Dr. @fitterhappierAJ’s warning is going viral. Congrats. States start to admit COVID harms the immune system, making OTHER viruses severe to children, adults & the aged. #LeonardiEffect
He was silenced for warning.
So so many will die for the insane policy of “let ‘er R.I.P” 😢
States could implement existing, binding law to end (!) the pandemic any day (WHO IHR 2005), but refuse to. Thus COVID is fast becoming humanity’s worst public health disaster. 🤦🏻♀️
Folks it’s called syndemic, not “tripledemic” or “polycrisis”. Get comfy using the correct medical terms because this extends into the information sphere.
Else what will you say next, once we have eight overlapping crises it becomes an “octodemic”?
An octodemic is this adorable thing, an octopus made in the pandemic. 🥰🙏
The One Health approach sounds like a PR phrase but may be worth explaining in depth. There is much literature on syndemics. @WHO estimates 35% of respiratory disease involving the LRT depends on environmental factors. Medical view: link.springer.com/article/10.100…
(1) Check in with your Chinese friends, they may not be okay. (2) Shanghai protests may hit a note, if nothing else. (3) Comparison to Hong Kong or the past difficult if at all possible. Most forget that a deadly SARS virus profoundly changed the game for the foreseeable future.
(1) @RealCheckMarker shows you how Nietzsche’s Übermensch applies to SARS and I’ll add climate. (2) Read along @RoyScranton’s Nietzsche essays. (3) Appreciate the hierarchy: A solution is possible for COVID-19. If only if we find the SARS solution can we think about climate. 加油
(2) If you listen carefully, the abyss speaks to us in very plain language, and says Roy’s analysis stands. (3) SARS-CoV-2 determines the depth of the abyss. If you go full SARS my friends you will not find your way out again. ZeroSARS minimizes the abyss. archive.nytimes.com/opinionator.bl…
Perfect. Read this thread and go deeper as you see fit. I could retire my Twitter account now, this work is done. ✅
Recombination and quasispecies mutant swarm behavior - quantum mechanics - is its superpower, helping it flow around any vaccine or drug. SARS gets trillions of chances to mutate every day as long as states don’t eradicate it via international surveillance (WHO IHR 2005).
We can end the pandemic any day. It only requires resisting the formidable lobbying power of airline CEOs. We can protect populations worldwide by inconveniencing a few international elite travelers, whose lives will be slowed - with climate benefits. 🥰⚕️ who.int/publications/i…
i see a lot of people talk about Drosten and an end to a pandemic whose origin they have not even understood. clowns. read this first, then talk more: 🤡 unsw.press/books/dark-win…
One 2005 biodefense Senate hearing with Fauci just to show these questions have been discussed for over 20 years. Almost nothing we see is a surprise - except how little attention people pay. Planetary cognitive dissonance, as Schellnhuber said on climate. govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CH…
Many are unwilling to see that lab research without oversight and accountability has long been done, and that narcissistic virologists may protect their peers rather than avert mass death at biblical scale. Strange, because biodefense and biological warfare is as old as humanity.
(1) Drosten expects the COVID pandemic to 'end' and SARS-CoV-2 to be 'endemic.' How? The simple truth is, neither will happen.
There is no scientific basis for his claims -PCR tests and international surveillance were minimized. Guys! He doesn't understand this virus! @JaSimmank
@JaSimmank (2) The alternative is that @c_drosten isn't telling the truth. I don't read him as such. It's ultimately a legal question, not re Drosten alone but many decisionmakers. Anyway, it's getting repetitive. We were at this stage last year pre-Omicron already. This is only escalating.
@JaSimmank@c_drosten (3) We have no time for handholding, @DIEZEIT. Get your act together. The vast, exploding literature is right at your fingertips. You just need to read to know Drosten is wrong. (Some say even following us on twitter would have helped.) Good luck all. thetyee.ca/Analysis/2022/…
(1) Let me translate as twitter can be confusing. Here the explanation of WHO chief scientist @doctorsoumya's reasoning on airborne transmission, and how to apply the Precautionary Principle. (2) Read carefully; 'gullible citizens' includes journalists and policymakers worldwide.
(3) Note Dr. Fauci is being let go too. (4) Use the PP if U.S., UK, EU succeed in forcing WHO to declare the SARS pandemic 'over', stop collecting data, and trade health for economic interests.