Bob Morris, MD, PhD Profile picture
Physician, epidemiologist, environmental engineer, award-winning author of The Blue Death . Taught at Tufts and Medical College of WI
3 subscribers
Nov 4, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
If You Care About Public Health, Vote Harris

Trump bought RFK Jr’s support by offering him control over health-related federal agencies. With every utterance, Kennedy demonstrates how completely unqualified he is to play that role. Let’s look at one example.
🧵1/12 Image His stands range from anti-vax to pro-lard. Among his public proclamations, this one proposing to gut the FDA stands out. It is hard to imagine anyone compressing more ignorance into a single post. Let’s unpack. 2/12 Image
Oct 16, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The End of Expertise: Science, X, and the Problem of Plausible Credibility
Jay Bhattacharya claims to be an epidemiologist
He’s not
He’s a health economist
But the banner under him on Fox says Stanford Medicine
That gives him plausible credibility.
This is a problem.
Link in 🧵 Image On X, subject matter expertise can even be a liability. I taught epidemiology for twenty years but can find myself lectured to and mocked by a truck driver. 2/5 Image
Jun 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This graph is intended to show that vaccines did nothing to reduce disease.
It's a Master Class in Misrepresentation of Data.
Let's read it line by line.
The most dramatic line (red) is for scarlet fever caused by streptococcus bacteria.
🧵 The smallpox vaccine was introduced in 1796 when it caused almost one in five deaths in London. The grey line in the graph cuts off the most dramatic improvement, starting 42 years AFTER the introduction of the vaccine. Here's the full picture. Image
Apr 17, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
4 yrs ago a @stanford team asserted the pre-vaccine COVID IFR=0.17%
The results are in.
With that IFR, 1.2 million US COVID deaths would imply 690 M infections.
BUT, the vaccine reduces IFR by 60-90%, which implies 1.3 to 2.5 BILLION infections.
HOW DID THEY GET IT SO WRONG? Image This FB ad was used to recruit.
What would motivate you to leave home during a shelter in place order, drive across town, and wait in line to give a blood sample?
It seems likely someone who had been sick would be far more motivated.
That’s a problem. Image
Apr 2, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
4 years ago, a Stanford team lead by @drjBhattacharya began a study to determine seroprevalence of COVID antibodies.
It played a key role in driving the wildly incorrect belief that COVID is no worse than the flu.
How did it go so wrong? Image There are two key challenges in seroepidemiology.
1. Ensuring you have a valid test.
2. Ensuring that you have a representative sample. (Does the seroprevalence in your sample reflect the population infection rate?)
The study had problems with both issues. Image
Mar 7, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
In the 4 years since their imposition, non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), from masks to school closures, have been vehemently declared to be ineffective. This study estimates that they combined to prevent over 800,000 COVID deaths.… The study estimates COVID death rates for US states as a function of just 4 variables: vaccination rates, population density, NPI effectiveness (more on this indicator below), and COVID deaths prior to NPIs. This model predicts 70% of variation in COVID deaths rates Image
Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
To understand how utterly ludicrous this poll is, look at the numbers. 10% of 123 million US households would be 12 million vaccine related deaths. In 2021, there were 3,464,231 TOTAL deaths in the US. It gets worse...… Compared to 2018-2019, there were 617,210 excess deaths in 2021. Double that for the two years the vaccine has existed and attribute ALL excess deaths to the vaccine (ignoring COVID) and you are 10% of the poll's estimate.
Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The absurdity of this poll becomes clear if you look for a moment at the numbers. Consider their assertion that 10% of the 123 million US households had a vaccine related death. 12.3 million. There were 3.5 million deaths TOTAL in the US in 2021. It gets worse... In 2018-19, before COVID or the vaccine, there were 2,847,022 US deaths, implying an excess of 617,210 deaths in 2021. Double that for two years of the vaccine's existence and attribute all of it to the vaccine and you are at 10% of their estimate.…
Feb 26, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Only those who know nothing about infectious disease epidemiology can be suggesting there is no reason to vaccinate young people who have low risk of death from COVID. One of the most compelling demonstrations can be found in research release just a year ago on Multiple Sclerosis Epstein Barr virus causes infections in young people that are usually subclinical and rarely serious. Symptomatic disease is known as mono. Researchers have long known that the virus is associated with MS, but this study showed a 32X increase in risk.…
Feb 5, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What Dr. Hoeg is dutifully missing here is that this study was not designed to compare vaccine induced myocarditis rates to COVID induced rates. It was designed to compare severity.
She is completely misrepresenting the study results.
Let me explain. The study considered 3,472 cases of myocarditis that occurred during the pandemic. For each case, the authors looked to see if there had been either a COVID diagnosis or a vaccination in the preceding 28 days. That means it is critical to know the rates of COVID and vaccination.
Nov 30, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
I took a deeper dive into the Chongquin jogger study. It suggests Omicron is incredibly contagious. Is it flawed? are the data real? Follow the 🧵
For the full story, look here:… Image The first 8 weeks of the summer of 2022, the city of Chongqing, saw only 11 cases of COVID per week in a city of 30 million. Then, they recorded 54 cases in a week. As cases continued to rise, experts from around the country scrambled to understand what had happened. Image
Nov 27, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Overwhelming evidence of outdoor transmission of Omicron. At least 32 unmasked people were infected by a man jogging through a park without a mask. Nothing beats a surveillance state for contact tracing. Details in the thread.… Using surveillance videos, Chinese CDC investigators identified 256 people who passed within a meter of Patient zero as he jogged through the park without a mask. 13 (5%) were infected. He infected another 20 out of 20,496 park visitors while running without known close contact.
Oct 9, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The Brownstone Institute declared a recently released study by Tracy Hoeg and colleagues, "The Best Mask Study Yet". The study compares COVID incidence at two schools in Fargo, ND with different masking requirements.
It's an epidemiological abomination.
This thread explains why. Image The authors pick a time period that includes the largest spike in the whole pandemic, which was driven by holiday gatherings and started on 12/30. This is like choosing hurricane Ian as a good time to study the relation between time of day and road safety in Florida. Image
Oct 9, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Florida DOH just released a study claiming to link vaccines and cardiac deaths. A similar study from the UK found no elevation of mortality (either all cause or cardiac) for any vaccine type, vaccine dose, age group or sex. One study was designed right.… The method requires careful prior justification for the study period. The UK study compares the first 6 weeks after vaccination, because that is when myocarditis is most likely, to the second six weeks after vaccination. No period showed elevated risk.
Oct 4, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
This comprehensive Italian contact tracing study shows clearly that
-COVID spreads far more easily in the schools than in the community.
-Household spread was a major amplifier of childhood infection.
H/T @dgurdasani1… Image After a major outbreak closed schools in the town of Mede, Italy, health authorities conducted intensive testing and contact tracing.… Image
Dec 31, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Anyone who dismisses risks of infecting our children doesn't understand viral infections. Ebstein Barr Virus, the cause of mono, doesn’t always cause symptoms, especially for young children, and kills only .03%, but long term effects may include anything from lupus to cancer. EBV stays in your system and its link to lymphoma later in life is well established. It is estimated to cause almost 300,000 cases of cancer worldwide.