A couple #ProgRock tunes here with Neal Morse; the Band, here, and a dream next. Best of all, they are published on an indie label! #PeaceNhams#CarterSnowPark
From the awesome #CarterSnowPark, I wants to share that I do this #ProgRock show for the love of music, and to support fellow artists. If you enjoy what you see or hear, it is vital to purchase their creation(s). *folds paws around cup of cocoa* Fanks #PeaceNhams
Here is another joyous #ProgRock discovery, Echolyn. If mew are a 'proghead' I truly recommends this 16 minute passage as introduction to this, as one commenter put it, a Masterpiece.. #PeaceNhams#CarterSnowPark
Heh, did I mention Mike Portnoy earlier? No? Haow about askin teh #ProgRock cats n doggos here at #CarterSnowPark if Flying Colors can has a Place in Your World.. Indie label! Kickin sound! #PeaceNhams
This cat's padding over to the #CarterSnowPark Fire Pit for some hot chocolate n #ProgRock Before that, a big Happy Birthday to Rich Little, a wonderful Canadian comedian who does amazing impressions of recent American Presidents. Till next, #PeaceNhams
Meow! #ProgRock tonight wif me, Angel Sir Pickle Longpaw at 9:30ish PM eastern, appearing at #CarterSnowPark in the holidays lights forest *excited paws*
See mew soon, till then, stay warm, here be fave fireplace frum @cattrumpetmusic #PeaceNhams
*swoops in on fluffy wings, lands softly, flicking snow everywhere*
Welcome to Angel Sir Pickle Longpaw's #ProgRock, tonight frum teh pawmazzin' #CarterSnowPark holiday forest.
Tonight, I has songs about endings an beginnings...but nothing morose. Mebbe mouse, #PeaceNhams
We open with a song most of mew know, so snap your paws, click your claws, an dance. R.E.M. says it might be fine... #ProgRock#PeaceNhams#CarterSnowPark
MeeYOW! #ProgRock is coming your way in half an hour 9:30PM Eastern-ish...
Come, listen to the joy and adventure of music and interesting stuffs with Sir Pickle Longpaw & #PeaceNhams *flexes fluffy wings, prepares for flight from the Bridge*
Well cats kittens doggos an stuffies...even our beloved hooms heh..we're here for some #PeaceNhams, cause it's definitely been a week of changing directions...I fink David Bowie sings it best, on the sweet edge of #progrock
Did mew know dat in #PeaceNhams Catnada (Canada) we have CAT shaped perogy? It is true. From my hoom's kitchen, I has the purr-parazzi pics in a meow-mint.
More #ProgRock first, though, as the Parsons Project asks Where do we go from here?
Meow! Lots of pawties an HowlOweenie stuff happening tonight! Teh hijinks is a'paw heh heh...
This cat, Angel SirPickle, is flying over to the #ProgRock studio for another session of #PeaceNhams at 9:30 PM Eastern.
wherever you are, have fun! *high five beans*
Welcomes, it is Time...time to #ProgRock travel wif this cat, Angel Sir Pickle...How about stepping into this classic 1971 Time Machine, from Scotland's Beggar's Opera.. #PeaceNhams
One of this cat's (and human's) favourite albums...it is a journey wif Electic Light Orchestra and Time..."just on the border of your waking mind.." Whole album! 44 minutes of #ProgRock#PeaceNhams
@ml8905@Pandamokneeum2@MrWuggums Fanks! Den I hope mew like teh rest of teh journey. So, here we are, feeling still the power of the Solar Flare. This by Luboku on #progrock
Starts off#chilltent, and then, as as one reviewer put it: " What a gentle push into a dirty enticing beat"
@ml8905@Pandamokneeum2@MrWuggums And from the #progrock master in the cape himsselfs, is Rick Wakeman, taking us on a furry short trip to teh center of teh earth...
@KiwiTheKitty@MrWuggums Agrees overexposure can affect perception, an long term popularity. Roundabout an Carry On are pawsome!. Would mew like me to includes dem? We got's time :)
Right meow, an obscure yet interesting tune by Fuzzy Duck from UK #chilltent#progrock