bean bag chairs => hand me down cube from AOL (!) in a dingy corner…working together as a small team cracking on a deeply interesting & challenging problem
exposed credentials are a continuing challenge. IAM helps reduce the blast radius (good ol’ principle of least privilege) and @awscloud Security Hub helps shine a light on those issues
the new automated data discovery from Amazon Macie aims to help with this
session SEC209, “Continuous innovation in AWS threat detection & monitoring services” covers this in more depth (on the @AWSEvents YouTube channel soon)
@deneendefiore is speaking to the resiliency challenges with technology. every traveller interaction @united crosses a lot of different systems, #security and resiliency are critical at each stage
on automation, @deneendefiore talks about leveraging @AWSSecurityInfo services and automating their own systems to ensure that builders @united are starting from strong, secure-by-default positions
another great call out that everyone can use: find the cultural points in your organization that are already there. use those as #security entry points
@deneendefiore key point from @mosescj58: you can hire a diverse set of ppl, but if you don't have a culture of inclusion...they aren't going to stay or succeed!
if you're still on site for @awscloud#reinvent this morning, remember it's a great time to catch a few super popular sessions on repeat
sessions run until ~12:30pm pacific!
@awscloud there's overflow for the fully booked, "Introducing Amazon VPC Lattice: Simplifying application networking" (NET215) at the Content Hub in the Venetian at 11:30am pacific
what will the theme of @Werner’s #reinvent keynote be this year? who’s the musical act for @AWSEvents re:Play tonight? what will be your favourite t-shirt of his?
1. pick up snacks for the week 2. pick up your badge & swag at registration (open until 8pm) 3. go for a bit of walk to familiarize yourself with the campus 4. follow @AWSEvents & download the app
I'm attending remotely this year (😔), but still published my ultimate guide over on the @acloudguru blog. check it out at: