Must be either Perez-Verdia or Allard, Quinn-Davidson is on the phone, everyone else present.
Read 246 tweets
Oct 12
Just made it to the Chambers for the assembly meeting of 10/11! #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Cross is talking about EasyPark. He says they'll be starting their city of a billion lights project, so watch out for that. Notes that the parking garages are having some wear and tear, so they'll be undergoing some repairs. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson asks about the public safety meeting, saying that the recording was unavailable, asks if it will be going up? Cross says he believes it is up, but will look into it. Demboski says the Muni attorney can elaborate #ANCgov
Read 262 tweets
Sep 28
Just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the September 17 Regular Meeting! Interested to see what the tone of the meeting is after the Special Meeting yesterday where the Assembly approved cold weather sheltering plan that included the Golden Lion and Sullivan Arena. #ANCgov
LaFrance gavels us in, calling the room to order. Madame Clerk calls the role. Everyone is present in Chambers except Perez-Verdia (one the phone) and Quinn-Davidson (who will join us soon). #ANCgov
We are led in the pledge, then Dunbar reads the land acknowledgement. Quinn-Davidson joins us. A motion to approve minutes of previous meetings is made and seconded. No opposition. Approved. #ANCgov
Read 57 tweets
Aug 24
Just arrived at the Chambers for the 8/23 Assembly meeting, which is bound to be an interesting one. Live 🧵#ANCHgov #ANCgov
LaFrance gavels in the meeting, calling us to order. Allard is going to be late, Sulte is on the phone, as is Perez-Verdia. Everyone else is present in the Chambers. #ANCgov
No yelling during the pledge. Cross reads the land acknowledgement. Onto approving the minutes of previous meetings, which Constant makes a motion for. Petersen seconds. No opposition, minutes are approved. #ANCgov
Read 138 tweets
Aug 10
Alright, made it into the Chambers for the August 9 Assembly meeting. On the heels of the embarrassing Gerace debacle and the ongoing humanitarian crisis at Centennial, this should be interesting. "Looking forward" to the Mayor's report. #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Sparsely populated, so far. The Save Anchorage crew must be running a minute behind. Also, it's really cold in here.
Sulte brought a large bucket of popcorn. #ANCgov Image
Read 255 tweets

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