Earlier I presented the elaboration of the hypothesis to include the hit to plasmacytoid dendritic cells and their interferon alpha production following mild covid, which would reduce resistance to infection with rsv
It looks like I was right! Hits to the immune system from covid are opening the door to outbreaks from and susceptibility to other viruses! This is me taking a bow! 🙌
There are confounders that could go either way but this is a great piece of evidence! For example, kids with more exposure would be more likely to be exposed to both viruses. Also this confounder below, conversely👇
One of my greatest criticisms has been that I have conflated the T cell results in what happens in a small percentage of people in severe acute Covid with the broader experience of mild and moderate Covid
For example, I have maintained that covid rapidly ages T cells many times. This is separate to Lymphopenia, although they may co-exist. This is the T cell phenotype itself.
3) Reinfections can be severe or even lethal, with increased risk with low naive T cells 4) The virus is intrinsically severe (not like a cold on reinfection)
5) T cells age and undergo excessive effector differentiation from cov2 6) Cov2 harms immunity and immune memory 7) T cells initiate exhaustion programs from cov2
They initiate exhaustion programs for two reasons:
a) Hyperactivation
b) Chronic stimulation
I think people constantly bring up T cell exhaustion and try to attack me about it because they are trying to distract from this problem (that I anticipated was an issue)
The T cell exhaustion narrative requires lab work. I said it would happen if you kept getting reinfected and it was seen in Long Covid. My job with it is done. I can not carry it further past the aggregated multi-million dollar analyses that have been done on it already.