Christopher Profile picture
Nov 25 73 tweets 15 min read
The new big ministry is called Man Going Up, and it's for men seeking God's will for their lives. The results will be nothing less than the restoration of God's church on earth. Expect more details soon. Image
The movement called #ManGoingUp is about boys getting rid of their toys, leaving their mother's comfort, turning off the porn, marrying (if they lust), standing up and walking, building homes, telling the world how God is restoring His church by restoring the man. Basic stuff.
If a man has fallen, and he wants to get up and walk in the right direction this next and final time, seeking God, the first step is to humble himself, because while God is not far from every one of us, He turns away from the proud. What is proud? Coming up with your own ideas.
A good and faithful son obeys the commands of his father. Your perfect Father in heaven knows what is best for you, way better than you can know. That's because real faith is trust in promises made by someone who truly loves you and is worthy of fulfilling his promises to you.
The faith works both ways -- your Father in heaven has faith in you to stand up as a man and walk in truth and righteousness. To help you on this journey -- in fact, to make it so easy that no man has any excuse -- God gave His only-begotten Son Jesus to serve as your leader.
There's much work to be done. The personal lives of Christian men, their wives and their children IS the building of our church, and let me tell you right now brothers, our church is a vermin-infested house of horrors. That's because the hearts of men have gone dark, into error.
For the men who've had enough of the milk, so to speak, and want a nice juicy steak now: #ManGoingUp isn't only a way to receive personal salvation, and to participate in restoring the church, but it's also a call to battle against the world, which will hate you with a vengeance.
Let me now say something to turn away the vast majority, leaving only a precious few (read John 6). We're talking about giving up your care of politics, sports, music, movies. Anything called entertainment or news will still be useful, but not any sort of leader that you follow.
Yes, you follow these influences now, and you need to turn and follow Jesus instead.

These forces of influence in the world, which you know and love as your daily entertainment and pastimes, are directly leading you like the Pied Piper led rats (and children) away from home.
God's church is ultimately spiritual, and outside the walls of His church are dogs, sorcerers, whores and all kinds of darkness, even masquerading as the church itself. Now, that masquerade is a raging, drunken party in the church courtyard, wolves dancing for adoring sheep.
The party in the courtyard ends soon, and the wolves are ravenous. The sheep who hear their Good Shepherd's voice will flee from the wolves into the inner chambers of the church, which is the temple, which is the garden kingdom of God ruled over by the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
In our church, we and our families benefit from the tree of life, which bears fruit giving everlasting life -- the same tree of life that God denied Adam and Eve for turning to darkness, which was to turn inward to themselves.
The tree of life also has leaves that are for healing the nations, like a medicinal balm. Our work in these last times, men, is one of many jobs, such as building, teaching and fighting, and as we see here with the tree of life, we're also here on a mission of mercy to the world.
All men, when acting like men, seek this elusive thing called "rewarding work." Let me say it plainly here, brothers: The one true and living God, our loving and perfect Father in heaven, rewards His workers generously. #ManGoingUp is the work you seek.
God wants to put you to work in various roles suited to your abilities and desires, just like an ideal employer would, because that's another word for master, and our Lord Jesus is the best master. He's such a great master that He also wants to be a loving friend to you.
Do pay attention to the urgency, men. We've been allowed a whole lot of playtime, like spoiled boys, and while we've enjoyed every minute of it, the results have been disastrous. Men haven't been operating in the world as men, and so the world, like your life, has spiraled down.
Chances are, a lot of your online activity relates to porn and the possibility of sex. This habit alone eliminates your manhood, and you need to eliminate it from your life starting right now. To turn off visual porn on Twitter: Settings | Accessibility | Display | Media previews
As for the possibility of sex, most men are frustrated, freaky, angry or all of the above, meaning they're not behaving like men. We need to understand that the free market has filled this need in men with all kinds of false paths. The dating scene is something to avoid.
We'll put aside the subject of sexual perversion for now, but: Be straight.

Moving on...

There can exist men who don't burn with lust, but I doubt many can exist in modern society. That means you need to find a virtuous woman, who is very difficult to find, and marry her.
I have it on good authority that a virtuous woman desperately wants a #ManGoingUp. If you're walking with Jesus, the perfect woman for you will see your walk and want to walk with you. It's that simple.

In the man-o-sphere of dating lingo today, Jesus is the ultimate alpha male.
You can drink in moderation if you want, because you're a man -- this is biblical, and AA is bad -- but avoid drinking beer regularly due to the effeminizing effect of hops. Avoid soybean products for the same reason. The soy-boy thing is real, and not funny, and there is help.
One word on video games: Off.
If you're a man who plays video games, then yes, that was me telling you to turn them off, like a parent would tell a child. It's come to this, sadly. And more than any parent would do (but should, and some WILL): I tell you to turn off those games for good -- forever. Now.
We're going to put away the childish things now, which happen to be all the things of imagination. Moms encourage their boys to imagine, but that's bad for men. We're going to solid ground, to the foundation rock, the truth, Jesus Christ, and that's where we will build together.
If you've read this far, and you're a man, and you still haven't turned off media previews in your Twitter app to hide the porn, then you're not off to a good start. This will also hide visual ads, stupid promoted content, memes, etc.

Seriously, tho: Porn kills men.
The book of Proverbs is framed by repeated warnings to a young man to beware of the strange women who will draw him off his walk in wisdom, turning him into a fool and an idolator, and how to identify a virtuous woman instead. A wise man would read the whole book, constantly.
How do you read a book constantly? Pretend that it's your favorite movie, or album, or game. Know scripture by heart like with those things, which doesn't need to be word-for-word memorization, and do this with scripture INSTEAD of those things. Those things REPLACE God's word.
Once the text of Proverbs is in your heart (you "know it by heart," so to speak), then you're a man who has learned well from his Father in heaven, who gave this wisdom to Solomon and other authors, and you're equipped for navigating subjects like women, drink, business and war.
Here's one way to think about how the unbeliever cannot accept the wisdom in the book of Proverbs:

The bad son can sit through all the same lessons as the good son, and take away none of the wisdom.

Our Father has designed it this way. The Bible is only for us, the men of God.
The men of God are the men who follow Jesus Christ. This is the ENTIRE meaning, purpose and function of #ManGoingUp.
Starting this journey sounds crazy. Jesus' own family said He was loco. Your world will get turned upside-down, which will make it finally rightside-up.

The walk with Jesus is easy, but stumbling is easy too. Falling hard is the easiest of all, and the whole world wants it.
#ManGoingUp is Christian Extremism, and I'm a Christian Extremist. Quote me on that.

The Bible calls the followers of Christ aliens whose home is in heaven, here on earth to do a job for Jesus Christ, who prayed to His Father for this very thing in John 17. One amazing chapter.
Lifting weights is good for your body. Lifting heavy things to build stuff is even better. And sometimes, the best thing is just to take a walk...

Walk with brothers, talking. Walk as a family, enjoying the day God has made. Walk as the larger body of Christ, God's church.
Most of all, get away from other people to spend time with your Father in heaven, God, who wants to bless you and guide you, especially in these quiet moments.
To pray ceaselessly is to always have God present in your thoughts, which is to make all your decisions with His guidance in mind, which is checked by your conscience and scripture.

While we pray, we also put our hands to use in the world for God's glory.
A good work for #ManGoingUp would be to build tiny home villages for the unhoused.
The work of #ManGoingUp involves appealing to unhoused men in the first place. While they seem to the world to be in their darkest hour, these men are humbled and ready to walk with Christ. Many of these men will be equipped to work on building those tiny home villages, too.
Doing these kinds of works as the church involves money, and the Bible gives us instructions for that. The church is made up of different localities around the world, and each manages its own treasury. Interestingly, the boundaries are TBD because it hasn't been accomplished yet.
As an example, one could say "the church in Los Angeles" to refer to a geographical demarcation of God's one church. As noted, each region independently manages its own treasury to go along with all the works it's doing there.

We've yet to talk about buildings, or meeting up...
Let's call our meeting places meeting places, because they're just meeting places.

I like to meet in beautiful and open natural spaces, and then walking as the church, talking, stopping to study something in the Bible, having lunch together, maybe someone brought a guitar...
Sounds like something from the Jesus Freak movement of the 60s, and I'm fine with that. These things come in spirals.
In the Bible, Christians met in the big homes and courtyards of their wealthier brothers and sisters. Merchants lived and worked in architectural mullets: business in the front, party in the back. The parties, in this case, were formerly drunken ragers now rededicated for church.
These meetings usually involve eating together in love and thanksgiving to God, and to the Lamb who was given for us. These are called love feasts.

