History textbooks that deny genocide & religious atrocities on Hindus by Muslim invaders, irreparably damage our cultural identity. I compared the description of just one Islamic ruler in a history textbook “Medieval India” by Satish Chandra against evidence in Islamic sources
The textbook describes Delhi Sultan Feroz Shah Tughlaq (1309–1388 CE) as a peaceful administrator & reformer. But Islamic sources clearly contradict this, showing instead that he surpassed even the Mughals in killing & enslaving Hindus & destroying temples - to spread Islam.
In 1360 CE, Firoz desecrated the Jagannath temple of Puri, massacring thousands, defacing the Murti by piercing its nose, kicking & throwing it. Other hidden Murtis were dug out, mutilated & buried under mosque doorways to humiliate Hindus & constantly be stepped on by Muslims
But the distorted version in Chandra’s textbook completely IGNORES this religious destruction & massacre - not even mentioning Jagannath! It only says Firoz "led a campaign to Orissa & desecrated temples there to gather rich plunder but made no attempt to annex Orissa".
After desecrating Jagannath, Firoz pursued 100,000 Hindus to Chilika Lake. He massacred them in a "basin of blood" & 1000s of victims including pregnant mothers & kids were savagely raped & enslaved in homes of every Muslim soldier.
But Chandra doesn't even mention the incident
Just as Jagannath temple is not mentioned, Firoz’s destruction of the ancient Jvalamukhi temple in Himachal Pradesh is also completely erased from the textbook! The story of Firoz's desecration of this holiest of temples is merely described as a “campaign to Kangra” by Chandra.
In 1360-61, Firoz destroyed the ancient Jvalamukhi temple & its deity. He broke sacred murtis into tiny pieces, mixed them with beef & put the mixture inside nosebags hung around Brahmins necks. The main deity was sent as a trophy of Islam’s victory over Hindus to Medina.
A huge library of 1300 manuscripts at Jvalamukhi temple was razed to the ground. Many of the Hindu religious manuscripts were burnt, but several treatises on music, medicine, mathematics, etc. were saved to be translated into Persian, to exploit the knowledge of Hindu sciences.
Chandra's textbook distorts this incident to depict Firoz as a tolerant ruler who translated Hindu”religious works” from Sanskrit into Persian to “better understand Hindu ideas". But Islamic accounts clearly tell of the intolerant burning of Hindu & Shia books during his rule.
Firoz was proud of his destruction of Hindu temples & killed anyone who built them. In Kohana village, Hindu Murtis, Books & Puja vessels were publicly burnt. Even Shia books were publicly burnt. Would such a fanatic translate books to further Hindu religious ideas?
Firoz's mind-numbingly cruel enslavement of over 180,000 Hindus is downplayed & justified by a deliberately concocted lie that Hindus also enslaved prisoners of war during the Mahabharat era. A mere sentence euphemistically mentions that “some slaves were treated harshly”
Firoz was famous for ordering his officers to capture as many attractive Hindus as possible to be enslaved & forcibly converted to Islam. 180,000 Hindus were forced into sexual slavery & abused for labor in every way. Even converted Hindu slaves were treated worse than cattle.
Next, Firoz is praised as a “humanitarian” ruler who banned mutilation & torture, conveniently ignoring that any benevolence was reserved ONLY for Muslims. In reality Firoz publicly mutilated, tortured & slaughtered Hindus just for practicing their religion, even in secret.
Official Muslim accounts relate how Firoz got an old Brahman in Delhi dragged out for making a wooden tablet with Hindu images & worshipping it. When he refused to be forcibly converted, he was hung with hands & feet tied, roasted on burning embers & burnt alive in public
The era of Delhi Sultanate is glorified as a time of “peace & development” along with the lie that Hindus were free to openly practice their religion. Nothing was further from the truth. Firoz publicly persecuted & massacred 1000s of Hindus for practicing Hindu rituals.
In 1380 CE, Firoz slaughtered 1000s & brutally enslaved 23,000 Hindus in Katehr (Rohilkhand) as revenge for 3 Muslim tyrants being killed. So vicious was his Islamic zeal that he ordered massacre & destruction of the region EVERY year for 5 years to teach Hindus a lesson
In the village of Maluh, Firoz ordered the wholesale slaughter of 1000s of Hindus including women & children for daring to build temples & worship deities near a holy Kund. He boasted of destroying temples to build mosques on top & massacring Hindu priests for Islam's glory.
Firoz’s imposition of Jizyah tax on Hindus is whitewashed as a harmless protection tax. The textbook blatantly lies that Jizyah was not used to convert Hindus to Islam, when Firoz himself explicitly states that he used Jizyah as an economic weapon to forcibly convert Hindus.
The most outrageous claim in the book is that Muslim invaders simply replaced the "privileged" Hindu upper castes. This lie fully falsifies the true nature of Islamic invaders - to forcibly subjugate & occupy India for the sake of Islam's victory over Kafir Hindus & Hinduism.
This analysis focused on the textbook's description of only ONE Islamic invader’s rule. The text even claims conversion to Islam was not by sword. Imagine the extent of lies being fed to impressionable young minds, permanently distorting their perception of their own identity
History textbooks have a maximal impact on affirming civilizational identity in young minds. We cannot allow them to be made part of a sinister plan to falsify historical evidence, deny religious bigotry, erase Hindu identity & underplay genocide by fanatic Muslim invaders.
