This is what the ongoing Nakba looks like. Calls to deport anyone who dissents against the Israeli government go back to the forced expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in 1948. 15,000 Palestinians were expelled since 1967.
Salah was born and raised in Jerusalem, but was only allowed a “residency card.” Now the Israeli government is deporting him permanently for an alleged “breach in loyalty.” The intent behind Israel’s restrictions on Palestinian residency is the expulsion of Palestinians.
We need to see this violence for what it is — ethnic cleansing that is essential to upholding the Israeli government’s apartheid rule over Palestinians. #justiceforsalah
“It’s an invitation to Sheikh Jarrah.” “What’s that?”
Since Sheikh Jarrah isn’t on the itinerary of NYC Council Members’ trip to occupied Palestine, we’ll explain.
Sheikh Jarrah is a Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem that’s under attack by Israeli settlers.
The Israeli government refuses to recognize the rightful residence of the Palestinians who have lived in Sheikh Jarrah for decades.
Palestinians have faced home demolitions and constant harassment. Settlers have taken over Palestinian homes, sanctioned by the Israeli government and courts.
With full, heavy hearts, we share that Shatzi, @peoplesbubbie, died at the age of 92. 💔🕯
An anti-Zionist Jew, lesbian, AIDS nurse, death educator, Shatzi was a source of wisdom and joy for our community.
May her memory be for a revolution, from New York to Palestine.
Shatzi spent her whole life organizing for a better world where we take care of each other and love each other harder. She was deeply involved in various movements, “fighting like hell” for Palestinians, for queer and trans people, for police and prison abolition, and more.
Older than the state of Israel, Shatzi showed us Judaism beyond Zionism is possible.
And she organized and fostered the loving anti-Zionist community necessary to make that possibility a reality again, within our lifetime.
Since 1978, the world has observed the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People every November 29th.
Here is a variety of visual expressions of support from around the world for Palestinians’ struggle for freedom, self-determination, and the right of return.🧵
Since 1978, the world has observed the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People every November 29th.
Here is a variety of visual expressions of support from around the world for Palestinians’ struggle for freedom, self-determination, and the right of return.
Since 1978, the world has observed the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People every November 29th.
Here is a variety of visual expressions of support from around the world for Palestinians’ struggle for freedom, self-determination, and the right of return.
The beloved People's Bubbie, Shatzi Weisberger – 92-year-old anti-Zionist Jew, lesbian, abolitionist, former nurse and lifelong organizer – was just diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Shatzi feels that this is her time and is proud of and grateful for the incredible life she has lived. She is so moved by the love around her right now. In her own words: “I am dying, and yet this is the best time of my life.”
As Shatzi enters her last stage of life, she is teaching us about how to live and how to die. As a long-time death educator, she is modeling the remarkable practice of confronting death with curiosity, agency, and generous vulnerability.
For many Jewish institutions in the US, November marks “Mizrahi Heritage Month.” Recognition of our Mizrahi community is essential. Even more so due to how the Israeli state has intentionally erased, censored and manipulated Mizrahi histories and cultures for its own propaganda🧵
Many of the efforts to increase Mizrahi visibility are led by the Israeli state. In 2014, the Israeli government designated November 30th as a day for Mizrahi Jews “displaced from Arab nations and Iran.” Why was this date chosen? To distract from the commemoration of the Nakba.
Palestinians commemorate November 29 as the day the Nakba began, the date in 1947 when Jewish militias began forcing over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and land.
Every Israeli election, state-sanctioned violence against Palestinians spikes. Cities are besieged and home demolitions increased. Settlers rampage through Palestinian villages. Israeli candidates spew hate speech. The cycle of collective punishment cumulates in a total lockdown.
Ethnic cleansing continues to be wielded by Israeli politicians both as a threat and campaign strategy. We cannot discount threats on Palestinian life. We need to see this violence for what it is—essential to upholding the Israeli government’s colonial rule over Palestinians.
The Israeli election falls as Nablus enters week 3 under complete military siege. Palestinians in Nablus are facing daily arrests, nightly raids, and constant harassment and terrorization from Israeli soldiers and settlers.