But be careful! Don't go back to drunken celebration and pigging out -- the old ways. Enjoy the food and drink, but not to excess.
When the church meets, invite the hungry to join in and partake of the feast. Serving them is really the point, and the blessing. A fine way to optimize this work is to go to them. Setup a BBQ near a homeless encampment and have a cookout for everyone. That's church happening.
As for all the various church officers who bear authority and discipline in the church -- some biblical and others invented -- the situation today is vastly simplified, thank God. We could use a break, amiright?

Two big advantages: scripture and the internet (with backups).
Not sure if you noticed, but most of the New Testament consists of letters to the churches in various cities that had gone horribly wrong, and it ends with Jesus Himself dictating letters saying Shape up, or else! That means our Bible is a kind of fix-it manual for church repair.
And I'm not sure if you realized, but institutions are falsely called churches today, totally overshadowing and concealing God's actual living church, even from ourselves. These are serious walls, and they need to come down.
The full scope of a #plainreading of scripture, then, is key to not needing apostles today who were specially ordained by Christ to establish and correct the church in every locale.
The apostles ordained bishops, one for each locale, as clerks to manage the treasury and works being done in each place. They oversaw things to report back to the whole body, too. Here's where tech helps, because this is a technical need suitable for various technical solutions.
The work of a bishop can be handled low-tech too. Bishops are admins that help connect the Christians meeting in places to the whole body worldwide. People are always occupying only one place on earth at any time, so, wherever you go, Christian, there you are in church.
If traveling, you'll want to always contact the bishop first thing to find out all the places and times the church is meeting. The bishop can also give you a list of homes where you can stay, if you don't know any Christians there. Bishops could be online and automated, btw.
The bishop, being an admin, also helps to dispatch internal church workers to various tasks. These workers are called deacons, which refers to serving tables, not only for eating, but for handling any sort of church business. If it's church business, the workers are deacons.
Both bishops and deacons must meet special, heightened requirements for behavior in all aspects of their lives. Read 1 Timothy 3, which is the apostle Paul telling Timothy, a faithful brother and all-around church leader under special instruction, how this works.
As for pastors (under-shepherds of Jesus Christ), teachers, preachers, prophets and others, these are gifts and jobs given variously by God to the members of the church body. All authority comes down from their abilities, adherence to scripture and personal walk with Christ.
Every member of the body is uniquely needed for God's purpose, and a blessed part of the church, and nobody has any sort of special ranking.
If you were wondering about me, I'm a preacher. Preachers preach, and all I've been doing here is preaching Bible in my own words. The Bible really does instruct the #ManGoingUp on how to do all this. In fact, Jesus Christ has commanded that it be done. Read Revelation 1-3.
Just as assuredly as Moses followed God's blueprint to build the tabernacle -- Moses was the foreman on that job -- we've been commanded by Jesus Christ to restore our church according to the plans given in scripture. This is your calling.
At this point, I'll offer something from another thread (a thread about technology in light of the Bible):
An elder refers to a follower of Jesus Christ who is also old in years. Like, old people who know their Bible. You should expect these Christians to be the wisest of your brothers and sisters, so give them that respect, but do your own research. Check their words and works.
Elders need real help, too, with basic needs that only the church can fill. The suffering of our elders today is due to the church not working. The huge population of elders is seen by the world as a curse, a drain on society, when it's a great blessing to the church. Shame.
As a church, we ought to be visiting our elders, bringing them food and whatever they need, and spending time with them. If they're able, equipped and willing, we should also eagerly seek their wisdom in all matters of life. The applied and tested wisdom is all in their noggins.
Our youngest children, from conception, are our very greatest blessings on earth. Obviously, the church needs to be one big adoption service. Let's do this.
I have this in mind:

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world" (James 1:27).