Our textbooks MUST be changed to reflect actual historical evidence so that future generations are not misled about their true cultural identity. Our past cannot be falsified to satisfy delusions of a “composite culture”, in instances where none existed.
On Thursdays, crowds assemble at the Firoz Shah complex in Delhi, where Jinns supposedly descend from Heaven to grant wishes.
But who will grant peace to the thousands of disturbed Hindu souls massacred by Firoz. Can’t we give them some justice - at least in our textbooks?
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Ok closure time:
History books does not = “school textbooks” - nor does it refer to books only in India.
You could have just commented on my tweet to discuss your doubts, instead you deliberately chose to attack me as a “history myth creator". Clearly smacks of a personal feud.
Again, history book is not = history textbook. My future thread will disprove Western claims on Porus's defeat & myths that he helped Alexander to invade other cities & his plans to invade East India. Excerpts - “The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great” by J.W. McCrindle
Indeed we all make mistakes, & in our ego attack others for no reason.
This comment shows your utter gracelessness of using Ma Saraswati in a sarcastic tone to score a petty last brownie point. Keep her blessings with you, you will need them to learn some humility.
Jamun comes from Jambu (rose apple) which is native to India (Panini (4th c, BCE). Gulab is a distortion of Golaka (round) & Apa (Water) referring to sweet round balls which look like Jambu, dipped in sweet water. Madhugolaka (honeyed balls) was probably its predecessor
Jalebi comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit sweet Kundalika or Jala-Vallika. Jala referred to sweet water & Vallika referred to its creeper like interlocking shape (like modern day Imarti). Ghritapura (Ghevar) was a similar sweet known from Susruta Samhita era (6th. c. BCE).
Rajmah comes from the Sanskrit word for pulses which were called Rajamasha known in India since Kautilya's Arthashastra (3rd c. BCE). Nala's Pak Darpana which dates to Mahabharata times mentions recipes with Rajamasha as well.
Was Tipu Sultan a “freedom fighter” who fought the British to free India from colonial rule? Historical records show he fought the British not to liberate India, but to gain power & ruthlessly eliminate all Kafirs obstructing his dream of becoming Emperor of an Islamic India.
Tipu did not even oppose the British initially, but instead meekly requested them not to support Hindus revolting against his Islamic atrocities. His letters to the English Company in Tellicherry before Malabar invasion show he was not at war with the British but the Hindus.
His brutalities against all Hindus including Brahmins, Nairs, & Thiyyas, included beheading & putting heads on stakes, kidnapping nobles, forcible circumcision & beef feeding, to convert Hindus to Islam. His genocidal assault forced Malabar's Hindus to ask the British for help.
Akbar attacked Chittor to be the undisputed Ghazi of India & hated a proud kingdom like Chittor which refused to give him any Rajput princess in marriage. Akbar’s love for Krishna was evident when he got 16 y. old Patta of Kailwa trampled to death in the Govind Shyam temple
History shows that Akbar’s savagery at Chittor forced 13,000 Kshatriya women to jump onto the leaping flames of Jauhar to escape dishonor worse than death. 32,000 Hindus died bravely defending their temples and Dharma. Not just the Rajput warriors but commoners too were killed.
History also shows the only reason Akbar killed so many Hindus & destroyed their temples & forts is because he was a devout Muslim who wanted to be a Ghazi & kill Kafirs for Z1h@d in the name of the Islamic God. His Victory Fathnama of Chittor clearly describes it
Mughals imprisoned 1000s of Cheetahs for hunting. These paintings show how Akbar used them indiscriminately like machines in blackbuck hunts. Cruel experiments to breed them in captivity failed miserably. Here paintings shows Akbar hunting with trapped Indian cheetahs, c. 1602
Akbar’s son Shahjahan too followed the fetish for capturing Cheetahs from the Wild. By 1665, during Aurangzeb’s era they were prized possessions, so only Governors were allowed to trap them in the wild. Most Cheetahs were in captivity & very few left in the wild by this time.
When the British came, they captured Cheetahs to an even greater extent by hunting them as trophies to be stuffed & hung on their palace walls. Here is an image of Hunting of blackbuck with Indian cheetah; Drawn by James Forbes in South Gujarat, India. Oriental Memoirs, 1812.
@PiOfLife1 1
Ok you can add add paneer & peas or do just Alu. First microwave 3 medium potatoes till half cooked, then chop them into eight pieces. Warm 3 tbsps mustard oil in a pan on medium heat. Add 1 Tej patta, 1/2 inch stick cinnamon, 3-4 small elaichi, 3-4 cloves & 1/2 tsp jeera seed
@PiOfLife1 2
After a minute, add 1/2 tsp sugar, then Add 1/2 medium onion chopped finely, sautee well on medium-low heat for 7 minutes till pink, add in 1 tsp of ginger- garlic paste, sautee 3-4 mins, add in 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes, add 1/2 tsp salt, cover for 5 mins, stirring frequently.
@PiOfLife1 3
Once tomatoes have melted & leave oil, put dry masalas: 1 tsp of Dhania powder, 1 tsp jeera powder, 1/2 tsp red chilli powder, 1/2 tsp haldi, 1/8 tsp elaichi powder, 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder, a pinch nutmeg powder, 1 tbsp cashew powder. Add 3 tbsps water & make a paste in bowl