I took a deeper dive into the Chongquin jogger study. It suggests Omicron is incredibly contagious. Is it flawed? are the data real? Follow the 🧵
For the full story, look here: covid.dropcite.com/articles/3d411…
The first 8 weeks of the summer of 2022, the city of Chongqing, saw only 11 cases of COVID per week in a city of 30 million. Then, they recorded 54 cases in a week. As cases continued to rise, experts from around the country scrambled to understand what had happened.
Early in the pandemic, investigators attention focused on Longtou Park, a 42.5 acre park in the city center. Two cases were in park staff on August 18. When they began to question other cases, they discovered that 34 of them had all been in the park on the morning of August 16
A man who was waiting for the results of a COVID screening test, had gone for a 35 minute run around the lake at the center of the park, unmasked. An hour later he got the positive test result. Patient Zero (PZ)
Again, much of the story here. covid.dropcite.com/articles/3d411…
Reviewing surveillance video, investigators identified 104 people who were unmasked and came within one meter of PZ. Of the 104, 13 had been diagnosed with COVID. Another 19 had visited or been at the lake during the run.
Calculating incidence rates requires denominators, but we only know 3: 1. Those with close, maskless exposure to PZ during his run,
2.Those who were in the park but did not have close, maskless exposure, and 3. Those who were not in the park that day.
Investigators sequenced the genomes from all the COVID cases among park visitors and staff from whom they could obtain an adequate sample. Of the 34 testable samples, 29 were an exact match to PZ. The other 5 had a single mutation.
The study suggests that PZ was infected on a plane by three people who were on the plane THE DAY BEFORE. This seems unlikely. (More on DropCite)
38 of the 39 people who became infected in the park were not wearing masks. What was the base rate of mask wearing among people in the park?
“Masks are still ubiquitous in Covid-Zero China, even outdoors in the major cities” Bloomberg 8-2-22
I have been criticized for calling the evidence “overwhelming”, but if these data are accurate, this as close to metaphysical certainty as I have seen. Are the data real? Where are the sequence data? I sent questions to the authors and posted them: covid.dropcite.com/articles/3d411…
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Overwhelming evidence of outdoor transmission of Omicron. At least 32 unmasked people were infected by a man jogging through a park without a mask. Nothing beats a surveillance state for contact tracing. Details in the thread. covid.dropcite.com/articles/0bda8…
Using surveillance videos, Chinese CDC investigators identified 256 people who passed within a meter of Patient zero as he jogged through the park without a mask. 13 (5%) were infected. He infected another 20 out of 20,496 park visitors while running without known close contact.
Of 34 cases that could be sequenced, 29 had exact sequence match to patient zero and 5 had one mutation. Overall 38 of 39 (33+ 6 non-park contacts) infected were unmasked (despite China's mask mandate).
The Brownstone Institute declared a recently released study by Tracy Hoeg and colleagues, "The Best Mask Study Yet". The study compares COVID incidence at two schools in Fargo, ND with different masking requirements.
It's an epidemiological abomination.
This thread explains why.
The authors pick a time period that includes the largest spike in the whole pandemic, which was driven by holiday gatherings and started on 12/30. This is like choosing hurricane Ian as a good time to study the relation between time of day and road safety in Florida.
Not only do the authors not account for this spike, they don't even mention it in the paper. Instead, it appears they include the holidays and the first three weeks of the spike in their comparison without comment or adjustment.
Florida DOH just released a study claiming to link vaccines and cardiac deaths. A similar study from the UK found no elevation of mortality (either all cause or cardiac) for any vaccine type, vaccine dose, age group or sex. One study was designed right. demo2.dropcite.com/articles/11f46…
The method requires careful prior justification for the study period. The UK study compares the first 6 weeks after vaccination, because that is when myocarditis is most likely, to the second six weeks after vaccination. No period showed elevated risk.
The Florida study compares a 4 week period after vaccination to a subsequent 21 week period with no prior justification for either time window. demo2.dropcite.com/articles/e98fa…
This comprehensive Italian contact tracing study shows clearly that
-COVID spreads far more easily in the schools than in the community.
-Household spread was a major amplifier of childhood infection.
H/T @dgurdasani1 demo2.dropcite.com/articles/3b4e0…
After a major outbreak closed schools in the town of Mede, Italy, health authorities conducted intensive testing and contact tracing. demo2.dropcite.com/articles/3b4e0…
They found that infected students had far more close contacts than non-students (5.0 to 1.5) and most of those contacts were with other students.
Anyone who dismisses risks of infecting our children doesn't understand viral infections. Ebstein Barr Virus, the cause of mono, doesn’t always cause symptoms, especially for young children, and kills only .03%, but long term effects may include anything from lupus to cancer.
EBV stays in your system and its link to lymphoma later in life is well established. It is estimated to cause almost 300,000 cases of cancer worldwide. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30125149/
Because it stays in your cells, EBV is also associated with autoimmune diseases, conditions in which your body's immune system attacks your own cells, such as lupus, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, type I diabetes, and celiac disease. nih.gov/news-events/ni…