People hate the word "religion" because they haven't seen pure religion.
School for children is a job for the church, of course. I'll sum it up this way: Parents take turns being teachers in a sort of homeschool cooperative, and all the teaching and activity materials are made by the body and shared. From ABCs to college-prep Physics.
The kids will learn ancient Hebrew and Greek fluently, enabling them to read the Bible in the original languages. Our kids will be the greatest Bible exegetes the world has ever seen. We'll need to catch up with them, because kids learn languages quickly without even trying.
Okay. Gear change. Guess which church can help a Christian food producer handle local farm-to-table and farm-to-market logistics. God's church.
Guess which church wants to employ most people in the work of growing and bringing food to people. You know.
The church cannot rely on anything of the world, which includes a whole lot of technology. Usage doesn't mean reliance. We'll use modern conveniences as long as they don't compromise the walk of the church, which means compromising the walk of any member of the body.
The tiny home villages above give one indication of the church's mission to build with sustainability and wholeness in mind.

When it comes to food, God has given His church an abundance -- if only His church will work the earth for it. So much harvest that we MUST give it away.
If I ever have my prayer answered to run my own farm, then Lord willing we'll use Texas longhorns to pull the plow. I want a couple camels too, for travel.
Growing, building, learning, teaching, serving, celebrating and exploring. That's what God's church is up to, because love.
We'll make God's bow of war hanging up in the sky, to rest, a Fatherly symbol of God's loving mercy over us, as He meant it to be seen. Read Genesis 9.

That's right. We're taking the rainbow back from the weird kids, because they don't understand any better. They need Jesus. Image

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Nov 27
Since I've started writing a lot about #ManGoingUp, which is for men (and I hope women read it too), I'll write something here on the same subject addressed to women (and I hope men read it too).

Basically, I'll be praising the virtuous women out there, and condemning the rest.
A virtuous woman, just like a #ManGoingUp, is very hard to find, because in both cases, they're walking with Jesus Christ, which is very rare indeed.

In the ideal form, a man and a woman are joined as one flesh in marriage, which is a picture of Christ and His church before God.
The ideal form of a man and woman in marriage illustrates some facts about us, all pointing out that we're literally made for each other, to pair up and love each other. Any warring between the sexes happens far away from God's will for us, and is evil, leading to destruction.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 27
Where's the body of Christ, God's church today? The church has always been walking, with Jesus, but instead of following, you built walls, and stages, and sat down in pews to watch a show put on by men. That's theater.

Want to go to church? Stand up and start walking with Jesus.
I've taken the biblical instruction for men to stand up and walk with Jesus, as His own body living in the world today, and called it #ManGoingUp.

If you're a prayerful woman who reads the Bible plainly, then you already know how this works for you. Anyone else, just ask.
You've heard of self-help and self-improvement programs. Well, they're all bogus because you can't help yourself, and you can't improve yourself. Besides, these are all shoddy imitations made by men. You need to rely on the only one who can help you: Jesus Christ.

For real.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 26
Someone should start a crypto project called #NewWorldOrder that registers every human on earth as an NFT with their picture, biometrics, vital data, wallets, social media accounts, social credit score, current location... It would be so EASY, like Satoshi was a setup.
In fact, there are two big projects competing in this space, and I'm not sure which will deliver first in 2023. The team led by @elonmusk wants to use Twitter and Dogecoin, because Elon is a man-child without much sense. The smarter team will use #Cardano, which is banker tech.
Cardano is running late, so it'll probably go Twitter -> $DOGE -> sidechain (any), then later, a big migration to Cardano for consensus protocol and DID done right.

Devs complain about all the Haskell in Cardano. You know who loves Haskell? Bankers love Haskell.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 26
The word "homeless" doesn't work for the people who have their home somewhere else.
"And Jesus saith unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head" (Matt 8:20).
Words to believers in Jesus Christ, strangers and pilgrims despised on the earth but welcomed home by our Holy God and Father in heaven: Image
Read 10 tweets
Nov 25
Blockchain is for enslaving people, and very soon. You'll have your very own NFT linked to you biometrically.
There are two or three major paths the powers could take here, but one of them is through a channel comprised of @elonmusk, Twitter, $DOGE, checkmark/badges and facial NFT PFPs. Also expect biometrics for verification, lots of AI for clerical work and a social credit score.
In 2023, FSD becomes common in robot cars, and humans will be banned from driving (they just can't drive safely among the robots). Robotic transport vehicles will fully replace cars. They'll be equipped to lock people inside and take them to prison, if the blockchain says.
Read 4 tweets

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