Volker Turk: Devastating situation in #Iran is not acceptable.
We are in a HR crisis!
Students, athletes, women, and workers are forcing for change. I urge the Gov. to listen. Head ppl's demand, calling for different version of society. media.un.org/en/asset/k1l/k…
The young generation must be free to express views.
Peaceful protesters have been killed, injured fear going to hospt.
14000 arrested including children - staggering No. Arrested at school, questioning of Uni students & barred.
Journalist & lawyers in long detention. #SS35
All walks of life in #Iran demand change. Lack of access to the internet & information.
Women have been held back in law & practice. Disillusioned in the hope of any change, they therefore have come to the street. #MahsaAmini's death must be properly investigated.
The situation of #Deathpenalty given to detained protesters for waging war on God is not acceptable. 6 are now at risk.
The overall condition of using execution against ppl. passed 400 in a year, children remain on the death row.
Given the gravity of HR violation in #Iran, Jina was killed simply for locks of hair not covered. The world was outraged. Discrimination against women brought the country together, wanting freedom of life.
Protesters are labeled as rioters. @JavaidRehman media.un.org/en/asset/k1l/k…
Infants & youth have not been spared, 5 at least killed in Kurdish areas.
Kian, who thought of a rainbow God-colorful future too.
Death penalty continues in #Iran against men & women, to crackdown on political activist.
The majority of Parl. voted for death of detainees.
Violence against Iranians is not limited to #Iran alone. Abroad they are under surveillance.
Families of victims cannot peacefully bury their loved ones, have to go remote areas, threatened by other children's death.
The Gov. denies the killing of Jina, says others did suicide.