"How on earth could Covid infection cause kids to die of Strep A?
What a ridiculous claim!"
I'm begging you to read and share this reply to that question.
The important point is in tweet 4
Here's how.
Covid infects kids. It infects their tonsils.
What does it infect there?
What does it do there?
Covid infects and kills dendritic cells and lymphocytes (cells that are used in fighting infection) in the tonsils - where Strep A has attacked these children. 3/
I don't know if this will help anyone, but here goes.
The first ten or so years of my life were pretty idyllic. Just amazing.
But something happened in my family about then that messed everything up.
It left my parents scarred.
It left my family broken.
I've been thinking this through for a while.
I'm pretty certain that the current unannounced uk government policy is to keep continued high circulation of SARS-CoV-2 to maintain some kind of imagined population-wide herd immunity.
I think their idea is that if case numbers drop, then we'll get a massive surge when they come back.
It's lunacy.
The constant high case rates are insanely high.
There hasn't been a day this year with less than a million cases.
Went for a walk this afternoon, and felt so grateful but also sad, because I know a friend with long covid who can't.
Came home and cooked a stew for supper, and felt so grateful but also sad, because I know another friend with long covid who can't, and can't wash up afterwards.
When that was cooking I span round in a circle with one of the ternlings, and felt so grateful but also sad, because I know someone who can't do that because of dizziness from long covid.