Every season of @QueenSugarOWN has been a gift -- cast, directors, setting, music, storyline. Through lives of a Black family -- stories of farming (now & in history), culture, climate change, police brutality, incarceration, politics, immigration, COVID, sports, art, labor, 🧵
. . .elders' knowledge, & so MUCH more.
And SEASON 7 adds fight over education, & how laws to ban teaching history are linked to efforts to steal land from Black farmers.
Shows power of school board -- & need for justice-minded people to vote, testify, & run for school board.
Queen Sugar posted teaching resources on themes from the series including: sharecropping, Great Migration, redlining, Reconstruction, protest, incarceration, inherited knowledge, African traditions, advocacy, arts activism, & more via @ARRAYNow.
At ZEP, we offer lessons for grades 7+ on some themes & topics in series:
-- Reconstruction (see ⬇️),
-- redlining,
-- police brutality,
-- long/ongoing fight for voting rights,
-- reparations,
-- climate change,
-- & more. #TeachOutsideTextbook
"If the Government had the right to free us, she had a right to make some provision for us and since she did not make it soon after Emancipation she ought to make it now." -- Callie House, call for reparations, #tdih 1898 🧵
Read about Callie House and the National Ex-Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty, and Pension Association (first convention #otd 1898) in "My Face Is Black Is True" by Dr. Mary Frances Berry @DrMFBerry. ⬇️ bookshop.org/a/7256/9780307…
Reparations for African Americans are absent from most U.S. history textbooks. Therefore, Ursula Wolfe-Rocca wrote a gr. 7+ lesson. Students design a reparations bill for a mock congressional hearing.
Read the eye-opening, gripping, beautifully written YA adaptation (with @brandycolbert) of @JeanneTheoharis's bio of Rosa Parks.
Introduces readers to her decades of activism -- long before & after MBB. Also documentary of same name, streams on Peacock. zinnedproject.org/materials/rebe…
We offer an interactive lesson by @RethinkSchools editor/ZEP co-director Bill Bigelow, based on book by @JeanneTheoharis. Challenges the textbook & mainstream media narratives about Rosa Parks.
#tdih 1947 Congress held “Hollywood 10” in contempt for refusal to testify before House Un-American Activities Comm. (HUAC). Next day, Motion Picture Assoc. fired “Hollywood 10.” Censorship led to more racism, sexism, & militarism in popular media. ⬇️🧵 zinnedproject.org/news/tdih/holl…
"Movies of 1950s did not display any evidence of populist spirit which infused some of more notable ‘30s & ‘40s films. On the contrary, studios complacently turned out . . . movies which. . . debased women, ignored African Americans, & exalted war & imperialism." -- Allen Rivkin
Not in textbooks: "Red Scare was a scorched-earth policy against most progressive forces: labor unions organizing across racial lines; civil rights orgs. . . ; writers, artists, & journalists who advocated internationalism & peace." -- @LadyOfSardines ⬇️ zinnedproject.org/if-we-knew-our…
#tdih 1887: Thibodaux Massacre. Louisiana militia shot & killed 30 to 60 unarmed Black sugarcane workers, on strike over meager pay issued in scrip, not cash.
Thibodaux is one of countless massacres in US history to suppress voting rights, land ownership, economic adv't, education, press freedom, religion, LGBTQ rights, &/or labor rights. (Often called "race riots," they were to maintain white supremacy.) See ⬇️ zinnedproject.org/collection/mas…
To #TeachReconstruction, we offer lessons for gr. 7+, student project to make local Reconstruction history visible, national report, open letter from scholars, & recommended teaching guides, K-12 books, podcasts, primary doc collections, & films.
#tdih 1919 Bogalusa Labor Massacre. Self-Preservation & Loyalty League (SPLL) and Great Southern Lumber Company gunmen killed white allies of African American labor organizer Sol Dacus.
There is a long history of white supremacist massacres in U.S. history designed to suppress voting rights, land ownership, economic advancement, education, freedom of the press, religion, LGBTQ+ rights, and/or labor rights.
While looking forward to keynote speakers at @NCSSNetwork conf. in Phila., we're listening to their podcasts. Like @hmcghee's "Sum of Us." Each episode a story of interracial solidarity. For exp., Manhattan Beach on land taken from Black family in 1924. 🧵open.spotify.com/episode/0rrSqE…
Heather McGhee is an artful storyteller in #TheSumofUsPod.
Listeners learn about Bruce’s Beach Resort (also in #SeizingFreedom pod by @KidadaEWilliams) & 2020's campaign to make amends, repair, reparations.